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Anthony Sebastian, M.D.
Professor of Medicine
University of Caifornia San Francisco (UCSF)

UCSF Faculty Affiliations:

Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology
General Clinical Research Center, Associated Faculty for Special Projects
UCSF's Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI):
--CTSI Strategic Opportunities Support Center
--CTSI Clinical Research Centers

Curriculum Vitae

Faculty Webpage

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Anthony Sebastian's Weblog: [1]

Curriculum vitae: see section below

Citizendium Articles Edited

History of Anthropology
Systems biology

Anthony Sebastian M.D. Curriculum Vitae

ANTHONY SEBASTIAN, M.D. Curriculum Vitae [Last edited: 01/09/2007]

BIRTHDATE AND BIRTHPLACE July 11, 1938; Youngstown, Ohio

RESIDENCE ADDRESS 40 Crags Court, San Francisco, CA. 94131; (415) 648-0834 [tel]; (415) 358-5953 [fax];


Home Office [academic correspondence]: 40 Crags Court San Francisco, CA. 94131 (415) 648-0834 [tel]; (415) 358-5953 [fax]

UCSF Office: 1202 Moffitt Hospital, Box 0126 University of California San Francisco, CA 94143 (415) 476 4336; (415) 476-0986 (fax)


1956-60 University of California, Los Angeles - Bachelor of Science: Chemistry 1961-65 University of California, San Francisco - Doctor of Medicine


University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine, Moffitt Hospital

1965-66 Intern, Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine; 1966-68 Resident, Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine; 1968-70 Giannini Foundation Research Fellowship, Nephrology, Department of Medicine; 1970-71 Assistant Research Physician, Department of Medicine; 1971-78 Assistant Professor of Medicine in Residence; 1971-79 Assistant Director, General Clinical Research Center; 1978-84 Associate Professor of Medicine in Residence; 1979-84 Associate Director, General Clinical Research Center; 1984-98 Co Director, General Clinical Research Center; 1984-present Professor of Medicine; 1998-02 Associate Program Director, General Clinical Research Center; 2002-2006 GCRC Associated Faculty for Special Projects; Managing Editor, The GCRC Journal; 2006-present Member, Clinical and Translational Science Institue: Strategic Opportunities Support Center; Clinical Research Center; 2006-present Citizendium: Editor, Health Sciences; Biology. Citizendium. [Volunteer].


UCSF Chancellor’s Champions of Diversity Medal; Belding H. Scribner Medal for Lifetime Achievement, American Society of Nephrology, 2003; UCSF Alumnus of the Year Medal, 2003; Co-Recipient, UCSF Academic Senate 5th Distinguished Clinical Research Lecture, 2005.


Alpha Omega Medical Honor Society (elected); American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Society for Clinical Investigation (elected); American Society of Nephrology; Association of American Physicians (elected); The Gold-Headed Cane Society (elected); International Society of Nephrology; Western Association of Physicians; Western Society for Clinical Research (elected); American Society for Bone and Mineral Research; American Society of Nutritional Sciences (sponsored); American Society of Clinical Nutrition.


Formal Courses for Medical Students

  • Medicine 140.22I Endocrine-Metabolism Pathophysiology. Instructor in charge of organizing 4-week course yearly for third and fourth year medical students. Lecturer, two 2 hour meetings/year, discussion of diet, acid base, kidney, bone pathophysiology
  • Medicine 140.22A L Pathophysiology of Disease. Director in charge of all Pathophysiology of Disease courses offered to third and fourth year medical students (1980-present); ten 4 week sessions per year, 8 medical subspecialty divisions.
  • Medicine 140.22C - Renal Pathophysiology. Lecturer, two 2 hr meetings twice yearly, renal acid-base and electrolyte physiology and pathophysiology
  • Medicine 131 A - Medical Problem Solving, Tutor. 2-hour session weekly, Fall Quarter. Small group tutorial in medical problem-solving techniques
  • Physiology Mini-Series - Seminar Leader. 2 hr session, Summer Quarter "Nutrition, acid-base, and bone health" 14 first year med students.
  • IDS 131A-C - Foundations of Patient Care, Faculty Faciltator. 2-hour session biweekly to tri-weekly, Fall, Winter, Spring Quarters, 1st and 2nd year students. Small group sessions in medical problem-solving techniques and foundations of patient care.

Miscellaneous Teaching Activities (Lectures and Talks)

  • Syndromes of Renal K+ Wasting, Stanford Medical School, 4/9/80
  • Renal Tubular Acidification Defects, House Staff Noon Conference, Medicine, Moffitt Hosp, 10/6/80
  • Renal Acidosis: Role of Potassium and Aldosterone, S.F. General Hospital, Grand Rounds, 2/12/81
  • Bartter's Syndrome and Hypercalciuria, VA Hospital, Medicine, Endocrine Metabolism, 3/5/81
  • Hyperkalemic Renal Tubular Acidosis, Medical Staff Conference, Cole Hall, Moffitt Hospital, 7/29/81
  • Bartter's Syndrome, Medical Staff Conference, Cole Hall, Moffitt Hospital, 5/11/83
  • Diet, Acid-Base Balance, and Osteoporosis, Endocrine Grand Rounds, 3/23/88
  • Diet, Acid-Base Balance, and Bone Health, Nutritional Sciences, UC Berkeley, 5/88
  • Diet Inorganic Ions and Hypertension: What's Important? Adv. in Internal Medicine, UCSF, 6/21/88
  • Diet, Acid-Base and Osteoporosis, John Muir Medical Center, 3/18/93
  • Diet, Acid-Base, Potassium, and Bones, Endocrine Grand Rounds, 5/24/94
  • Acid-Base, Potassium and Bone, UCB Department of Nutritional Sciences, Berkeley, 11/2/94
  • Diet, Acid-Base, Potassium and Osteoporosis, Sequoia Hospital Clinical Conference, 4/14/95
  • Protein Intake and Calcium Loss, International Conference on the Diets of Asia, SF, 11/29/95
  • Chronic Potassium Bicarbonate Deficiency, Renal Grand Rounds, UCSF, 11/15/95
  • Effects of Diet on Acid-Base Balance, Renal Grand Rounds, UCSF, 1997
  • Acid-Base Effects of Diet on Bone and Other Tissues: An Evolutionary Perspective, 1st World Congress of Nephrology, 10/14/01
  • Evolutionary Perspective on the Acid-Base Effects of Diet, Nephrology Research Seminar, UCSF, February, 2005
  • Potential Health Benefits Of Supplementing The Diet With Alkalinizing Salts Of Potassium, Nephrology Research Seminar, UCSF, May, 2005
  • An Evolutionary Perspective On The Acid-Base Effects Of Diet: The Paleolithic Paradigm, UCSF Academic Senate Distinguished Clinical Research Lecture, October, 2005
  • Potential Contributors To Progression Of Renal Injury And Functional Insufficiency Related To The Chronic Hyperchloremic Acidosis Of Chronic Progressive Renal Disease, Nephrology Research Seminar, November, 2005


