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This is a bibliography of major works on the History of Canada.
- The Dictionary of Canadian Biography(1966-2006), thousands of scholarly biographies of those who died by 1930
- Beck, J. Murray. Pendulum of Power; Canada's Federal Elections (1968)
- Bumsted, J.M. The Peoples of Canada: A Pre-Confederation History; and The Peoples of Canada: A Post-Confederation History. : Oxford University Press, 2004.
- Bumsted, J.M. A History of the Canadian peoples (2007) excerpt and text search
- Conrad, Margaret, and Alvin Finkel. Canada: A National History. Pearson Education Canada, 2003.
- Conrad, Margaret, and Alvin Finkel, eds. Foundations: Readings in Post-Confederation Canadian History. and Nation and Society: Readings in Post-Confederation Canadian History. Pearson Longman, 2004. articles by scholars
- Creighton, Donald; A History of Canada: Dominion of the North 1958, 626 pp online edition, textbook
- Hallowell, Gerald, ed. The Oxford Companion to Canadian History (2004) 1650 short entries excerpt and text search
- Morton, Desmond. A Short History of Canada 5th ed (2001)
- Morton, Desmond. A Military History of Canada (1999)
- Marsh, James C. ed. The Canadian Encyclopedia 4 vol 1985; also cd-rom editions
- Moogk, Peter. La Nouvelle France: The Making of French Canada a Cultural History (2000)
- Prentice, Alison et al. Canadian Women: a history (1996, 2nd edition)
- Pryke, Kenneth G. and Walter C. Soderlund, eds. Profiles of Canada. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press, 2003. 3rd edition.
- Rawlyk, G. A. ed .The Canadian Protestant Experience (1994)
- Riendeau, Roger. A SHort History of Canada (2nd ed 2007)
- Toye, William, ed. The Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature. Oxford U. Press, 1983. 843 pp.
- Wade, Mason. The French Canadians, 1760-1945 (1955) 2 vol online edition
- Pound, Richard W. Fitzhenry & Whiteside Book of Canadian Facts and Dates, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2004. ISBN 1-55041-171-3
Maps, exploration, environment
- Colpitts, George. Game in the Garden: A Human History of Wildlife in Western Canada to 1940. (2002) 216pp.
- Dean, William G. Conrad Heidenreich, and Thomas F. McIlwraith. Concise Historical Atlas of Canada, (1998)
- Hayes, Derek. Historical Atlas of Canada: Canada's History Illustrated With Original Maps (2002)
- Matthews, Geoffrey J., and R. Louis Gentilcore eds. Historical Atlas of Canada: Volume II: The Land Transformed, 1800-1891 (1993)
- Loo, Tina. States of Nature: Conserving Canada's Wildlife in the Twentieth Century. (2006) 290pp
- National Atlas of Canada (1st ed. 1906; 2nd ed. 1915; 3rd ed. 1957; 4th ed. 1974; 6th ed. 1999 is electronic)
Historiography and guides to the scholarly literature
- Artibise, Alan F. J., ed. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Canadian Society: A Guide to the Literature. (1990). 156 pp.
- Berger, Carl. Writing Canadian History: Aspects of English Canadian Historical Writing since 1900, 2nd edition (1986)
- Edwards, Justin D.l and Douglas Ivison. Downtown Canada: Writing Canadian Cities (2005) excerpt and text search
- Gagnon, Serge. Quebec and its Historians: 1840 to 1920 (English ed. 1982; French ed. 1978)
- Gagnon, Serge. Quebec and its Historians: The Twentieth Century (English ed. 1985)
- Granatstein, J. L. Who Killed Canadian History? (2000)
- Granatstein, J. L. A Reader's Guide to Canadian History: Confederation to the Present (1982)
- Muise, D. A. ed., A Reader's Guide to Canadian History: i, Beginnings to Confederation (1982); historiography
- Granatstein, Jack, ed. A Reader's Guide to Canadian History: Confederation to the Present v2 (1982); historiography
- Taylor, M. Brook, ed. Canadian History: A Reader's Guide. Vol. 1. Doug Owram, ed. Canadian History: A Reader's Guide. Vol. 2. Toronto: 1994. historiography
- Rudin, Ronald. Making History in Twentieth Century Quebec (1997)
- Strong-Boag, Veronica, Mona Gleason, and Adele Perry. Rethinking Canada: The Promise of Women's History (2003) excerpt and text search
- Wright, Donald. The Professionalization of History in English Canada (2005) 280pp excerpt and text search
to 1763
- The Dictionary of Canadian Biography(1966-2006), thousands of scholarly biographies of those who died by 1930
- Brecher, Frank W. Losing a Continent: France's North American Policy, 1753-1763 (1998);;
- Dechêne, Louise. Habitants and Merchants in Seventeenth-Century Montreal (2003)
- Eccles, W. J. The Canadian Frontier, 1534-1760 (1983) online edition
- Eccles, W. J. Essays on New France (1988) excerpt and text search
- Greer, Allan The people of New France (1997)
- Innis, Harold A. The Fur Trade in Canada (1930)
- Jaenen, Cornelius. Friend and Foe (1976) brief survey of French-Indian relations in the 16th & 17th centuries.
- Lanctot, Gustave. A History of Canada 3 vol Toronto. 1963. Volume One: From its Origins to the Royal Régime, 1663; online, Volume Two: From the Royal Régime to the Treaty of Utrecht, 1663-1713, online
- Moogk, Peter.; La Nouvelle France: The Making of French Canada a Cultural History (2000) to 1763 online edition
- Trigger, Bruce. Children of the Aataentsic: a history of the Huron people to 1660 (1976)
- Trudel, Marcel. The Beginnings of New France 1524-1663 (1973)
See also: War of 1812, Bibliography
- The Dictionary of Canadian Biography(1966-2006), thousands of scholarly biographies of those who died by 1930
- Allen, Robert S. His Majesty's Indian allies: British Indian policy in the defence of Canada, 1774-1815 (1992) online at ACLS e-books
- Beck, J. M. Joseph Howe (2 vols, 1962-63), i: Conservative Reformer 1804-1848; ii: The Briton Becomes Canadian 1848-1873.
- Careless, J. M. S. Brown of the Globe (2 vols, Toronto, 1959-63), vol 1: The Voice of Upper Canada 1818-1859; vol 2: The Statesman of Confederation 1860-1880.
- Careless, J. M. S. The Union of the Canada: The Growth of Canadian Institutions 1841-1857 (1968).
- Creighton, D. G. John A. Macdonald (2 vols, Toronto, 1952-55), vol 1: The Young Politician; ii, The Old Chieftain.
- Greer, Allan. The patriots and the people: the rebellion of 1837 in rural Lower Canada (1993)
- Loo, Tina. Making law, order, and authority in British Columbia, 1821-1871 (1994)
- Martin, Ged. Britain and the Origins of Canadian Confederation, 1837-67 (1995)
- Martin, Ged (ed.), The Causes of Canadian Confederation (Fredericton, 1990).
- Morton, W. L. The Critical Years: The Union of British North America 1857-1873 (Toronto, 1964). standard survey
- Noël, Françoise. Family Life and Sociability in Upper and Lower Canada, 1780-1870. (2003) 384pp
- Sweeny, Alastair. George-Etienne Cartier: A Biography (1976).
- Wood, William. The War With the United States: A Chronicle of 1812, (1915) online edition
- Young, Brian, George-Etienne Cartier: Montreal bourgeois (1981)
- The Dictionary of Canadian Biography(1966-2006), thousands of scholarly biographies of those who died by 1930
- Armstrong, Elizabeth H. The Crisis of Quebec, 1914-1918 (1937)
- Bothwell, Robert, Ian Drummond, and John English. Canada 1900-1945. University of Toronto Press, 1987, textbook
- Brown R. C. Robert Laird Borden: A Biography. 2 vols. (1975, 1980).
- Brown R. C., and Ramsay Cook. Canada, 1896-1921 A Nation Transformed. (1974). the standard survey
- Cook, Tim. "Quill and Canon: Writing the Great War in Canada," American Review of Canadian Studies, Vol. 35, 2005 online edition
- Dafoe, J. W. Laurier: A Study in Canadian Politics (1922) online edition
- Dickson, Paul Douglas. A Thoroughly Canadian General: A Biography of General H.D.G. Crerar (2007) excerpt and text search
- English, John. The Decline of Politics: The Conservatives and the Party System 1901-20 (1993)
- Granatstein, Jack, and J.M. Hitsman, Broken Promises: A History of Conscription in Canada (1977)
- Hou, Charles, and Cynthia Hou, eds. Great Canadian Political Cartoons, 1820-1914. (1997).
- Kaye, Lamb W. History of the Canadian Pacific Railway. (1977).
- MacKenzie, David, ed. Canada and the First World War (2005) 16 essays by leading scholars excerpt and text search
- Morton, Desmond, and J. L. Granatstein. Marching to Armageddon: Canadians and the Great War 1914-1919 (1989), the standard survey
- Neatby, H. Blair. Laurier and a Liberal Quebec: A Study in Political Management (1973) online edition
- Schull, Joseph. Laurier. The First Canadian (1965)
- Skelton, Oscar Douglas. Life and Letters of Sir Wilfrid Laurier 2v (1921)
- Vance, Jonathan F. Death So Noble: Memory, Meaning, and the First World War (1997), cultural history; online edition
- Waite, P. B. Canada, 1874-1896 (1971), standard history
- Allen, Ralph; Ordeal by Fire: Canada, 1910-1945, (1961), 492pp online edition
- Bothwell, Robert, and William Kilbourn. C.D. Howe. (1979).
- Bothwell, Robert, Ian Drummond, and John English. Canada 1900-1945. and Canada since 1945 (2d. ed. 1987-1989), college textbook
- Jean Bouchery. Canadian Soldier in World War II: From D-Day to VE-Day (2007)
- Terry Copp. Cinderella Army: The Canadians in Northwest Europe, 1944-1945 (2006) excerpt and text search
- Creighton, Donald. The Forked Road: Canada, 1939-1957 (1976) standard survey
- Dawson, R.M. William Lyon Mackenzie King: A Political Biography. Vol. 1: 1874-1923, (1958)
- Donaghy, Greg, ed. Canada and the Early Cold War, 1943-1957 (1998) online edition
- Granatstein, J. L. Canada's War: The Politics of the Mackenzie King Government, 1939-1945 (1975)
- Granatstein, J. L. The Politics of Survival: The Conservative Party of Canada 1939-45 (1967)
- Hou, Charles, and Cynthia Hou. Great Canadian Political Cartoons, 1915 to 1945. (2002). 244pp
- McNaught, John K. A Prophet in Politics (1959), the standard biography of J. S. Woodsworth online edition
- Neatby, H. Blair. The Politics of Chaos: Canada in the Thirties (1972)
- Neatby, H. Blair. William Lyon Mackenzie King, 1924-1932: The Lonely Heights (1963) standard biography
- Neatby, H. Blair William Lyon Mackenzie King: 1932-1939: the Prism of Unity (1976) standard biography online edition
- Roy, P., J.L. Granatstein, Masako Iino & Hiroko Takamura, Mutual Hostages: Canadians and Japanese During the Second World War (1990)
- Stacey, C. P. Arms, Men and Governments: The War Policies of Canada, 1939-1945 (1970) standard survey
- Thompson, John H., and Allan Seager. Canada 1922-1939. (1985). standard survey
- Bothwell, Robert, Ian Drummond, and John English. Canada since 1945 (2d. ed. 1989). college textbook
- Clarkson, Stephen. Trudeau and Our Times. (2 vol 1990-1994)
- Cohen, Andrew, J. L. Granatstein, eds. Trudeau's shadow: the life and legacy of Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Toronto: Vintage Canada, 1999.
- Couture, Claude, and Vivien Bosley. Paddling with the Current: Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Etienne Parent, Liberalism, and Nationalism in Canada (1998)
- Granatstein, J. L. Canada 1957-1967: The Years of Uncertainty and Innovation. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1986.
- Hillmer, Norman ed. Pearson: The Unlikely Gladiator(1999)
- Morton, Desmond. The New Democrats, 1961-1986: The Politics of Change (1986)
- Jon H. Pammett and Christopher Dornan. The Canadian Federal Election of 2006 (2006)
- Simpson, Jeffrey. Discipline of Power: The Conservative Interlude and the Liberal Restoration. (1984).
- Denis Smith, Rogue Tory: The Life and Legend of John G. Diefenbaker (1995).
- Donald C. Story and R. Bruce Shepard, eds., The Diefenbaker Legacy: Canadian Politics, Law and Society Since 1957. Canadian Plains Proceedings, No. 30. Regina, Sask.: Canadian Plains Research Center, 1998.
- Paul Wells. Right Side Up: the Fall of Paul Martin and the Rise of Stephen Harper's New Conservatism (2006)
World Affairs
- Molot, Maureen Appel, "Where Do We, Should We, Or Can We Sit? A Review of the Canadian Foreign Policy Literature", International Journal of Canadian Studies (Spring-Fall 1990).
