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{{Image|High-pass amplifier Bode plot.PNG|right|300px|The Bode plot for a first-order (one-pole) [[highpass filter]]; the straight-line approximations are labeled "Bode pole"; phase varies from 90° at low frequencies (due to the contribution of the numerator, which is 90° at all
'''Pole splitting''' is a phenomenon exploited in some forms of [[frequency compensation]] used in an [[electronic amplifier]]. When a [[capacitor]] is introduced between the input and output sides of the amplifier with the intention of moving the [[Pole (complex analysis)|pole]] lowest in frequency (usually an input pole) to lower frequencies, pole splitting causes the pole next in frequency (usually an output pole) to move to a higher frequency. This pole movement increases the stability of the amplifier and improves its [[step response]] at the cost of decreased speed.<ref name=note1/><ref name=Toumazou/><ref name=Thompson/><ref name=Sansen/>
frequencies) to 0° at high frequencies (where the phase contribution of the denominator is −90° and cancels the contribution of the numerator).}}
{{Image|Low-pass amplifier Bode plot.PNG|right|300px|The Bode plot for a first-order (one-pole) [[lowpass filter]]; the straight-line approximations are labeled "Bode pole"; phase is 90° lower than for the highpass filter because the phase contribution of the numerator is 0° at all frequencies.}}
A '''Bode plot''', named after [[Hendrik Wade Bode]], is a combination of a Bode magnitude plot and Bode phase plot:

A '''Bode magnitude plot''' is a graph of [[logarithm|log]] magnitude versus [[frequency]],  plotted with a log-frequency axis, to show the [[transfer function]] or [[frequency response]] of a [[LTI system theory|linear, time-invariant]] system. The magnitude axis of the Bode plot is usually expressed as [[decibel]]s, that is, 20 times the common logarithm of the amplitude of the gain.
== Example of pole splitting ==
[[Image:Pole Splitting Example.png|thumbnail|250px|Figure 1: Operational amplifier with compensation capacitor ''C<sub>C</sub>'' between input and output; notice the amplifier has both input impedance ''R<sub>i</sub>'' and output impedance ''R<sub>o</sub>''.]]
[[Image:Pole Splitting Example with Miller Transform.png|thumbnail|250px|Figure 2: Operational amplifier with compensation capacitor transformed using [[Miller's theorem]] to replace the compensation capacitor with a Miller capacitor at the input and a frequency-dependent current source at the output.]]

A '''Bode phase plot''' is a graph of phase versus frequency, also plotted on a log-frequency axis,to evaluate how much a signal will be [[Phase (waves)|phase-shifted]]. The phase shift ''&phi;'' is generally a function of frequency.  
This example shows that introduction of the capacitor referred to as C<sub>C</sub> in the amplifier of Figure 1 has two results: first it causes the lowest frequency pole of the amplifier to move still lower in frequency and second, it causes the higher pole to move higher in frequency.<ref name=note2/> The amplifier of Figure 1 has a low frequency pole due to the added input resistance ''R<sub>i</sub>'' and capacitance ''C<sub>i</sub>'', with the time constant ''C<sub>i</sub>'' ( ''R<sub>A</sub> // R<sub>i</sub>'' ). This pole is moved down in frequency by the [[Miller's theorem|Miller effect]]. The amplifier is given a high frequency output pole by addition of the load resistance ''R<sub>L</sub>'' and capacitance ''C<sub>L</sub>'', with the time constant ''C<sub>L</sub>'' ('' R<sub>o</sub> // R<sub>L</sub>'' ). The upward movement of the high-frequency pole occurs because the Miller-amplified compensation capacitor ''C<sub>C</sub>'' alters the frequency dependence of the output voltage divider.

The two Bode plots can be seen as separate plots of the real and the imaginary parts of the complex logarithm of a complex gain, say ''A''(&phi;) = |''A''|e<sup>j&phi;</sup>. The Bode plot of a gain that is the product of two gains, ''A = A<sub>1</sub>A<sub>2</sub>'' is thus:
The first objective, to show the lowest pole moves down in frequency, is established using the same approach as the [[Miller effect|Miller's theorem]] article. Following the procedure described in the article on [[Miller's theorem]], the circuit of Figure 1 is transformed to that of Figure 2, which is electrically equivalent to Figure 1. Application of [[Kirchhoff's current law]] to the input side of Figure 2 determines the input voltage <math>\ v_i</math> to the ideal op amp as a function of the applied signal voltage <math>\ v_a</math>, namely,

:<math>\ln \left( |A_1|e^{j\varphi_1}\ \cdot \ |A_2|e^{j\varphi_2}\right) </math>&emsp;<math>= \ln \left(|A_1||A_2|\right) + \ln e^{j(\varphi_1+\varphi_2)} </math>&emsp;<math>=\left(\ln|A_1|+ \ln|A_2|\right) +j(\varphi_1+\varphi_2)\ . </math>
That is, once the natural logarithms of the gain magnitudes are converted to dB, the Bode plot of the ''product'' is expressed by the two Bode plots: the ''sum'' of the Bode magnitude plots and the ''sum'' of the Bode phase plots.

In the figure at right, the Bode magnitude and phase plots are shown for a one-pole [[highpass filter]] function:
\frac {v_i} {v_a}  =  \frac {R_i} {R_i+R_A} \frac {1} {1+j \omega (C_M+C_i) (R_A//R_i)} \ ,</math>

::<math> \mathrm{A_{High}}(f) = \frac {j f/  f_1} {1 + j f/f_1} \ , </math>  
which exhibits a [[roll-off]] with frequency beginning at ''f<sub>1</sub>'' where

where ''f'' is the frequency in Hz, and ''f''<sub>1</sub> is the pole position in Hz, ''f''<sub>1</sub> = 100 Hz in the figure. Using the rules for [[complex number]]s, the magnitude of this function is

::<math> \mid \mathrm{A_{High}}(f) \mid = \frac { f/f_1 } { \sqrt{ 1 + (f/f_1)^2 }} \ , </math>
f_{1} & = \frac {1} {2 \pi (C_M+C_i)(R_A//R_i) } \\
      & =  \frac {1} {2 \pi \tau_1} \ , \\

while the phase is:

::<math> \varphi_{A_{High}} = 90^\circ - \mathrm{ tan^{-1} } (f/f_1) \ . </math>
which introduces notation <math>\tau_1</math> for the time constant of the lowest pole. This frequency is lower than the initial low frequency of the amplifier, which for ''C<sub>C</sub>'' = 0 F is  <math>\frac {1} {2 \pi C_i (R_A//R_i)}</math>.