  • National Institutes of Health, Co Investigator, Renin, Angiotensin, Steroids, Ions and Blood Pressure, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, RO1 HL 11046 (1/1/68-12/31/90);
  • Co Investigator, Disordered Vitamin D Metabolism in Renal Insufficiency,

National Inst. Arthritis, Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases, RO1 AM32631 (9/1/83-11/30/89)

  • Co-Investigator, Renin, Angiotensin, Steroids, Ions and Blood Pressure

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institutes, RO1 HL 11046 (1/1/68 - 12/31/91)

  • Principal Investigator, HCO3- Salts and Ca- Metabolism in Postmenopausal women

(Project of Osteoporosis Program Project Grant) 1987-1992

  • Co-Investigator, Dietary Potassium as a Determinant of Black Hypertension

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institutes, RO1 HL 47943 (9/30/91-6/30/96)

  • Co Director, General Clinical Research Center

Division of Research Resources, MO1 RR 00079 (12/1/62 - 11/30/98)

  • Principal Investigator, Effects of Chronic Metabolic Acidosis on Bone Loss, Loss of Lean Body Mass and Muscle Strength and Risk of Hip Fracture (Project of Multi-Center Grant, Study of Osteoporotic Fractures)

National Arthritis and Muscular-Skeletal Institute, 2RO1 AG/AR05407-12 (5/1/97 - 4/30/2002)

  • Principal Investigator, Dynamics of Health, Aging, and Body Composition

Project of Multi-Center Grant, AG62106 (3/29/96 – 6/30/2004)

  • Principal Investigator, KHCO3 Prevents NaCL-Induced Bone Resorption in Humans?

NIH DK53172-02 GMB (3/1/98 - 2/29/2000)

  • Co-Investigator, Renal Effects of Dietary Chloride in African Americans

NIH / HLBI, 1 R01 HL64230-01 (2/15/00 – 1/31/2003)

  • Co-Investigator, The Effect of Dietary Protein Source on Calcium Metabolism

NIH / 1 RO1 AG18893-01 (12/1/01 – 11/30/2006)

  • Co-Investigator, Kcitrate, Thiazides, or Combination to Prevent Bone Loss

NIAMS, AR 00-010 (12/1/01 – 11/30/2002)

  • Associate Program Director, UCSF/Moffitt-MZ General Clinical Research Center
  • Co-Investigator, KCitrate to Prevent Age Related Bone Loss: Pilot Study, NIH-NIAMS-BAA-05-02, “Pilot and Feasibility Trials for Osteoporosis”, (current)
  • American Heart Association, Co-Investigator, Diet K+: Renal Cl- Transport and Blood Pressure in Humans (7/1/86 - 6/30/87)
  • Research Evaluation and Allocation Committee, UCSF, Principal Investigator, Disorders of Renal Transport and Metabolism (7/1/80 - 6/30/81)
  • Principal Investigator, Effect of Differences in Diet Potassium-to-Sodium Ratio on Blood Pressure and on Renal Handling and Body Content of Chloride in Normal Subjects and Patients with Essential Hypertension (7/1/84 - 6/30/85 and 7/1/86 - 6/30/87)
  • Co-Investigator, Dietary Non-Chloride Potassium Salts and Blood Pressure (7/1/86 - 6/30/87)
  • Co-Investigator, Effect of Sodium Chloride Intake on the Severity of Chronic Metabolic Alkalosis Induced by Oral Bicarbonate Ingestion in Humans 7/1/88 - 6/30/90)
  • Principal Investigator, Multiple Investigator Award/Shared Equipment (Blood Gas Analyzer) (7/1/88-6/30/89)
  • Principal Investigator, Multiple Investigator Award/Shared Equipment (High-Pressure Liquid Chromatograph) (7/1/91 - 6/30/92)
  • Academic Senate, UCSF, Principal Investigator, Multiple Investigator Award for Shared Equipment (Autoanalyzer) (3/1/89 - 6/30/90)

UNIVERSITY AND PUBLIC SERVICE Ad Hoc Review Committee appointments and promotions, Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs Examiner, Ph.D. qualifying exam for Med. Information Science candidate; UCSF Graduate Division Consultant, UCSF campus, self evaluation regarding compliance with federal regulations relating to accessibility of campus facilities to physically disabled persons Member, UCSF Alumni-Faculty Association, 1990-1992 Editor, UCSF Alumni-Faculty Association Bulletin (2 years) Participant, School of Medicine Faculty Leadership Retreat, Asilomar, 1992. Topic: Medical Education Participant, School of Medicine, Chancellor's Cabinet meeting, 3/95: Affirmative Action and Diversity Campaign Chair, School of Medicine Alumni Donations, Class of 1965 (1995, 2000) Member, Chancellor's Steering Committee on Diversity (1995-present) Editor, Bibliographic Resources, UCSF World Wide Web Site on Diversity (1995-1999) Secretary-Treasurer, Poets on Parnussus, UCSF Campus Poetry Society (1995-2000) Participant, Office of the President, Health Care Research Group, Clinical Trials Retreat; Communications Workgroup; 3/19/97 Member, Dean’s Review Group, Selection of UCSF Candidates for Burroughs Wellcome Awards, 1999 Social and Fundraising Campaign Chair, UCSF Medical School Class ’65, Reunions 1995, 2000, 2005 Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) grant application, writer and editor, 2005-2006

COMMITTEES UCSF General Clinical Research Center Advisory Committee, Ex Officio SFGH General Clinical Research Center Advisory Committee (1995-present) UCSF Pediatric Clinical Research Center Advisory Committee UCSF School of Medicine Electives Committee, Chair UCSF School of Medicine Nutrition Curriculum Evaluation Committee, Chair UCSF School of Medicine Committee on Curriculum and Educational Policy UCSF School of Medicine Basic Science Review Committee UCSF School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Ad Hoc Promotion Committee UCSF Academic Senate, Library Committee (Three Year Tenure) UCSF School of Medicine Committee to Design Advanced Pathophysiology Course, Chair UCSF Chancellor's Committee on Diversity, National Kidney Foundation: Honorary Committee for the Champions of Hope Gala Testimonial, Chair UCSF Academic Senate Committee on Research (1997-2000) UCSF School of Medicine, Department of Medicine Standing Promotion Committee (1997-2001) Academic Senate Subcommittee, Selection UCSF Basic Science Candidates for the Steven and Michele Kirsch Foundation Fellowships, Chair (2000)

PEER-REVIEW ACTIVITIES Member, Editorial Board, Kidney International, July 1989-June 1990 Member, Editorial Board, American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 1988-1993

Ad Hoc peer reviews for the following journals:

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition American Journal of Kidney Diseases American Journal of Medicine American Journal of Physiology Calcified Tissue International Clinical Science Journal of the American College of Nutrition Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Journal of Clinical Investigation Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine Journal of Nutrition Kidney International Lancet Nutrition New England Journal of Medicine


