
From Citizendium
Revision as of 13:41, 10 June 2015 by imported>John Stephenson (update, inc ballot paper)
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Please note that this page may only be edited by
members of the Election Committee.
Click to view one candidate or four referenda.

Notice to all Citizens

The Managing Editor, on behalf of the Citizendium Council, has called an election to fill one Council seat and to allow referenda on how this project is run. The Election Committee appointed to run this election comprises John Stephenson and Hayford Peirce.

Citizens have nominated a candidate and proposed referenda. The ballot has been authorised by the Managing Editor.

Voting begins at 00:01 UTC on June 14th, 2015.

Eligibility to participate

You are eligible to vote in this election if you maintain an unblocked account on this main wiki, as long as it is in your own real name and was created at least 30 days before the election commences (i.e. on or before May 15th, 2015; see the elections procedure).

Citizendium Council election

Any Citizen in good standing is eligible to fill a Citizendium Council seat. One seat is open for election, with a term ending on June 30th, 2017.

The elected candidate will commence a term of office which begins on July 1st, 2015.

There is one candidate for one seat on the Citizendium Council. This candidate will be subject to an approval vote, in which voters specify yes or no to approve or not approve that candidate. To see the candidate, click here.


Citizens have proposed referenda on how various aspects of this project are run. According to the Charter, referenda are proposed in one of two ways:

1. Any Citizen may petition the Citizendium Council that contested rules or guidelines be submitted to a referendum. The Council must have jurisdiction over the contested matter. The Council may, by simple majority vote, submit the referendum to a vote of the citizenry at the next regular election.
2. A referendum may be initiated by a group of Citizens corresponding in size to 20 percent of the number of voters in the previous election. The Citizendium Council must include a valid citizen-initiated referendum in the next regular election. Failure to do so will automatically pass the referendum which shall then become official policy and enforceable. This charter may not be amended by a failure of the Citizendium Council to submit a referendum to a vote.

To view and support the referenda being proposed, see the referenda proposal text.

As nine voters participated in the last election, two supporters were required for each referendum proposal.


The timetable for the election is as follows:

  • Begin accepting nominations and referenda at 00:01 UTC on Sunday, May 24th 2015;
  • Close the period for nominations and referenda and for candidates to accept their nominations and draft their statements at midnight UTC on Saturday, June 6th 2015;
  • Referenda may be supported or amended until the Council or Managing Editor authorises the ballot;
  • Have the ballot prepared and begin accepting ballots from eligible voters from 00:01 UTC on Sunday, June 14th 2015;
  • Stop accepting ballots at midnight UTC on Saturday, June 20th 2015;
  • Release and ratify the results by midnight UTC on Saturday, June 27th 2015.

Election and referenda

Council candidate

Russell D. Jones accept Russell D. Jones (talk) 19:02, 1 June 2015 (UTC) No official statement submitted[1]


The election will include voting on the following referenda. Citizens can support or oppose each one by indicating 'Yes' or 'No'. For referenda that propose to modify the Citizendium Charter, a two-thirds majority of valid votes is required under Article 37. Non-Charter referenda require a simple majority of valid votes to pass. Please note that there is no 'Referendum 1'.[2]

Referendum 2: Institutionalizing Citizendium’s Verified Real Names Requirement

Proposed by Russell D. Jones

This referendum proposes to modify the Charter.

The details of this referendum appear here; comments appear on the Talk page.

Referendum 3: New article approvals process

Proposed by John Stephenson

This referendum does not propose to modify the Charter.

The details of this referendum appear here; comments appear on the Talk page.

Referendum 4: Additional responsibilities of the Managing Editor

Proposed by Anthony Sebastian

This referendum does not propose to modify the Charter.

The details of this referendum appear here; comments appear on the Talk page.

Referendum 5: Temporary appointments to the Council

Proposed by John Stephenson

This referendum proposes to modify the Charter.

The details of this referendum appear here; comments appear on the Talk page.


Voting in the Elections and Referenda runs from 00:01 UTC on Sunday, June 14th, 2015 to midnight UTC on Saturday, June 20th, 2015.


  1. You have as many votes as there are seats or proposals for each section. Voting for more will invalidate that section of your ballot paper.
  2. As there is only a single candidate for one seat, the name of that candidate is given on the ballot paper and you should write yes or no underneath to approve or not approve that candidate.
  3. For referenda, write yes or no underneath each one to approve or not approve them.
  4. You may abstain on anything by leaving the appropriate spaces blank. Writing anything else will invalidate that section of your ballot paper.
  5. You may only vote for the candidate and referenda that appear on the ballot paper. Any others will invalidate that section of your ballot paper.
  6. You may only vote by writing yes or no as appropriate. Writing anything else will invalidate that section of your ballot paper.

Voting instructions

First, make sure you are logged in to this wiki; then:

  1. Copy the text of the 'Ballot paper' from the next section. Just scroll down from here (don't copy the original source code of this page).
  2. On the menu on the far left of this page, under Tools, you will see a menu item, E-mail this user. Click on that link or the link here.
  3. This will take you to a page where you can enter the text of your email.
  4. Paste in the text of the "Ballot paper" that you previously copied. You may leave the 'Subject' field alone.
  5. Under the heading Council candidate - [NAME], type "Yes" if you approve this candidate and "No" if you do not approve this candidate. (You may also abstain by not filling in anything in this section).
  6. Under each Referendum heading, type "Yes" if you wish to vote in favour of the referendum, or type "No" if you wish to vote against the referendum. (You may also abstain by not filling in anything in this section).
  7. Check what you've entered to make sure it accurately reflects your preferences.
  8. Click on the Send button.

That's it - you've just cast your ballot. Thank you for participating!

Ballot paper

Council candidate - Russell D. Jones

Referendum 2

Referendum 3

Referendum 4

Referendum 5


  1. Election rules do not prohibit candidates from making unofficial statements elsewhere.
  2. See the Managing Editor's statement.