The adjective ''highpass'' refers to the behavior that high frequency signals are transferred unchanged, while low frequency signals are attenuated.
Turning to the second objective, showing the higher pole moves still higher in frequency, it is necessary to look at the output side of the circuit, which contributes a second factor to the overall gain, and additional frequency dependence. The voltage <math>\ v_o</math> is determined by the gain of the ideal op amp inside the amplifier as

Care must be taken that the inverse tangent is set up to return ''degrees'', not radians. On the Bode magnitude plot, decibels are used, and the plotted magnitude is:
::<math>\  v_o = A_v v_i \ . </math>

:<math>20\ \mathrm{log_{10}} \mid \mathrm{A_{High}}(f) \mid \ =20\  \mathrm{log_{10}} \left( f/f_1 \right)</math>  
Using this relation and applying Kirchhoff's current law to the output side of the circuit determines the load voltage <math>v_{\ell}</math> as a function of the voltage <math>\ v_{i}</math> at the input to the ideal op amp  as:
:::::::&emsp; <math>\ -20  \  \mathrm{log_{10}} \left( \sqrt{ 1 + (f/f_1)^2 }\right) \ . </math>
In the next figure, the Bode plots are shown for the one-pole [[lowpass filter]] function:

::<math> \mathrm{ A_{Low}} (f) = \frac {1} {1 + j f/f_1} \ . </math>  
::<math> \frac {v_{\ell}} {v_i} = A_v \frac {R_L} {R_L+R_o}\,\!</math><math>\sdot \frac {1+j \omega C_C R_o/A_v } {1+j \omega (C_L + C_C ) (R_o//R_L) } \ . </math>

The ''lowpass'' adjective describes the unattenuated passage of low-frequency signals and the attenuation of high-frequency signals.
This expression is combined with the gain factor found earlier for the input side of the circuit to obtain the overall gain as

Circuit modifications seldom change the magnitude and phase Bode plots independently — changing the amplitude response of the system will most likely change the phase characteristics and ''vice versa''. Their interdependence is illustrated by the observation that the phase and amplitude characteristics can be obtained from each other for minimum-phase systems using the [[Hilbert transform]].

If the transfer function is a [[rational function]] with real poles and zeros, then the Bode plot can be approximated with straight lines. These asymptotic approximations are called '''straight line Bode plots'''. Also shown in these two figures are these straight-line approximations to the Bode plots.
\frac {v_{\ell}} {v_a}  = \frac {v_{\ell}}{v_i} \frac {v_i} {v_a}

==An example with pole and zero==
:::<math>= A_v  \frac {R_i} {R_i+R_A}\sdot \frac {R_L} {R_L+R_o}\,\! </math><math> \sdot \frac {1} {1+j \omega (C_M+C_i) (R_A//R_i)} \,\! </math><math> \sdot \frac {1+j \omega C_C R_o/A_v } {1+j \omega (C_L + C_C ) (R_o//R_L) } \ . </math>
{{Image|Bode plot for pole and zero.PNG|right|350px| Bode magnitude plot for zero and for low-pass pole; curves labeled "Bode" are the straight-line Bode plots.}}
{{Image|Bode phase plot for pole and zero.PNG|right|350px| Bode phase plot for zero and for low-pass pole; curves labeled "Bode" are the straight-line Bode plots.}}
{{Image|Superposed Bode plots for pole and zero.PNG|right|350px|Bode magnitude plot for pole-zero combination; the location of the zero is ten times higher than in above figures; curves labeled "Bode" are the straight-line Bode plots}}
{{Image|Superposed Bode phase plots for pole and zero.PNG|right|350px| Bode phase plot for pole-zero combination; the location of the zero is ten times higher than in above figures; curves labeled "Bode" are the straight-line Bode plots.}}
The construction of Bode plots using superposition now is illustrated. To begin, the components are presented separately.  

The figure at right shows the Bode magnitude plot for a zero and a low-pass pole, and compares the two with the Bode straight line plots. The straight-line plots are horizontal up to the pole (zero) location and then drop (rise) at 20 dB/decade. The figure below does the same for the phase. The phase plots are horizontal up to a frequency a factor of ten below the pole (zero) location and then drop (rise) at 45°/decade until the frequency is ten times higher than the pole (zero) location. The plots then are again horizontal at higher frequencies at a final, total phase change of 90°.
This gain formula appears to show a simple two-pole response with two time constants. (It also exhibits a zero in the numerator but, assuming the amplifier gain ''A<sub>v</sub>'' is large, this zero is important only at frequencies too high to matter in this discussion , so the numerator can be approximated as unity.) However, although the amplifier does have a two-pole behavior, the two time-constants are more complicated than the above expression suggests because the Miller capacitance contains a buried frequency dependence that has no importance at low frequencies, but has considerable effect at high frequencies. That is, assuming the output ''R-C'' product,  ''C<sub>L</sub>'' ( ''R<sub>o</sub> // R<sub>L</sub>'' ), corresponds to a frequency well above the low frequency pole, the accurate form of the Miller capacitance must be used, rather than the [[Miller's theorem|Miller approximation]]. According to the article on [[Miller's theorem|Miller effect]], the Miller capacitance is given by

