British and American English: Difference between revisions

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imported>Caesar Schinas
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imported>Ro Thorpe
(→‎Usage: 'bacterias' & 'bacterium')
Line 399: Line 399:
* In British, the 'first floor' is the first floor up, that is, above the ground floor, which is at street level. In American 'ground floor' may occasionally be used that way, but is more often figurative ('I got in on the ground floor', that is, at the beginning); it is the first floor that is at street level.
* In British, the 'first floor' is the first floor up, that is, above the ground floor, which is at street level. In American 'ground floor' may occasionally be used that way, but is more often figurative ('I got in on the ground floor', that is, at the beginning); it is the first floor that is at street level.
* British English introduces a motion by tabling it; American postpones discussion by tabling it (that is, shelving it).
* British English introduces a motion by tabling it; American postpones discussion by tabling it (that is, shelving it).
* In British, 'bacteria' are plural (of 'bacterium'); in American, 'bacterias'...


Revision as of 17:21, 23 June 2009

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Between British English and American English there are numerous differences in the areas of vocabulary, spelling, and phonology. This article compares the forms of British and American speech normally studied by foreigners: the former includes the accent known as Received Pronunciation, or RP; the latter uses Midland American English, which is normally perceived to be the least marked American dialect. Actual speech by educated British and American speakers is more varied, and that of uneducated speakers still more. Grammatical and lexical differences between British and American English are, for the most part, common to all dialects, but there are many regional differences in pronunciation, vocabulary, usage and slang, some subtle, some glaring, some rendering a sentence incomprehensible to a speaker of another variant.

American and British English both diverged from a common ancestor, and the evolution of each language is tied to social and cultural factors in each land. Cultural factors can affect one's understanding and enjoyment of language; consider the effect that slang and double entendre have on humour. A joke is simply not funny if the pun upon which it is based can't be understood because the word, expression or cultural icon upon which it is based does not exist in one's variant of English.

But it is not only humour that is affected. Items of cultural relevance change the way English is expressed locally. A person can say "I was late, so I Akii-Bua'd (from John Akii-Bua, Ugandan hurdler) and be understood all over East Africa, but receive blank stares in Australia. Even if the meaning is guessed from context, the nuance is not grasped; there is no resonance of understanding. English is a flexible and quickly-evolving language; it simply absorbs and includes words and expressions for which there is no current English equivalent; these become part of the regional English. American English has hundreds of loan words acquired from its immigrants: these can eventually find their way into widespread use, (spaghetti, mañana), or they can be restricted to the areas in which immigrant populations live. So there can be variances between the English spoken in New York City, Chicago, and San Francisco. Thanks to Asian immigration, a working-class Londoner asks for a cuppa cha and receives the tea he requested. This would probably be understood in Kampala and New Delhi as well, but not necessarily in Boise, Idaho.

Cultural exchange also has an impact on language. For example, it is possible to see a certain amount of Americanization in the British English of the last 50 years. This influence is not entirely one-directional, though, as, for instance, the previously British English 'flat' for 'apartment' has gained in usage among American twenty-somethings. Similarly the American pronunciation of 'aunt' has changed during the last two decades, and it is considered classier to pronounce 'aunt' in the Commonwealth manner, even for speakers who continue to rhyme 'can't' and 'shan't' with 'ant'. Australian English is based on the language of the Commonwealth, but has also blended indigenous, immigrant and American imports.

Applying these same phenomena to the rest of the English-speaking world, and it becomes clear that though the "official" differences between Commonwealth and American English can be more or less delineated, the English language can still vary greatly from place to place.


