Open Knowledge Conference/Program/Local Government Data

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Local Government Data
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Talk 2: Chris Taggart Title: Open Local data, Openly Local and The Open Election Data Project
- It's been a good year,, etc
- Electoral data is a mess.
- Councils, NDPB (quangos) are opaque
- History of OpenlyLocal
- Manchester project call MCC work for you
- Screen scrape 140 councils (of 434)
- availaible as RDF, JSON, XML
- Future
- more data
- Use case: Private Eye
- order investigation by the district auditor was a buried PDF
- Local authorities now have a duty to engage
- About power = assymetry of information
- Raises the barriers to involvement.
- Private companies who are outsourced by public money are closed.
- OpenElectionData project
- *succeed, or fail forward*
- there is no public database of local election results
- publish RDFa from page.
- beginning to compile a database of election results
- if it fails, there is a good argument for legislation
- guessing anywhere from 12-40 councils who will publish data.
- What we need?
- A Freedom of Data act - too many different bodies to individually organise
- central gov't needs to change how IT is done. <-- change use of MS Office?
- "enabler or blocker" [sounds a bit like G.W. Bush's with us or against us meme -Tom]
- we just need an 'axis of evil' /dff
- Access of Evil is more appropriate, since Access is evil. -Tom :)