User:Jameel Shaik

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

My doctoral research basically consisted of two parts – the first part involved the building of Layer-by-Layer assembled nanofilms and testing of different species of chondrocytes on the nanofilms while the second part involved the construction of Micro patterned Co-cultures using Layer-by-Layer assembly – Lift-Off (LbL-LO) method. Different assays and techniques were utilized for testing the biocompatibility of a variety of polyelectrolytes and proteins. Isolation of primary cells coupled with different cell and tissue culture techniques is my forte. Additionally I have experience in microfabrication, LbL self-assembly, nano-/biomaterials, microscopy, and spectroscopy.

I also have an undergraduate degree in Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery from India. Therefore, I had a chance to study all of the traditional allopathic medicine subjects (except Pharmacology) in addition to homoeopathic subjects. The text-books used for the allopathic subjects were the same as those used in allopathic medical colleges. Also, lectures were delivered by teachers from a local government allopathic medical college. After obtaining my degree in homoeopathic medicine, I worked in a private hospital for about two years and then operated my own clinics in my native place for about three years before deciding to come to the United States for higher studies.

In addition to English, I am fluent in Urdu (my first language), Kannada, Telugu, and Hindi. I can read Arabic well, write to an extent, and speak a little. I can understand nearly all the major Indian languages to a certain extent.

I am looking for a job which will utilize my experience in biomedical engineering with a specific focus on bionanotechnology/nanobiotechnology. Also, my homoeopathic medicine background would be ideal for the CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) industry. I am available for project consultancies and management in my areas of expertise.