- Nossal Kim Richard. The Politics of Canadian Foreign Policy, 2nd edition. Prentice-Hall 1989
- Stacey C. P. Canada and the Age of Conflict, 1921-1948. Vol. 2. U. of Toronto Press, 1981. the standard history
Relations with US
- Bothwell, R. Canada and the United States (1992)
- Cuff, R. D. and Granatstein, J. L. Canadian-American Relations in Wartime: From the Great War to the Cold War. Toronto: Hakkert, 1975. 205 pp.
- J. L. Granatstein. Yankee Go Home?: Canadians and Anti-Americanism (1996)
- Kohn, Edward P. This Kindred People: Canadian-American Relations and the Anglo-Saxon Idea, 1895-1903 (2005)
- Melnyk, George; Canada and the New American Empire: War and Anti-War University of Calgary Press, 2004, highly critical
- Miller, Ronnie ; Following the Americans to the Persian Gulf: Canada, Australia, and the Development of the New World Order Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1994
- Mount, Graeme S. and Edelgard Mahant, An Introduction to Canadian-American Relations (1989)
- Perras, Galen Roger ; Franklin Roosevelt and the Origins of the Canadian-American Security Alliance, 1933-1945: Necessary, but Not Necessary Enough Praeger Publishers, 1998 online edition
- Stairs, Denis, and Gilbert R. Winham, eds. The Politics of Canada's Economic Relationship with the United States' University of Toronto Press, 1985.
- Wilson, Robert R. and David R. Deener; Canada-United States Treaty Relations Duke University Press, 1963
Cold War and UN
- Balawyder, Aloysius. In the Clutches of the Kremlin: Canadian-East European Relations, 1945-1962. Columbia U. Press, 2000. 192 pp.
- Cavell, Richard, ed. Love, Hate, and Fear in Canada's Cold War U. of Toronto Press, 2004. 216 pp.
- Chapnick, Adam. The Middle Power Project: Canada and the Founding of the United Nations University of British Columbia Press, 2005.
- Clark-Jones, Melissa. A Staple State: Canadian Industrial Resources in Cold War. U. of Toronto Press, 1987. 260 pp.
- Dewitt David and John Kirton. Canada as a Principal Power. Toronto: John Wiley 1983
- Donaghy, Greg, ed. Canada and the Early Cold War, 1943-1957. Ottawa: Dept. of Foreign Affairs and Int. Trade, 1998. 255 pp.
- Eayrs James. In Defence of Canada. 5 vols. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1964- 1983. the standard history
- Escott, Reid. Time of Fear and Hope: The Making of the North Atlantic Treaty, 1947-1949. McClelland and Stewart, 1977.
- J. L. Granatstein David Stafford. Spy Wars: Espionage and Canada from Gouzenko to Glasnost (1991)
- Jamie Glazov. Canadian Policy Toward Khrushchev's Soviet Union 2003
- Holmes John W. The Shaping of Peace: Canada and the Search for World Order, 1943-1957, 2 vols. University of Toronto Press 1979, 1982
- Kirk,John M. and Peter McKenna; Canada-Cuba Relations: The Other Good Neighbor Policy University Press of Florida, 1997
- Maloney, Sean M. Canada and UN Peacekeeping: Cold War by Other Means. St. Catharines, Ont.: Vanwell, 2002. 265 pp.
- Matthews Robert O. and Cranford Pratt, eds. Human Rights in Canadian Foreign Policy. McGill-Queen's University Press 1988
- Mount, Graeme S. and Edelgard Mahant, Invisible and Inaudible in Washington: American Policies toward Canada during the Cold War (1999)
- Rochlin, James; Discovering the Americas: The Evolution of Canadian Foreign Policy towards Latin America University of British Columbia Press, 1994 online edition
- Sharnik, John. Inside the Cold War: An Oral History (1987)
- Smith, Denis. Diplomacy of Fear: Canada and the Cold War, 1941-1948. U. of Toronto Press, 1988. 259 pp.
- Stevenson, Brian J. R . Canada, Latin America, and the New Internationalism: A Foreign Policy Analysis, 1968-1990 2000
- Whitaker, Reg and Gary Marcuse. Cold War Canada: The Making of a National Insecurity State, 1945-1957. (1994)
- Whitaker, Reg and Hewitt, Steve. Canada and the Cold War. Lorimer, (2003). 256 pp.
Quebec, after 1763
- Linteau, Paul-André, René Durocher, Jean-Claude Robert, and Robert Chodos. Quebec: A History 1867-1929 (1983) Quebec Since 1930 (1991), standard 2 vol textbook.
- Manning, Helen Taft; The Revolt of French Canada, 1800-1835: A Chapter of the History of the British Commonwealth (1962) online edition
- McRoberts, Kenneth. Quebec: Social Change and Political Crisis. McClelland and Stewart, 1988.
- Saywell, John. ; The Rise of the Parti Québécois 1967-76 (1977) online edition
- Trofimenkoff, Susan Mann. Dream of Nation: A Social and Intellectual History of Quebec (1982)
- Wade, Mason. The French Canadians, 1760-1945 (1955), standard history, 1136pp onlineedition
- Celebrating One Thousand Years of Ontario's History: Proceedings of the Celebrating One Thousand Years of Ontario's History Symposium, April 14, 15, and 16, 2000. Ontario Historical Society, 2000. 343 pp.
- Baskerville, Peter A. Sites of Power: A Concise History of Ontario. Oxford U. Press., 2005. 296 pp. (first edition was Ontario: Image, Identity and Power, 2002). online review
- Berton, Pierre. Niagara: A History of the Falls. (1992).
- Hall, Roger; Westfall, William; and MacDowell, Laurel Sefton, eds. Patterns of the Past: Interpreting Ontario's History. Dundurn Pr., 1988. 406 pp.
- McGowan, Mark George and Clarke, Brian P., eds. Catholics at the "Gathering Place": Historical Essays on the Archdiocese of Toronto, 1841-1991. Canadian Catholic Historical Assoc.; Dundurn, 1993. 352 pp.
- McKillop, A. B. Matters of Mind: The University in Ontario, 1791-1951. U. of Toronto Press, 1994. 716 pp.
- Mays, John Bentley. Arrivals: Stories from the History of Ontario. Penguin Books Canada, 2002. 418 pp.
- Noel, S. J. R. Patrons, Clients, Brokers: Ontario Society and Politics, 1791-1896. U. of Toronto Press, 1990.
Ontario to 1869
- Careless, J. M. S. Brown of the Globe (2 vols, Toronto, 1959-63), vol 1: The Voice of Upper Canada 1818-1859; vol 2: The Statesman of Confederation 1860-1880.
