Applied statistics

Applied statistics provide both a familiar source of information and a notorious source of error and misinformation. Errors commonly arise from misplaced confidence in an intuitive interpretations, but some of the most serious have arisen from misuse by mathematicians and other professionals. Deliberate misinterpretation of statistics by politicians and marketing professionals is so much a popular commonplace that its genuine use is often treated with suspicion. To those unfamiliar with it, statistics can seem impenetrably arcane, but its pitfalls can be avoided given a grasp of a few readily understood concepts.
Overview: the basics
Statistics are observations that are recorded in numerical form. It is essential to their successful handling to accept that statistics are not facts and therefore incontrovertible, but observations about facts and therefore fallible. The reliability of the information that they provide depends not only upon their successful interpretation, but also upon the accuracy with which the facts are observed and the extent to which they truly represent the subject matter of that information. An appreciation of the means by which statistics are collected is thus an essential part of the understanding of statistics and is least as important as a familiarity with the tools that are used in its interpretation.
Although the derivation of those tools involved advanced mathematics, the laws of chance on which much of statistics theory is based are no more than a formalisation of intuitive concepts, and the use of the resulting algorithms and computer software requires only a grasp of basic mathematical principles
The collection of statistics
Designing for purpose
Categorising the facts
Sampling the facts
Recording the observations
Statistical inference
The laws of chance
Probability distributions
Risks and faults
Correlation and association
Popular errors
An eminent authority has claimed that the results of most medical research are flawed because of statistical misinterpretation[1]