Bioelectrical impedance analysis

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Bioelectrical impedance analysis is a technique used in medicine to evaluate the reactance and resistance of a patient's tissues (especially in chronic conditions such as cancer, liver cirrhosis, HIV infection, and in the course of dialysis).[1] When a current is applied to a biological specimen, reactance causes the current to lag behind the voltage, creating a phase shift. When quantified geometrically, this shift is termed a phase angle.

The phase angle reflects the relative contributions of body fluids (resistance) and cell membranes (reactance) of the human body.

As such, BIA has been suggested to be a reliable indicator of body cell mass and nutritional status.


  1. Gupta D, Lammersfeld CA, Burrows JL, et al (December 2004). "Bioelectrical impedance phase angle in clinical practice: implications for prognosis in advanced colorectal cancer". Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 80 (6): 1634–8. PMID 15585779[e]