Death of Aloysius Pang (2019)

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On 23 January 2019, Singaporean actor, Aloysius Pang, died from injuries suffered while carrying out repair works inside a Singapore Self-Propelled Howitzer in New Zealand.


At Waiouru Training Area in New Zealand on 19 January 2019 at about 2PM, Pang sustained injuries to his chest and abdominal areas while carrying out repair works inside a self-propelled howitzer (SSPH Primus) with two other personnel. The Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) claimed that he sustained the injuries "when the gun barrel was lowered". Pang was evacuated to Waikato Hospital, for surgery to treat his injuries. Dr Teo Li Tserng, chief of trauma and acute care surgery at Tan Tock Seng Hospital, was flown in to assist the New Zealand medical team tending to Pang.[1]

Pang later died on 23 January 2019. [2]

Investigation and lawsuit

Media coverage

Channel News Asia (CNA) published a video of lowering the gun barrel inside the SSPH Primus.[3]


Singapore Armed Forces