The Bode plot for a gain function that is the product of a pole and zero can be constructed by superposition, because the Bode plot is logarithmic, and the logarithm of a product of factors is sum of the individual, separate logarithms. The following two figures show how superposition (simple addition) of a pole and zero plot is done. The Bode straight line plots again are compared with the exact plots. The zero is assumed to reside at higher frequency than the pole to make a more interesting example.  
C_M & = C_C \left( 1 - \frac {v_{\ell}} {v_i} \right) \\
    & = C_C \left( 1 - A_v \frac {R_L} {R_L+R_o} \frac {1+j \omega C_C R_o/A_v } {1+j \omega (C_L + C_C ) (R_o//R_L) } \right ) \ . \\

Notice in the magnitude plot that the initial 20 dB/decade drop of the pole is arrested by the onset of the 20 dB/decade rise of the zero, resulting in a ''horizontal'' (zero-slope) magnitude plot for frequencies above the zero location.
(For a positive Miller capacitance, ''A<sub>v</sub>'' is negative.) Upon substitution of this result into the gain expression and collecting terms, the gain is rewritten as:

Notice in the bottom phase plot that the straight-line approximation is very approximate in the region where both pole and zero affect the phase. Notice also in this plot that the range of frequencies where the phase changes in the straight line plot is limited to frequencies a factor of ten above and below the pole (zero) location. Where the phase of the pole and the zero both are present, the straight-line phase plot is horizontal because the 45°/decade drop of the pole is arrested by the overlapping 45°/decade rise of the zero in the limited range of frequencies where both are active contributors to the phase.
::<math> \frac {v_{\ell}} {v_a} = A_v  \frac {R_i} {R_i+R_A} \frac {R_L} {R_L+R_o}  \frac {1+j \omega C_C R_o/A_v } {D_{ \omega }} \ , </math>

==Gain margin and phase margin==
with ''D<sub>ω</sub>'' given by a quadratic in ω, namely:
Bode plots are used to assess the stability of negative feedback amplifiers by finding the gain and [[phase margin]]s of an amplifier. The notion of gain and phase margin is based upon the gain expression for a [[negative feedback amplifier]] given by

::<math> A_{FB} = \frac {A_{OL}} {1 + \beta A_{OL}} \ , </math>
::<math>D_{ \omega }\,\!</math> <math> = [1+j \omega (C_L+C_C) (R_o//R_L)] \,\!</math> <math> \sdot \ [ 1+j \omega C_i (R_A//R_i)] \,\!</math> <math> \ +j \omega C_C (R_A//R_i)\,\! </math> <math>\sdot \left(  1-A_v \frac {R_L} {R_L+R_O} \right) \,\!</math> <math>\ +(j \omega) ^2 C_C C_L (R_A//R_i)  (R_O//R_L) \ . </math>

where A<sub>FB</sub> is the gain of the amplifier with feedback (the '''closed-loop gain'''), β is the '''feedback factor''' and ''A''<sub>OL</sub> is the gain without feedback (the '''open-loop gain'''). The gain ''A''<sub>OL</sub> is a complex function of frequency, with both magnitude and phase.<ref name=note1/> Examination of this relation shows the possibility of infinite gain (interpreted as instability) if the product β''A''<sub>OL</sub> = −1. (That is, the magnitude of β''A''<sub>OL</sub> is unity and its phase is −180°, the so-called '''Barkhausen  criteria'''). Bode plots are used to determine just how close an amplifier comes to satisfying this condition.
Every quadratic has two factors, and this expression looks simpler if it is rewritten as

Key to this determination are two frequencies. The first, labeled here as ''f''<sub>180</sub>, is the frequency where the open-loop gain flips sign. The second, labeled here ''f''<sub>0dB</sub>, is the frequency where the magnitude of the product | β ''A''<sub>OL</sub> | = 1 (in dB, magnitude 1 is 0 dB). That is, frequency ''f''<sub>180</sub> is determined by the condition:
\ D_{ \omega } =(1+j \omega { \tau}_1 )(1+j \omega { \tau}_2 ) </math>

:::<math> \beta A_{OL} \left( f_{180} \right) = - | \beta A_{OL} \left( f_{180} \right)| = - | \beta A_{OL}|_{180} \ , </math>
:::<math> = 1 + j \omega ( {\tau}_1+{\tau}_2) ) +(j \omega )^2 \tau_1 \tau_2 \ , \ </math>

where vertical bars denote the magnitude of a complex number (for example, | a + j b | = [ a<sup>2</sup> + b<sup>2</sup>]<sup>1/2</sup> ), and frequency ''f''<sub>0dB</sub> is determined by the condition:
where <math>\tau_1</math> and <math>\tau_2</math> are combinations of the capacitances and resistances in the formula for ''D<sub>ω</sub>''.<ref name=note3/> They correspond to the time constants of the two poles of the amplifier. One or the other time constant is the longest; suppose <math>\tau_1</math> is the longest time constant, corresponding to the lowest pole, and suppose <math>\tau_1</math> >> <math>\tau_2</math>. (Good step response requires <math>\tau_1</math> >> <math>\tau_2</math>. See [[Pole splitting#Selection of CC|Selection of C<sub>C</sub>]] below.)