British American
abseil rappel
anticlockwise counterclockwise
aubergine egg plant
autumn fall, autumn
barrister [courtroom representation] lawyer
beetroot beet
behove behoove
bill [invoice] bill, check
bonnet [of a car] hood
boot [of a car] trunk
braces [attached to trousers] suspenders
brackets (round brackets; but called parentheses in the printing and publishing trades) parentheses
break [school] recess
caravan trailer[1]
car-park parking lot
chemist drugstore
chips (chipped potatoes) fries, French fries [2]
cinema movie theater
claret Bordeaux (wine)
cockerel, cock rooster
coffin coffin, casket [death]
cool-box cooler
cornflour cornstarch
cotton [sewing], thread thread
courgette zucchini
crisps (potato crisps) chips (potato chips)
crossroads, junction intersection
curriculum vitae (CV) résumé
curtains drapes, draperies, curtains
dishcloth, tea towel dishcloth, dishrag
draughts [board game] checkers
drawing room [mostly obsolete: class connotations], sitting room, living room living room
dual carriageway divided highway, freeway, Interstate
dumb[3] mute
dustbin trash can, garbage can
dustman garbage collector, garbageman
eiderdown comforter
estate agent real estate agent, realtor
estate car, estate wagon station wagon
film movie [4]
fire engine fire truck
flat flat, apartment[5]
fortnight, two weeks two weeks
fortnightly bi-weekly
football (Association football), soccer soccer
foyer lobby
full stop period
gammon ham, smoked ham, bacon
garden yard
give way [road sign] yield
grill broil
guard’s van caboose
High Street[6] Main Street
hire rent
hock Rhine wine (white)
holiday vacation
hoover, vacuum, vacuum cleaner vacuum cleaner
icebox, freezer freezer
imperial (measurement system) English, US Common
ironmonger, ironmongery hardware dealer, hardware store, hardware
knickers panties
lift elevator
lend loan (as a verb)
lorry[7] truck
main subject [in education] major
maize corn [one type]
make redundant lay off
marrow squash
maths math
motorway Interstate, divided highway, freeway
mud guard fender [of a bike]
nappy diaper
note [cash] bill
nought,[8] zero cipher, zero
noughts and crosses tic-tac-toe
off-licence liquor store
pants, underpants underwear, underpants
pavement sidewalk
petrol(eum) gasoline, gas
plane (aeroplane) plane (airplane)
plaster (sticking plaster) Band-Aid™, adhesive bandage
primary school elementary school
queue, queue up stand in line, wait in line
railway railroad, railway
rise [pay] raise
road road, pavement
rubber[9] eraser
rubbish trash, garbage
rug blanket
rusticated, sent down, expelled, excluded expelled, kicked out (of school)
sacked fired
saloon [car] sedan
silencer [car] muffler
skip dumpster
solicitor [mainly deskwork; cf barrister] lawyer
spanner wrench
subsidiary subject, secondary subject [in education] minor
subway pedestrian tunnel
swede, turnip [vegetable] turnip, rutabaga [depending on region]
sweets candy
sweetshop candy store
tap [water] tap, faucet
tarmac(adam) tar
tea [sometimes] supper, dinner
tick check [verb], checkmark [noun]
tiffin[10] lunch, luncheon
timber lumber
tin can
tomato sauce, ketchup ketchup[11]
torch [with a battery] flashlight
trainers sneakers
treacle molasses
trousers trousers, pants
underground (railway) subway
vest undershirt
waistcoat vest
wallet pocket-book
windscreen windshield
wing fender [of a car]
wood louse pill bug
year, form[12] [school] grade[13]
zed zee


