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[[Image:Phrenologychart.png|thumb|right|250px|Phrenology is a classic example of pseudoscience.]]
A '''pseudoscience''' is any theory, or system of theories, that is claimed to be scientific by its proponents but that the scientific community deems flawed, usually because independent attempts at reproducing evidence for specific claims made on the basis of these theories have failed repeatedly and rarely if ever succeeded. The term is pejorative, and its use is inevitably controversial;<ref>Still A, Dryden W (2004)[ The Social Psychology of "Pseudoscience": A Brief History] ''J Theory Social Behav'' 34:267-90 ("The word has asserted the scientific credentials of the user at the same time as it denies these credentials
to the pseudoscientist.")</ref> the term is also problematical because of the difficulty in defining rigorously what [[science]] is. Some ideas (like [[phrenology]]) were once considered respectable sciences, but were later dismissed as pseudoscience. There are some areas today, such as [[psychoanalysis]], about which there is a serious dispute as to whether they may properly be considered pseudoscience.

'''Pseudoscience''' is an idea or theory that is held by its proponents to be scientific, but rejected by the general scientific community as fraudulent.  Accordingly, the term is a perjorative one.  Which theories are pseudoscience? That list ''changes'' depending on which ideas are promoted as science, and  which ideas are accepted by scientific consensus.  Some ideas (like [[phrenology]] in [[human biology]]) were once respected in scientific fields, but are ''now'' dismissed as pseudoscience. Others (like [[plate tectonics]] in [[earth science]]) were once scorned as pseudoscience, but are now so accepted as to be considered basic tenets within their disciplines.  
The term "pseudoscience", which combines the [[Greek language|Greek]] root ''pseudo'', meaning "false", and the [[Latin language|Latin]] ''scientia'', meaning "knowledge", seems to have been used first in 1843 by the French physiologist [[François Magendie]] (1783–1855), who referred to phrenology as "a pseudo-science of the present day". Among its early uses was one in 1844 in the ''Northern Journal of Medicine'', I 387: "That opposite kind of innovation which pronounces what has been recognized as a branch of science, to have been a pseudo-science, composed merely of so-called facts, connected together by misapprehensions under the disguise of principles".

Some fields that are considered pseudoscience are uniformly rejected by scientists, but are not uniformly advocated as being scientific by proponents. Astrology is one such example. Casting horoscopes based on the appearance of the night sky has been used to predict the future and to analyze current events for at least two thousand years, long before the establishment of the [[scientific method]]. Although many contemporary astrologers continue in a mystical tradition that has nothing to do with science, some argue that their complicated methods are actually scientific, a view that opens the practice of astrology to the charge of "pseudoscience!"  by scientists.
== Introduction ==
[[Image:Phrenologychart.png|thumb|right|270px|[[Phrenology]] is a classic example of pseudoscience. Popular in the middle of the 19th century, phrenology held that mental faculties are localised to different parts of the brain, that they develop differently in different individuals, and that these differences are reflected in measurable differences in the external form of the cranium.]]

Generally, pseudoscientific claims either (1) lack any supportive evidence, or (2) are based on evidence that is not established by [[scientific method]]s or (3) cite well-established evidence but do not use that evidence to logically prove the conclusions asserted in the claim. Science (especially the "hard sciences" like [[physics]] and the "exact sciences" of [[mathematics]] and [[logic]]), is cloaked in a heavy prestige in most segments of modern industrialized societies. (Often, to call something "scientific" is to imply that it is true.) Desire for this prestige is often behind claims that a particular practice or belief is scientifically proven.  Many professional scientists accept such notions as well, and as the gatekeepers of science, enjoy and jealously guard their role as the arbiters of truth.  Theories and claims that do not follow the methods of science as they understand them are therefore to be dismissed--not only as "unscientific" or "pseudoscientific", but as fallacious.  
Casting [[horoscope]]s based on the night sky has been used to predict the future for at least two thousand years, long before the establishment of the [[scientific method]]. Although many contemporary [[astrology|astrologers]] continue in this mystical tradition, some of them argue that their methods are scientific - a view that opens them to the charge of pseudoscience. Astrology is generally regarded as nonsense by scientists, but sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference between an idea that is plausible but not generally accepted and one that is simply unsound.