:::<math>| \beta A_{OL} \left( f_{0dB} \right) | = 1 \ . </math>
At low frequencies near the lowest pole of this amplifier, ordinarily the linear term in ω is more important than the quadratic term, so the low frequency behavior  of ''D<sub>ω</sub>'' is:

One measure of proximity to instability is the '''gain margin'''. The Bode phase plot locates the frequency where the phase of β''A''<sub>OL</sub> reaches −180°, denoted here as frequency ''f''<sub>180</sub>. Using this frequency, the Bode magnitude plot finds the magnitude of β''A''<sub>OL</sub>. If |β''A''<sub>OL</sub>|<sub>180</sub> = 1, the amplifier is unstable, as mentioned. If |β''A''<sub>OL</sub>|<sub>180</sub> < 1, instability does not occur, and the separation in dB of the magnitude of |β''A''<sub>OL</sub>|<sub>180</sub> from |β''A''<sub>OL</sub>| = 1 is called the ''gain margin''. Because a magnitude of one is 0 dB, the gain margin is simply one of the equivalent forms: 20 log<sub>10</sub>( |β''A''<sub>OL</sub>|<sub>180</sub>) = 20 log<sub>10</sub>( |''A''<sub>OL</sub>|<sub>180</sub>) − 20 log<sub>10</sub>( 1 / β ).
\ D_{ \omega } & = 1+ j \omega [(C_M+C_i) (R_A//R_i) +(C_L+C_C) (R_o//R_L)] \\
              & = 1+j \omega ( \tau_1 + \tau_2) \approx 1 + j \omega \tau_1 \ , \ \\

Another equivalent measure of proximity to instability is the '''[[phase margin]]'''. The Bode magnitude plot locates the frequency where the magnitude of |β''A''<sub>OL</sub>| reaches unity, denoted here as frequency ''f''<sub>0dB</sub>. Using this frequency, the Bode phase plot finds the phase of β''A''<sub>OL</sub>. If the phase of β''A''<sub>OL</sub>( ''f''<sub>0dB</sub>) > −180°,  the instability condition cannot be met at any frequency (because its magnitude is going to be < 1 when ''f = f''<sub>180</sub>), and the distance of the phase at ''f''<sub>0dB</sub> in degrees above −180° is called the ''phase margin''.
where now ''C<sub>M</sub>'' is redefined using the [[Miller effect|Miller approximation]] as
::<math> C_M= C_C \left( 1 - A_v \frac {R_L}{R_L+R_o} \right) \ ,</math>

If a simple ''yes'' or ''no'' on the stability issue is all that is needed, the amplifier is stable if ''f''<sub>0dB</sub> < ''f''<sub>180</sub>. This criterion is sufficient to predict stability only for amplifiers satisfying some restrictions on their pole and zero positions ([[minimum phase]] systems). Although these restrictions usually are met, if they are not another method must be used, such as the [[Nyquist plot]].<ref name=Lee/><ref name=Levine/>
which is simply the previous Miller capacitance evaluated at low frequencies. On this basis <math>\tau_1</math> is determined, provided <math>\tau_1</math> >> <math>\tau_2</math>. Because ''C<sub>M</sub>'' is large, the time constant <math>{\tau}_1</math> is much larger than its original value of ''C<sub>i</sub>'' ( ''R<sub>A</sub> // R<sub>i</sub>'' ).<ref name=note4/>  
{{Image|Open and closed loop gain.PNG|right|350px| Gain of feedback amplifier ''A''<sub>FB</sub> in dB and corresponding open-loop amplifier ''A''<sub>OL</sub>. The gain margin in this amplifier is nearly zero because {{nowrap|β''A''<sub>OL</sub> <nowiki>=</nowiki> 1}} occurs at almost {{nowrap|''f'' <nowiki>=</nowiki> ''f''<sub>180°</sub>.}}}}
{{Image|Open and closed loop phase.PNG|right|350px|Phase of feedback amplifier ''°A''<sub>FB</sub> in degrees and corresponding open-loop amplifier ''°A''<sub>OL</sub>. The phase margin in this amplifier is nearly zero because the phase-flip occurs at almost the unity gain frequency ''f'' <nowiki>=</nowiki> ''f''<sub>0dB</sub> where {{nowrap|β''A''<sub>OL</sub> <nowiki>=</nowiki> 1.}}}}

===Examples using Bode plots===
At high frequencies the quadratic term becomes important. Assuming the above result for <math>\tau_1</math> is valid, the second time constant, the position of the high frequency pole, is found from the quadratic term in ''D<sub>ω</sub>'' as
Two examples illustrate gain behavior and terminology. For a three-pole amplifier, gain and phase plots for a borderline stable and a stable amplifier are compared.

====Borderline stable amplifier====
::<math> \tau_2 = \frac {\tau_1 \tau_2} {\tau_1} \approx \frac {\tau_1 \tau_2} {\tau_1 + \tau_2}\ . </math>
The first of two figures at the right compares the Bode plots for the gain without feedback (the ''open-loop'' gain) ''A''<sub>OL</sub> with the gain with feedback ''A''<sub>FB</sub> (the ''closed-loop'' gain). See [[negative feedback amplifier]] for more detail.

Because the open-loop gain ''A''<sub>OL</sub> is plotted and not the product β ''A''<sub>OL</sub>, the condition {{nowrap|''A''<sub>OL</sub> = 1 / β}} decides the frequency where {{nowrap|''&beta;A<sub>OL</sub>'' = 1,}} that is the frequency labeled ''f''<sub>0dB</sub>. The feedback gain at low frequencies and for large ''A''<sub>OL</sub> is {{nowrap|''A''<sub>FB</sub> &asymp; 1 / β}} (look at the formula for the feedback gain at the beginning of this section for the case of large gain ''A''<sub>OL</sub>), so an equivalent way to find ''f''<sub>0dB</sub> is to look where the feedback (or closed-loop) gain intersects the open-loop gain. (Frequency ''f''<sub>0dB</sub> is needed later to find the phase margin.)
Substituting in this expression the quadratic coefficient corresponding to the product <math>\tau_1 \tau_2 </math> along with the estimate for <math>\tau_1</math>, an estimate for the position of the second pole is found:

Near the crossover of the two gains at ''f''<sub>0dB</sub>, the Barkhausen criteria are almost satisfied in this example, and the feedback amplifier exhibits a massive peak in gain (it would be infinity if {{nowrap|β ''A''<sub>OL</sub> = −1).}} Beyond the unity gain frequency ''f''<sub>0dB</sub>, the open-loop gain is sufficiently small that {{nowrap|''A''<sub>FB</sub> ≈ ''A''<sub>OL</sub>}} (examine the formula at the beginning of this section for the case of small ''A''<sub>OL</sub>).
\tau_2 & = \frac {(C_C C_L +C_L C_i+C_i C_C)(R_A//R_i)  (R_O//R_L) } {(C_M+C_i) (R_A//R_i) +(C_L+C_C) (R_o//R_L)} \\
        & \approx  \frac {C_C C_L +C_L C_i+C_i C_C} {C_M} (R_O//R_L)\ , \\