	Project Director: Design and installation of GCRC multi-user computer facility, 1986
	Project Director: Design and Installation of a 25-workstation local area network for the GCRC. 1991-92
	Course on presenting data and information by Edward Tufte given in San Francisco, March 17, 1994
	Advances in Internal Medicine Course (Numerous repeats)
	Clinical Trials Seminars 9/14/95-9/15/95 UCSF
	American Society of Nephrology Meeting 11/5/95 - 11/8/95 San Diego
	Nominated for award for “Excellence in Clinical Small Group Instruction” by Class of 1999 (9/96)
	Nominated for award for “Excellence in Small Group Instruction: Clinical Skills” by class of 2000
	Nominated for award for “Outstanding Small Group Instruction” by 1st year Medical Students, 1997


1. Sebastian A, McSherry E, Ueki I, Morris RC Jr: Renal amyloidosis, nephrotic syndrome, and impaired renal tubular reabsorption of bicarbonate. Ann Int Med 69:541 548, 1968

2. Sebastian A, McSherry E, Morris RC Jr: On the mechanism of renal potassium wasting in renal tubular acidosis associated with the Fanconi syndrome (Type 2 RTA). J Clin Invest 50:231 243, 1971

3. Morris RC Jr, McSherry E, Sebastian A: Modulation of experimental renal dysfunction of hereditary fructose intolerance by circulating parathyroid hormone. Proc Nat Acad Sci, USA 68:132 135, 1971

4. Sebastian A, McSherry E, Morris RC Jr: Renal potassium wasting in renal tubular acidosis: Its occurrence in types 1 and 2 RTA despite sustained correction of systemic acidosis. J Clin Invest 50:667 678, 1971

5. McSherry E, Sebastian A, Morris RC Jr: Renal tubular acidosis in infants: The several kinds, including bicarbonate wasting, classic renal tubular acidosis. J Clin Invest 51:499 514, 1972

6. Short E, Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A, Spencer M: Exaggerated phosphaturic response to circulating parathyroid hormone in patients with familial x linked hypophosphatemic rickets. J Clin Invest 58:152 163, 1976

7. Sebastian A, McSherry E, Morris RC Jr: Impaired renal conservation of sodium and chloride during sustained correction of systemic acidosis in patients with type 1, classic renal tubular acidosis. J Clin Invest 58:454 469, 1976

8. Hulter HN, Ilnicki LP, Harbottle JA, Sebastian A: Impaired renal H+ secretion and NH3 production in mineralocorticoid deficient glucocorticoid- replete dogs. Am J Physiol 232:F136 F146, 1977

9. Sebastian A, Schambelan M, Lindenfeld S, Morris RC Jr: Amelioration of metabolic acidosis with fludrocortisone therapy in hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism. N Engl J Med 297:576 583, 1977

10. Hulter HN, Sigala JF, Sebastian A: K+ deprivation potentiates the renal alkalosis producing effect of mineralocorticoid. Am J Physiol 235:F298 F309, 1978

11. Hulter HN, Ilnicki LP, Harbottle JA, Sebastian A: Correction of metabolic acidosis by the kidney during isometric expansion of extracellular fluid volume. J Lab Clin Med 92:602 612, 1978

12. Hulter HN, Licht JH, Sebastian A: K+ deprivation potentiates the renal acid excretory effect of mineralocorticoid: Obliteration by amiloride. Am J Physiol 236:F48 F57, 1979

13. Hulter HN, Licht JH, Glynn RD, Sebastian A: Renal acidosis in mineralocorticoid deficiency is not dependent on NaCl depletion or hyperkalemia. Am J Physiol 236:F283 F294, 1979

14. Schambelan M, Sebastian A, Biglieri EG: Prevalence, pathogenesis, and functional significance of aldosterone deficiency in hyperkalemic patients with chronic renal insufficiency. Kidney Int 17:89 101, 1980

15. Hulter HN, Sebastian A, Sigala JF, Licht JH, Glynn RD, Schambelan M, Biglieri EG: Pathogenesis of renal hyperchloremic acidosis resulting from dietary potassium restriction in the dog:role of aldosterone. Am J Physiol 238:F79 F91, 1980

16. Hulter HN, Licht JH, Glynn RD, Sebastian A: Pathophysiology of chronic renal tubular acidosis induced by administration of amiloride. J Lab Clin Med 95:637 653, 1980

17. Hulter HN, Licht JH, Bonner EL Jr, Glynn RD, Sebastian A: Effects of glucocorticoid steroids on renal and systemic acid base metabolism. Am J Physiol 239:F30 F43, 1980

18. Hulter HN, Glynn RD, Sebastian A: Renal and systemic acid base effects of chronic dichloroacetate administration in dogs. Metabolism 29:997 1002, 1980

19. Sebastian A, Sutton JM, Hulter HN, Schambelan M, Poler SM: Effect of mineralocorticoid replacement therapy on renal acid base homeostasis in adrenalectomized patients. Kidney Int 18:762 773, 1980

20. Schambelan M, Sebastian A, Rector FC Jr: Mineralocorticoid resistant renal hyperkalemia without salt wasting (type II pseudohypoaldosteronism): Role of increased renal chloride reabsorption. Kidney Int 19:716 727, 1981

21. Hulter HN, Bonner EL Jr, Glynn RD, Sebastian A: Renal and systemic acid base effects of chronic spironolactone administration. Am J Physiol 240:F381 F387, 1981

22. Hulter HN, Sigala JF, Sebastian A: Effects of dexamethasone on renal and systemic acid base metabolism. Kidney Int 20:43 49, 1981

23. Hulter HN, Toto RD, Bonner EL Jr, Ilnicki LP, Sebastian A: Renal and systemic acid base effects of chronic hypoparathyroidism in dogs. Am J Physiol 241:F495 F501, 1981

24. Hulter HN, Ilnicki LP, Licht JH, Sebastian A: On the mechanism of diminished urinary carbon dioxide tension caused by amiloride. Kidney Int 21:8 13, 1982

25. Jones JW, Sebastian A, Hulter HN, Schambelan M, Sutton JM, Biglieri EG: Systemic and renal acid base effects of chronic dietary potassium depletion in humans. Kidney Int 21:402 410, 1982

26. Hulter HN, Sebastian A, Toto RD, Bonner EL Jr, Ilnicki LP: Renal and systemic acid base effects of the chronic administration of hypercalcemia producing agents: Calcitriol, PTH, and intravenous calcium. Kidney Int 21:445 458, 1982

27. Brenner RJ, Spring DB, Sebastian A, McSherry E, Genant HK, Palubinskas AJ, Morris RC Jr: Incidence of radiographically evident bone disease, nephrocalcinosis, and nephrolithiasis in various types of renal tubular acidosis. N Engl J Med 307:217 221, 1982

28. Hulter HN, Toto RD, Ilnicki LP, Sebastian A: Chronic hyperkalemic renal tubular acidosis induced by KCl loading. Am J Physiol 244:F255 F264, 1983

29. Hulter HN, Toto RD, Ilnicki LP, Halloran B, Sebastian A: Metabolic alkalosis in models of primary and secondary hyperparathyroid states. Am J Physiol 245:450 461, 1983

