Public debt

A country's national debt - also known as its public debt - is a matter of economic and political significance. It has often been the subject of controversy, and some have considered it to have moral significance.
The OECD's broad definition of public debt as "the external obligations of the government and public sector "[1] is in general use, but national definitions [2] differ in detail [3]and produce figures that may not be comparable. The European Union's definition embodied in its Stability and Growth Pact[4] of "General Government Gross Debt"[5] differs in detail from the complete OECD definition.
It is customary in normal times for governments to use borrowing to finance investment, and it is current practice for the main industrialised countries to allow national debt to accumulate to between 40 and 60 per cent of GDP (except Japan and Italy, with percentages of over 100). It is also normal practice for governments to allow national debt to rise to between 70 to 100 per cent of GDP during major recessions - as a result, mainly of the operation of their economies' automatic stabilisers, but also from the use of fiscal stimuluses, intended to compensate for reductions in private sector spending.
Such policies are not uncontroversial, however, and even relatively modest levels of national debt, amounting to no more than 50 per cent of GDP, commonly meet with expressions of concern. Popular concern is attributable partly to an instinctive belief that saving is virtuos and borrowing is discreditable, or to the once universal reverence for balanced budgets, and also partly to fears of harmful economic consequences. Public choice theorists oppose government expenditure, even for the purposes of investment, on the grounds that the politicians concerned are mainly motivated by personal gain, rather than a desire to serve the public interest. Austrian School economists argue that fiscal stimulus expenditure is ineffective, partly because of the "Ricardian equivalence" argument that it is nullified by increases in private sector saving and partly out of scepticism about the ability of politicians to manage the economy. Folk-memories of the pre-war German hyper inflation, which was caused by the use of "monetisation" to manage high levels of postwar debt, may also have created unease, and the default of the Russian government may have raised concern by its demonstration of the fact that sovereign governments are not immune from the dangers of insolvency.
Sources of debt
International comparisons
Economic consequences
- ↑ Public Debt, OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms
- ↑ For the US definition ses the Treasury Department guide [1].
For the UK definition, see the ONS guide [2] - ↑ Understanding Government Debt Statistics,
- ↑ Stability and Growth Pact, OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms
- ↑ General Government Gross Debt (Maastricht Definition), OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms