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'''Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Mark Twain found at Wikiquote under the Creative Commons 3.0 license.'''
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<center><font color="green"><font size="6">Welcome to my user page!</font></font></center><br><br><br>

== I love proverbs, jokes and puns. How 'bout you?? ==
<center>'''Mary Ash is no longer active at Citizendim effective June 22, 2013.'''</center>

Swedish proverbs courtesy WikiQuote...

      * "Alla vägar bär till Rom."
          o Translation: "All roads lead to Rome."
*Unemployed and enjoying it!
*Sandbox [[User:Mary Ash/My sandbox|'''My sandbox''']]
*Reference Tool maker [ Ref Maker]

    * "Allt är inte guld som glimmar."
          o Translation: "Not everything that glimmers is gold." or ""All that glitters is not gold."
          o Notes: Cf. "Man ska inte döma hunden efter håren."

    * "Anfall är bästa försvar."
<!--[[Category:CZ Authors|Ash, Mary]][[Category:History Authors|Ash, Mary]] [[Category:Hobbies Authors|Ash, Mary]] [[Category:Journalism Authors|Ash, Mary]]-->
          o Translation: "Attack is the best defence."
    * "Arga katter får rivet skinn."
          o Translation: "Angry cats get scratched skin."
          o Translation (interpretation): "Quarrelsome dogs come limping home."
    * "Av barn och dårar får man höra sanningen."
          o Translation: "From children and fools you get to hear the truth."
    * "Alltid är det något sa flickan som blödde näsblod."
          o Translation: "'It's always something' said the girl with a nosebleed."
    * "Av skadan blir man vis."
          o Translation: "Damage makes you wise."
[edit] B
    * "Blod är tjockare än vatten."
          o Translation: "Blood is thicker than water."
    * "Borta bra men hemma bäst."
          o Translation: "Away is good but at home is best."
          o Notes: Cf. "There's no place like home.", and "East or West, home is best."
    * "Bränt barn skyr elden."
          o Translation: "Burnt child shuns the fire."
          o Notes: Sometimes jokingly changed into "Bränt barn luktar illa." ("Burned child smells bad."). Cf. "Once bitten, twice shy."
    * "Bättre en fågel i handen än tio i skogen."
          o Translation: "Better is one bird in the hand than ten in the bush."
          o Notes: Sometimes spoofed as "Bättre en tia i handen än en tjuga i foten." (It's better to have a tia(10 krona coin) in your hand than to have a tjuga(can mean either a 20 krona bill or a hayfork) in your foot.), also means "Better a dollar in your hand than a hayfork in your foot ."
    * "Bäst att smida medan järnet är varmt."
          o Translation: "Strike while the iron is hot."
    * "Bättre fly än illa fäkta."
          o Translation: "Better to flee than fight poorly."
    * "Bättre sent än aldrig."
          o Translation: "Better late than never."
    * "Bättre stämma i bäcken än i ån."
          o Translation: "Better to dam the brook than the creek."
[edit] D
    * "Dansa efter någons pipa."
          o Translation: "To dance according to someone's pipe," or "Jump through these hoops."
    * "Delad glädje är dubbel glädje (och delad sorg är halv sorg)."
          o Translation: "Shared joy is twice the joy (and shared grief is half the grief)."
          o English equivalent: "A joy shared is a joy doubled (A problem shared is a problem halved)."
    * "Den enes död -- den andres bröd."
          o Translation: "The death of one -- the bread of the other."
          o Notes: What's bad for one person might be good for someone else.
          o cf "One man's medicine is another man's poison." and "One man's trash is another man's treasure."
    * "Den som gapar efter mycket, mister ofta hela stycket."
          o Translation: "The one who bids for much, often loses the whole deal."
          o cf: "Grasp all, lose all."
    * "Den som gräver en grop åt andra faller ofta själv däri."
          o Translation: "The one who digs a pit for others, often falls into it him-/herself."
          o Notes: If you're trying to make things go bad for someone else, you yourself will probably be the one it'll go bad for.
    * "Den som vill vara fin, får lida pin."
          o Translation: "The one who desires to be pretty, has to suffer."
          o cf: "No pain, no gain."
    * "Den som väntar på något gott, väntar aldrig för länge."
          o Translation: "When you are waiting for something good, you can never wait too long" i.e Something good is worth waiting for.
          o Notes: Sometimes jokingly changed into "Den som väntar på något gott, väntar alltid för länge." ("When you are waiting for something good, you always wait too long"). Or "Den som väntar på något gott, blir aldrig tjock" ("The one who waits for something good, never gets fat").
    * "Det dunkelt sagda är det dunkelt tänkta."
          o Translation: "What is unclearly said is unclearly thought."
          o Note: This is from Esaias Tegnér's poem "Epilog vid Magisterpromotionen i Lund 1820".
    * "Det finns inga dåliga väder bara dåliga kläder." or "Det finns inget dåligt väder bara dåliga kläder." (older form)
          o Translation: "There is no bad weather only bad clothing."
    * "Det gäller att smida medan järnet är varmt."
          o Translation: "You must take the chance to forge whilst the iron is hot."
    * "Det man inte vet mår man inte dåligt av."
          o Translation: "What you don't know doesn't hurt you."
    * "Det som börjar med en knappnål, slutar oftast med en silverskål*
          o Translation: "What starts with a needle, will often end with a silverbowl" I.e a person that steels something little/done somthing bad/ will probably end up steeling more valuable things/as a criminal.
