Nova (astronomy)

A nova (plural novae) is a star of low brightness, that once in a time brightens very rapidly and then faints slowly during a time of months up to a year, then stays faint constantly after the outburst. The name nova stella, "new star" in Latin, was originally attributed to objects conceived as newly occurring stars, but when these "new stars" slowly fainted from sight, the name "nova" grew into a term in its own right, applied to these rapidly occurring objects that in the end fainted away.
In modern astronomical terms novae proper are subdwarf stars that increase the magnitude by 7 to 19 units in a few days[1]. They belong to the class of cataclysmic variable stars. Physically, the novae are narrow double stars with one white dwarf component accreting a hot gas disk from a subdwarf component, gas that is removed from the outer atmosphere of the subdwarf. When enough matter have accreted to the accretion disk around the white dwarf, this gas ignites in a runaway fusion reaction causing the star system to explode in brightness. Theoretically a nova proper may reignite many times, and a few novae, those in the subclass of recurrent novae, are known to have erupted repeatedly in history.
Historically conceived as extra bright novae, the supernovae are indeed behaving as novae but their brightness increase over 20 magnitudes. They are currently regarded as a separate kind of objects. The supernova explosions are caused by the collapse of a white dwarf or a degenerate star core beyond the mass of the Chandrasekhar limit of about 1.44 sun masses, causing an energetic explosion destroying the star. Other astrophysical explosions attributed the name "nova" are the fairly hypothetical hypernovae, the eruptive variables dwarf novae and the newly discovered luminous red novae.
Evolution of a star
Stars have limited amounts of fuel. As each type of their fuel is consumed, the star must burn successively different types of fuel. In the beginning a star burns hydrogen in a process that synthesises helium. When the hydrogen is consumed, the helium is then burned and that in turn synthesises carbon. To continue to burn fuel produced at each stage, the star must be hot enough to convert progressively heavier elements. Smaller stars cannot generate sufficient heat to do so and eventually lose energy.
Eventually, as the fuel is consumed, stars less than 5 solar masses swell into red giants which eventually eject their outer layers forming planetary nebula, leaving only the inner core, a white dwarf.[2]
Classical nova
A classic nova, the most common, is the result of the accumulation of matter on the surface of a white dwarf in a binary system. White dwarfs are the remnants of old stars that have burned most of their fuel and have lost much of their outer layers, leaving them small and very hot.
If the white dwarf is close enough to another star, it can draw material from its binary partner. Most of the material is hydrogen. When the hydrogen reaches the surface of the white dwarf, it ignites, creating a nuclear explosion on the surface of the white dwarf.[3]
Unlike stars with less mass, stars with more than five times the mass of our sun can continue to burn each element synthesised in turn, hydrogen, helium, then carbon, oxygen, silicon and so forth until they are left with iron.
Iron will not release energy and draws thermal energy from the core leaving the star without energy to resist the force of gravity. This results in a collapse. The star can collapse in about 15 seconds, which is extremely fast. During the collapse of the star, the density of the materials increases and elements heavier than iron are produced.
Stars between 5 and 8 times that of our sun will collapse until they detonate in a catastrophic supernova explosion forming a neutron star.[2]
What actually takes place is unclear. One explanation is that after having consumed their fuel, their overall energy level declines with the end of exothermic nuclear burning and they are unable to resist the forces of gravity. Their iron core collapses under gravitational forces until it is so dense it reaches nuclear densities and rebounds. As it rebounds it generates an outwardly propagating shock wave and a burst of neutrinos on the order of 1053 ergs. The resultant explosion ejects the stellar envelope with a kinetic energy of 1051 ergs at a velocity of 104 km s−1.
In the process of the explosion elements heavier than nickel and iron are synthesised. The radioactive decay of 56Ni and 56Co create the energy to produce long-term optical light, reaching a luminosity in the range of 1042 to 1043 erg s-1 about 10-20 days after the explosion.[4]
Stars with masses that exceed 10 times that of our sun collapse with such force that even a neutron star cannot resist the pressure of the collapsing star and the supernova creates a black hole.[2]
Hypernova are a theoretical model to explain vast amounts of gamma ray bursts greater than what is expected from a supernova, during a process in which a black hole is formed. Hypernova release 100s of times more energy that a supernova.
There are a number of possible candidates for this category, notably two suspected remnants 25 million light years away in the spiral galaxy M101: MF83 and NGC5471B.
Two possible explanations for a hypernova is that they may extremely large stars, far larger than 10 stellar masses, that undergo a process that differs from the collapse and rebound of a supernova. They might also be the result of the collision of two stars in a binary system.[5]
In 2003, on March 29, NASA's High Energy Transient Explorer (HETE-II) noted a gamma ray burst (GRB) in the Constellation Leo. The burst was confirmed at another site, the 40-inch telescope at the Siding Spring Observatory (Australia) which detected that very bright optical afterglow occurring 90 minutes after the GRB. The UVES high-dispersion spectrograph on the 8.2-m VLT KUEYEN telescope at the ESO Paranal Observatory in Chile then obtained a detailed spectrum of the new object, the source of the GRB. The spectra showed a gradual emergence of a supernova spectrum in what was the most energetic class of hypernova.
The current explanation is that a star about 25 times more massive than our sun had detonated with an expanding velocity exceeding 30,000 km/sec. Apparently this is due to the very rapid, non-symmetrical collapse of the inner region of a highly developed star (this is also referred to as the "collapsar" model).
Two thousand, six hundred fifty million years ago, the outer layers of the star were still in place when a black hole formed in the inner core in a matter of seconds and a jet of stellar material issued forth from the black hole. At that point, the outer-layers were shattered by the jet and stellar winds of newly formed radioactive nickel-56. The hypernova derives its brightness from the radioactive nickel-56. Gamma ray bursts were produced when the jet from the black hole encountered nearby matter. [6]
Dwarf nova
Recurrent nova
Luminous red nova
- ↑ GCVS Variability Types
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Stars (2003) Curious about Astronomy? Cornell University
- ↑ What is a nova? Kornreich, Dave (2003). Ask an Astronomer, Cornell University
- ↑ An extremely luminous X-ray outburst marking the birth of a normal supernova Sonderburg, M. et al (Feb 2008). arXiv, arXiv:0802.1712v1 [astro-ph] 13. Cornell University
- ↑ Brighter than an exploding star NASA (1999).
- ↑ Cosmological Gamma-Ray Bursts and Hypernovae Conclusively Linked European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere (2003)