30. Kurtz I, Maher T, Hulter HN, Schambelan M, Sebastian A: Effect of diet on plasma acid base composition in normal humans. Kidney Int 24:670 680, 1983

31. Toto RD, Hulter HN, Mackie S, Sebastian A: Renal tubular acidosis induced by dietary chloride. Kidney Int 25:26 32, 1984

32. Maher T, Schambelan M, Kurtz I, Hulter HN, Jones JW, Sebastian A: Amelioration of metabolic acidosis by dietary potassium restriction in hyperkalemic patients with chronic renal insufficiency. J Lab Clin Med 103:432 445, 1984

33. Hulter HN, Toto RD, Sebastian A, Mackie S, Cooke CR, Wilson, TE, Melby JC: Effect of extracellular fluid volume depletion on renal regulation of acid base and potassium equilibrium during prolonged mineral acid administration. J Lab Clin Med 103:854 868, 1984

34. Sebastian A, Schambelan M, Sutton JM: Amelioration of hyperchloremic acidosis with furosemide therapy in patients with chronic renal insufficiency and type 4 renal tubular acidosis. Am J Nephrology 4:287 300, 1984

35. Berger BE, Cogan MG, Sebastian A: Reduced glomerular filtration and enhanced bicarbonate reabsorption maintain metabolic alkalosis in humans. Kidney Int 26:205 208, 1984

36. Hulter HN, Licht JH, Sebastian A: Effects of dietary potassium depletion and mineralocorticoid excess on renal Cl conservation in the dog. Am J Physiol 248:F104 F112, 1985

37. Hernandez RE, Cogan MG, Schambelan M, Colman J, Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A: Dietary NaCl determines severity of potassium depletion-induced metabolic alkalosis. Kidney Int 31:1356-1367, 1987

38. Schambelan M, Sebastian A, Katuna BA, Arteaga E: Adrenocortical hormone secretory response to chronic NH4Cl-induced metabolic acidosis. Am J Physiol 252:E454-E460, 1987

39. Carneiro AV, Sebastian A, Cogan MG: Reduced glomerular filtration rate can maintain a rise in plasma bicarbonate concentration in humans. Am J Nephrol 7:450-454, 1987

40. Petri M, Bockerstedt L, Colman J, Whiting-O'Keefe Q, Sebastian A, Hellmann D: Serial assessment of glomerular filtration rate in lupus nephropathy. Kidney Int 34:832-839, 1988

41. Yarbrough S, Nix L, Katz R, Korn M, Sebastian A: Food chloride distribution in nature and its relation to sodium content. J Am Diet Assoc 88:472-475, 1988

42. Schambelan M, Sebastian A: Pathogenesis and pathophysiologic role of hypoaldosteronism in syndromes of renal hyperkalemia. Current Topics in Membrane and Transport 28:351-366, 1987

43. Sebastian A, Hernandez RE, Portale AA, Colman J, Tatsuno J, Morris RC Jr: Dietary potassium influences kidney maintenance of serum phosphorus concentration. Kidney Int 37:1341-1349, 1990

44. Don BR, Sebastian A, Cheitlin M, Christiansen M, Schambelan M: Pseudohyperkalemia caused by fist clenching during phlebotomy. N Engl J Med 322:1290-1292, 1990

45. Cogan MG, Carneiro AV, Tatsuno J, Colman J, Krapf R, Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A: Normal diet NaCl variation can affect the renal setpoint for plasma pH-HCO-3 maintenance. J Am Soc Nephrol 1:193-199, 1990

46. Moulinier L, Venet T, Schiller NB, Kurtz TW, Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A: Measurement of aortic blood flow by Doppler echocardiography: Day to day variability in normal subjects and applicability in clinical research. J Am Coll Cardiol 17:1326-1333, 1991

47. Siegel D, Hulley SB, Black DM, Cheitlin MD, Sebastian A, Seeley DG, Hearst N, Fine R: Diuretics, serum and intracellular electrolyte levels and ventricular arrhythmias in hypertensive men. JAMA 267(8):1083-1089, 1992 JAMA (ed.esp.) 1:113-124, 1992

48. Hagiwara S, Lane N, Engelke K, Sebastian A, Kimme DB, Genant HK: Precision and accuracy for rat whole body and femur bone mineral determination with dual X-ray absorptiometry. Bone and Mineral 22:57-68, 1993

49. Sebastian A, Harrris ST, Ottaway JH, Todd KM, Morris RC Jr: Improved mineral balance and skeletal metabolism in postmenopausal women treated with potassium bicarbonate. N Engl J Med 330:1776-1781, 1994

50. Kusumoto F, Venet T, Schiller NB, Sebastian A, Foster E: Measurement of aortic blood flow by Doppler Echocardiography:temporal, technician, and reader variability in normal subjects and the application of generalizability theory in clinical research. J Am Soc Echocardiol 8:647-653, 1995

51. Frassetto L, Sebastian, A: Age and systemic acid-base equilibrium: Analysis of published data. J Gerontol 51A:B91-B99, 1996

52. Frassetto LA, Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A: Effect of age on blood acid-base composition in adult humans. Role of age-related renal functional decline. Am J Physiol 271:F1114-F1122, 1996

53. Frassetto L, Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A: Potassium bicarbonate reduces urinary nitrogen excretion in postmenopausal women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 82:254-259, 1997

54. Sudhir K, Forman A, Yi SL, Sorof J, Schmidlin O, Sebastian A, Morris RC Jr: Reduced dietary potassium reversibly enhances vasopressor response to stress in African-Americans. Hypertension 29:1083-1090, 1997

55. Frassetto LA, Todd KM, Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A: Estimation of net endogenous noncarbonic acid production in humans from diet potassium and protein content. Am J Clin Nutr 68:576-583, 1998

56. Schmidlin O, Forman A, Tanaka M, Sebastian A, Morris RC, Jr.: Salt induced renal vasoconstriction in salt sensitive African-Americans. Hypertension 33:633-639, 1999

57. Morris RC, Sebastian A, Forman A, Tanaka M, Schmidlin O: Normotensive salt-sensitivity: Effects of race and dietary potassium. Hypertension 33:18-23, 1999

58. Morris RC, Schmidlin O, Tanaka M, Forman A, Frassetto L, Sebastian A: Differing effects of supplemental KCI and KHCO3: pathophysiological and clinical implications. Seminars in Nephrology 19:487-493, 1999

59. Frassetto LA, Todd KT, Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A: Worldwide incidence of hip fracture in elderly women: Relation to consumption of animal and vegetable foods. J Geront Med Sci 55A:M585-M592, 2000.