    * "Det som göms i snö, kommer fram vid tö."
          o Translation: "What is hidden in snow, is revealed at thaw."
    * "Det som inte dödar, härdar."
          o Translation: "What doesn't kill, hardens."
          o cf "That which does not kill you, makes you stronger." --Nietzsche.
    * "Det var på håret."
          o Translation: "That was on the hair." Alt "That was a close cut"
          o Notes: Meaning "that was close" in cases where something bad almost happened.
          o cf "That was a close shave"
    * "Det viktigaste är inte att vinna, utan att kämpa väl."
          o Translation: "The important thing isn't to win, but to fight well."
    * "Det är inte ens fel, när två träter."
          o Translation: "It's not one person's fault if two people quarrel."
          o cf "It takes two to make a quarrel."
    * "Det är skönare lyss till den sträng som brast än att aldrig spänna en båge."
          o Translation: "It is fairer to listen to the string that broke than to never strain a bow."
          o Note: This is from Verner von Heidenstam's poem "Åkallan och löfte" ("Invocation and Promise"). It means roughly: "It is better to fail than to never have made the effort."
    * "Det är tanken som räknas."
          o Translation: "It's the thought that counts."
          o Notes: It doesn't matter if things didn't turn out right, as long as the intentions were good.
    * "Du är inte så dum som du ser ut."
          o Translation: "You're not as stupid as you look"
* To see more go to Wikiquote:
== <center>BIOGRAPHY</center> ==
I was born out west, lived just about everywhere known to humankind, tromped through the swamps of the deep south, spent days looking for those tiny no seeums, before returning to the great west where the sage brush meanders. When last seen I was learning how to right OOOPS '''write''' at''' CZ''' OOOPS '''Citizendium'''.
'''I have written no peer reviewed articles''' but I have met many a '''deadline'''. '''I was a working reporter for many years''' including 9-11 and provided '''local coverage''' for that fateful day that I will never, ever forget. I will always remember the people who died that day, especially the ones who gave their lives trying to save others.
I have survived nutty editors and even nuttier reporters. I have learned the best friend a reporter can have is a '''good editor''' who will always make '''you look good'''. '''I have learned it's '''best to build people up and to encourage them''' as giving to others will always make '''you feel better'''.
'''I have a wacky sense of humor''' developed after witnessing far too much '''human suffering''' at '''senseless accidents''' and other things reporters have to see. Ever practical '''I always had an extra pair of shoes for walking through broken glass''' while dodging vehicle fluids on the pavement. I learned to '''trust''' firefighters who always made sure '''I stayed safe''' when covering accident scenes. I '''learned to avoid PCB spills'''.
'''I often wondered about big government''' especially after reading and weeding through miles of paper concerning '''EPA''' and '''environmental''' reports. I often wondered '''how many trees were killed''' to print those reports in the name of saving the '''environment'''. I often wondered about the EPA when they required my fair city to complete '''wastewater studies''' by specific dates when our yearly rainfall '''is less than eight inches.''' And the '''required rainfall''' usually didn't fall on the day required. I also wondered about the wisdom of big government when it could not realize a nearby waterway was '''not navigable water unless you were the Tidy Bowl Man'''.
Thanks to reading all those reports '''I have learned to interview, research, write and edit'''. You have to be able to do this '''especially when writing on deadline''' as those skills are a '''priority''', if you plan to make it in the '''newsroom'''.
'''I also value authors''' as without their '''writing''' there would be '''no wiki articles to edit.'''
'''I am a devout Christian, proud Conservative, and a very old Girl Scout who still remembers the Girl Scout Promise.'''
'''I am married to a Mechanical Engineer who is a Charles Christian Lauritsen Award recipient''' for his '''engineering excellence'''.  Lauritsen was known for his work at '''Cal Tech''' and was president of the American Physical Society. My husband builds '''stereo speakers''' for a hobby and enjoys reading such magazines as '''Speaker Builder'''. We both enjoy amateur '''astronomy''' and have seen '''Halley's Comet''' and the '''Comet Kohoutek''' which was a dud.
We also enjoy touring wine country and gourmet cooking.
When not '''stargazing''' we love to read all kinds of books and have a significant collection of '''Sci Fi books'''. I collect '''cookbooks''' as a hobby and revel in reading old '''recipes'''.
Another hobby is writing book reviews at Amazon '''and I am nearing the top 500 reviewer mark'''. I enjoy writing reviews as they help others make informed decisions.
I also enjoy '''decorative painting''' and am learning how to '''reborn''' dolls. 
We have raised two '''special needs children''' and survived many an '''IEP meeting'''.
Finally, I do believe in '''collaboration and the wiki way''' which goes along way not only at wikis but in '''real life'''.
Have a '''lovely''' day!
[[User:Mary Ash/My sandbox|'''My sandbox''']]
*Reference Tool []

Latest revision as of 04:20, 22 November 2023

The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

Welcome to my user page!

Mary Ash is no longer active at Citizendim effective June 22, 2013.


  • Unemployed and enjoying it!