Talk:Pauline Epistles

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Revision as of 05:18, 8 December 2017 by imported>Peter Jackson
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 Definition The letters said to have been written by Paul the Apostle. [d] [e]
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 Workgroup category Religion [Editors asked to check categories]
 Subgroup category:  Christianity
 Talk Archive none  English language variant British English

Just noticed Galatians missing. I've put it in what I think is the right category, but the basis of the ordering isn't stated. Peter Jackson (talk) 11:32, 7 December 2017 (UTC)

Thank you. Can't think how it was missed. I am not sure if I have understood your point about ordering, but I think I originally listed them in a presumed chronological order within the categories, in which case Galatians is in the right place. --Martin Wyatt (talk) 21:56, 7 December 2017 (UTC)

Yes, I was wondering whether the order was meant to be chronological. Last I heard, there were two theories, putting Galatians or 1 Thessalonians first. Peter Jackson (talk) 10:18, 8 December 2017 (UTC)