User:Milton Beychok/Sandbox

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Biomass, a source of renewable energy, is biological material such as wood, wood waste, municipal solid waste, straw, sugar cane, algae, and many other byproducts derived from agricultural and forestry production as well as other sources. Since biomass derives from plants generated by solar energy in the photosynthesis process, it can also be defined as the biological material on Earth that has stored solar energy in the chemical bonds of the organic material.

The fossil fuels (coal, petroleum and natural gas) are currently thought to have been formed from prehistoric, ancient biomass buried deeply underground over millions of years of geological time. Therefore, they are not considered to be renewable sources of energy

Production of fuels and other products from biomass

Biomass fuel for electric power production

The direct combustion of biomass for producing heat and electric power provides a ready disposal mechanism for municipal, agricultural, and industrial organic wastes. In 2009, about 11,350 megawatts (MW) of electric power, amounting to 1.1% of the summertime electrical supply in the United States was generated by burning biomass that included: wood, wood waste, municipal solid waste (MSW), landfill gas, and agricultural byproducts and waste.[1]

The New Hope Power Partnership in Florida is the largest biomass power plant in North America. It generates 140 MW of power using uses sugar cane fiber (bagasse) and recycled wood as fuel.[2] It has been in operation for more than 10 years.

Production of liquid transportation fuels

There are several processes available for converting the chemical energy contained in biomass into liquid automotive transport fuels such as biodiesel and ethanol.

Ethanol fuel:

Ethanol fuel is ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH) and it is most often used as an automotive motor fuel, mainly as an additive for gasoline. Ethanol can be produced by fermentation of sugar cane, bagasse, sugar beets, barley, potatoes, corn and many other grains as well as many agricultural byproducts and wastes.

The worldwide production of ethanol for automotive fuel in 2007 was 52,000,000,000 litres. From 2007 to 2008, the share of ethanol in global gasoline use increased from 3.7% to 5.4%.[3] In 2009, worldwide ethanol fuel production reached 73,900,000,000 litres (19,500,000,000 gallons) and was expected to reach 85,900,000,000 litres in 2010.[4]

Ethanol fuel is widely used in Brazil and in the United States, and together both countries were responsible for about 86 percent of the world's ethanol fuel production in 2009.[5]

Biodiesel fuel:

Biodiesel refers to a diesel fuel produced by chemically reacting lipids such as vegetable oils or animal fats with an alcohol such as methyl alcohol (CH3OH). The resulting biodiesel consists of esters of long-chain fatty acids. The process is known as "transesterification" and it may be carried out by several methods: the common batch process, supercritical processes and ultrasonic methods.

In 2009, the worldwide production of biodiesel was 17,900,000,000 litres. The three countries with the largest annual biodiesel production were Germany (16%), France (12%) and the United States (11%).[6]

Biomass gasification to produce syngas

Gasification is a process that reacts carbon-containing materials (such as coal or biomass) at high temperatures with air, or pure oxygen (O2), and steam to produce a mixture of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2) commonly called syngas (a contraction of synthesis gas). It has been in use since the early 1800s when coal and peat were gasified to produce what was then called town gas for lighting and cooking ... later to be replace by electricity and natural gas.

The syngas may be directly burned as a fuel, converted into methanol or hydrogen, subjected to methanation to produce synthetic natural gas (SNG), or converted into synthetic liquid hydrocarbons via the Fischer-Tropsch process.

The vessel in which the gasification process takes place is called a gasifier. There are four types of gasifiers in current use:

  • Counter-current fixed bed gasifier: This gasifier is a vertical, cylindrical vessel containing a bed of carbon-containing material (e.g., coal or biomass) through which steam and/or air flows upward. Although commonly referred to as a fixed bed gasifier, the crushed coal or biomass is fed into the the gasifier through a lock hopper mounted on top of the gasifier and the coal slowly moves downward as it is converted into gas, which is removed from the upper portion of the gasifier, and ash or slag removed from the bottom of the gasifier.[7][8][9][10]
  • Co-current fixed bed gasifier: This gasifier is also a vertical cylindrical vessel, similar to the counter-current type except that the steam and/or air flows downward co-current with the slowly moving coal.[7][11]

Fischer-Tropsch synthesis of liquid hydrocarbons


  1. U.S. Electric Net Summer Capacity U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), part of the U.S. Department of Energy
  2. Agriculture & Renewable Energy: The Partnership for a New Frontier Florida Power Service Commission (FPSC) Workshop, July 26, 2007.
  3. Assessing Biofuels (2009) From the website of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
  4. Global ethanol production to reach 85.9 billion litres (22.7 billion gallons) in 2010 March 22, 2010. From the website of the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA).
  5. Ethanol Industry Statistics 2009 World Fuel Ethanol Production from the website of the Renewable Fuels Association.
  6. Production of biofuels in the world in 2009 August 30, 2010. From the website of the Biofuels Platform published in Switzerland.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Generic gasifier modelling: Evaluating model by gasifier type J.P. Visagie (October 2008), Master's dissertation, University of Pretoria, South Africa
  8. M.R. Beychok (March 1974). "Coal gasification for clean energy". Energy Pipelines and Systems.
  9. M.R. Beychok (September 1974), "Coal gasification and the Phenosolvan process", American Chemical Society 168th National Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey
  10. M.R. Beychok (May 1975), "Process and environmental technology for producing SNG and liquid fuels", U.S. EPA report EPA-660/2-75-011.
  11. Gasification and solid waste -- Potential and application of co-current moving bed gasifiers M.J. Groeneveld and W.P.M. Van Swaaij, Twente University of Technology, The Netherlands.