For those whose sincerely-held theories and claims are dismissed as "pseudoscience," that label often cuts to the quickThe charge of pseudoscience can be used to imply poor training, inadequate education, faulty judgment, or outright fraud on the part of the proponents of the idea being denigrated by scientists, and thereby prompts defensive outrage among those advocates who understand the principles of science. Among non-scientists who nevertheless attribute truth and power to the sciences, the rejection of their claims as unscientific can provoke a different defensive reaction, a concern that their practices are being called invalid as opposed to simply unproven by scientific methods. This reaction is not uncommon in religious groups or practitioners of complementary or alternative medicine.
Generally, pseudoscientific claims either (1) lack supporting evidence, or (2) are based on evidence that is not established by [[scientific method]]s or (3) cite well-established evidence but misuse it or misinterpret it to support the conclusions asserted in the claim. Science has considerable prestige in modern societies; often, to call something "scientific" is to suggest that it is true. Conversely, theories that do not follow the methods of science are likely to be dismissed not only as "unscientific" or "pseudoscientific", but also as fallacious.  

This article presents a number of examples of what are considered, ''by some'' (and obviously not by their defenders), as pseudoscience.  It then presents a timeline of pseudoscience.  Next, it situates the topic of pseudoscience as a topic in the philosophical subdiscipline called [[philosophy of science]]. As it is most often used, the term "pseudoscience" presumes a certain understanding of "[[science]]," which, while perhaps supported by most mainstream scientists, may also be vulnerable to counter-criticism.  A discussion of those counter-criticisms is also presented.
For those whose sincerely held theories are dismissed as "pseudoscience," that label often cuts to the quick. The charge can imply poor training, inadequate education, faulty judgment, or outright fraud, and thereby prompts defensive outrage from its targets.

==Paradigmatic Examples==
==How pseudoscience flourishes==
Numerous theories, claims, and practices have been attacked as pseudoscientific.  Many continue to be so regarded.  But some—including the theory of [[evolution]], [[plate tectonics]], the [[Big Bang]] (a term originally chosen by [[Fred Hoyle]] to poke fun at the idea[]) and [[quantum mechanics]]—have since won general acceptance. In retrospect, the delay was clearly a result of the challenges that they posed to the accepted doctrines of the time, and of the difficulty in gathering evidence for new theories. Following are some selected areas which, rightly or wrongly, are often discussed in connection with pseudoscience today.
It is often wondered why so many people seem to be willing to believe some extraordinarily improbable things on the basis of the flimsiest of evidence.  

Some nonsense is given credence because it validates particular religious or political beliefs. [[Creationism]] and [[intelligent design]] are both adopted primarily because they support certain religious – often Christian – beliefs. Moral and political thought also comes into it: many fear that an evolutionary view of the universe has negative moral consequences and so prefer ''any'' alternative theory.
[[Astrology]], (not to be confused with the science of [[astronomy]]) refers to a species of 'fortune-telling' based on the position (relative to earth) of the sun, moon, stars, and / or constellations. The term is primarily associated primarily with several established traditions such as Western, Chinese, or Indian astrology. Some astrologers claim scientific status for their discipline, or some aspects of it; the activity at least makes certain assumptions which ought to be subject to scientific testing.

In principle, various astrological claims might, for all anyone knows, turn out to be true. (Certainly many genuine observations of cyclic influence of, for example, the sun or moon on human activity or emotions could be made.) The major criticism of astrology is that there is no good evidence for its most characteristic claims; and that astrology as a discipline has not incorporated any serious means of self-criticism. (In fact it often functions essentially as a religious activity, impervious to research.)
Lies, fallacies, misrepresentations, distortions and other nonsense sometimes enter the public consciousness because of how the news media works. Newspapers have increased in size and there are now many more broadcast outlets than ever before – hundreds more channels on cable and satellite television, thousands of news blogs and websites. To fill this gap, reporters spend less time checking facts, and often simply report on press releases delivered to them by public relations agencies, including by some who commission studies to fit various corporate or political agendas. Many of these are novelty or fun pieces, others are fluffy pieces on shaky social science research, but some cover serious health and medical topics. Few science reporters have any training in science, and often seem woefully poor at telling the difference between good science and rubbish.

