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Marian apparitions are the supernatural or paranormal event where Mary, the mother of Jesus, may be seen by one or many.
==Investigative Process==
The '''AIM 9X Sidewinder''' missile is a short range air-to-air heat seeking missile used by both the United States Navy and the United States Air Force. According to various governmental or contractor sources, the AIM 9X has the following specifications:
The local bishop is called to supervise the investigation of a purported Marian apparition. The bishop along with other investigators will determine if something supernatural occurred. During this investigation the following criteria will be used to evaluate the alleged apparition.
*Determine if something miraculous occurred by interviewing the witnesses and the visionary. A visitation of the apparition site is usually scheduled.
*Character evaluation including church attendance, sincerity and mental soundness.
*Theological soundness according to catholic doctrine.
*A positive and enduring income that may include conversion, prayer and increase of charity.<ref name="Norms and Process for Judging Private Revelations">{{cite web |url= |title=Norms and Prcoess for Judging Private Revelations |accessdate=2010-10-05}}</ref><ref name="Marian Apparitions in the Americas">{{cite web |url= |title=Marian Apparitions in the Americas |accessdate=2010-10-05}}</ref>
== Statistics ==
During the twentieth century 386 Marian apparition cases were reported. Of those "no decision" was made for 299 of the reported apparitions while 79 of the reports received a "negative decision." The remaining reported apparitions were determined to be "supernatural in character" by the Roman Catholic Church.

They are:
<br>9.9 feet</br>
<br>5 inch diameter</br>
<br>Approximately 2 feet wingspan</br>
<br>Approximately 188 pounds weight</br>
<br>Speed is classified although it's reported the 9X is a supersonic missile</br>
<br>Range is classified</br>
<br>The warhead weighs approximately 20.8 pounds and is a conventional warhead</br>
<br>Entered service in 1956</br>

*Fatima, Portugal
*Beauraing, Belgium
*Banneux, Belgium
*Akita, Japan
*Syracuse, Italy
*Zeitoun, Egypt
*Manila, Phillipines (according to some but not all sources)
*Betania, Venezuela

