CZ:Managing Editor/2010/002 - References to war criminals

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Revision as of 06:03, 15 November 2010 by imported>Daniel Mietchen (→‎Pre-Charter policy)
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Statement of problem

The basic question: is it acceptable and objective to use, in general article text, the term "war criminal" to someone for which a great deal of incriminating data was listed, but was never tried and convicted by a court, such as Adolf Hitler or Josef Mengele? If that is unacceptable, should the words "war criminal" be deleted from a direct quote stating an expert opinion?

As a History and Military Editor, I would rule that the usage is acceptable, especially in the often-vague and unprecedented legal situation following WWII. I have not yet so ruled, as I'm the main author of the Mengele article. I'd hate to disturb Russell, another history editor, when he's overloaded with MC matters.

I will introduce the matter as part of a broader Editorial Council discussion of how Charter Article 19, in particular, overrides the older CZ: Neutrality Policy.

Howard C. Berkowitz 22:05, 13 November 2010 (UTC) moved comments to discussion page

Which is the exact quote you referred to? Please provide a permalink to the latest version of the article in which it appears. --Daniel Mietchen 23:19, 13 November 2010 (UTC)
Daniel, this has been referred to the Ombudsman and it will probably go now to the EC. Howard has created a small disaster with this. Please note that I have deleted an article just started on War Crimes in which Howard is writing (without any references) that war criminals do not have to be indicted to be called war criminals. I have already told him that if he can provide references for this, then I will withdraw my objections. The terminology is just careless and popular -- even among historians of the Nazi period. They do not set CZ policies. Martin Baldwin-Edwards 00:17, 14 November 2010 (UTC)
See Talk: war crimes. Martin blanked the page without authority; he is not an Editor in any of the listed groups--History should probably be added. Now, if I found an unacceptable article in a group for which I am an Editor, I could make a formal ruling and request a Speedydelete as an editor. There is no provision for a non-Editor simply to blank. Howard C. Berkowitz 00:22, 14 November 2010 (UTC)
Howard, you can make your case to the EC. I am initiating a formal investigation. Martin Baldwin-Edwards 00:24, 14 November 2010 (UTC)
To be accurate, you can ask for an investigation, which will need at least two other sponsors to even have the proposal of an investigation to start. I shall be interested to see your Charter and EC policy justifications. Howard C. Berkowitz 00:30, 14 November 2010 (UTC)
I am well aware of the rules, as I wrote them. There are plenty of ways to deal with your behaviour. Martin Baldwin-Edwards 00:35, 14 November 2010 (UTC)

Formal restatement of problem

This section defines the section structure of the decision.

Specific case: Usage of the term "war criminal"

War crimes has been started as background.

Specific case: Redaction of a direct quote containing the term "war criminal"


General case: Usage of terms of art

General case: Redaction of quotes

Existing applicable policy


  • Article 4: The Citizendium community shall recognize the special role that experts play in defining content standards in their relevant fields and in guiding content development towards reliability and quality.
  • Article 14: Editors are Citizens whose expertise in some field of knowledge is recognized and formally acknowledged by the community. Official recognition of expertise — obtained through education or experience — and its scope shall be based on guidelines established by the Editorial Council.
  • Article 15: Editors shall assure the quality of the Citizendium's approved content. They shall review and evaluate articles and shall have the right to
  1. approve high-quality articles that treat their topic adequately;
  2. resolve disputes over specific content matters when requested;
  3. enforce style and content guidelines as established by the Editorial Council; and
  4. identify for discussion incorrect or poorly presented content.
  • Article 17: An Editorial Council shall be empowered to develop policy on content and style.
  • Article 19: All articles shall treat their subjects comprehensively, neutrally, and objectively to the greatest degree possible in a well-written narrative, complementing text with other suitable material and media.

Decisions by the governing bodies

None so far.

Pre-Charter policy

Draft decision