  • The expression 'I guess', meaning 'I think', common in American English, is not used in British English.[14]
  • In British, one goes 'to hospital' or 'to university'; in American, one goes 'to the hospital' or 'to the university'. However, one goes 'to college' in both.
  • American English generally prefers the singular for collective nouns: 'the government is considering' where British has 'the government are...' Thus, while 'the United States is topping the medals table', 'England are losing another Test Match'.
  • Toss and flip: in British English, one tosses a coin, but in American, it is usually flipped.
  • In British, an ass (rarely used nowadays) is a donkey or a fool; in American it is used instead of 'arse'.
  • In British, mad means crazy; in American angry.
  • In British, to wash up, or to do the washing up, is to do the dishes; in American however it is to wash oneself, where British English would say to wash one's face or have a wash.
  • What Americans call public schools are in Britain 'state schools', because 'public school' is the British term for a non-profit-making independent school, of which Eton is the most famous example.
  • 'Uptown' and 'downtown' are not widely used outside America. In British English, the former is rendered variously as 'in the suburbs' or 'on the outskirts', 'suburban' or 'residential', whichever is most appropriate. 'Down town' (two words) means to or in the city or town centre.
  • American English usually omits the 'and' in numerals: 'two thousand eight', where BrE has 'two thousand and eight'.
  • British English has 'UK' and 'US', American English 'U.S.' and 'U.K.'
  • A frying-pan can also be called a fry-pan or a skillet in American English.
  • In British, 'sport' is used as an uncountable noun where Americans talk of 'sports'.
  • In British, the 'first floor' is the first floor up, that is, above the ground floor, which is at street level. In American 'ground floor' may occasionally be used that way, but is more often figurative ('I got in on the ground floor', that is, at the beginning); it is the first floor that is at street level.
  • British English introduces a motion by tabling it; American postpones discussion by tabling it (that is, shelving it).
  • In British, 'bacteria' are plural (of 'bacterium'); in American, 'bacterias'...


There are a number of spelling differences, some systemic (most notably in suffixes), and others in individual words.


The most striking differences between the spelling of American English and British English are in these suffixes (the accents, which are not used in English, show stress and pronunciation: see English spellings for a table and English phonemes for a comparison with the International Phonetic Alphabet):

British - American -
-ence[15] defénce -ense defénse
lîcence noun[16] lîcense
offénce offénse[17]
l + l + suffix dîalling -l + suffix dîaling
trávelled tráveled
màrvellous màrvelous[18]
-l fulfíl -ll fulfíll
enrôl enrôll
instål inståll
instíl instíll
-ógue[19] cátalogue -óg cátalog
dîalogue dîalog
-our clámour -or clámor
còlour còlor
fâvour fâvor
flâvour flâvor
harbour harbor
hónour hónor
lâbour lâbor
ráncour ráncor
(Many words, however, have -or in both: dóctor, asséssor, sqùalor.)
-p + suffix kídnapping -pp + suffix kídnáping
wörshípped wörshíped
-re céntre[20] -er cénter
mêtre length mêter
manoeûvre maneûver (also no o)
ôchre (ch as k) ôcher (ch as k)
scéptre scépter
thêatre thêater
(But in both, mêter machine, not distance, eûchre *yûker)
-tt + suffix carburétted -t + suffix carburéted

-ise and -ize

Spellings with -ise are common in British English, but -ize has been for centuries the standard spelling of Oxford University Press (in contrast to Cambridge UP which uses either form at the option of the author) and there is some evidence to suggest that the -ise variant predominated in the UK only after 1945; thus, a spelling such as rêalize is not a good example of an 'American' spelling. The typical 'British' spelling reflects the French spelling from which these words were borrowed, though many originally came from Greek -ιζειν (-izein, with a zeta) via Latin. Some words, such as ádvertise, can supposedly only be spelt with -s- regardless of which side of the Atlantic they are used; however, spellings such as ádvertize are readily found nowadays.

ae and oe become e

In Latin and Greek words where British has ae or oe, American English usually has a solitary e: aesthétic is esthétic and foêtus fêtus.

Other spellings

Other individual spelling variations are:

British American
ádze ádz
alumínium alûminum[21]
ánalyse ánalyze
áxe áx
chéque money chéck all meanings
chéquered chéckered
connéxion, connéction connéction only (cf. compléxion in both)
côsy côzy
diaéresis (both *dî-érisis) diéresis
dràught cold, net, liquids, game, horse dráft all meanings
ër üh
fíllet fílet
furŏrê fûrŏr[22]
grèy grây
jeŵellery jeŵelry
júdgement or júdgment júdgment only
largésse *larzhéss can also be largéss
môuld môld
moustàche mústache[23]
múm mother móm[24]
ómelette ómelet
páralyse páralyze
plòugh plòw
práctíse verb (British English noun is práctíce) práctíce: American English uses only práctíce, reflecting the pronunciation (not -î-).
prôgramme arts[25] prógram
pyjàmas pajàmas
refléxion, refléction refléction only (cf. compléxion in both)
roûble rûble
scéptical sképtical[26]
skílful skíllful
súlphur, súlphate, súlphide súlfur, súlfate, súlfide
tŷre car tîre car, tired
wílful wíllful

