John Millar

John Millar (June 22, 1715 – May 30, 1801) was a philosopher and historian who was an important part in the Scottish Enlightenment of the 18th century.
Millar was born in the parish of Shotts, in Lanarkshire, Scotland, where his father, James Millar, was minister. His mother was a daughter of Archibald Hamilton of Westburn, Lanarkshire. Millar was taught to read by his uncle, and in 1742 was sent to the grammar school of Hamilton. From 1746 until some time in the 1750s, he studied at the University of Glasgow and during this he was profoundly influenced by the teachings of Adam Smith on Logic and Moral Philosophy. After leaving the University, he was employed as a tutor by Henry Home, Lord Kames, during which time he met David Hume, before becoming an advocate in 1760. In 1761 he was appointed Regius Professor of Civil Law at the Univesity of Glasgow, a position he held until 1800. On becoming Professor, he was also elected to membership of the Literary Society of Glasgow, founded in 1752, where he became one of the leading orators; especially maintaining Hume's theories in opposition to Thomas Reid, who held the Professorship of moral philosophy at Glasgow from 1763 to 1796.
In this period, the University established its reputation as a leading law school. Millar expanded the curriculum, encouraged discussion and debate, and the number of law students rose rapidly. His reputation was further enhanced by the publication of two major works. In his Origin of the Distinction of Ranks in Society (1778), Millar proposed that all social relations, even relations between the genders, are determined by the economic system. Such a view became later known as the economic determinism. His Historical View of the English Government (1787) was one of the most important contemporary history of England, and a milestone in the development of historiography. Millar comparatively drew upon the works of other historians, and emphasized the social and economic bases of political developments and institutions, which strongly differentiated his work from those of many of his precursors.
Millar supported American independence and opposed the slave trade and the war with Revolutionary France.
John Millar had four sons and seven daughters. His eldest son, John, went to the bar, and married the daughter of William Cullen. Another son, James, became Professor of Mathematics at the University in 1796.