The second of the two figures shows the corresponding phase comparison: the phase of the feedback amplifier is nearly zero out to the frequency ''f''<sub>180</sub> where the open-loop gain has a phase of −180°. In this vicinity, the phase of the feedback amplifier plunges abruptly downward to become almost the same as the phase of the open-loop amplifier. (Recall, {{nowrap|''A''<sub>FB</sub> ''A''<sub>OL</sub>}} for small ''A''<sub>OL</sub>.)
and because ''C<sub>M</sub>'' is large, it seems <math>\tau_2</math> is reduced in size from its original value ''C<sub>L</sub>'' ( ''R<sub>o</sub>'' // ''R<sub>L</sub>'' ); that is, the higher pole has moved still higher in frequency because of ''C<sub>C</sub>''.<ref name=note5/>

Comparing the labeled points in these two figures, it is seen that the unity gain frequency ''f''<sub>0dB</sub> and the phase-flip frequency ''f''<sub>180</sub> are very nearly equal in this amplifier, ''f''<sub>180</sub> &asymp; ''f''<sub>0dB</sub> &asymp; 3.332 kHz, which means the gain margin and phase margin are nearly zero. The amplifier is borderline stable.
In short, introduction of capacitor ''C<sub>C</sub>'' moved the low pole lower and the high pole higher, so the term '''pole splitting''' seems a good description.

====Stable example====
=== Selection of C<sub>C</sub> ===
{{Image|Gain margin.PNG|right|350px|Gain of feedback amplifier ''A''<sub>FB</sub> in dB and corresponding open-loop amplifier ''A''<sub>OL</sub>. The gain margin in this amplifier is 19 dB.}}
[[Image:Two-pole Bode magnitude plot.png|thumbnail|300px|Figure 3: Idealized [[Bode plot]] for a two pole amplifier design. Gain drops from first pole at ''f<sub>1</sub>'' at 20 dB / decade down to second pole at ''f<sub>2</sub>'' where the slope increases to 40 dB / decade.]]
{{Image|Phase margin.PNG|right|350px|Phase of feedback amplifier ''A''<sub>FB</sub> in degrees and corresponding open-loop amplifier ''A''<sub>OL</sub>. The phase margin in this amplifier is 45°.}}
What value is a good choice for ''C<sub>C</sub>''?  For general purpose use, traditional design (often called ''dominant-pole'' or ''single-pole compensation'') requires the amplifier gain to drop at 20 dB/decade from the corner frequency down to 0 dB gain, or even lower.<ref name=Sedra/><ref name=Huijsing/> With this design the amplifier is stable and has near-optimal [[Step_response#Control_of_overshoot|step response]] even as a unity gain voltage buffer. A more aggressive technique is two-pole compensation.<ref name=Feucht/><ref name=Self/>  
The last two figures on the right illustrate the gain margin and phase margin for a different amount of feedback β. The feedback factor is chosen smaller than in previous borderline stable amplifier, moving the the condition {{nowrap|<nowiki>|</nowiki> β ''A''<sub>OL</sub> <nowiki>|</nowiki> <nowiki>=</nowiki> 1}} to the lower frequency of f<sub>0dB</sub> = 1 kHz.

The upper of the two figures shows the gain plot. The intersection of {{nowrap|1 / β}} and ''A''<sub>OL</sub> occurs at  {{nowrap|''f''<sub>0dB</sub> <nowiki>=</nowiki> 1 kHz.}} Notice that the peak in the gain ''A''<sub>FB</sub> near ''f''<sub>0dB</sub> seen in the borderline stable amplifier is almost gone.<ref name=note2/><ref name=Sansen/>
The way to position ''f''<sub>2</sub> to obtain the design is shown in Figure 3. At the lowest pole ''f''<sub>1</sub>, the Bode gain plot breaks slope to fall at 20 dB/decade. The aim is to maintain the 20 dB/decade slope all the way down to zero dB, and taking the ratio of the desired drop in gain (in dB) of 20 log<sub>10</sub> ''A<sub>v</sub>'' to the required change in frequency (on a log frequency scale<ref name=note6/>) of ( log<sub>10</sub> ''f''<sub>2</sub> &nbsp;&minus;&nbsp;log<sub>10</sub> ''f''<sub>1</sub> ) = log<sub>10</sub> ( ''f''<sub>2</sub> / ''f''<sub>1</sub> ) the slope of the segment between ''f''<sub>1</sub> and ''f''<sub>2</sub> is:
The lower of the two figures is the phase plot. Using the value of ''f''<sub>0dB</sub> = 1 kHz found above from the magnitude plot, the open-loop phase at ''f''<sub>0dB</sub> is −135°, which is a phase margin of 45° above −180°.

Using the phase plot, for a phase of −180° the value of {{nowrap|''f''<sub>180</sub> <nowiki>=</nowiki> 3.332 kHz}} (the same result as found earlier, of course<ref name=note3/>). The open-loop gain from the gain plot at ''f''<sub>180</sub> is 58 dB, and {{nowrap|1 / β <nowiki>=</nowiki> 77 dB,}} so the gain margin is 19 dB.
::Slope per decade of frequency  <math>=20  \frac {\mathrm{log_{10}} ( A_v )}  {\mathrm{log_{10}}  (f_2 / f_1 ) } \ ,</math>

As an aside, it should be noted that stability is not the sole criterion for amplifier response, and in many applications a more stringent demand than stability is good [[Step_response#Step_response_of_feedback_amplifiers|step response]]. As a [[rule of thumb]], good step response requires a phase margin of at least 45°, and often a margin of over 70° is advocated, particularly where component variation due to manufacturing tolerances is an issue.<ref name=Sansen2/> See also the discussion of phase margin in the [[Step_response#Phase_margin|step response]] article.
which is 20 dB/decade provided ''f<sub>2</sub> = A<sub>v</sub> f<sub>1</sub>'' . If ''f<sub>2</sub>'' is not this large, the second break in the Bode plot that occurs at the second pole interrupts the plot before the gain drops to 0 dB with consequent lower stability and degraded step response.