Also: dôve is an American alternative to dîved as past tense of dîve, with the same spelling as the bird dòve; matinée (pronounced mátinèe) can have a written é accent in British English but no accent in American English.

The spelling dísc is preferred in Britain, except for computer disks, which are often spelt thus, while American prefers dísk, mainly confining the -c spelling to musical recordings. [1]

Initial capital letters

Champâgne *shám-pâin and Cointreau *quàn-trô have initial capitals in American English, as they are proprietary names; in British they both normally begin with a lower-case letter.


The pronunciations discussed here are standard British (also called Received Pronunciation), which is associated with London and the Home Counties, and General American, heard in much of the United States and Canada.

Postvocalic r

Most strikingly, ‘postvocalic’ r, that is to say r after a vowel and in the same syllable, is silent in British English (thus merely marking the tense vowel, e.g. càrd, *càd, versus cád) but is pronounced in American English, in words like fàrm, càrve, cürve, swërve, fïrst, nŏrth, cŏrd, bïrth, ëarth. For some speakers of both, it is heard finally before a vowel in the next word: Mŷ càr ísn't réady (*rízzent) and even an invisible 'r' can be heard: relâtions betwêen Chîna(r)and Rússia; this however is less common in British English than it used to be.

In American English an r between two vowels can have an effect on the first vowel: márry can sound to British ears like Mãry; the e in véry can sound like a stressed schwa.

British English has -ór- before a vowel but American English always has -ŏr-: British English órifice, órigin, fóreign, American English ŏrifice, ŏrigin, fŏreign. So móral can in American English sound to British ears like *mŏrrl.

British English úr is American English ür: British English coúrage, cúrrency American English coürage, cürrency, and British English òr is similarly altered: British English wòrry, American wörry.

à versus á

British English à is very often in American English a long á: cán’t, lást, fást, hálf, ráther, láther. But not in fàther, Coloràdo, Chicàgo (Sh-), pajàmas (British English pyjàmas) nor before r: fàrm, stàrve nor before -lm: càlm, pàlm, bàlm. And in some place names where British English has á, à is preferred by many Americans: one hears Milàn, Vietnàm, Ugànda, Srì Lànka and Ànkara, where BrE has Milán, etc.

-ary, ory and -ony

The suffix -ary has a silent a in traditional British English, but in American English it sounds like an é: díctionãry, vocábulãry (*dícshənéry, vəcábyəléry). Indeed, featuring as it does in so much in pop music, the American English sound has become increasingly common in British English, and this is also the sound of both varieties in the equivalent adverbs: necessãrily (*néssəssérily).

Similarly in British English labóratory American English láboratŏry one o is stressed, rendering the other redundant: British English *labóratry, American English *lábratŏry. Similarly American cátegŏry, perémptŏry, stâtionéry and mónastéry; and also céremôny, álimôny and ácrimôny where British English has silence or schwa for o or e.

However, both varieties have a schwa or no sound for the a when the preceding syllable is the stressed one: suppleméntary (*súpləméntəry), compliméntary (*compləméntəry), but there is a difference where there is an o: AmE perémptŏry, BrE *perémptəry.

Short o

The [ɒ] (ó) vowel in British English hót does not exist for the vast majority of American English speakers, as it developed following the establishment of colonies in the New World (Australians do use it, since Australia was colonised later). American English may employ a variety of vowels in this position, depending on the phonological context and the speaker's regional background - [ɔ], [ɑ] or others in roughly the same area of the mouth, low and towards the back. They also make distinctions through the use of r, which for British English speakers are homophonous: cŏurt and cåught both use [ɔː], whereas American English speakers pronounce the r in the former: [kɔɹt] and [kɔt], for example. So also, American hót sounds like British heàrt, American póssible like British pàssable.

