Applied social sciences

Applied social sciences are those academic social science disciplines, professions and occupations which seek to use basic social science knowledge, particularly from sociology and political science, and to a lesser extent psychology, social psychology and anthropology to make an impact on the daily life of communities, organizations and persons. Some authorities would also include portions of economics, and in particular economic analysis and economic planning as applied social sciences. (Others tend to see economics not as a social but as natural science, more comparable in some respects to physics.)
Social work, public health, urban planning, and public administration may have been the original applied social sciences in the U.S. All arose out of social reform movements of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Community organization, social planning, policy analysis, epidemiology, community medicine, and strategic planning are some of the many related applied social sciences to arise from this base.
Urban planning, like landscape architecture and the much older architecture is concerned with aspects of the human built environment. In each case, applied social science concerns (in particular, the use of social research findings) are intermixed with technical, engineering, aesthetic and other concerns and questions.
The practice of politics is an applied social science only to the extent that political action seeks to apply the insights of political research or theory in practice. The use of survey research techniques in estimating the impact of political campaigns for elected office is one such application in widespread use.
Following the success of Henry Ford and Frederick Taylor with scientific management, a broad spectrum of social science based management approaches arose. During the 1930s, social science research played a fundamental role in the emergence of the human relations approach to management through the work of Elton Mayo and his associates. Later, a vast complex of organizational behavior, organization theory, organization design and other social science approaches to the fundamental problems of organization developed.
Public relations, advertising and marketing are other management- and organization-related disciplines with substantial applied social science knowledge bases at present.
For much of the twentieth century, fundraising was a practice-based profession without a systematic theory base or concern for research support. Since the 1980s, this has been changing as a growing body of social science based research is developing to inform practice.
To some extent, the applied social science categorization can be located on both sides of the Aristotelean distinction between praxis and techne, with some applied social sciences tending more toward the one and others toward the other. Both these practical and technical concerns can be differentiated from theory, also sometimes distinguished from the applied as "basic social science.