==References and notes==
Figure 3 shows that to obtain the correct gain dependence on frequency, the second pole is at least a factor ''A<sub>v</sub>'' higher in frequency than the first pole. The gain is reduced a bit by the [[voltage division#Loading effect|voltage dividers]] at the input and output of the amplifier, so with corrections to ''A<sub>v</sub>'' for the voltage dividers at input and output the '''pole-ratio condition''' for good step response becomes:
::<math> \frac {\tau_1} {\tau_2} \approx A_v  \frac {R_i} {R_i+R_A}\sdot \frac {R_L} {R_L+R_o} \ , </math>
[[Image:Compensation capacitance.png|thumbnail|350px|Figure 4:  Miller capacitance at low frequencies ''C<sub>M</sub>'' (top) and compensation capacitor ''C<sub>C</sub>'' (bottom) as a function of gain using [[Microsoft Excel|Excel]]. Capacitance units are pF.]]
Using the approximations for the time constants developed above,
::<math> \frac {\tau_1} {\tau_2} \approx \frac {(\tau_1 +\tau_2 ) ^2} {\tau_1 \tau_2} \approx A_v  \frac {R_i} {R_i+R_A}\sdot \frac {R_L} {R_L+R_o} \ ,</math>
::<math> \frac  {[(C_M+C_i) (R_A//R_i) +(C_L+C_C) (R_o//R_L)]^2} {(C_C C_L +C_L C_i+C_i C_C)(R_A//R_i)  (R_O//R_L) }  \,\! </math>  <math>{\color{White}\sdot}  = A_v  \frac {R_i} {R_i+R_A}\sdot \frac {R_L} {R_L+R_o} \ ,</math>
which provides a quadratic equation to determine an appropriate value for ''C<sub>C</sub>''. Figure 4 shows an example using this equation. At low values of gain this example amplifier satisfies the pole-ratio condition without compensation (that is, in Figure 4 the compensation capacitor ''C<sub>C</sub>'' is small at low gain), but as gain increases, a compensation capacitance rapidly becomes necessary (that is, in Figure 4 the compensation capacitor ''C<sub>C</sub>'' increases rapidly with gain) because the necessary pole ratio increases with gain. For still larger gain, the necessary ''C<sub>C</sub>'' drops with increasing gain because the Miller amplification of ''C<sub>C</sub>'', which increases with gain (see the [[#Miller|Miller equation]] ),  allows a smaller value for ''C<sub>C</sub>''.
To provide more safety margin for design uncertainties, often ''A<sub>v</sub>'' is increased to two or three times ''A<sub>v</sub>'' on the right side of this equation.<ref name=note7/> See Sansen<ref name=Sansen/> or Huijsing<ref name=Huijsing/> and article on [[step response]].
===Slew rate===
The above is a small-signal analysis. However, when large signals are used, the need to charge and discharge the compensation capacitor adversely affects the amplifier [[slew rate]]; in particular, the response to an input ramp signal is limited by the need to charge ''C<sub>C</sub>''.
== References and notes ==
<ref name=note1>  
<ref name=Feucht>  
Ordinarily, as frequency increases the magnitude of the gain drops and the phase becomes more negative, although these are only trends and may be reversed in particular frequency ranges. Unusual gain behavior can render the concepts of gain and phase margin inapplicable. Then other methods such as the [[Nyquist plot]] have to be used to assess stability.
{{cite web
|author=Dennis Feucht
|title=Two-pole compensation}}

<ref name=Lee>
<ref name=Huijsing>
{{cite book  
{{cite book  
|author=Thomas H. Lee
|author=Huijsing, Johan H.
|title=The design of CMOS radio-frequency integrated circuits
|title=Operational amplifiers: theory and design
|page=§14.6 pp. 451-453
|year= 2001
|year= 2004
|pages=§6.2, pp.205–206 and Figure 6.2.1
|edition=Second Edition
|publisher=Kluwer Academic
|publisher=Cambridge University Press
|location=Boston, MA
|location=Cambridge UK
|isbn= 0-7923-7284-0
<ref name=note1>
That is, the [[rise time]] is selected to be the fastest possible consistent with low [[overshoot (signal)|overshoot]] and [[ringing (signal)|ringing]].

<ref name=Levine>
<ref name=note2>
{{cite book
Although this example appears very specific, the associated mathematical analysis is very much used in circuit design.</ref>
|author=William S Levine
|title=The control handbook: the electrical engineering handbook series
<ref name=note3>
|page=§10.1 p. 163
The sum of the time constants is the coefficient of the term linear in jω and the product of the time constants is the coefficient of the quadratic term in (jω)<sup>2</sup>.
|year= 1996
|edition=Second Edition
|publisher=CRC Press/IEEE Press
|location=Boca Raton FL

<ref name=note2>The critical amount of feedback where the peak in the gain ''just'' disappears altogether is the ''maximally flat'' or [[Butterworth_filter#Maximal_flatness|Butterworth]] design.
<ref name=note4>  
The expression for <math>\tau_1</math> differs a little from (  ''C<sub>M</sub>+C<sub>i</sub>'' ) ( ''R<sub>A</sub>'' // ''R<sub>i</sub>'' ) as found initially for ''f<sub>1</sub>'', but the difference is minor assuming the load capacitance is not so large that it controls the low frequency response instead of the Miller capacitance.
<ref name=note5>
As an aside, the higher the high-frequency pole is made in frequency, the more likely it becomes for a real amplifier that other poles (not considered in this analysis) play a part.