60. Frassetto LA, Nash E, Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A: Comparative effects of potassium chloride and bicarbonate on thiazide-induced reduction in urinary calcium excretion. Kidney Intl 58:748-742, 2000

61. Sellmeyer DE, Stone KL, Sebastian A, Cummings, SR: A high ratio of dietary animal to vegetable protein increases the rate of bone loss and risk of fracture in postmenopausal women. Am J Clin Nutr 73:118-122, 2001

62. Frassetto LA, Morris RC Jr, Sellmeyer DE, Todd K, Sebastian A: Diet, evolution and aging – the pathophysiologic effects of the post-agricultural inversion of the potassium-to-sodium and base-to-chloride ratios in the human diet. Eur J Nutr 40:200-213, 2001

63. Sellmeyer DE, Schloetter M, Sebastian A: Potassium citrate prevents increased urine calcium excretion and bone resorption induced by a high sodium chloride diet. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 87:2008-2012, 2002

64. Sebastian A, Frassetto LA, Sellmeyer DE, Merriam RL, Morris RC Jr Estimation of the net acid load of the diet of ancestral pre-agricultural Homo sapiens and their hominid ancestors. Am J Clin Nutr 2002;76:1308-16.

65. Frassetto, L.A., R. C. Jr Morris, and A. Sebastian. Long-term persistence of the urine-calcium-lowering effect of potassium bicarbonate in postmenopausal omen. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2005;90:831-834

66. Cordain, L., Eaton, S. Boyd, Sebastian, A., Mann, N., Lindeberg, S., Watkins, B.A., O’Keefe, J.H., and Brand-Miller, J. Origins and evolution of the Western diet: health implications for the 21st century Am J Clin Nutr 81:341-354, 2005

67. Hwa C, Sebastian A, Aird WC. Endothelial biomedicine: its status as an interdisciplinary field, its progress as a basic science, and its translational bench-to-bedside gap. Endothelium 2005;12:139-51.

68. Morris RC, Jr., Schmidlin O, Frassetto LA, Sebastian A. Relationship and interaction between sodium and potassium. J Am Coll Nutr 2006;25:262S-70S.

69. Frassetto LA, Morris RC, Jr., Sebastian A. A practical approach to the balance between acid production and renal acid excretion in humans. J Nephrol 2006;19 Suppl 9:S33-S4

70. Schmidlin, O., Forman, A., Sebastian, A., and Morris, R. C. Jr. Salt-Sensitivity in Normotensive African Americans: Does Excessive Renal Reclamation of Dietary NaCl Initiate Its Pressor Effect? Hypertension 2006. [Accepted for publication]


1. Sebastian A, Morris RC Jr: Improved mineral balance and skeletal metabolism in postmenopausal women treated with potassium bicarbonate. N Engl J Med 331:279, 1994

2. Sebastian A, Morris RC Jr: Mineral balance in postmenopausal women treated with potassium bicarbonate. N Engl J Med 331:1312-1313, 1994

3. Sebastian A, Frassetto L, Sellmeyer,S, Morris RC Jr: Where’s the beef? US News & World Report Nov 2000

4. Sebastian A, Sellmeyer DE, Stone KL, Cummings SR: Dietary animal-to-vegetable protein ratio and rate of bone loss and risk of fracture in postmenopausal women. Am J Clin Nutr 74:411-412, 2001

5. Sebastian A. Estimating Diet Net Acid Load : Reply to T Remer and F Manz. Am J Clin Nutr 2003;78:803-4.

6. Sebastian A. Low versus high meat diets: effects on calcium metabolism. J Nutr 2003;133:3237-8.

7. Cordain L, Eaton SB, Sebastian A, Mann N, Lindeberg S, Watkins BA, O'Keefe JH, Brand-Miller J. Reply to SC Cunnane's Letter-to-Editor: Origins and evolution of the Western diet: implications of iodine and seafood intakes for the human brain. Am.J.Clin.Nutr. 2005;82:483-4.

8. Sebastian A, Frassetto L, Morris RC, Jr. Authors' Response: Long-Term Persistence of the Urine Calcium-Lowering Effect of Potassium Bicarbonate in Postmenopausal Women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2005;90:4417-a.

9. Sebastian A. Protein consumption as an important predictor of lower limb bone mass in elderly women [Letter]. Am.J.Clin.Nutr. 2005;82:1355-1356


1. Sebastian A, McSherry E, Morris RC Jr: Metabolic acidosis with special reference to the renal acidoses. The Kidney, edited by Brenner BM, Rector FC Jr. WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia, Chapter 16, 1976

2. Morris RC Jr, McInnes RR, Epstein CJ, Sebastian A, Schriver CR: Genetic and metabolic injury of the kidney. The Kidney, edited by Brenner BM, Rector FC Jr. WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia, Chapter 27, 1976

3. Schambelan M, Sebastian A: Hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism. Advances in Internal Medicine, edited by Siperstein MH. Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago, Vol 24, 1978

4. Schambelan M, Sebastian A, Hulter HN: Mineralocorticoid excess and deficiency syndromes. Contemporary Issues in Nephrology, edited by Stein JH, Brenner BM. Churchill Livingstone, NY, Vol II, 1978

5. Sebastian A, Hulter HN, Rector FC Jr: Metabolic alkalosis. Contemporary Issues in Nephrology, edited by Stein JH, Brenner BM. Churchill Livingstone, NY, Vol II, 1978

6. Sebastian A, Hulter HN, Schambelan M: Renal hyperchloremic acidosis with hyperkalemia. Type 4 renal tubular acidosis (RTA). Proceedings, VIIth International Congress of Nephrology, edited by Barcelo R, Bergeron M, Carriere S, Dirks JH, Drummond K, Guttmann RD, Lemieux G, Mongeau J G, Seely JF. S. Karger, Montreal, 1978

7. Sebastian A, Morris RC Jr: Renal tubular acidosis. Strauss and Welt's Diseases of the Kidney, edited by Early LE, Gottschalk CG. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, Vol II, 1979

8. Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A: Disorders of the renal tubule that cause disorders of fluid, acid base, and electrolyte metabolism. Clinical Disorders of Fluid and Electrolyte Metabolism, edited by Maxwell MH, Kleeman CR. McGraw Hill Book Company, NY, 1979

9. Gonick HC, Fraser D, Sebastian A: Renal tubular disorders. Current Nephrology, edited by Gonick HC. Houghton Mifflin Professional Pub, Boston, 1979

10. Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A: Renal tubular acidosis and Fanconi's syndrome. Metabolic Basis of Inherited Disease, edited by Stanbury JB Wyngaarden JB, Fredrickson DS. McGraw Hill, NY. 1983

11. Cogan MG, Liu F Y, Berger BE, Sebastian A, Rector FC Jr: Metabolic alkalosis. Med Clin N Amer, edited by Kurtzman NA, Batlle DC. WB Saunders, Philadelphia. 1983

12. Sebastian A, Schambelan M, Hulter HN, Kurtz I, Hernandez RE, Biglieri EG, Morris RC Jr: Acid base and electrolyte disorders associated with adrenal disease. Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid Base Disorders, edited by Arieff A, DeFronzo R. Churchill Livingstone, NY. 1985

13. Schambelan M, Sebastian A: Hypoaldosteronism. Current Therapy in Endocrinology and Metabolism, edited by Bardin CW, Krieger DT. BC Decker, Philadelphia. 1985

14. Sebastian A, Schambelan M, Hulter HN, Maher T, Kurtz I, Biglieri EG, Rector FC Jr, Morris RC Jr: Hyperkalemic renal tubular acidosis. Renal Tubular Disorders, edited by Buckalew V, Gonick H. Marcel Decker Publishers, NY. 1985

15. Frassetto, LA, R. Morris, and A. Sebastian. The natural dietary potassium intake of humans: The effect of diet-induced potassium-replete, chloride-sufficient, chronic low-grade metabolic alkalosis, or stone age diets for the 21st Century. Nutritional Aspects of Osteoporosis, 2nd Ed., edited by P. Burkhardt, B. Dawson-Hughes, and R. P. Heaney, Amsterdam: Elsevier/Academic Press, 2004, p. 349-365.

