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"Lactococcus lactis" functions through both aerobic and anaerobic metabolic pathways. The primitive source of energy is produced anaerobicly, which results in the accumulation of lactic acid. the deprivation of oxygen leads the glycolysis process to breakdown carbohydratesinto pryvate which then convert into lactic acid. this process is only possible through the production of the lactate dehydrogenase enzyme and NAD. Lactate is transported to the median which causes the efflux of protons resulting in the appropriate membrane potential for energy production. The lactic acid produced is used for food production.
"Lactococcus lactis" functions through both aerobic and anaerobic metabolic pathways. The primitive source of energy is produced anaerobicly, which results in the accumulation of lactic acid. the deprivation of oxygen leads the glycolysis process to breakdown carbohydratesinto pryvate which then convert into lactic acid. this process is only possible through the production of the lactate dehydrogenase enzyme and NAD. Lactate is transported to the median which causes the efflux of protons resulting in the appropriate membrane potential for energy production. The lactic acid produced is used for food production.
     Aerobic respiration is also used as a supplemental metabolic process. When oxygen and a heme source is present new traits are observed such as increased growth index, resistance to oxidative and acid stress, and  long-termed endurance at low temperatures. Along with heme source, the presence of membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase oxidizes NADH and increases the cell growth and production of proteins and vitamins.
  Aerobic respiration is also used as a supplemental metabolic process. When oxygen and a heme source is present new traits are observed such as increased growth index, resistance to oxidative and acid stress, and  long-termed endurance at low temperatures. Along with heme source, the presence of membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase oxidizes NADH and increases the cell growth and production of proteins and vitamins.


Revision as of 16:29, 20 April 2009

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Pseudomonas putida
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Eubacteria
Phylum: Proteobacteria
Class: Gamma Proteobacteria
Order: Pseudomonadales
Family: Pseudomonadaceae
Genus: Pseudomonas
Species: putida
Binomial name
Pseudomonas putida

Description and significance

Genome structure

Cell structure and metabolism

"Lactococcus lactis" functions through both aerobic and anaerobic metabolic pathways. The primitive source of energy is produced anaerobicly, which results in the accumulation of lactic acid. the deprivation of oxygen leads the glycolysis process to breakdown carbohydratesinto pryvate which then convert into lactic acid. this process is only possible through the production of the lactate dehydrogenase enzyme and NAD. Lactate is transported to the median which causes the efflux of protons resulting in the appropriate membrane potential for energy production. The lactic acid produced is used for food production.

  Aerobic respiration is also used as a supplemental metabolic process. When oxygen and a heme source is present new traits are observed such as increased growth index, resistance to oxidative and acid stress, and  long-termed endurance at low temperatures. Along with heme source, the presence of membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase oxidizes NADH and increases the cell growth and production of proteins and vitamins.



Application to Biotechnology

Current Research