- Clarke, John. Land Power and Economics on the Frontier of Upper Canada McGill-Queen's University Press (2001) 747pp.
- Cohen, Marjorie Griffin. Women's Work, Markets, and Economic Development in Nineteenth-Century Ontario. U. of Toronto Press, 1988. 258 pp.
- Craig, Gerald M Upper Canada: the formative years 1784-1841 McClelland and Stewart, 1963, the standard history online edition
- Dunham, Eileen Political unrest in Upper Canada 1815-1836 McClelland and Stewart, 1963.
- Errington, Jane The Lion, the Eagle, and Upper Canada: A Developing Colonial Ideology McGill-Queen's University Press, 1987.
- Gidney, R. D. and Millar, W. P. J. Professional Gentlemen: The Professions in Nineteenth-Century Ontario. U. of Toronto Press, 1994.
- Grabb, Edward, James Curtis, Douglas Baer; "Defining Moments and Recurring Myths: Comparing Canadians and Americans after the American Revolution" The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, Vol. 37, 2000
- Johnson, J. K. and Wilson, Bruce G., eds. Historical Essays on Upper Canada: New Perspectives. Carleton U. Press, (1975). . 604 pp.
- Keane, David and Read, Colin, ed. Old Ontario: Essays in Honour of J. M. S. Careless. Toronto: Dundurn, 1990.
- Kilbourn, William.; The Firebrand: William Lyon Mackenzie and the Rebellion in Upper Canada (1956) online edition
- Knowles, Norman. Inventing the Loyalists: The Ontario Loyalist Tradition and the Creation of Usable Pasts. U. of Toronto Press, 1997. 244 pp.
- Landon, Fred, and J.E. Middleton. Province of Ontario: A History (1937) 4 vol. with 2 vol of biographies
- Lewis, Frank and Urquhart, M.C. Growth and standard of living in a pioneer economy: Upper Canada 1826-1851 Institute for Economic Research, Queen's University, 1997.
- McCalla, Douglas Planting the province: the economic history of Upper Canada 1784-1870 University of Toronto Press, 1993.
- McGowan, Mark G. Michael Power: The Struggle to Build the Catholic Church on the Canadian Frontier. McGill-Queen's U. Press, 2005. 382 pp.
- McNairn, Jeffrey L The capacity to judge: public opinion and deliberative democracy in Upper Canada 1791-1854 University of Toronto Press, 2000.
- Oliver, Peter. "Terror to Evil-Doers": Prisons and Punishments in Nineteenth-Century Ontario. U. of Toronto Press, 1998. 575 pp. post 1835
- Rea, J. Edgar. "Rebellion in Upper Canada, 1837" Manitoba Historical Society Transactions Series 3, Number 22, 1965-66, historiography online edition
- Reid, Richard M. The Upper Ottawa Valley to 1855. Champlain Soc., 1990. 354 pp.
- Rogers, Edward S. and Smith, Donald B., eds. Aboriginal Ontario: Historical Perspectives on the First Nations. Dundurn, 1994. 448 pp.
- Styran, Roberta M. and Taylor, Robert R., ed. The "Great Swivel Link": Canada's Welland Canal. Champlain Soc., 2001. 494 pp.
- Westfall, William. Two Worlds: The Protestant Culture of Nineteenth-Century Ontario. (1989). 265 pp.
- Wilton, Carol. Popular Politics and Political Culture in Upper Canada, 1800-1850. (2000). 311pp
Ontario since 1869
- Azoulay, Dan. Keeping the Dream Alive: The Survival of the Ontario CCF/NDP, 1950-1963. (1997). 307 pp.
- Baskerville, Peter A. Ontario: Image, Identity, and Power. (2002). 256pp
- Cameron, David R. and White, Graham. Cycling into Saigon: The Conservative Transition in Ontario. (2000). 224 pp. Analysis of the 1995 transition from New Democratic Party (NDP) to Progressive Conservative (PC) rule in Ontario
- Comacchio, Cynthia R. Nations Are Built of Babies: Saving Ontario's Mothers and Children, 1900-1940. (1993). 390 pp.
- Cook, Sharon Anne. "Through Sunshine and Shadow": The Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Evangelicalism, and Reform in Ontario, 1874-1930. (1995). 281 pp.
- Darroch, Gordon and Soltow, Lee. Property and Inequality in Victorian Ontario: Structural Patterns and Cultural Communities in the 1871 Census. U. of Toronto Press, 1994. 280 pp.
- Devlin, John F. "A Catalytic State? Agricultural Policy in Ontario, 1791-2001." PhD dissertation U. of Guelph 2004. 270 pp. DAI 2005 65(10): 3972-A. DANQ94970 Fulltext: in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
- Evans, A. Margaret. Sir Oliver Mowat. U. of Toronto Press, 1992. 438 pp. Premier 1872-1896
- Fleming, Keith R. Power at Cost: Ontario Hydro and Rural Electrification, 1911-1958. McGill-Queen's U. Press, 1992. 326 pp.
- Gidney, R. D. From Hope to Harris: The Reshaping of Ontario's Schools. U. of Toronto Press, 1999. 362 pp. deals with debates and changes in education from 1950 to 2000
- Gidney, R. D. and Millar, W. P. J. Inventing Secondary Education: The Rise of the High School in Nineteenth-Century Ontario. McGill-Queen's U. Press, 1990. 440 pp.
- Halpern, Monda. And on that Farm He Had a Wife: Ontario Farm Women and Feminism, 1900-1970. McGill-Queen's U. Press, 2001. 234 pp.
- Hines, Henry G. East of Adelaide: Photographs of Commercial, Industrial and Working-Class Urban Ontario, 1905-1930. London Regional Art and History Museum, 1989.
- Hodgetts, J. E. From Arm's Length to Hands-On: The Formative Years of Ontario's Public Service, 1867-1940. U. of Toronto Press, 1995. 296 pp.
- Houston, Susan E. and Prentice, Alison. Schooling and Scholars in Nineteenth-Century Ontario. U. of Toronto Press, 1988. 418 pp.
- Ibbitson, John. Promised Land: Inside the Mike Harris Revolution. Prentice-Hall, 1997. 294 pp. praise for Conservatives
- Kechnie, Margaret C. Organizing Rural Women: the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario, 1897-1910. McGill-Queen's U. Press, 2003. 194 pp.
- Landon, Fred, and J.E. Middleton. Province of Ontario: A History (1937) 4 vol. with 2 vol of biographies
- Marks, Lynne. Revivals and Roller Rinks: Religion, Leisure and Identity in Late Nineteenth-Century Small-Town Ontario. U. of Toronto Press, 1996. 330 pp.