Short u and its o grapheme

The [ʌ] (ú) vowel in British English hút does not exist in American English: a stressed schwa is used instead, as it is also when the spelling is o, as in òther.


In words beginning wh- (apart from who, which is pronounced *hoô in both varieties) the h is ignored in British English but sounded before the w in American English, so that whén and whístle are pronounced *hwén and *hwíssle.


The suffix -île in British English is usually schwa in American English so that vólatîle is pronounced *vólatle, stérîle *stérral, frágîle *frájle and míssîle projectile *míssle, exactly like míssal prayers.


The suffix -dûce, as in redûce, indûce, prodûce verb and próduce noun is -dyoôss or -joôss in British English but can also be -doôss in American English.


In three words from French with the suffix -age, where British English has an anglicised version, American English prefers to keep the French model, so á in the first syllable cedes its stress to the suffix (this is not to be confused with the cockney pronunciation of, for example, gárage as *garridge):

British American
bárràge (-àzh) barràge (*bəràzh)
gáràge (-àzh) garàge (*gəràzh)
mássàge (-àzh) massàge (*məssàzh)

-t- and -d- between vowels

In American English -t- and -d- between vowels, of which the first vowel is stressed, are voiced and sound like -d-, though actually the sound is a [ɾ] (a 'tap' or 'flap', i.e. a very rapid contact just behind the top front teeth): lâter *lâ[ɾ]er, bútter *bú[ɾ]er, líttle *lí[ɾ]le, shoôting *shoô[ɾ]ing; British English speakers keep these as -t- or -d-. In American English twénty, the -t- blends with the -n- and disappears altogether. The 'flap' often appears as the Scottish English pronunciation of /r/. British English speakers often partially or completely 'glottalise' -t- where American English speakers produce a flap. This glottal stop [ʔ] is common in London English, for example: *bú[ʔ]er for bútter. It also often replaces /t/ at the end of a syllable: *ca[ʔ] for cát. The glottal stop, which is formed by the vocal cords briefly coming together to restrict airflow, is not a phoneme of English and so speakers will usually identify it as a variant of -t-.


This ending has two pronunciations in American English: in words such as American English 'masseûse, the final e can also be sounded: chanteûsê. British English has only the French-style massëuse, rhyming with the masculine plural form massëurs.


When preceded by an unstressed syllable, this ending has a secondary stress on the â in American, which is schwa in British, so American authŏritâtive is British authóritative, with a schwa, -tət-, and likewise British méditative is American méditâtive.

Other pronunciations

Other individual differences are as follows (= means that the pronunciation is the same):