16. Frassetto, L.A., C. Morris, and A. Sebastian. Effects of diet acid load on bone health. Nutritional Aspects of Osteoporosis, 2nd Edition, edited by P. Burkhardt, B. Dawson-Hughes, and R. P. Heaney, Amsterdam: Elsevier/Academic Press, 2004, p. 273-295.

17. Sebastian A, Hernandez RE, Schambelan M: Disorders of renal handling of potassium. The Kidney, edited by Brenner BM, Rector FC Jr. WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia. 1986

18. Schambelan M, Sebastian A: Adrenal Gland. Cecil Essentials of Medicine, edited by Andreoli TE, Carpenter CCJ, Plum F, Smith LH Jr. WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia. 1986

19. Bastl C, Sebastian A: Adrenal hormones. Clinical Disorders of Fluid and Electrolyte Metabolism, edited by Maxwell MH, Kleeman CR, Narins RG. McGraw Hill Book Co, NY. 1987

20. Schambelan M, Sebastian A: States of aldosterone deficiency or pseudodeficiency. Hormone Resistance and Other Endocrine Paradoxes, edited by Cohen M, Foa P. Springer-Verlag, NY 1987

21. Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A: Potassium-responsive hypertension. Hypertension:Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management, 2nd Ed., edited by Laragh JH and Brenner BM. Raven Press Ltd, NY 1995

22. Frassetto LA, Morris RC Jr, Todd KT, Sebastian A:: Chronic low-grade metabolic acidosis in normal adult humans: Pathophysiology and consequences women’s health and menopause. Women’s Health and Menopause, edited by Paoletti R, Crosignani P, Kenemans N, Jackson A Kluwer Academic. 1999, p. 15-23

23. Morris RC Jr, Frassetto LA, Schmidlin,O, Forman A, Sebastian A: Expression of osteoporosis as determined by diet-disordered electrolyte and acid-base metabolism. Nutritional Aspects of Osteoporosis, edited by Burckhardt P, et al., Academic Press, San Diego, 2001, p. 357-378

24. Sebastian A, Frassetto LA, Sellmeyer DE, Morris RC Jr: An evolutionary perspective on the acid-base effects of diet: Acid-Base Disorders and Their Treatment, Gennari, J, et al., eds., Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2005

25. Sebastian A, Frassetto LA, Morris RC Jr: The Acid-Base Effects Of The Contemporary Western Diet: An Evolutionary Perspective The Kidney: Physiology and Pathophysiology, 4th Edition, edited by Drs. Robert J. Alpern and Steven C. Hebert, Elsevier [In Press] 2007

26. Eaton SB, Cordain L, Sebastian A.: The Ancestral Biomedical Environment The Endothelium, William C. Aird, editor, Cambridge University Press [submitted] REVIEWS AND INVITED ARTICLES

1. Sebastian A: The clinical spectrum of renal potassium wasting. Calif Med 110:493 500, 1969

2. Morris RC Jr, McSherry E, Kranhold JF, Sebastian A: Modulation of proximal and distal tubule function in the Fanconi syndrome. Birth Defects:Original Article Series 6:22 23, 1970

3. Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A, McSherry E: Renal acidosis. Kidney Int 1:322 340, 1972

4. Sebastian A: Renal tubular acidosis. Calif Med 116:34 43, 1972

5. Sebastian A, Morris RC Jr: Renal tubular acidosis. Clin Nephrol 7:216 230, 1977

6. Sebastian A, Hulter HN, Kurtz I, Maher T, Schambelan M: Disorders of distal nephron function. Am J Med 72:289 307, 1982

7. Schambelan M, Sebastian A: Type IV renal tubular acidosis: pathogenetic role of aldosterone deficiency and hyperkalemia], Acidose renale tubulaire de type IV:role pathogene du deficit en aldosterone et de l'hyperkaliemie. Nephrologie 6:135-137, 1985

8. Sebastian A, Schambelan M: Renal hyperkalemia. Seminars in Nephrology 7:223-238, 1987

9. Sebastian A: Thiazides and bone. Am J Med 109:429-430 2000

9. Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A: Alkali therapy in renal tubular acidosis: Who needs it? JASN 2002; 2186-2188

10. Sebastian A. Evolution, diet, acid-base, and bone. The GCRC Journal Fall/Winter 2003/2004:8-11, 2004. 11. Sebastian A. Isoflavones, protein, and bone. Am.J.Clin.Nutr. 81 (4):733-735, 2005.

Papers Personally Read by Dr. Sebastian at Scientific Meetings 1. Sebastian A, Morris E, Ueki I, Morris RC Jr: Persisting renal potassium wasting in patients with renal tubular acidosis. Abst, Am Soc Nephrol 2:59, 1968 (2nd Annual Meeting)

2. Sebastian A, Morris E, Morris RC Jr: On the mechanism of inappropriately high urinary pH in classic renal tubular acidosis. Abst, Am Soc Nephrol 3:59, 1969 (3rd Annual Meeting)

3. Sebastian A, McSherry E, Morris RC Jr: Impaired renal conservation of sodium during sustained correction of acidosis in classic ("distal") renal tubular acidosis. Abst, Am Soc Nephrol 5:71, 1971 (5th Annual Meeting)

4. Sebastian A, McSherry E, Morris RC Jr: Relationship between H+ secretion and fluid reabsorption of the proximal nephron (PN) of man. Abst, Proc, V Int'l Congress Nephrol 5:841, 1972

5. Sebastian A, McSherry E, Schambelan M, Connor D, Biglieri EG, Morris RC Jr: Renal tubular acidosis (RTA) in patients with hypoaldosteronism caused by renin deficiency. Clin Res 21:706, 1973. Am Fed Clin Res (Annual meeting, 1972)

6. Sebastian A, McSherry E, Morris RC Jr: On the mechanism of the inappropriately low urinary carbon dioxide tension (U PCO2) in classic (type 1) renal tubular acidosis (cRTA). Clin Res 22:544A, 1974. Am Fed Clin Res (Annual Meeting, 1973)

7. Sebastian A, Schambelan M: Amelioration of type 4 renal tubular acidosis (RTA) in chronic renal failure (CRF) with furosemide. Abst, Am Soc Nephrol 10:82A, 1977 (10th Annual Meeting) Kidney Int 12:534, 1977

8. Sebastian A, Hulter HN, Schambelan M: Renal hyperchloremic acidosis with hyperkalemia: Type 4 renal tubular acidosis. Abst, Proc, VII Int'l Congress Nephrol 7:351, 1978

9. Sebastian A, Frassetto L, Sellmeyer D, Merriam R, Kurtz I, Morris RC Jr: Acid-base effects of diet on bone and other tissues: an evolutionary perspective. Abst. Am Soc Nephrol 12:160P, 2001 (1st World Congress)

10. Sebastian A. Dietary protein content and the diet's net acid load: opposing effects on bone health. Am J Clin Nutr 2005;82:921-2.

