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* The zero (additive identity element) of a [[ring (mathematics)|ring]] is an absorbing element for the ring multiplication.
* The zero (additive identity element) of a [[ring (mathematics)|ring]] is an absorbing element for the ring multiplication.
* The [[zero matrix]] is the absorbing element for [[matrix multiplication]].
* The [[zero matrix]] is the absorbing element for [[matrix multiplication]].
* The [[empty set]] is the absorbing element for [[intersection]] of sets.
* The [[empty set]] is the absorbing element for [[intersection]] of sets.[[Category:Suggestion Bot Tag]]

Latest revision as of 17:00, 5 July 2024

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In algebra, an absorbing element or a zero element for a binary operation has a property similar to that of multiplication by zero.

Formally, let be a binary operation on a set X. An element O of X is absorbing for if

holds for all x in X. An absorbing element, if it exists, is unique.