<ref name=note3>
<ref name=note6>
The frequency where the open-loop gain flips sign ''f''<sub>180</sub> does not change with a change in feedback factor; it is a property of the open-loop gain. The value of the gain at ''f''<sub>180</sub> also does not change with a change in β. Therefore, we could use the previous values found for the borderline stable amplifier. However, for clarity the procedure is described using only the curves for the stable amplifier.
That is, the frequency is plotted in powers of ten, as 1, 10, 10<sup>2</sup> ''etc''.
<ref name=note7>
A factor of two results in the ''maximally flat'' or [[Butterworth filter|Butterworth]] design for a two-pole amplifier. However, real amplifiers have more than two poles, and a factor greater than two often is necessary.

<ref name=Sansen>
<ref name=Sansen>
{{cite book  
{{cite book  
|author=Willy M C Sansen
|author=Wally M. C. Sansen
|title=Analog design essentials
|title=Analog design essentials
|page=§0517-§0527 pp. 157-163
|year= 2006
|year= 2006
|pages=§097, p. 266 ''ff''
|location=Dordrecht, The Netherlands
|location=New York; Berlin

<ref name=Sedra> 
{{cite book
|author=A.S. Sedra and K.C. Smith
|title=Microelectronic circuits
|year= 2004
|pages=p. 849 and Example 8.6, p. 853
|publisher=Oxford University Press
|edition=Fifth Edition
|location=New York
|isbn= 0-19-514251-9
<ref name=Self>
{{cite book
|author=Douglas Self
|title=Audio power amplifier design handbook
|year= 2006
|pages=pp. 191–193
|isbn= 0750680725
<ref name=Thompson>
{{cite book
|author=Marc T. Thompson
|title=Intuitive analog circuit design: a problem-solving approach using design case studies
|year= 2006
|pages=p. 200
|publisher=Elsevier Newnes
|isbn= 0750677864

<ref name=Sansen2>
<ref name=Toumazou>
{{cite book  
{{cite book  
|author=Willy M C Sansen
|editor=C. Toumazu, Moschytz GS & Gilbert B eds
|title=§0526 p. 162
|title=Trade-offs in analog circuit design: the designer's companion
|year= 2007
|pages=pp. 272–275
|location=New York/Berlin/Dordrecht
|isbn= 1402070373


Revision as of 08:03, 5 June 2011

Pole splitting is a phenomenon exploited in some forms of frequency compensation used in an electronic amplifier. When a capacitor is introduced between the input and output sides of the amplifier with the intention of moving the pole lowest in frequency (usually an input pole) to lower frequencies, pole splitting causes the pole next in frequency (usually an output pole) to move to a higher frequency. This pole movement increases the stability of the amplifier and improves its step response at the cost of decreased speed.[1][2][3][4]

Example of pole splitting

Figure 1: Operational amplifier with compensation capacitor CC between input and output; notice the amplifier has both input impedance Ri and output impedance Ro.
Figure 2: Operational amplifier with compensation capacitor transformed using Miller's theorem to replace the compensation capacitor with a Miller capacitor at the input and a frequency-dependent current source at the output.

This example shows that introduction of the capacitor referred to as CC in the amplifier of Figure 1 has two results: first it causes the lowest frequency pole of the amplifier to move still lower in frequency and second, it causes the higher pole to move higher in frequency.[5] The amplifier of Figure 1 has a low frequency pole due to the added input resistance Ri and capacitance Ci, with the time constant Ci ( RA // Ri ). This pole is moved down in frequency by the Miller effect. The amplifier is given a high frequency output pole by addition of the load resistance RL and capacitance CL, with the time constant CL ( Ro // RL ). The upward movement of the high-frequency pole occurs because the Miller-amplified compensation capacitor CC alters the frequency dependence of the output voltage divider.

The first objective, to show the lowest pole moves down in frequency, is established using the same approach as the Miller's theorem article. Following the procedure described in the article on Miller's theorem, the circuit of Figure 1 is transformed to that of Figure 2, which is electrically equivalent to Figure 1. Application of Kirchhoff's current law to the input side of Figure 2 determines the input voltage to the ideal op amp as a function of the applied signal voltage , namely,

which exhibits a roll-off with frequency beginning at f1 where

which introduces notation for the time constant of the lowest pole. This frequency is lower than the initial low frequency of the amplifier, which for CC = 0 F is .

Turning to the second objective, showing the higher pole moves still higher in frequency, it is necessary to look at the output side of the circuit, which contributes a second factor to the overall gain, and additional frequency dependence. The voltage is determined by the gain of the ideal op amp inside the amplifier as

Using this relation and applying Kirchhoff's current law to the output side of the circuit determines the load voltage as a function of the voltage at the input to the ideal op amp as:

This expression is combined with the gain factor found earlier for the input side of the circuit to obtain the overall gain as

This gain formula appears to show a simple two-pole response with two time constants. (It also exhibits a zero in the numerator but, assuming the amplifier gain Av is large, this zero is important only at frequencies too high to matter in this discussion , so the numerator can be approximated as unity.) However, although the amplifier does have a two-pole behavior, the two time-constants are more complicated than the above expression suggests because the Miller capacitance contains a buried frequency dependence that has no importance at low frequencies, but has considerable effect at high frequencies. That is, assuming the output R-C product, CL ( Ro // RL ), corresponds to a frequency well above the low frequency pole, the accurate form of the Miller capacitance must be used, rather than the Miller approximation. According to the article on Miller effect, the Miller capacitance is given by

(For a positive Miller capacitance, Av is negative.) Upon substitution of this result into the gain expression and collecting terms, the gain is rewritten as:

with Dω given by a quadratic in ω, namely:

Every quadratic has two factors, and this expression looks simpler if it is rewritten as

where and are combinations of the capacitances and resistances in the formula for Dω.[6] They correspond to the time constants of the two poles of the amplifier. One or the other time constant is the longest; suppose is the longest time constant, corresponding to the lowest pole, and suppose >> . (Good step response requires >> . See Selection of CC below.)