Of the reported apparitions 11 received approval by the local bishop as a prayer and devotion site.
A statistical analysis of the Marian apparition directory reveals the following results. During the twentieth century, there have been 386 cases of Marian apparitions.  The Church has made "no decision" about the supernatural character regarding 299 of the 386 cases. The Church has made a "negative decision" about the supernatural character in seventy-nine of the 386 cases.  Out of the 386 apparitions, the Church has decided that "yes" there is a supernatural character only in eight cases: Fatima (Portugal), Beauraing (Belgium), Banneux (Belgium), Akita (Japan), Syracuse (Italy), Zeitoun (Egypt), Manila (Philippines) (according to some sources), and Betania (Venezuela).  Local bishops have approved of the faith expression at the sites where these eight apparitions occurred.  Besides the eight approved apparitions, there have been eleven (out of the 386 apparitions) which have not been approved with a "supernatural character," but which have received a "yes" to indicate the local bishop's "approval of faith expression (prayer and devotion) at the site."<ref name="Marian Apparitions of the 20th Century">{{cite web |url= |title=Marian Apparitions of the 20th Century |accessdate=2010-10-05 |publisher=University of Dayton |work=Marian Apparitions of the 20th Century |archiveurl= |archivedate=2010-10-05}}</ref>
<ref name="Fully Approved Marian Apparitions">{{cite web |url= |title=Fully Approved Marian Apparitions |accessdate=2010-10-05 |publisher=Five Franciscan Martyrs Region}}</ref>
<ref name="EWTN Marian Devotions and Apparitions">{{cite web |url= |title=Marian Devotions and Apparitions |accessdate=2010-10-05}}</ref>
== Approved Apparition Sites ==
The following sites have been approved by the Catholic church:
*1531, Guadalupe, Mexico - On a hill outside Mexico City, the Blessed Mother appeared four times to a recent convert to Christianity, Juan Diego. Mary proclaimed herself "the Mother of the true God who gives life" and left her image permanently upon Diego's tilma or mantle.
*1830, Paris, France - In the chapel of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Mary showed herself three times to novice Catherine Laboure (age 24). Laboure said she was commissioned by the Virgin to have the medal of the Immaculate Conception or "Miraculous Medal" made in order to spread devotion to Our Lady.
*1846, La Salette, France - Six thousand feet up in the French Alps, Mary is believed to have come to Maximin Giraud (age 11) and Melanie Calvat (age 14) while they tended sheep. Her appearance in sorrow and tears called for conversion and penance for sins.
*1858, Lourdes, France - At the Grotto of Massabielle, the Virgin showed herself eighteen times to Bernadette Soubirous (age 14). Under the title "the Immaculate Conception," she called for penance and prayer for the conversion of sinners.
*1871, Pontmain, France - Mary appeared on a farm to Eugene (age 10) and Joseph Barbadette (age 12) and Francoise Richer and Jeanne-Marie Lebosse, students at the nearby convent school. Mary's message was written on a banner that unfurled from her feet: "But pray my children. God will hear you in a short time. My Son allows Himself to be moved by compassion."
*1879, Knock, County Mayo, Ireland - During a pouring rain, the figures of Mary, Joseph, John the Apostle and a lamb on a plain altar appeared over the gable of the village chapel, enveloped in a bright light. None of them spoke. At least fifteen people (ages 5-75) saw the apparition.
*1917, Fatima, Portugal - While tending sheep, Lucia de Santos (age 10) and her two cousins, Francisco (age 9) and Jacinta Marto (age 7), reported six apparitions of Mary, who identified herself as "Our Lady of the Rosary." Mary urged prayer of the rosary, penance for the conversion of sinners and consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart.
*1932-33, Beauraing, Belgium - Mary is believed to have come thirty-three times to the playground of a convent school to five children (ages 9-15), Andree and Gilberte Degeimbre and Albert, Fernande and Gilberte Voisin. Identifying herself as "the Immaculate Virgin" and "Mother of God, Queen of Heaven," she called for prayer for the conversion of sinners.
*1933, Banneux, Belgium - In a garden behind the Beco family's cottage, the Blessed Mother is said to have appeared to Mariette Beco (age 11) eight times. Calling herself the "Virgin of the Poor," Mary promised to intercede for the poor, the sick and the suffering.
*More recent apparitions include Akita, Japan, in 1984; Chontaleu, Nicaragua, in 1987; Kibeho, Rwanda, in 1988; and Betania, Venezuela. <ref name="Approved Marian Apparitions">{{cite web |url= |title=Marian Apparitions of the 20th Century |accessdate=2010-10-05 |publisher=University of Dayton |work=What Marian apparitions have been recognized by ecclesiastical authorities? |archiveurl= |archivedate=2010-10-05}}</ref></blockquote>
== Fatima ==
Fatima is rated as one of the highest ranking when it comes to prophecy.
"Fatima is undoubtedly the most prophetic of modern apparitions. The first and second parts of the “secret”—which are here published in sequence so as to complete the documentation—refer especially to the frightening vision of hell, devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Second World War, and finally the prediction of the immense damage that Russia would do to humanity by abandoning the Christian faith and embracing Communist totalitarianism." <ref name="Fatima"> During the October 13, 1917, apparition 70,000 witnesses saw the sun "dance" while the visionaries received a message from the Virgin Mary.{{cite web |url= |title=Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith the Message of Fatima |accessdate=2010-10-05 |publisher=Vatican}}</ref><ref name="Fatima">{{cite web |url= |title=October 13, 1917 Fatima Marian Apparition |accessdate=2010-10-05}}</ref><ref name="The Real Story of Fatima">{{cite web |url= |title=The Real Story of Fatima (EWTN) |accessdate=2010-10-05}}</ref>
Foretelling the Fatima Marian apparitions was the Angel of Portugal visitations to Lucia de Jesus dos Santos, Francisco Marto and Jacinta Marto in the spring of 1916. The children witnessed the visitation of the angel three times who delivered various messages.<ref name="Appartitions of the Angel of Portugal">{{cite web |url= |title=Apparitions of the Angel |accessdate=2010-10-06}}</ref>
Francisco and Jacinta Marto were beautified by the Roman Catholic church on May 13, 2000. Lucia is still alive and is a nun.<ref name="The Holy Father's Beatification">{{cite web |url= |title=The Holy Father's Beatification |accessdate=2010-10-06}}</ref>
In 1858 Bernadette Soubirous was visited by the Virgin Mary on February 11. Sourirous was visited 18 times by the Virgin Mary. The Catholic church determined the visitations were of supernatural in nature.
"We adjudge that the Immaculate Mary, Mother of God, really appeared to Bernadette Soubirous on February 11th, 1858, and subsequent days, eighteen times in all, in the Grotto of Massabielle, near the town of Lourdes: that this apparition possesses all the marks of truth, and that the faithful are justified in believing it certain. We humbly submit our judgement to the judgement of the Supreme Pontiff to whom is committed the Government of the whole Church." wrote Bishop Laurence in 1862.<ref name="The Apparitions at Lourdes">{{cite web |url= |title=The Appariitions at Lourdes |accessdate=2010-10-06}}</ref><ref name="">{{cite web |url= |title=The Encounters with the Blessed Virgin Mary |accessdate=2010-10-06}}</ref>
In November 2005 the 67th documented cure was attributed to the healing waters of Lourdes.<ref name="">{{cite web |url= |title=9th November 2005 Another Cure Recognised as a Miracle |accessdate=2010-10-06}}</ref>
"The Virgin made Her apparition over the domes of the Virgin's Church at El-Zeitoun (Egypt) on the eve of the 2nd of April, 1968. Her apparitions have been characterized by their full clarity. They also took many forms..." wrote Rev. Father Boutros Gayed.<ref name="How the Virgin Mae Her Apparition At El-Zeitoun">{{cite web |url= |title=How The Virgin Made Her Apparition At El-Zeitoun |accessdate=2010-10-06}}</ref> The Rev. Gayed wrote the apparition was seen with stars encircling the apparition, the apparition was seen to walk over the dome and bow at the cross, and white pigeons were seen during the apparition. Stars, unusual lights, doves, unusual cloudlike formations and incense was seen or smelled during the apparitions wrote Gayed.<ref name="Unusual Phenomena Taking Place At The Time Of The Apparition">{{cite web |url= |title=Unusual Phenomena Taking Place At The Time Of The Apparition |accessdate=2010-10-06}}</ref>
* Lourdes
* Medjugorje
* Greek Orthodox

Latest revision as of 21:00, 25 August 2024

The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

The AIM 9X Sidewinder missile is a short range air-to-air heat seeking missile used by both the United States Navy and the United States Air Force. According to various governmental or contractor sources, the AIM 9X has the following specifications:

9.9 feet

5 inch diameter

Approximately 2 feet wingspan

Approximately 188 pounds weight

Speed is classified although it's reported the 9X is a supersonic missile

Range is classified

The warhead weighs approximately 20.8 pounds and is a conventional warhead

Entered service in 1956
