Arab Spring/Timelines

December 19
Riots in a small Tunisian town after Mohamed Bouazizi set fire to himself in protest[1]
December 24
Police shoot dead a young protester in Bouziane, south of Tunis
December 27
Mass rioting in Tunis[2]
January 5
Food price riots in Algerian cities[3]
January 15
Tunisia's president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali takes refuge in Saudi Arabia[4]
January 16
Egyptian protester sets himself on fire[5]
January 22
Jordan protests about economic policy - calls for the government to resign[6].
January 23
Yemen protester arrested[7]
January 24
Lebanon's "Day of Rage"[8]
January 26
Yemen protests continue [9]
January 27
Egypt protests escalate in Cairo, Suez and other cities[10]
January 31
Jordan protests lead to the dismissal of the Cabinet[11]
February 11
Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak resigns[12]
February 16
Libya protests: 84 killed in growing unrest[13]
February 22
Bahrain protest: thousands join anti-government rally[14].
February 23
Libya protests: Benghazi is in the hands of the rebels[15]
March 15
Syria protests in Damascus and Aleppo calling for democratic reforms and the release of all political prisoners[16].