- Montigny, Edgar-Andre, and Lori Chambers, eds. Ontario since Confederation: A Reader (University of Toronto Press, 2000).
- Moss, Mark. Manliness and Militarism: Educating Young Boys in Ontario for War. Oxford U. Press, 2001. 216 pp.
- Neatby, H. Blair and McEown, Don. Creating Carleton: The Shaping of a University. McGill-Queen's U. Press, 2002. 240 pp.
- Ontario Bureau of Statistics and Research. A Conspectus of the Province of Ontario (1947) online edition
- Parr, Joy, ed. A Diversity of Women: Ontario, 1945-1980. U. of Toronto Press, 1996. 335 pp.
- Ralph, Diana; Régimbald, André; and St-Amand, Nérée, eds. Open for Business, Closed for People: Mike Harris's Ontario. Fernwood, 1997. 207 pp. leftwing attack on Conservative party of 1990s
- Roberts, David. In the Shadow of Detroit: Gordon M. McGregor, Ford of Canada, and Motoropolis. Wayne State U. Press, 2006. 320 pp.
- Santink, Joy L. Timothy Eaton and the Rise of His Department Store. U. of Toronto Press, 1990. 319 pp.
- Saywell, John T. "Just Call Me Mitch": The Life of Mitchell F. Hepburn. U. of Toronto Press, 1991. 637 pp. Biography of Liberal premier 1934-1942
- Schryer, Frans J. The Netherlandic Presence in Ontario: Pillars, Class and Dutch Ethnicity. Wilfrid Laurier U. Press, 1998. 458 pp. focus is post WW2
- Schull, Joseph. Ontario since 1867 (1978), narrative history
- Stagni, Pellegrino. The View from Rome: Archbishop Stagni's 1915 Reports on the Ontario Bilingual Schools Question. McGill-Queen's U. Press, 2002. 134 pp.
- Warecki, George M. Protecting Ontario's Wilderness: A History of Changing Ideas and Preservation Politics, 1927-1973.' Lang, 2000. 334 pp.
- White, Graham, ed. The Government and Politics of Ontario. 5th ed. U. of Toronto Press, 1997. 458 pp.
- White, Randall. Ontario since 1985. Eastendbooks, 1998. 320 pp.
- Wilson, Barbara M. ed. Ontario and the First World War, 1914-1918: A Collection of Documents (Champlain Society, 1977)
New Brunswick
- Acheson, T. W. Saint John: The Making of a Colonial Urban Community (1985)
- Barkley, Murray. "The Loyalist Tradition in New Brunswick." Acadiensis. 4 (1975): 3-45.
- Bell, D. G. Early Loyalist Saint John: The Origins of New Brunswick Politics, 1783-1786 (Fredericton: New Ireland Press, 1983).
- Benedict, William H. New Brunswick in history (1925)
- Gair, Reavley. A Literary and Linguistic History of New Brunswick (1986)
- MacNutt, W. S. New Brunswick: A History, 1784-1867 (1984)
- Marquis, Greg. "Commemorating the Loyalists in the Loyalist City: Saint John, New Brunswick, 1883-1934." Urban History Review . Volume: 33. Issue: 1. 2004. pp 24+. online edition
- See, Scott. Riots in New Brunswick: Orange Nativism and Social Violence in the 1840s (1993).
- Whitelaw, William Menzies. The Maritimes and Canada before Confederation 1934 online edition
- Woodward, Calvin A. The history of New Brunswick provincial election campaigns and platforms, 1866-1974: With primary source documents on microfiche (1976)
Nova Scotia
- Beck, J. M. Joseph Howe (2 vols, Kingston and Montreal, 1962-63), vol 1: Conservative Reformer 1804-1848; vol 2: The Briton Becomes Canadian 1848-1873.
- Beck, J. Murray. Politics of Nova Scotia. vol 2: 1896-1988. Tantallon, N.S.: Four East 1985 438 pp.
- Choyce, Lesley. Nova Scotia: Shaped by the Sea. A Living History. Toronto: Penguin Books Canada, 1996. 305 pp.
- Donovan, Kenneth, ed. Cape Breton at 200: Historical Essays in Honour of the Island's Bicentennial, 1785-1985. Sydney, N.S.: U. College of Cape Breton Press, 1985. 261 pp.
- Earle, Michael, ed. Workers and the State in Twentieth Century Nova Scotia. Fredericton: Acadiensis, 1989.
- Fingard, Judith; Guildford, Janet; and Sutherland, David. Halifax: The First 250 Years Halifax: Formac, 1999. 192 pp.
- Frank, David. J. B. McLachlan: A Biography - the Story of a Legendary Labour Leader and the Cape Breton Coal Miners. Toronto: Lorimer, 1999. 592 pp.
- Johnson, Ralph S. Forests of Nova Scotia: A History. Tantallon: Nova Scotia Dept. of Lands and Forests; Four East Publisher, 1986. 407 pp.
- Reid, John G. et al. The "Conquest" of Acadia, 1710: Imperial, Colonial, and Aboriginal Constructions. U. of Toronto Pr., 2004. 297 pp.
- Robertson, Barbara R. Sawpower: Making Lumber in the Sawmills of Nova Scotia. Halifax: Nimbus; Nova Scotia Mus., 1986. 244 pp.
- Whitelaw, William Menzies; The Maritimes and Canada before Confederation (1934) online edition
Newfoundland & Labrador
- Joseph Smallwood ed. The Encyclopedia of Newfoundland and Labrador (St. John's: Newfoundland Book Publishers, [1961] rev ed. 1984), 2 vol.
- Bannister, Jerry. The Rule of the Admirals: Law, Custom, and Naval Government in Newfoundland, 1699-1832. U. of Toronto Press for Osgoode Society, 2003.
- Blake, Raymond B. Canadians at Last: Canada Integrates Newfoundland as a Province. U. of Toronto Press, 1994. 252 pp.
- G.J. Casey and Elizabeth Miller, eds., Tempered Days: A Century of Newfoundland Fiction St. John's: Killick Press, 1996.
- Earle; Karl Mcneil. "Cousins of a Kind: The Newfoundland and Labrador Relationship with the United States" American Review of Canadian Studies Vol: 28. Issue: 4. 1998. pp : 387-411.
- C. R. Fay; Life and Labour in Newfoundland University of Toronto Press, 1956
- Greene, John P. Between Damnation and Starvation: Priests and Merchants in Newfoundland Politics, 1745-1855.McGill-Queen's U. Press, 2000. 340 pp.
