Electrical power plant: Difference between revisions

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imported>Daniel Mietchen
(brought over from former Power plant (disambiguation))
imported>Daniel Mietchen
Line 7: Line 7:
{{r|Combined cycle power plant}}
{{r|Combined cycle power plant}}
{{r|Combined cycle gas turbine power plant}}
{{r|Combined cycle gas turbine power plant}}
{{r|Conventional coal-fired power plant}}
{{r|Coal-fired power plant}}
{{r|Conventional coal-fired power plant||**}}
{{r|Integrated gasification combined cycle power plant||**}}
{{r|Fluidized bed combustion power plant||**}}
{{r|Oxygen firing power plant||**}}
{{r|Fossil fuel power plant}}
{{r|Fossil fuel power plant}}
{{r|Gas turbine power plant}}
{{r|Gas turbine power plant}}

Revision as of 14:00, 14 April 2010

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Multiple technical approaches exist to achieve this general goal, and they are usually classified by the source of energy employed and by the way this source is being processed: