CZ:Nomination page/Editorial Council 2011/Maria Cuervo

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Revision as of 18:51, 30 November 2011 by imported>Maria Cuervo
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I don't generally talk about myself but I suppose that is part of what a statement is, so that others should know who I am and get a gloss concerning something of what I am about.

I've been at Citizendium since Fall 2011. On my user page I have put some basic CV information that can give you an idea about me, including a picture which I will update soon. I have always been interested in many things, so I fear of going too far astray if I begin to unravel the whole skein.... Suffice for now that I have a Fine Art degree, an English degree, and M.A.s in Literature and Philosophy. My interest in literature has always been twofold. I am a writer and have published small amounts of poetry (a bit obscurely since I tend to delay publication for long periods while my writings 'sit.' I am working on a forthcoming book of poetry(that means two to three years) and I have tried my hand at fiction, more on that below. My view of poetry tends to be that the best poetry attains to what is rarely reached except in lyrical poetry: a style rarely aspired to today. Greek and Roman examples that come to mind are Sappho, Pindar, and Catullus. This does not mean I limit myself to classical and antique examples but this is the beginning of a list and certainly an auspicious although small assembly of figures. I tend to be eclectic in my literary interests, so it is hard to mention everything and will move on, leaving poetry to a later discussion. I am sure that as I contribute to Citizendium the truth will come out. :] I enjoy writing fiction as well but had to put a work aside because, at the time, my Philosophy M.A. was the highest priority. That work [of fabula!] is in queue behind the poetry book. As for art, my art background is primarily in painting and drawing and I have studied some Art History without claiming to be an expert in any particular period. Certain areas of art interest me more than others, and this too will probably become obvious as my work here expands. (I have some short writing samples on art and on poetry on if anyone is interested.)

Part of my drift to philosophy was the feeling as an artist and writer something I was missing. I am entirely grateful for my training as a philosopher and admit to a weakness for Plato although my dissertation will probably drift to something more contemporary. I won't go into huge detail concerning my philosophical inclinations here. Suffice that my sister has informed me that I am "too 18th Century." Whatever that might mean I am not entirely clear on but I am guessing that her objection has to do with my tendency to try to delve too deeply into things, and perhaps too many varieties of things. This, I agree, is what used to be called a classical education and nowadays resembles ADD or perhaps a frowned upon eclecticism. For my part, I don't tend to be too scattered. I may go for long stretches working on philosophical problems and when that well dries up, work on some other project. I am not sure I have arrived at the goal of classical education but I certainly aim for it. In the time of Genji (The Tale of Genji), to be a full person one needed to know a musical instrument, how to paint, how to write literature, to hold conversation, to dress elegantly, and more. Here I lack in not knowing a musical instrument, at least not well, but I do enjoy listening to music (Shostakovich in the last few days). Returning to the point, I suspect that my constant delving into archaic detail is what caused me to receive the diagnosis "too 18th Century." For Citizendium this is not a bad thing since it means I like details and will try to constantly find and polish them in any work I do, whether academic or merely bureaucratic. However, this does not mean I will allow myself to get bogged down in petty detail.

I am relatively new and inexperienced at Citizendium and never been an overly political being (except for my avid reading of The Art of War, The Prince, and other works along those lines, of which I can do a masterful reading when needed.) I tend to be better at the analysis than the jumping in and fixing the world right now type of thing. however, I can fix things that are needing fixing when the aim is clear and the task is doable.

As for how I might get along with others on a team, I like one thing Picasso said, concerning the fear of interfering with other people, that is, he did not want the responsibility of the damage he might cause by imposing his view on others so avoided doing so. I am not sure if he succeeded in this from the point of view of those around him but it certainly sounds good at first blush. In spite of that innocent, willing and agreeable demeanor I present, I want to assure those voting that I am confident, will stand by my work, my position on a particular point, etc. I don't have views on past issues on Citizendium because I really don't know what they are, only that this is a great resource that can be made even better!!

I do tend to be low key and to get along well with other folks but I am also direct and honest. Part of this come from years of being a computer programmer at Public TV and having to work with in-house and external clients that ran the gamut from thrilled with what I did to excruciately unsatisfied and demanding of the practically impossible. From this I learned to communicate and identify real expectations and come to some agreement, how to compromise when it made sense and how to partly get my way on occasion. I also teach undergraduates, which means I have to be able to isolate the point and communicate it in a way that actually communicates. I tend to try to find harmony where there is conflict but please don't equate this with conformity. My style is to bring out the best but I am not wishy-washy. My friends have at times chided that I have an ascerbic side, but luckily usually this comes out as irony in my writing more so than the way that I interact with others!

If elected for this position, I hope to learn as much as I can concerning what is needed to fulfill my responsibilities in this position. As well, I expect to work with others to achieve the best 'Citizendium-world' possible within the scope of my position. A goal would be to understand the overall state of the areas I am responsible for, as well as to expand these areas as much as possible in ways that make Citizendium an irreplaceable and incomparable resource. It's obvious that I am newer here and hope to receive advice and help.

Finally, I would like to end by stating my commitment to friendship and wisdom - friendship in that whatever I do, I offer it sincerely in the spirit of friendship. Wisdom in that to some extent, whether we talk of art or of fable, I strive for something beyond the average. That means, let's make our work here count!

Thank you for the nomination. I expect to be around here doing good work either way but I appreciate the vote of confidence and I look forward to getting to knowing other citizens here. Best wishes for the best possible election results!