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- c480?: birth of the (future) Buddha; by the 3rd century BC this was believed to have occurred in what is now Rummindei, Nepal
- c445?: his awakening and founding of Buddhism
- c400?: his death; alleged First Council, Rajagaha (Rajgir) to collect his teachings (historicity uncertain)
- late 4th century: Second Council, Vesali (Besarh), to settle dispute over monastic discipline; agreed that monks should not accept money
- mid 3rd century: patronage of Emperor Asoka; Third (Theravada?) Council, Pataliputta (Patna) to deal with wrong views; Asoka's son Mahinda leads mission establishing Buddhism in Ceylon; possibly missionaries also sent to Greek kingdoms as far as Epirus and Cyrene
- last century: Pali Canon written down from oral tradition at Fourth (Theravada) Council in Ceylon
- 60s: establishment of Buddhism in China
- 2nd century: first translations of Buddhist texts into Chinese, including some Mahayana ones; about this time Nagarjuna, major figure in formation of Mahayana
- 372: establishment of Buddhism in Korea (from China)
- early 5th century?: Indian monk Bodhidharma arrives in China, precursor of Zen
- 537: establishment of Buddhism in Japan (from Korea)
- mid 7th century: establishment of Buddhism in Tibet
- 779: Buddhism official religion of Tibet
- 767-822: Saicho, founder of Tendai school in Japan; a week after his death the emperor approves his proposal for a new ordination instead of the traditional monastic one; eventually displaces it
- 868: oldest known printed book, Chinese translation of Diamond Sutra, a Mahayana scripture
- c930: first printed Chinese collected edition of Buddhist literature (mostly lost)
- 13th century: Tibetan Buddhism spreads to Mongols
- 1505: Portuguese invasion of Ceylon: presecution of Buddhism contibutes to lpase of ordination lineage
- c1613: Western Kalmyks, a Buddhist Mongol tribe, cross the Urals and settle on the lower Volga in Eastern Europe
- 1753: ordination lineage restored to Ceylon from Siam
- 1871: Fifth (Theravada) Council, Mandalay, approves inscriptions of Pali Canon on 729 marble slabs (still on display in Kuthodaw Pagoda)
- 1872: Japan repeals law of clerical celibacy; marriage subsequently becomes the norm
- 1899: first Westerner ordained as monk, Gordon Douglas
- 1900: first complete printed edition of the Pali Canon (38 volumes, Rangoon)
- 1954-6: Sixth (Theravada) Council, Rangoon, approves 40-volume printed edition of the Pali Canon
- 1959: after failed Tibetan uprising against Communist China, Dalai Lama flees to India