Financial economics/Bibliography

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Bagehot, Walter: Lombard Street: A Description of the Money Market Scribner Armster 1874
Bernstein, Peter L: Capital Ideas: the Improbable Origins of Modern Wall Street, Wiley 1992
Blake, David: Financial Market Analysis, McGraw Hill 1990
Bookstaber, Richard: Demon of our own Design: Markets, Hedge Funds and the Perils of Financial Innovation, Wiley 2007
Cassidy, John: Dot.con, Penguin 2002
Malkiel, Burton: A Random Walk Down Wall Street, Norton & Co 2003
Morris, Charles: Billion Dollar Meltdown, Perseus Books 2008
Rodrik, Dani Guns, Drugs, and Financial Markets Project Syndicate April 2008 [1]
Taleb, Nicholas: Fooled by Randomness, Random House 2004
Triana, Pablo: Lecturing Birds on Flying: Can Mathematical Theories Destroy the Financial System?, John Wiley, 2009
Wolf, Martin: Fixing Global Finance, Yale Unniversity Press, 2009