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A timeline (or several) relating to Pope.

The Popes and Antipopes

Refer to an individual pope's article for details of his reign. Antipopes are marked with an asterisk.
Pope Birthdate Date of Ascension Death date Canonized? Baptismal Name
Linus Yes
Anacletus Yes
Clement I ? c. 96 Yes
Evaristus Yes
Alexander I Yes
Sixtus I c. 116 c. 125 Yes
Telesphorus c. 125 c. 136 Yes
Hyginus c. 138 c. 142 Yes
Pius I c. 142 c. 155 Yes
Anicetus c. 155 c. 166 Yes
Soter c. 166 c. 174 Yes
Eleutherius c. 175 c. 189 Yes
Victor c. 189 c. 199 Yes
Zephyrinus c. 199 c. 217 Yes
Callistus I c. 217 c. 222 Yes
Hippolytus* 217 c. 235 Yes