Evidence-based medicine/External Links
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- Please sort and annotate in a user-friendly manner and consider archiving the URLs behind the links you provide. See also related web sources.
- ACC.org - 'What Is Evidence-Based Medicine?' American College of Cardiology
- AHRQ.gov - 'U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)', Agency for Health Care Research and Quality
- BEEMCourse.com - 'The Best Evidence In Emergency Medicine (BEEM) Team' Group based out of McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) that actively reviews the best emerging evidence based research in emergency medicine.
- BMJ.com - 'Evidence based medicine: what it is and what it isn't: It's about integrating individual clinical expertise and the best external evidence', (editorial) British Medical Journal, vol 312, p 71-72 (January 13, 1996)
- BMJ.com - 'Evidence based medicine: Socratic dissent', (Education and debate) British Medical Journal, vol 310, p 1126-1127 (April 29, 1995)
- CEBM.net - Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (UK)
- CMAJ.ca - 'Evidence-based medicine: a commentary on common criticisms', Dr. Sharon E. Straus, Dr. Finlay A. McAlister, Canadian Medical Association Journal, Vol 163, No 7, pp 837 - 841 (October 3, 2000)
- Cochrane.org - 'The Cochrane Collaboration: The reliable source for evidence in healthcare' (systematic reviews of the effects of health care interventions), Cochrane Library
- EBOnCall.org - 'Evidence compendia' (evidence-based summaries of 38 on-call medical conditions), Evidence-Based On-Call (EBOC)
- Evidence-based medicine, What is ? - The What is...? series explains the key concepts in a clear, concise and accessible format.
- GPNoteBook.co.uk - 'Evidence-based medicine (EBM)', General Practice Notebook
- HERTS.ac.uk - Evidence-Based Medicine', University of Hertfordshire
- JournalReview.org - 'An unbiased forum for review of the medical literature', An On-Line journal club
- JR2.ox.ac.uk - 'Bandolier: Evidence-based thinking about health care', Bandolier (journal)
- medlib.bu.edu = 'Introduction to Evidence-Based Medicine' Boston University Medical Center Library
- MJA.com.au - 'Evidence-based medicine: useful tools for decision making', Jonathan C. Craig, Les M. Irwig, Martin R. Stockler, Medical Journal of Australia, vol 174, p 248-253 (2001)
- SHEF.ac.uk - 'Netting the Evidence: A ScHARR Introduction to Evidence Based Practice on the Internet' (resource directory), University of Sheffield
- TRIP Database - 'TRIP Database - EBM search engine' (resource directory), TRIP Knowledge Service
- BMJ.BMJjournals.com - 'Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma related to gravitational challenge: systematic review of randomised controlled trials', Gordon C S Smith, Jill P Pell, British Medical Journal, Vol 327, pp 1459-1461 (20 December, 2003) (An entertaining study showing that situations still exist where RCTs are unnecessary.)
- Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
- Centre for Evidence-Based Child Health
- Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine
- Bandolier - Evidence-Based Healthcare
- Berkeley Systematic Reviews Group
- [http://www.nettingtheevidence.org.uk The ScHARR Guide,
A guide to evidence-based practice on the Internet]
Compendium of clinical evidence, produced by the BMJ,
- National Health Service (UK) - Health Technology Assessment
- The James Lind Library formerly 'Controlled Trials from History', this is a joint project of the UK Cochrane Centre and the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
- Society for Clinical Trials