British American
accòmplice accómplice
accòmplish accómplish
addréss áddress
ádult adúlt
advërtísement ádvertîsement (cf. ádvertise in both)
aesthétic, ís- aesthétic, esthétic, és-
alumínium alûminum (different spelling, too)
Al-Qàêda (-Kŷda, or stress on ê) Al-Qâeda
ámateur (eur as schwa: ámətə) ámateur also; or various more phonetic variants, typically ámateûr (*ámatyure)
ámbergrìs ámbergrís
amen *à-mén *â-mén
amênity amênity or aménity
ántì- ántî-
ápparâtus (either stressed) apparátus
áristocrat arístocrat
ásthma (*ássma) *ázma
àunt áunt uncle (= ánt insect)
authóritative authŏritâtive
*ávalànsh ávalánche
Baghdád Bághdad
báton batón
behôve behoôve (different spelling, too)
Bërnard Bernàrd, generally, although not always[27]
bêta bèta
bòrough (*búrə) bòrôugh town (= búrrow ground)
càdre (-der) càdrè
cándidate (-ət) cándidâte
capíllary (kəp-) cápillãry
Caribbêan (*Cárri-bêən) Caríbbêan (-bêən)
Cécil (*Séssle) Cêcil (*Sêazle)
cérebral cerêbral
chágrín (sh-) chagrìn (*shəgrêen)
chámois (*shámwà) chámois (*shámmy)
charàde (sh-) charâde (sh-)
cigarétte cígarette
clìchè clichè (where the American is closer to the French; the French accent may be written: cliché)
cómplex compléx (adjective: noun is as British)
cómbatant combátant
cómrâde cómráde
córrugate cörrugate
coyôtê *kîôte
dâta dáta
Dâvíes (= Dâvis) Dâvìês (-êez)
débris (*débrêe or dâybrêe) *dəbrêe; the French accent may be written: débris
depot American English dêpo, British English déppo
derby (à) dërby
defénce dêfense (this pronunciation is for sport only, but always the different spelling)
dêtail detâil
dôcîle dócile (*dóssle)
dýnasty dŷnasty
económic, -al, -s (ê-) (é-)
Edinburgh (-brə) (-bórô)
eîther êither
entreprenëur entrepreneûr (both ón-)
êra éra (= British English érror)
erâse (-z) erâse (-s)
ërr érr (= American English ãir)
évidently evidéntly
explêtive éxpletive
fâkír *fəkír
fålcon fálcon
fígure (*fígə) (can be *fígyùr)
fíllet rhymes with bíllet, t pronounced *filây (after French)
furŏrê fûror (different spelling, too)
gàla gâla
génuíne génuîne
gêyser water (= gêezer man) geŷser
grimâce grímace
hárass haráss
hegémony (híg-) hégemôny (héj-)
hërb *ërb
hygiênic hygiénic
húrricane (a as schwa: -cən) hürricâne
ídyll idyllic îdyll = îdle lazy = îdol god
improvisâtion (o as schwa, -əvî-) improvisâtion (-óví-)
inquîry = enquîry ínquiry = enquiry (*ínkwəry)
îron (*îən) (*îrən or *îərn)
jágûar (*jágyûə) jáguàr (*jágwàr)
kílomêtre kilómeter (different spelling, too)
Kósovo Kôsovo
labóratory láboratŏry
Lébanon (-ən) Lébanón
léisure lêisure
lêver léver
lieuténant (léft-) (lût-)
massëuse (after French) masseûse
Maurice (= Mórris) Maurìce (*Mərìs, after French)
mãyor town (= mãre horse) mâyor
médicine (*médsən) (*médísən)
mêthane méthane
moôg *môag *môgue (can be capital M in both)
Móscôw can be Móscòw
moustàche (*məstàsh) mústache (*mústásh, also different spelling)
múltì- múltî-
Mùslim Múslim
nåusea (-zìə) (-shə)
neîther nêither
nónchalant (ch as sh) *nonshalàn
óccult occúlt
offénce óffense (sport only, but always)
paêdo- pédo- (different spelling, too)
páprika paprìka
partisán (-zán) pàrtisan (-zən)
pâtent pátent
pátronize, -ise pâtronize, -ise
penchant (*pànshàn) pénchant
përfume perfûme
prêdecessor prédecessor
prémier government premìêr (= premìêre)
prémiére performance premìêre (= premìêr)
prívacy prîvacy (but prîvate in both)
prôcess prócess
prôgress noun prógress noun: progréss verb in both
Pûerto Rìco (Pŏr-) Puérto Rìco (Pwãir-)
qùadruplet (second u as schwa) quadrûplet (similarly with quínt- etc.)
râbid rábid
récŏrd noun (rhyming with cŏrd) récord (o as schwa: -kərd)
renâissànce rénaissànce
resëarch rêsëarch
resŏurce rêsource
réspîte réspíte
roûte journey (= roôt plant) ròute (= ròut victory)
sálon salón
sándwich (-ídge) (-ích)
scenàrio scenãrio, scenário
schédule (shé-) (ské-)
simultâneous (sí-) (sî-)
spínach (-ídge) (-ích)
stâtus státus
stràta strâta (= British English strâighter)
stràtum strâtum
thòrough (*thúrə) thòrôugh
tomàto tomâto [cf. potâto in both, ‘potàto’ being an invention of Cole Porter]
tŏurnament toürnament
tŏurniquet (-nikây) toürniquet (-nikít)
ván Gógh (*Góff = Góugh) ván Gôgh (= gô come)
vàse (*vàhz) vâse (*vâce, rhyming with báse, or *vâze, rhyming with hâze)
vërmouth vermoûth
vërsion (-sh-) vërsion (-zh-)
vítamin vîtamin
wåltz (-lss) wåltz as spelt
yógurt yôgurt