Astrological researchers often complain that they cannot receive a fair hearing in scientific circles, and find it hard to have their research published in scientific journals owing to the prejudice toward their topic. They claim that their scientific critics have wrongly dismissed studies which do support astrology. An example would be [[Michel Gauquelin]]'s purported discovery of correlations between some planetary positions and certain human traits such as vocations.
Pseudoscience is often promoted by reference to the "underdog" credentials of the proponents. Frequent mention is made of Galileo and others who were persecuted for ideas that later turned out to be correct. [[Carl Sagan]] commented on this:

<blockquote>"The fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."<ref>From ''Broca's Brain: Reflections on the Romance of Science'' by Carl Sagan (1986) ISBN-10: 0345336895. Perhaps they were right to laugh at [[Christopher Columbus|Columbus]]; his plan to reach the East by sailing West was founded on the mistaken beliefs that the Asian continent stretched much farther to the east than it actually does and that Japan lay about 2,400 km east of the Asian mainland; he also greatly underestimated the circumference of the earth.</ref></blockquote>
The category of [[extra-sensory perception]], or ESP, encompasses claims of [[telepathy]], [[telekenesis]], [[clairvoyance]], [[astral projection]], and other [[psychic]] abilities. Scientific study of ESP was organized in the late nineteenth-century by the [[Society for Psychical Research]], and in the 1930's, by Duke University [[parapsychology]] pioneers [[J.B. Rhine]] and Louisa Rhine. Contemporary researchers include [[Dean Radin]] and [[Rupert Sheldrake]].

Scientific critics of ESP research complain of several types of methodological flaws including fraud, reliance on anecdotes, a "file drawer" effect (in which studies not supporting ESP are left to languish), and the misuse of statistics. Proponents insist that at least some ESP reseach meets acceptable scientific standards, and suggest that some forms of ESP might resist being studied under laboratory conditions.
The "Gish Gallop" is an argument style used by the creationist [[Duane Gish]] where many claims are made in a short time during a formal, timed debate. It can take just a few seconds to make a claim, but much longer to refute it. When the respondent doesn't have enough time to address ''all'' of the claims, he appears to be leaving questions "still unanswered". Some prominent pseudoscientists are savvy media operators, while scientists become famous for their work in the lab, not their skills as public performers; the pseudoscientist can often be cast in the "everyman" role while the scientist is portrayed as an ivory-tower intellectual, an elitist or as somehow anti-democratic.

===Complementary and Alternative Medicine===
In the public debate over [[climate change]], scientists are often portrayed as accepting conclusions regarding anthropogenic global warming because of the pressure to continue getting funding. This charge is promoted by climate change denial groups that are themselves massively funded by the oil industry.<ref>[ ExxonMobil continuing to fund climate sceptic groups] ''Guardian'' 1 July 2009</ref><ref>
In contrast to the mainstream Western medical tradition variously known as [[scientific medicine]], [[evidence-based medicine]], or [[allopathy]] (all disputed terms), there are many medical traditions and theories collectively called [[Complementary and Alternative Medicine]] (CAM; cf. [[holistic health]]) whose relationship with the mainstream is, to a greater or lesser degree, strained. These include some like [[Osteopathy|osteopathy]], [[chiropractic]], [[Homeopathy|homeopathy]], and [[Acupuncture| acupucture]] which have won varying types of government recognition in some countries; as well as others like aromatherapy, herbology, orthomolecular medicine and hypnotherapy which are less established (at least in the West).
[ Oil conglomerate 'secretly funds climate change deniers'] ''Telegraph'' 25 Nov 2010</ref>