11. Sebastian A. Isoflavones, protein, and bone. Am J Clin Nutr 2005;81:733-5.

12. Sebastian A. An Evolutionary Perspective On The Acid-Base Effects Of Diet UCSF Academic Senate’s 5th Distinguished Clinical Research Lecture, October 12, 2005


1. Bonner EL Jr, Hulter HN, Ilnicki LP, McTigue M, Sebastian A: Renal and systemic acid base and electrolyte response to chronic administration of L and DL lactic acid in dogs. Clin Res 28:438A, 1980

2. Hulter HN, Bonner EL Jr, Glynn RD, Sebastian A: Pathogenesis of metabolic alkalosis induced by chronic administration of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 in dogs. Clin Res 28:448A, 1980

3. Hulter HN, Glynn RD, Sebastian A: Renal and systemic acid base effects of chronic dichloroacetate administration in dogs. Clin Res 28:448A, 1980

4. Schambelan M, Sebastian A, Biglieri EG: Plasma 18 hydroxycorticosterone (1OHB) and aldosterone (A) in isolated hypoaldosteronism (IH): Evidence that 18 dehydrogenation is normal. Clin Res 28:481A, 1980

5. Jones JW, Sebastian A, Schambelan M, Hulter HN, Sutton JM, Biglieri EG: Stimulation of renal chloride reabsorption by dietary potassium deprivation in humans. Clin Res 28:534A, 1980

6. Schambelan M, Sebastian A, Pearce D: Potassium chloride therapy impairs urinary diluting ability in Bartter's syndrome: A reinterpretation of the chloride leak hypothesis. Kidney Int 19:137, 1981

7. Hulter HN, Toto RD, Bonner EL Jr, Ilnicki LP, Sebastian A: Renal and systemic acid base effects of chronic hypoparathyroidism. Clin Res 29:466A, 1981

8. Maher T, Schambelan M, Kurtz I, Hulter HN, Jones J, Sebastian A: Correction of metabolic acidosis by dietary potassium restriction in hyperkalemic patients with chronic renal insufficiency. Clin Res 29:470A, 1981

9. Toto RD, Hulter HN, Sebastian A, Ilnicki LP: Chronic renal metabolic alkalosis in models of primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism. Clin Res 29:478A, 1981

10. Kurtz I, Maher T, Jones JW, Sutton JM, Schambelan M, Hulter HN, Rector FC Jr, Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A: Familial chloride resistant renal alkalosis and hypokalemia with fasting hypercalciuria and medullary nephrocalcinosis: A unique variant of Bartter's syndrome without impaired renal diluting ability. Clin Res 29:555A, 1981

11. Schambelan M, Sebastian A, Biglieri EG, Morris RC Jr, Kurtz I, Maher T, Rodriguez J: Amelioration of hypokalemia by amiloride in diverse syndromes of renal potassium wasting. Clin Res 29:556A, 1981

12. Hulter HN, Toto RD, Ilnicki LP, Halloran B, Sebastian A: Metabolic alkalosis in experimental hyperparathyroidism: Roles of continuous PTH excess and of plasma 1,25 (OH)2D3 concentration. Kidney Int 21:235, 1982

13. Kurtz I, Maher T, Hulter HN, Schambelan M, Sebastian A: Effect of diet on plasma acid base composition in normal humans. Kidney Int 21:236, 1982

14. Toto RD, Hulter HN, Ilnicki LP, Piyamanothamkul Y, Sebastian A: Model of chronic hyperkalemic renal tubular acidosis without mineralocorticoid deficiency, renal ablation or pharmacologic agents. Kidney Int 21:240, 1982

15. Schambelan M, Kater CE, Biglieri EG, Sebastian A: Response of plasma 18 hydroxycorticosterone and aldosterone to infusion of des-asp 1-1-angiotensin II demonstrates a generalized reduction of adrenal zona glomerulosa function in isolated hypoaldosteronism. Endocrine Society Program, 64th Ann Meet:189, 1982

16. Schambelan M, Sebastian A: Pathogenesis of indomethacin induced hyperkalemia and type 4 renal tubular acidosis. Program, Vth International Conference Prostaglandins Florence):772, 1982

17. Peters W, Schambelan M, Sebastian A, Biglieri EG: Aldosterone ameliorable hyperkalemia induced by angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition. Kidney Int 23:131, 1983

18. Toto RD, Hulter HN, Sebastian A: Renal tubular acidosis induced by dietary chloride. Clin Res 31:443A, 1983

19. Toto RD, Hulter HN, Sebastian A, Cooke CR, Melby JC: Effect of ECF volume depletion on renal regulation of plasma [HCO3- ] during chronic mineral acid feeding. Clin Res 31:519A, 1983

20. Hernandez R, Schambelan M, Cogan M, Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A: Restricting diet potassium stimulates renal chloride reabsorption in humans: A defense mechanism against potassium depletion induced renal metabolic alkalosis. Kidney Int 25:276, 1984

21. Schambelan M, Hernandez R, Sebastian A: Renin secretion in humans is decreased by potassium depletion. Kidney Int 25:336, 1984

22. Kurtz I, Hernandez R, Schambelan M, Biglieri EG, Rector FC Jr, Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A: The results of tests of renal diluting ability do not support the hypothesis that NaCl transport in the loop of Henle is impaired in Bartter's syndrome. Kidney Int 25:170, 1984

23. Schambelan M, Sebastian A: Interaction of potassium (K+) and the renin angiotensin system (RAS) on aldosterone secretion in normal and pathophysiologic states. Int Congress of Endocrinology, 7th Ann Meet:49, 1984

24. Lui FYH, Gaudiani LM, Sebastian A, Schambelan M: Acquired pseudohyperaldosteronism (PHA) occurring as a complication of glomerulonephritis. Kidney Int 27:146, 1985

25. Hernandez R, Kurtz I, Schambelan M, Colman J, Rector FC Jr, Morris RC Jr: Can tests of renal diluting ability reveal the proximate cause of Bartter's syndrome? Kidney Int 29:190, 1986

26. Yarbrough S, Nix L, Katz R, Korn M, Sebastian A: The quantitative distribution of chloride in raw foods and relation to sodium content. Kidney Int 29:262, 1986

27. Carneiro AV, Sebastian A, Cogan M: Reduced glomerular filtration rate can perpetuate hyperbicarbonatemia in humans. Xth International Cong. of Nephrology, 1987

