Light hour
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The light hour is the distance that the light travels in vacuum in one hour and so is a unit of distance.
Similar units are the light second, light minute, light day, light week, light month, light year.
Numerical value
As opposed to the light year, whose value more or less depends on the definition of year, the value of the light hour is defined exactly.
- velocity of light in vacuum: 299,792,458 m/s [1] (meters/second)
- 1 hour = 60 minutes = 3600 seconds
- 1 light hour = 1,079,252,848,800 m = 1.0792528 * 1012m
Comparison to other Units
- 1 AU = 0.14 light hours
- 1 light hour = 1,079,252,848.800 km
- 1 light hour = 638,481,190.100 mi[2]
- 1 light hour = 3,540,855,803,149.606 ft[3] = 3.5408558 * 10<sump>12 ft
- 1 light hour = 1,180,285,267,716.535 yd [4] = 1.1802853 * 1012 yd
Distances in Light hours[5]
- the maximum distance between sun and Merkur is about 57.9 Mio km or 0.05 light hours
- the maximum distance between sun and Venus is about 108.2 Mio km or 0.10 light hours
- the maximum distance between sun and earth is about 149.6 Mio km or 0.14 light hours
- the maximum distance between sun and Mars is about 227.9 Mio km or 0.21 light hours
- the maximum distance between sun and Jupiter is about 778 Mio km or 0.72 light hours
- the maximum distance between sun and Saturn is about 1427 Mio km or 1.32 light hours
- the maximum distance between sun and Uranus is about 2870 Mio km or 2.66 light hours
- the maximum distance between sun and Neptun is about 4496 Mio km or 4.17 light hours
- the maximum distance between sun and Pluto is about 5946 Mio km or 5.51 light hours
- the maximum distance between sun and Sedna[6] is about 133,593 Mio km or 123.5 light hours