Amphiboly/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Amphiboly.
See also changes related to Amphiboly, or pages that link to Amphiboly or to this page or whose text contains "Amphiboly".

Parent topics


Other related topics

Bot-suggested topics

Auto-populated based on Special:WhatLinksHere/Amphiboly. Needs checking by a human.

  • Psycholinguistics [r]: Study of the psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce language. [e]

Articles related by keyphrases (Bot populated)

  • Magnetization [r]: Magnetic moment per unit volume of a material, denoted M, defined in terms of the magnetic moments of its constituents by M=(1/V)Σj mj where the magnetic moment mj of the j-th constituent in the volume V is a vector property that determines the torque the object experiences in a magnetic field tending to align its moment with the field. [e]