Toronto, Ontario

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Toronto is Canada's largest city and the capital of the province of Ontario. In 2006, it had a population of 2.5 million[1] while 5.1 million[2] lived in the metropolitan area.

It is situated on the shores of Lake Ontario.

The city is the financial capital of Canada, with its financial district referred to as Bay Street.

Landmarks include the CN Tower, one of the world's tallest structures, as well as its provincial legislature Queen's Park.

The city is home to three universities, the University of Toronto, York University and Ryerson University.

Toronto is also a media center. It is home to four major English-language dailies: the Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star, the Toronto Sun and the National Post. The Canadian Broadcasting Centre[3] is located in the city.

The city's current borders were established on January 1, 1998[4] when the province of Ontario amalgamated the former City of Toronto with five suburban municipalities: Etobicoke, York, North York, East York and Scarborough.

Before 1998 the former city and its suburbs participated in a regional government known as the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto (Metro).[5] The first mayor of the newly amalgamated city was Mel Lastman,[6] the former mayor of North York. The current mayor is David Miller. His term ends in 2010.[7]

The amalgamated City of Toronto is part of a larger region known as the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).[8]