- David Hale. "The Newfoundland Lesson," The International Economy. v17#3 (Summer 2003). pp 52+. online edition
- Hiller, J. K. and Harrington, M. F., ed. The Newfoundland National Convention, 1946-1948. 2 vols. McGill-Queen's U. Press, 1995. 2021 pp.
- Lawrence Jackson, Newfoundland & Labrador Fitzhenry & Whiteside Ltd; (1999)
- Kealey, Linda, ed. Pursuing Equality: Historical Perspectives on Women in Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John's: Institute of Social and Economic Research, 1993. 310 pp.
- Long, Gene. Suspended State: Newfoundland Before Canada Breakwater Books Ltd; (1999)
- McCann, Phillip. Schooling in a Fishing Society: Education and Economic Conditions in Newfoundland and Labrador, 1836-1986. St. John's: Institute of Social and Economic Res., 1994. 277 pp.
- Neary, Peter. Newfoundland in the North Atlantic world, 1929-1949. McGill-Queen's University Press, 1996
- O'Flaherty, Patrick. Old Newfoundland: A History to 1843. St John's: Long Beach, 1999. 284 pp.
- Pope, Peter E. Fish into Wine: The Newfoundland Plantation in the Seventeenth Century. U. of North Carolina Press, 2004. 464 pp.
- Prowse, D.W. A History of Newfoundland. Boulder Publications, Portugal Cove, 2002.
- Wright, Miriam. A Fishery for Modern Times: The State and the Industrialization of the Newfoundland Fishery, 1934-1968. Oxford U. Press, 2001. 176 pp.
- Arsenault, Georges. The Island Acadians Charlottetown: Ragweed, 1989. 296 pp.
- Bolger, Francis W. P., ed. Canada's Smallest Province: A History of Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown: Prince Edward Island Centennial Comm., 1973. 403 pp.
- Boyde Beck. Prince Edward Island: An (Un)Authorized History (1996)
- Bumsted, J. M. Land, Settlement, and Politics on Eighteenth-Century Prince Edward Island. (1987). 238 pp.
- Clark, A. H. Three Centuries and the Island. A Historical Geography of Settlement and Agriculture in Prince Edward Island, Canada (1959) very broad look at historical geography
- Livingston, W. Ross Responsible Government in Prince Edward Island: A Triumph of Self-Government under the Crown. 1931. online edition
- MacDonald, Edward. If You're Stronghearted: Prince Edward Island in the Twentieth Century (Charlottetown: PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation, 2000)
- Macdonald, Heidi. "Developing a Strong Roman Catholic Social Order in Late Nineteenth-Century Prince Edward Island." Historical Studies Volume: 69. 2003. pp 34+. online edition
- MacKinnon, Wayne. The Life of the Party: A History of the Liberal Party in Prince Edward Island. Summerside: Liberal Party of Prince Edward Island, 1973. 153 pp.
- MacKinnon, Frank. The Government of Prince Edward Island (1951),
- Sharpe, Errol. A People's History of Prince Edward Island. Toronto: Steel Rail, 1976. 252 pp.
- Smitheram, Verner; Milne, David; and Dasgupta, Satadal, ed. The Garden Transformed: Prince Edward Island, 1945-1980. Charlottetown: Ragweed, 1982. 271 pp.
- Weale, David and Baglole, Harry. The Island and Confederation: The End of an Era. Summerside, P. E. I.: Williams and Crue, 1973. 166 pp.
Prairies and B.C.
- Alberta Encyclopedia Online (2005)
- Jean Barman. The West beyond the West: A History of British Columbia (1996)
- Barnhart, Gordon L., ed. Saskatchewan Premiers of the Twentieth Century. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 2004. 418 pp.
- Calder, Alison and Wardhaugh, Robert, ed. History, Literature, and the Writing of the Canadian Prairies.U. of Manitoba Press, 2005. 310 pp.
- Emery, George. The Methodist Church on the Prairies, 1896-1914. McGill-Queen's U. Press, 2001. 259 pp.
- Friesen, Gerald. The Canadian Prairies: A History (1987, 2nd edition)
- Hodgson, Heather, ed. Saskatchewan Writers: Lives Past and Present. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 2004. 247 pp.
- Johnson, A. W. Dream No Little Dreams: A Biography of the Douglas Government of Saskatchewan, 1944-1961. U. of Toronto Press, 2004. 370 pp.
- Keahey, Deborah. Making It Home: Place in Canadian Prairie Literature. U. of Manitoba Press, 1998. 178 pp.
- Laycock, David. Populism and Democratic Thought in the Canadian Prairies, 1910 to 1945. U. of Toronto Press, 1990. 369 pp.
- Melnyk, George. The Literary History of Alberta, Vol. 1: From Writing-on-Stone to World War Two. U. of Alberta Press, 1998. 240 pp.
- Morton, W. L. Manitoba, a History University of Toronto Press, 1957 online edition
- Wardhaugh, Robert A. Mackenzie King and the Prairie West. U. of Toronto Press, 2000. 328 pp.
- Wardhaugh, Robert A., ed. Toward Defining the Prairies: Region, Culture, and History. U. of Manitoba Press, 2001. 234 pp.
- Warren, Jim and Carlisle, Kathleen, eds. On the Side of the People: A History of Labour in Saskatchewan. Regina: Coteau Books, 2005. 344 pp.
- Waiser, Bill, and John Perret. Saskatchewan: A New History (2005)
Economic and Business History
- Baldwin, John R., and Petr Hanel. Innovation and Knowledge Creation in an Open Economy: Canadian Industry and International Implications (2007) excerpt and text search
- Bliss, Michael. Northern Enterprise: Five Centuries of Canadian Business. McClelland and Stewart, (1987).
- Burton, F. W. "Wheat in Canadian History," The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science Vol. 3, No. 2 (May, 1937), pp. 210-217 in JSTOR
- Fleming, Keith R. Power at Cost: Ontario Hydro and Rural Electrification, 1911-1958. McGill-Queen's U. Press, (1992). 326 pp.
- Glazebrook, G. P. de T. A History of Transportation in Canada (1938)
- Lingenfelter, Richard E., ed. The Mining West: A Bibliography & Guide to the History & Literature of Mining in the American & Canadian West. 2 vol Scarecrow, 2003. 1550 pp
- Mackintosh, W.A. "The Laurentian Plateau in Canadian Economic Development," Economic Geography, Vol. 2, No. 4 (Oct., 1926), pp. 537-549 in JSTOR
- Marr, William L. and Donald Patterson. Canada: An Economic History, 1980.
