User:Thomas Mandel/General Systems Theory

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General Systems Theory is the title of a book written by Ludwitg von Bertanffy first published in 1968. [1]It is not, however, a book about a theory. Theory is a translation of the original German Theorie which has a meaning closer to the English word "teaching."[2] We will be using the phrase General Systems THeory (GST) throughout this article because that is how it was translated and used in the English languages.

GST is primarily about general principles of systems which can be applied to all systems regardless of their content. When used in this way, system has a general "philosophical" definition which is defined by Bertalanffy as "elements in standing relationship." (ref) Systems such as a system of arrangement, or as a procedure of how to do a particular task, or even "my system" are not the kinds of systems Bertalanffy talked about. He often referred to organismic systems, essentially those systems which integrate the elements resulting in a new and different whole. This aspect is crucial to understanding integrative systems because the new whole will generally have properties that are not found in the constituent parts. One example is liquid water, made of gases. We do not experience those gases, instead we experience their relationship,e.g., the wetness.


Systems Everywhere

On the History of Systems Theory

The meaning of General Systems Theory

"We may state as characteristic of modern science that the scheme of isolable units acting in one-way causality has proved to be insufficient. Hence the appearance, in all fields of science, of notions like wholeness, holistic, oraganismic, gestalt, etc., which all signify that, in the last resort, we must think in terms of systems of elements in mutual interaction." [3]

To think in terms of elements in mutual interaction requires a different way of thinking. We usually think in terms of objects or things, on the other hand, to think in terms of interactions would be like thinking in terms of what things are doing. It is this different kind of thinking that enables identical principles which can apply to different situations, or to different things. A good example is our own DNA which codes for genes. There are 21 different amino acids each one produced by a different "codon". But the "codon" is made of only four different bases It is not the bases themselves that code for the end product, but the various kinds of relationships among them. From four different "elements" as many as 30.000 different proteins can be translated in a typical organism.

Some System concepts===

Open system

Advances in General Systems Theory

The model of the Open system

Some aspects of System Theory in Biology

The system concept in the Science of Man

General System Theory in Psychology and Psychiatry

Family therapy...

The Relativity of Categories

"The hypothesis offered by Whorf is: "...that the comonly held belief that the cognitive processes of all human beings possess a common logical structure which operates prior to and independantly of ocmmunication through language, is erroneous. It is Whorf's view that the linguistic patterns themselves determine what the individual perceives in this world and how he thinks about it. Since these patterns vary widely, the modes of thinking and perceiving in groups utilizing different linguistic systems will result in different world views, (Fearing, 1954)


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  1. Insert footnote text here
  2. Insert footnote text here
  3. ibid p 45