Discount rate/Tutorials

The present value of future costs and benefits
The present value V of a cost (or benefit) occuring after an interval of t years at a dicount rate of r is given by:
The net present expected value of a future cost (or benefit) that has z possible values is given by calculating the value of in the above equation as:
where is the probability of occurrence of the value
The present value of a series of annual costs and benefits, ocurring after annual intervals 0 to n is given by:
- .
The social time preference rate
The social time preference rate, s, is given by:-
- s = δ + ηg
- δ is the pure time preference rate (otherwise known as the utility discount rate);
- η is the elasticity of marginal utility with respect to consumption; and,
- g is the expected future growth rate of consumption.
Evidence based upon the structure of personal income tax rates in OECD countries suggests that the value of η for most developed countries is close to 1.4 [1].
Estimates for the United Kingdom have ranged from 0.7 t0 1.5.
The UK Treasury Green Book uses
- δ=1.5%, η=1.0, g=2%, yielding s = 3.5%
The Stern review uses
- δ=0.1%, η=1.0, g=2%, yielding s= 2.1%