  1. Only with the meaning 'towed dwelling'; otherwise 'caravan' is used in American English.
  2. Though strictly speaking, these are not quite the same thing, British chips being broader than French (i.e. American) fries.
  3. Meaning 'stupid' (German 'dumm'), in American English, and increasingly giving way in British, as 'deaf and dumb' is to 'deaf mute'.
  4. ‘Movie’ is nowadays normal in British English when discussing Hollywood.
  5. Increasingly heard in British English; in San Francisco, California, at least, a city of small, shared buildings, both "flat" and "apartment" are used, mostly interchangeably. Purists, however, distinguish between the two: an "apartment" is in a building that has a shared main entrance; a "flat" has its own outside entrance door.
  6. In a sentence, High Street requires a definite article: in the High Street, cf. on Main Street. One can also put the name of the town before it, unlike with Main Street: Bromley High Street.
  7. British trucks are traditionally small, and pulled, typically on rails.
  8. Pronounced exactly like 'naught', which means 'nothing' in a few phrases: 'I shall stop at naught'.
  9. A pitfall for British visitors to America, where 'rubber' is a vulgar term for a condom.
  10. Used in India.
  11. In American English, 'tomato sauce' refers to any kind but ketchup.
  12. Add ten or eleven to the number of the form or year to get an approximation of a child's age: thus, third formers are thirteen to fourteen-year-olds
  13. Add five to the number of the grade to get an approximation of a child's age: thus, fifth graders are mostly ten-year-olds
  14. "If any one were asked to give an Americanism without a moment's delay, he would be more likely than not to mention I guess. Inquiry into it would at once bear out the American contention that what we are often rude enough to call their vulgarisms are in fact good old English. I guess is a favourite expression of Chaucer's...But although it is good old English, it is not good new English" (The King's English by H.W. Fowler and F.G. Fowler, Oxford University Press Third edition 1931, p 33.)
  15. But offénsive, defénsive in both.
  16. lîcense is the verb in British English, cf. licensêe in both. Mostly -ence is used in both, as with fénce; but sénse, dénse and suspénse in both.
  17. In American sporting contexts, one may hear óffénse and dêfénse.
  18. but British English wílful American English wílful or wíllful
  19. In American English, both spellings of démagog(ue) and sýnagog(ue) are used.
  20. And so in other forms: British English céntred, American English céntered.
  21. Also pronounced differently: ['æləmɪnjəm] in British English, [ə'lu:mɪnəm] in American.
  22. Also pronounced differently: [fjʊ'rɔri] in British English, ['fʊrɔr] in American.
  23. Also pronounced differently: [mə'stɑʃ] in British English, ['mʌstæʃ] in American.
  24. Also pronounced differently: though it sounds much like múm to British ears, it is actually *màhm, as American ó = à. hóckey múm in British English has two different stressed vowels, while in American, hóckey móm has a third repeated.
  25. prôgram in the sense of computer is also British English, but usually -grám in both: grám, dîagram, càrdiogram.
  26. The k spelling is more logical, cf. scêne view (= sêen see), scént smell (= sént send).
  27. St. Bernard's, a prominent, and exclusive, school for boys in New York City is pronounced in the British fashion.

See also