Electron orbital

In quantum chemistry, an electron orbital (or more often just orbital) is a synonym for a quadratically integrable one-electron wave function.
Types of orbitals
Several kinds of orbitals can be distinguished. The first is the atomic orbital (AO). This is a function depending on a single 3-dimensional vector rA1, which is a vector pointing from point A to electron 1. Generally there is a nucleus at A.[1] The following notation for an AO is frequently used,
but other notations can be found in the literature. Sometimes the center A is added as an index: χA i. We say that χA i (or, as the case may be, χ i) is centered at A. In numerical computations AOs are either taken as Slater type orbitals (STOs) or Gaussian type orbitals (GTOs). Hydrogen-like orbitals are rarely used.
The second kind of orbital is the molecular orbital (MO). Such a one-electron function depends on several vectors: rA1, rB1, rC1, ... where A, B, C, ... are different points in space (usually nuclear positions). The oldest example of an MO (without use of the name MO yet) is in the work of Burrau (1927) on the single-electron ion H2+. Burrau introduced spheroidal coordinates (a bipolar coordinate system) to describe the wavefunction of the electron of H2+. Lennard-Jones (1929) introduced the following linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) way of writing an MO φ:
where A runs over Nnuc different points in space (usually A runs over all the nuclei of a molecule, hence the name molecular orbital), and i runs over the nA different AOs centered at A. The complex coefficients c iA can be calculated by any of the existing effective one-electron quantum chemical methods. Examples of such methods are the Hückel method and the Hartree-Fock method.
The AOs and MOs defined so far depend only on the spatial coordinate rA1 of electron 1. In addition, an electron has a spin coordinate μ, which can have two values: spin-up or spin-down. A complete set of functions of μ consists of two functions only, traditionally these are denoted by α(μ) and β(μ). These functions are eigenfunctions of the z-component sz of the spin angular momentum operator. The most general spin atomic orbital of electron 1 is of the form
which in general is not an eigenfunction of sz. More common is the use of
which are eigenfunctions of sz. Since it is rare that different AOs are used for spin-up and spin-down electrons, we dropped the superscripts + and −. A spin molecular orbital is usually either
Here the superscripts + and − might be necessary, because some quantum chemical methods distinguish the spatial parts of the different spins. These are the so-called different orbitals for different spins (DODS) methods. However, the majority of quantum chemical methods apply the spin-restriction
The term orbit is an old word (1548), initially indicating the path of the moon and later the paths of other heavenly bodies as well. The adjective "orbital" had the meaning "relating to an orbit". When Ernest Rutherford in 1911 postulated his planetary model of the atom (the nucleus as the sun, and the electrons as the planets) it was natural to call the paths of the electrons "orbits". Bohr used this word as well. However, after Schödinger had solved his wave equation for the hydrogen atom (see this article for details), it became clear that the electronic "orbits" did not resemble orbits at all. The wave functions of the hydrogen electron are time-independent and smeared out. They are more like clouds than like planetary orbits. As a matter of fact, their angular parts are spherical harmonics and hence they share their appearance with these functions (see this article for a few illustrations).
In the 1920s electron spin was discovered, where upon the adjective "orbital" started to be used in the meaning of "non-spin", that is, as a synonym of "spatial". In the papers of around 1930 one finds discussions about "orbital degeneracy", meaning that the spatial (non-spin) parts of several one-electron wave functions have the same energy. Also the terms orbital- and spin-angular momentum date form these days.
In 1932 Mulliken[2] coined the noun "orbital". He wrote: From here on, one-electron orbital wave functions will be referred to for brevity as orbitals, and he distinguished atomic orbitals and molecular orbitals.
(To be continued)