The field of medicine is methodologically vexed by the fact that many of its techniques, by their very nature, do not lend themselves to systematic testing. Some are justified on the basis of empirical (largely anecdotal) evidence of their efficacy reported by the practioners. Thus for example practitioners of [[Traditional Chinese Medicine]] (TCM) insist that their practices are as valid as conventional treatments, having withstood the tests of time and experience. If certain aspects of TCM turn out to be unhelpful (at least for some patients), the same may be said of Western medicine. And if the theoretical underpinnings of some CAMs, (like acupuncture, which involves a kind of energy called [[qi]]) seem widely divergent from Western scientific understandings, this too is permissible as science is always in flux; and in any case, doctors must prefer practical utility over theoretical consistency.
The issue of conflict of interest is a serious one, as conflicts can cloud judgement, but to assign motives to any speaker is to avoid the issues under debate, and is a disreputable strategy whether used by scientists ("he would say that wouldn't he, because he's a homeopath") or by their critics ("he has to say that or he wouldn't get grants"). There have been some well-publicised cases of fraudulent science, but for most scientists, their careers ultimately depend on being right, and advantages gained through being parsimonious with the truth or selective with facts are likely to be short term - any ''important'' claim is likely to be quickly put to the test - and the reputational risk of being proved wrong is great.

Many regard the diversity of medical traditions as roughly analogous to religious or cultural diversity--i.e. a matter of personal choice, not subject to oversight by scientific authorities from outside the tradition. Certainly religion itself has long enjoyed a close relationship with healing, as witnessed by the ubiquity of [[spiritual healing]]. Some attempts (e.g. [[prayer studies]]) have been made to evaluate the efficacy of spiritual practices for health, with mixed results.
==Paradigmatic examples==
{|align="right" cellpadding="10" style="background-color:#FFFFCC; width:50%; border: 1px solid #aaa; margin:20px; font-size: 92%;"
''"As the new Darwinian orthodox' swept through Europe, its most brilliant opponent, the aging embryologist Karl Ernst von Baer, remarked with bitter irony that every triumphant theory passes through three stages: first it is dismissed as untrue; then it is rejected as contrary to religion; finally, it is accepted as dogma and each scientist claims that he had long appreciated its truth.

===IQ Studies===
''I first met the theory of continental drift when it labored under the inquisition of stage two. Kenneth Caster, the only major American paleontologist who dared to support it openly, came to lecture at my alma mater, Antioch College. We were scarcely known as a bastion of entrenched conservatism, but most of us dismissed his thoughts as just this side of sane. ...

Cognitive scientists do not agree on what, if anything, [[intelligence]] is, let alone how to test for it. Nevertheless one particular measure--scores from a range of [[standardized test | standardized]] [[Intelligence Quotient]] (IQ) tests--is widely used. Originally designed for educational and military use, the classic Stanford-Benet Intelligence Scale and its offshoots measure several cognitive capabilities such as language fluency, or three-dimensional thinking. While these may seem unrelated, test scores do in fact tend to correlate. The premise of IQ tests is that such capabilities all depend on some underlying factor, called the [[general intelligence factor]]. To critics, the concept smacks of metaphysics. Does "IQ" in fact measure anything at all?
''Today, just ten years later, my own students would dismiss with even more derision anyone who denied the evident truth of continental drift..."''

Subsidiary questions relating to intelligence and IQ involve the relative importance of nature vs. nurture; and the distribution of IQ between men and women, and among the various races (cf. [[intelligence and race]]). Accusations of pseudoscience are not difficult to find in these discussions.
"The Validation of Continental Drift" - [[Stephen Jay Gould]]<ref>[ "The Validation of Continental Drift" ] - [[Stephen Jay Gould]]</ref>
Some theories, claims, and practices that, when new, were dismissed as pseudoscientific, have since become accepted. The theory of [[continental drift]] that led to the current theory of [[plate tectonics]] was first proposed by Alfred Wegener in 1910, but for many decades after Wegener's death it was largely dismissed as  "eccentric, preposterous, and improbable".<ref>[  Developing the theory] USGS)</ref> The [[Big Bang]] was a term originally chosen by [[Fred Hoyle]] to poke fun at the idea.<ref>see a BBC article on Big Bang []</ref> They have since won general acceptance. In retrospect, the delay in acceptance of these and other revolutionary theories was clearly a result of the challenges that they posed to the accepted doctrines of the time, and of the difficulty in gathering evidence for new theories.  