28. Toffelmire E, Hernandez R, Carneiro A, Sebastian A, Schambelan M: Plasma rennin activity in humans is directly related to dietary potassium. Am Soc Neph 33:288, 1988

29. Sebastian A, Hernandez RE, Portale AA, Colman J, Tatsuno J, Morris RC Jr: Normal variations of diet potassium influence set-point at which kidneys maintain serum phosphorus concentration. Kidney Int 35:387, 1989

30. Cogan MG, Carneiro AV, Tatsuno J, Colman J, Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A: Normal diet NaCl variations influence renal set-point for plasma pH-HCO-3 maintenance during alkali ingestion. Kidney Int 35:452, 1989

31. Don BR, Strewler GJ, Sebastian A, Schambelan M: Renal PTH resistance ostetitis fibrosa cystica, and normotensive primary aldosteronism: A new disorder. Am Soc Neph 1989

32. Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A, Forman AH, Peeks RA Potassium bicarbonate has greater antihypertensive potency than potassium chloride in patients with essential hypertension. J Am Soc Nephrol 3:533, 1992

33. Sebastian A, Harris ST, Ottaway JH, Todd KT, Morris RC Jr Effect of potassium bicarbonate on calcium and phosphorus balance and biochemical markers of bone formation and resorption in postmenopausal women. J Am Soc Nephrol, 1992

34. Hagiwara S, Lane N, Engelke K, Sebastian A, Kimmel DB, Genant HK Rat femur bone mineral measurement with dual x-ray absorptiometry. 9th International Workshop on Bone Densitometry, 1992

35. Sudhir K, Forman A, Yi S_L, Sebastian A, Morris RC Jr. Normalizing dietary potassium intake attenuates responses to cold and mental stress in salt-loaded African Americans. Am Soc Hypertension, 1993

36. Frassetto L, Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A Effect of age on blood acid-base composition. J Am Soc Nephrol, 5:367, 1994

37. Morris RC Jr, O'Connor M, Forman A, Peeks R, Sebastian A Supplemental dietary potassium with KHCO3 but not KCl attenuates essential hypertension. J Am Soc Nephrol, 6:645, 1995

38. Frassetto,L, Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A Potassium bicarbonate improves nitrogen balance in postmenopausal women. J Am Soc Nephrol, 6:308, 1995

39. Frassetto LA, Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A Potassium bicarbonate increases serum growth hormone concentration in postmenopausal women. J Am Soc Nephrol, 29th Annual Meeting, 1996

40. Frassetto L, Todd KM, Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A: Role of diet net acid load on hip fracture incidence worldwide. J.Am Soc Nephrol, 30th Annual Meeting, 1997

41. Frassetto L, Todd KM, Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A: Estimation of net endogenous acid production in humans from diet potassium and protein content. Nephrology, 3(May S1):S341A, 1997

42. Frassetto LA, Nash E, Morris RC Jr, Sebastian A: Effect of potassium salts on thiazide-induced renal calcium retention. J Am Soc Nephrol, 31st Annual Meeting, 1998

43. Sebastian A, Frassetto LA, Sellmeyer DE, Merriam RL, Morris RC Jr: Estimation of the net acid load of the diet of pre-agricultural Homo sapiens and their hominid ancestors. J Am Soc Nephrol, 12: 9A, 2001

44. Sebastian A, Frassetto LA, Sellmeyer DE, Morris RC Jr: Diet-induced potassium-replete chloride-sufficient chronic low-grade metabolic alkalosis as the naturally-selected optimal systemic acid-base state of humans. J Am Soc Nephrol, 12:140A, 2001

45. Sebastian A, Frassetto LA, Sellmeyer DE, Morris RC Jr: Acid-grain: why contemporary diets are net acid-producing. J Am Soc Nephrol, 12:140A, 2001

46. Sebastian A, Frassetto LA, Sellmeyer DE, Morris RC Jr: The natural dietary potassium intake of humans exceeds current intakes minimally by a factor of four. J Am Soc Nephrol, 12:40A, 2001

47. Sellmeyer DE, Schloetter M, Sebastian A: Potassium citrate prevents increased urine calcium excretion and bone resorption induced by a high sodium chloride diet. J Bone Min Res, 16 Suppl 1:S215, 2001

48. L.A. Frassetto, R. C. Morris, Jr., and A. Sebastian. Dietary Sodium as a Determinant of Bone Resorption Rate and Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women. J.Am.Soc.Nephrol., 2004. (Abstract)

49. L.A. Frassetto, R. C. Jr Morris, and A. Sebastian. Long-term persistence of the urine-calcium-lowering effect of potassium bicarbonate in postmenopausal women. J.Am.Soc.Nephrol. 14: 2003. (Abstract)

50. L. A. Frassetto and A. Sebastian. Diet-induced potassium-replete chloride-sufficient chronic low-grade metabolic alkalosis as the naturally-selected optimal systemic acid-base state of humans: Implications for humans. The First Bay Area Clinical Research Symposium Book of Abstracts 65, 2003.

51. Frassetto LA, Morris RC, Jr., Sebastian A. Dietary Sodium as a Determinant of Bone Resorption Rate and Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women. J.Am.Soc.Nephrol. 2004;15:512A

52. Perry S, Tylavsky FA, Ryder KA et al. The net acid-producing American diet adversely affects whole body and hip bone density assessed cross-sectionally in older individuals. Abstracts of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research--27TH Annual Meeting 2005;Poster Presentation # SA306 (abstr).


1. Sebastian, A. Consciousness Made ‘Easy’: The Perspective of a Lay Enthusiast Toward a Science off Consciousness Conference: Tucson 2000 Accepted for Poster Presentation

2. Sebastian, A. A Gedankenexperiment that Establishes In Principle the Ability of Humans To Construct Consciously Experiencing Machines. Toward a Science off Consciousness Conference: Tucson 2004 Accepted for Poster Presentation

3. Sebastian, A. Defining “Experience” As Prerequisite To Explaining “Conscious Experience” Toward a Science off Consciousness Conference: Tucson 2006 Accepted for Poster Presentation


1. Sebastian A. Spreadsheet logology on the PC. Word Ways 1988;21:211-9. 2. Sebastian A, Merriam R. On reflexivity in words. Word Ways 1988;21:131-4. 3. Sebastian A. Spreadsheet logology: Letter-shifts. Word Ways 1989;22:165-70. 4. Sebastian A. Electronic Word Search Programs. Word Ways 1989;22:67-71. 5. Sebastian A. American Forests. Word Ways 1991;24:30. 6. Sebastian A. New Yorkers. Word Ways 1991;24:30. 7. Sebastian A. The linguistic genetic message. Word Ways 1992;25:26-32. 8. Sebastian A, Merriam R. Fourwords. Word Ways 1994;27:76-9. 9. Sebastian A. On converting numbers into words. Word Ways 1994;27:59-62. 10. Sebastian A. Chalet comb pair dee dual psalmer's daze? Word Ways 1998;31:71-2. 11. Sebastian A. Shell icon party tuna somber stay? Word Ways 1998;31:71.

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