Food reward/Bibliography

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Review Articles
- Magni P. et al. (2009) Feeding behavior in mammals including humans. Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci. 1163:221-232. PMID 19456343
"The complex control of food intake and energy metabolism in mammals relies on the ability of the brain to integrate multiple signals indicating the nutritional state and the energy level of the organism and to produce appropriate responses in terms of food intake, energy expenditure, andmetabolic activity. Central regulation of feeding is organized as a long-loop mechanism involving humoral signals and afferent neuronal pathways to the brain" Palmiter R. (2007) Is dopamine a physiologically relevant mediator of feeding behaviour TINS 30;8 The hypothalamus integrates various hormonal and neuronal signals to regulate appetite and metabolism and thereby serves a homeostatic purpose in the regulation of body weight. Additional neural circuits that are superimposed on this system have the potential to override the homeostatic signals, resulting in either gluttony or anorexia at the extremes. Midbrain dopamine neurons have long been implicated in mediating reward behavior and the motivational aspects of feeding behavior. Recent results reveal that hormones implicated in regulating the homeostatic system also impinge directly on dopamine neurons; for example, leptin and insulin directly inhibit dopamine neurons, whereas ghrelin activates them. Here, I discuss the predictions and implications of these new findings as they relate to dopamine signaling and the physiology of appetite control.
Spanagel, R. Weiss, F. (1999) The dopamine hypothesis of reward:past and current status TINS 22(11) Mesolimbic dopaminergic neurons are thought to serve as a final common neural pathway for mediating reinforcement processes.However,several recent findings have challenged the view that mesolimbic dopamine has a crucial role in the maintenance of reinforcement processes, or the subjective rewarding actions of natural rewards and drugs of abuse. Instead, there is growing evidence that dopamine is involved in the formation of associations between salient contextual stimuli and internal rewarding or aversive events.This evidence suggests that dopaminergic-neuron activation aids the organism in learning to recognize stimuli associated with such events.Thus, mesolimbic dopaminergic neurons have an important function in the acquisition of behavior reinforced by natural reward and drug stimuli. Furthermore, long-lasting neuroadaptive changes in mesolimbic dopamine-mediated transmission that develop during chronic drug use might contribute to compulsive drug-seeking behavior and relapse.
Epstein L.H. et al (2007) Food reinforcement and Eating: A Multilevel analysis. Pyschol Bull 133(5)884-906 Eating represents a choice among many alternative behaviors. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of how food reinforcement and behavioral choice theory are related to eating and to show how this theoretical approach may help organize research on eating from molecular genetics through treatment and prevention of obesity. Special emphasis is placed on how food reinforcement and behavioral choice theory are relevant to understanding excess energy intake and obesity and how they provide a framework for examining factors that may influence eating and are outside of those that may regulate energy homeostasis. Methods to measure food reinforcement are reviewed, along with factors that influence the reinforcing value of eating. Contributions of neuroscience and genetics to the study of food reinforcement are illustrated by using the example of dopamine. Implications of food reinforcement for obesity and positive energy balance are explored, with suggestions for novel approaches to obesity treatment based on the synthesis of behavioral and pharmacological approaches to food reinforcement.
Wise, R.A. (2006) Role of brain dopamine in food reward and reinforcement. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2006) 361, 1149–1158 The ability of food to establish and maintain response habits and conditioned preferences depends largely on the function of brain dopamine systems. While dopaminergic transmission in the nucleus accumbens appears sufficient for some forms of reward, the role of dopamine in food reward does not appear to be restricted to this region. Dopamine plays an important role in both the ability to energize feeding and to reinforce food-seeking behaviour; the role in energizing feeding is secondary to the prerequisite role in reinforcement. Dopaminergic activation is triggered by the auditory and visual as well as the tactile, olfactory, and gustatory stimuli of foods. While dopamine plays a central role in the feeding and food-seeking of normal animals, some food rewarded learning can be seen in genetically engineered dopamine-deficient mice.
Figlewicz DP, Benoit SC. (2009) Insulin, leptin, and food reward: update 2008.Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol.296(1):R9-R19 The hormones insulin and leptin have been demonstrated to act in the central nervous system (CNS) as regulators of energy homeostasis at medial hypothalamic sites. In a previous review, we described new research demonstrating that, in addition to these direct homeostatic actions at the hypothalamus, CNS circuitry that subserves reward and motivation is also a direct and an indirect target for insulin and leptin action. Specifically, insulin and leptin can decrease food reward behaviors and modulate the function of neurotransmitter systems and neural circuitry that mediate food reward, i.e., midbrain dopamine and opioidergic pathways. Here we summarize new behavioral, systems, and cellular evidence in support of this hypothesis and in the context of research into the homeostatic roles of both hormones in the CNS. We discuss some current issues in the field that should provide additional insight into this hypothetical model. The understanding of neuroendocrine modulation of food reward, as well as food reward modulation by diet and obesity, may point to new directions for therapeutic approaches to overeating or eating disorders.