Hash (cryptography)

In cryptography a hash or message digest is a fixed-size digest which can be calculated from an input text of any size up to some large limit. While cryptographic principles are used, these functions are used in manners quite different than two-way, or even one-way full-text cryptographically protected communications. The primary applications of hashes and message digests are as means of error detection, source authentication, or data integrity protection.
MD4 and descendants
Message Digest algorithm number 4 was from Ron Rivest. It is no longer used, replaced by its descendants. A specification is in RFC 1320.
RFC 1321 gives a specification and RFC 1820 a performance analysis.
This was a European standard.
Other 20th century hashes
The Advanced Hash Standard
In 2005, the US National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) began the process of defining a new hash standard, SHA-3 or the Advanced Hash Standard or just AHS. There is a NIST page with details and links.
The overall process and methodology are similar to what they did for the AES contest, choosing a new cipher standard which became the Advanced Encryption Standard. Starting in 2005, they sponsored two public workshops contest to discuss the state of the hashing art, then issued a draft requirements document and invited public comment. After revising the requirements, they issued a call for submissions in November 2007. The deadline on that was October 31, 2008.
As of early November, the deadline has passed but NIST do not yet have an official of entries received list on their site. Once they do, all the design documents will be public. There is a partial list with links to many design documents at SHA-3 Lounge.
There will be more conferences, then a narrowing of the field to a group of finalists, more analysis and another conference, then a final selection. Target date for completion of the process and release of the new standard is 2012.
From Bruce Schneier and others: [1]
From a team led by Ron Rivest.
From Dan Bernstein, [2]
From Jason Worth Martin [3]
Peter Maxwell [4]
Sean O'Neil [5]
Smile Markovski and Aleksandra Mileva [6]
Robert Jenkins [7]