- Naylor, Tom. The History of Canadian Business. 1867-1914 2 vol (1976)
- Norrie, Kenneth, Douglas Owram, and J.C. Herbert Emery. A History of the Canadian Economy 4th ed. (2007)
- Porter, John. "Concentration of Economic Power and the Economic Elite in Canada," The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, Vol. 22, No. 2 (May, 1956), pp. 199-220 in JSTOR
- Roberts, David. In the Shadow of Detroit: Gordon M. McGregor, Ford of Canada, and Motoropolis. Wayne State U. Press, 2006. 320 pp.
- Santink, Joy L. Timothy Eaton and the Rise of His Department Store. U. of Toronto Press, 1990. 319 pp.
- Taylor, Graham D. and Peter Baskerville. A Concise History of Business in Canada, 1994
- Young, John H. "Comparative Economic Development: Canada and the United States," The American Economic Review, Vol. 45, No. 2, (May, 1955), pp. 80-93 in JSTOR
- Babcock, Robert H. Gompers in Canada: a study in American continentalism before the First World War (1974) online at ACLS e-books
- Bradbury, Bettina. Working families: Age, gender, and daily survival in industrializing Montreal (1993)
- Craven, Paul, ed., Labouring lives: work and workers in nineteenth-century Ontario (1995)
- Frager, Ruth A., and Carmela K. Patrias. Discounted Labour: Women Workers in Canada, 1870-1939 (2005) excerpt and text search
- Haddow, Rodney, and Thomas Klassen. Partisanship, Globalization, and Canadian Labour Market Policy: Four Provinces in Comparative Perspective (2006) excerpt and text search
- Heron, Craig. The Canadian Labour Movement: A Brief History, (1996).
- Hertel; D. W. History of the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees: Its Birth and Growth, 1887-1955. 1955 online edition from Questia
- Kealey, Gregory S. Dreaming of what might be: the Knights of Labor in Ontario, 1880-1900 (1982) online at ACLS e-books
- Morton, Desmond. Working People: An Illustrated History of the Canadian Labour Movement (1999) excerpt and text search
- Palmer, Bryan D. Working Class Experience: Rethinking the History of Canadian Labour, 1800-1991, 1992
- Andreae, Christopher. Lines of Country: An Atlas of Railway and Waterway History in Canada (1996)
- Baskerville, Peter. "Hickson, Sir Joseph," Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online
- Baskerville, Peter. "Americans in Britain’s backyard: the railway era in Upper Canada, 1850–1880," Business History Review 55 (1981): 314–36 in JSTOR
- Brown, Ron. The Train Doesn't Stop Here Any More (1998) an illustrated history of railway stations in Canada
- Currie, A. W. The Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. University of Toronto Press, 1957. 556 pp, the standard history
- Eagle, J. A. The Canadian Pacific Railway and the Development of Western Canada, 1896-1914. McGill-Queen's University Press 1989
- Fleming, R. B. The Railway King of Canada: Sir William Mackenzie, 1849-1923 University of British Columbia Press, 1991 online at Questia
- Fournier, Leslie T. Railway Nationalization in Canada: The Problem of the Canadian National Railways (1937)
- Fournier, Leslie T. "The Canadian National Railway versus the Canadian Pacific: A Comparative Study," The Journal of Political Economy Vol. 39, No. 3 (Jun., 1931), pp. 369-389 in JSTOR
- Freeman, Kenneth D. et al. The Growth and Performance of the Canadian Transcontinental Railways 1956-1981 (1987)
- Hertel; D. W. History of the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees: Its Birth and Growth, 1887-1955. 1955 online edition from Questia
- Hofsommer, Don L. Grand Trunk Corporation: Canadian National Railways in the United States, 1971-1992. 1995. 227 pp.
- Kaye, Lamb W. History of the Canadian Pacific Railway. (1977).
- Leonard, Frank. A Thousand Blunders: The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway and Northern British Columbia University of British Columbia Press, 1996 online edition from Questia
- den Otter, A.A. The Philosophy of Railways: The Transcontinental Railway Idea in British North America University of Toronto Press, 1997.
- Regehr, Theodore D. "Hays, Charles M." Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online
- Regehr, T. D. The Canadian Northern Railway Macmillan of Canada 1976
- Stevens, G. History of the Canadian National Railways Macmillan Company 1973
- Underwood, Jay. Built for War: Canada's Intercolonial Railway, (2006) excerpt and text search
- Weaver, R. Kent. The Politics of Industrial Change: Railway Policy in North America (1985) online edition from Questia
- Willson, Beckles. The Life of Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal 1915. online edition from Questia
Primary sources
- Innis, Harold. A., and A. R. M. Lower; Select Documents in Canadian Economic History, 1783-1885 University of Toronto Press, 1933 online edition from Questia
Cultural History
- Patricia Ainslie and Mary-Beth Laviolette. Alberta Art and Artists: An Overview (2007)
- Beattie, Eleanor. The Handbook of Canadian Film. 2nd ed., Toronto: Martin, 1977. 355 pp.
- Blair, Jennifer; Coleman, Daniel; Higginson, Kate; and York, Lorraine, ed. ReCalling Early Canada: Reading the Political in Literary and Cultural Production. U. of Alberta Press, 2005. 440 pp.
- Clarke, George Elliott. Odysseys Home: Mapping African-Canadian Literature. U. of Toronto Press, 2002. 491 pp.
- Feldman, Seth and Nelson, Joyce, ed. Canadian Film Reader. Toronto: Martin, 1977. 405 pp.
- Francis, Daniel. The Imaginary Indian: The Image of the Indian in Canadian Culture. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp, 1992. 260 pp.
- Hammill, Faye. Literary Culture and Female Authorship in Canada 1760-2000. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2003. 245 pp.
- Keith, W. J. Canadian Literature in English. London: Longman, 1985. 287 pp.
- Lerner, Loren R. and Williamson, Mary F., eds. Art and Architecture in Canada: A Bibliography and Guide to the Literature = Art et Architecture au Canada: Bibliographie et Guide de la Documentation U. of Toronto Press, 1991. 998 pp.
- MacDonald, Mary Lu. Literature and Society in the Canadas, 1817-1850. Mellen, 1992. 360 pp.
- Melnyk, George. One Hundred Years of Canadian Cinema. U. of Toronto Press, 2004. 361 pp.
- New, W. H., ed. Literary History of Canada: Canadian Literature in English. U. of Toronto Press, 1990. 492 pp.
- Ord, Douglas. The National Gallery of Canada: Ideas, Art, Architecture. McGill-Queen's U. Press, 2003. 500 pp.
- Perron, Paul. Narratology and Text: Subjectivity and Identity in New France and Québécois Literature. U. of Toronto Press, 2003. 338 pp.
- Simpson-Housley, Paul and Norcliffe, Glen, ed. Few Acres of Snow: Literary and Artistic Images of Canada. Toronto: Dundurn, 1992. 277 pp.
- Stich, K. P., ed. Reflections: Autobiography and Canadian Literature. U. of Ottawa Press, 1988. 176 pp.
- Smith, Judith E. Visions of Belonging: Family Stories, Popular Culture, and Postwar Democracy, 1940-1960. Columbia U. Press., 2004. 444 pp.
- Thom, Ian, and Alan Elder. A Modern Life: Art and Design in British Columbia 1945-1960 (2004)
- Toye, William, ed. The Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature. Oxford U. Press, 1983. 843 pp.
- Weiss, Jonathan, and Jane Moss. French-Canadian Literature (1996)
- Wise, Wyndham, ed. Take One's Essential Guide to Canadian Film. U. of Toronto Press, 2001. 272 pp.
- Woodcock, George. Northern Spring: The Flowering of Canadian Literature. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1987. 318 pp.
Women, gender, family
- Bradbury, Bettina. Working families: Age, gender, and daily survival in industrializing Montreal (1993)
- Cohen, Marjorie Griffin. Women's Work, Markets, and Economic Development in Nineteenth-Century Ontario. U. of Toronto Press, 1988. 258 pp.
- Frager, Ruth A., and Carmela K. Patrias. Discounted Labour: Women Workers in Canada, 1870-1939 (2005) excerpt and text search
- Halpern, Monda. And on that Farm He Had a Wife: Ontario Farm Women and Feminism, 1900-1970. McGill-Queen's U. Press, 2001. 234 pp.
- Hammill, Faye. Literary Culture and Female Authorship in Canada 1760-2000. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2003. 245 pp.
- Kechnie, Margaret C. Organizing Rural Women: the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario, 1897-1910. McGill-Queen's U. Press, 2003. 194 pp.
- Moss, Mark. Manliness and Militarism: Educating Young Boys in Ontario for War. Oxford U. Press, 2001. 216 pp.
- Parr, Joy, ed. A Diversity of Women: Ontario, 1945-1980. U. of Toronto Press, 1996. 335 pp.
- Prentice, Alison et al. Canadian Women: a history (1996, 2nd edition)
- Smith, Judith E. Visions of Belonging: Family Stories, Popular Culture, and Postwar Democracy, 1940-1960. Columbia U. Press., 2004. 444 pp.
- Strong-Boag, Veronica, Mona Gleason, and Adele Perry. Rethinking Canada: The Promise of Women's History (2003) excerpt and text search
Social, ethnicity, migration and population
- Bagnell, Kenneth. Canadese: A portrait of the Italian Canadians (1989)
- Bloemraad, Irene. Becoming a Citizen: Incorporating Immigrants and Refugees in the United States and Canada (2006) excerpt and text search
- Grekul, Lisa. Leaving Shadows: Literature in English by Canada's Ukrainians (2005)
- Grenke, Arthur. The German Community in Winnipeg 1872 to 1919 (1991)
- Iacovetta, Franca, Paula Draper, and Robert A. Ventresca. A Nation of Immigrants: Readings in Canadian History, 1840s-1960s (1998)
- Kelley, Ninette, and Michael J. Trebilcock. The Making of the Mosaic: A History of Canadian Immigration Policy (1998)
- Kukushkin, Vadim. From Peasants to Labourers: Ukrainian and Belarusan Immigration from the Russian Empire to Canada (2007)
- McDougall, Duncan M. "Immigration into Canada, 1851-1920," The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, Vol. 27, No. 2 (May, 1961), pp. 162-175 in JSTOR
- McKay, Ian. "Tartanism Triumphant. The Construction of Scottishness in Nova Scotia, 1933-1954." Acadiensis 21, no. 2 (Spring 1992): 5-47.
- Tomoko Makabe. The Canadian Sansei (1998)
- Messamore, Barbara, ed. Canadian Migration Patterns from Britain and North America (2004) 300pp; essays by scholars
- Petryshyn, Jaroslav. Peasants in the Promised Land: Canada and the Ukrainians (1985)
- Pivato, Joseph. The Anthology Of Italian-Canadian Writing (1998)
- Riedel, Walter. The Old world and the new: Literary perspectives of German-speaking Canadians (1984)
- Roy, Patricia. A White Man's Province: British Columbia Politicians and Chinese and Japanese Immigrants, 1858-1914 (University of British Columbia Press, 1989)
- Schryer, Frans J. The Netherlandic Presence in Ontario: Pillars, Class and Dutch Ethnicity. Wilfrid Laurier U. Press, 1998. 458 pp. focus is post WW2
- Jonathan Wagner. A History Of Migration From Germany to Canada, 1850-1939 (2005)
Primary sources
- Blackwell, John D. "Canadian Studies: A Core Collection," CHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 35 (September 1997): 71-84, updated version
- G. P. Browne (ed.), Documents on the Confederation of British North America (1969).
- Crowe, Harry S., Kenneth McNaught, J. H. Stewart Reid, eds. A Source-Book of Canadian History: Selected Documents and Personal Papers. 1964. 485pp online edition
- Pickersgill, J.W., and Donald F. Forster, The Mackenzie King Record. 4 vols. Vol. 1: 1939-1944 and Vol. 2: 1944-1945 (University of Toronto Press, 1960); and Vol. 3: 1945-1946 online and Vol. 4: 1946-1947 online (University of Toronto Press, 1970). from King's diary
- Riddell, Walter A. ed; Documents on Canadian Foreign Policy, 1917-1939 Oxford University Press, 1962 806 pages of documents
- Statistics Canada. Historical Statistics of Canada. 2d ed., Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 1983.
- Talman, James J. ed; Basic Documents in Canadian History (1959) 192 pp online edition
- Thorner, Thomas, with Thor Frohn-Nielsen, eds. "A Few Acres of Snow": Documents in Pre-Confederation Canadian History, and "A Country Nourished on Self-Doubt": Documents on Post-Confederation Canadian History, 2nd ed. (2003).
Online sources
- The Canadian Encyclopedia (2008) the best starting point
- Hayday, Matthew; Pass, Forrest; Fyson, Donald; and Bangarth, Stephanie, ed. H-CANADA: H-Net Discussion Network 2007
- Brune, Nick and Alastair Sweeny. History of Canada Online. Waterloo: Northern Blue Publishing, 2005.
- The CanText text library has primary sources and documents