At low frequencies near the lowest pole of this amplifier, ordinarily the linear term in ω is more important than the quadratic term, so the low frequency behavior of Dω is:

where now CM is redefined using the Miller approximation as

which is simply the previous Miller capacitance evaluated at low frequencies. On this basis is determined, provided >> . Because CM is large, the time constant is much larger than its original value of Ci ( RA // Ri ).[7]

At high frequencies the quadratic term becomes important. Assuming the above result for is valid, the second time constant, the position of the high frequency pole, is found from the quadratic term in Dω as

Substituting in this expression the quadratic coefficient corresponding to the product along with the estimate for , an estimate for the position of the second pole is found:

and because CM is large, it seems is reduced in size from its original value CL ( Ro // RL ); that is, the higher pole has moved still higher in frequency because of CC.[8]

In short, introduction of capacitor CC moved the low pole lower and the high pole higher, so the term pole splitting seems a good description.

Selection of CC

Figure 3: Idealized Bode plot for a two pole amplifier design. Gain drops from first pole at f1 at 20 dB / decade down to second pole at f2 where the slope increases to 40 dB / decade.

What value is a good choice for CC? For general purpose use, traditional design (often called dominant-pole or single-pole compensation) requires the amplifier gain to drop at 20 dB/decade from the corner frequency down to 0 dB gain, or even lower.[9][10] With this design the amplifier is stable and has near-optimal step response even as a unity gain voltage buffer. A more aggressive technique is two-pole compensation.[11][12]

The way to position f2 to obtain the design is shown in Figure 3. At the lowest pole f1, the Bode gain plot breaks slope to fall at 20 dB/decade. The aim is to maintain the 20 dB/decade slope all the way down to zero dB, and taking the ratio of the desired drop in gain (in dB) of 20 log10 Av to the required change in frequency (on a log frequency scale[13]) of ( log10 f2  − log10 f1 ) = log10 ( f2 / f1 ) the slope of the segment between f1 and f2 is:

Slope per decade of frequency

which is 20 dB/decade provided f2 = Av f1 . If f2 is not this large, the second break in the Bode plot that occurs at the second pole interrupts the plot before the gain drops to 0 dB with consequent lower stability and degraded step response.

Figure 3 shows that to obtain the correct gain dependence on frequency, the second pole is at least a factor Av higher in frequency than the first pole. The gain is reduced a bit by the voltage dividers at the input and output of the amplifier, so with corrections to Av for the voltage dividers at input and output the pole-ratio condition for good step response becomes:

Figure 4: Miller capacitance at low frequencies CM (top) and compensation capacitor CC (bottom) as a function of gain using Excel. Capacitance units are pF.

Using the approximations for the time constants developed above,


which provides a quadratic equation to determine an appropriate value for CC. Figure 4 shows an example using this equation. At low values of gain this example amplifier satisfies the pole-ratio condition without compensation (that is, in Figure 4 the compensation capacitor CC is small at low gain), but as gain increases, a compensation capacitance rapidly becomes necessary (that is, in Figure 4 the compensation capacitor CC increases rapidly with gain) because the necessary pole ratio increases with gain. For still larger gain, the necessary CC drops with increasing gain because the Miller amplification of CC, which increases with gain (see the Miller equation ), allows a smaller value for CC.

To provide more safety margin for design uncertainties, often Av is increased to two or three times Av on the right side of this equation.[14] See Sansen[4] or Huijsing[10] and article on step response.

Slew rate

The above is a small-signal analysis. However, when large signals are used, the need to charge and discharge the compensation capacitor adversely affects the amplifier slew rate; in particular, the response to an input ramp signal is limited by the need to charge CC.

References and notes

  1. That is, the rise time is selected to be the fastest possible consistent with low overshoot and ringing.
  2. (2007) C. Toumazu, Moschytz GS & Gilbert B eds: Trade-offs in analog circuit design: the designer's companion. New York/Berlin/Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 272–275. ISBN 1402070373. 
  3. Marc T. Thompson (2006). Intuitive analog circuit design: a problem-solving approach using design case studies. Amsterdam: Elsevier Newnes, p. 200. ISBN 0750677864. 
  4. 4.0 4.1 Wally M. C. Sansen (2006). Analog design essentials. New York; Berlin: Springer, §097, p. 266 ff. ISBN 0-387-25746-2. 
  5. Although this example appears very specific, the associated mathematical analysis is very much used in circuit design.
  6. The sum of the time constants is the coefficient of the term linear in jω and the product of the time constants is the coefficient of the quadratic term in (jω)2.
  7. The expression for differs a little from ( CM+Ci ) ( RA // Ri ) as found initially for f1, but the difference is minor assuming the load capacitance is not so large that it controls the low frequency response instead of the Miller capacitance.
  8. As an aside, the higher the high-frequency pole is made in frequency, the more likely it becomes for a real amplifier that other poles (not considered in this analysis) play a part.
  9. A.S. Sedra and K.C. Smith (2004). Microelectronic circuits, Fifth Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, p. 849 and Example 8.6, p. 853. ISBN 0-19-514251-9. 
  10. 10.0 10.1 Huijsing, Johan H. (2001). Operational amplifiers: theory and design. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic, §6.2, pp.205–206 and Figure 6.2.1. ISBN 0-7923-7284-0. 
  11. Dennis Feucht. Two-pole compensation.
  12. Douglas Self (2006). Audio power amplifier design handbook. Oxford: Newnes, pp. 191–193. ISBN 0750680725. 
  13. That is, the frequency is plotted in powers of ten, as 1, 10, 102 etc.
  14. A factor of two results in the maximally flat or Butterworth design for a two-pole amplifier. However, real amplifiers have more than two poles, and a factor greater than two often is necessary.