[[Freud]]'s proposal that mental illness might be treated through talk rather than surgery, drugs, or hypnosis was only one of the startling features of [[psychoanalysis]] contrasting it to earlier conceptions of [[psychiatry]]. The concept remains controversial today. Does [[psychotherapy]] "work"? Is it any more effective than ordinary talk? (Effective at what?)

Critics additionally wonder precisely what [[ontology | ontological]] status is being claimed for various abstract entities beloved of psychological theory, such as Freud's [[ego]] and [[id]], which would seem unavailable for scientific inspection. In what way do [[psychoanalysis]] and its successors differ from religions? The question is even more sensitive in the case of [[Jungian psychology]] and [[Transpersonal psychology]], which are more interested in the spiritual dimension.
[[Astrology]] (not to be confused with [[astronomy]]) refers to 'fortune-telling' based on the position (relative to earth) of the sun, moon, stars, and/or constellations. Some astrologers claim scientific status for their discipline, or some aspects of it; the activity at least makes certain assumptions which ought to be subject to scientific testing.

In ''The Myth of Mental Illness'' and other works, [[Thomas Szasz]] proposes that the entire concept of "mental illness" is a tool of social control at the hands of a "pharmacracy." In his view, a disease must be something concrete and measurable, not an abstract condition which comes into existence by vote. In this light, current attitudes toward mental illness are no more rational than nineteenth-century campaigns against [[onanism]].
However unlikely, it is not inconceivable that the movements of the moon or planets might have some influence on human activity or emotions. The major criticism of astrology is that there is no good evidence for its claims, and no rational, logical structure to its theories. It often functions essentially as a religious activity, impervious to research.

===Intelligent Design===
Astrological researchers often complain that they cannot receive a fair hearing in scientific circles, and find it hard to have their research published in scientific journals. They claim that their critics have wrongly dismissed studies that do support astrology. An example would be [[Michel Gauquelin]]'s purported discovery of correlations between some planetary positions and certain human traits such as vocations. However, an examination of Gauquelin's  claims by the Belgian ''Comiti Para'' and by the French ''Comité Français pour l'Étude des Phénomènes Paranormaux'' concluded  that Gauquelin had selected results to support his conclusions.<ref> Kurtz P ''et al.'' (1997) Is the "Mars Effect" genuine? ''J Scientific Exploration'' [ 11:19-39]</ref>
[[Intelligent Design]], as promoted by members of the [[Discovery Institute]], argues that the complexity and harmony of the universe and especially of life on earth, implies the existence of an intelligent creator. In answer to the objection this is essentially a religious doctrine, proponents point out that the designer need not be the Judeo-Christian God, suggesting UFO-based theories as an alternative.

To its critics, the theory was designed to circumvent U.S. prohibitions against the teaching of [[Creation Science]] as part of the scientific curricula of public schools. If so, the strategy did not work. In his decision for [[Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District]], Judge John E. Jones III agreed that Intelligent Design is--"a mere re-labeling of [[creationism]], and not a scientific theory". He went on to say that
===Alternative medicine===
Astrology can be dismissed as harmless nonsense. However, there are deeper concerns when ineffective health treatments are sold on the basis of pseudoscientific advertising – i.e. when advocates couch their claims in terms that make them falsely appear to have a credible scientific foundation. Patients with serious diseases may be deflected from seeking effective medical treatment by the false hopes engendered by remedies falsely promoted as being scientifically well-founded. Homeopathic remedies are safe in the sense that they contain no active ingredients and hence have no verified activity beyond that of placebos; but some homeopaths advise that their remedies are a suitable alternative to vaccinations, and such advice is considered dangerously irresponsible by public health professionals. Claims for herbal remedies, multi-vitamin supplements<ref>Multivitamin prostate warning ‘’BBC News’’ 16 May 2007 []</ref><ref>Multivitamin supplements a 'waste of time' ‘’The Independent’’ 10 February 2009 []</ref> and other dietary supplements are also causes for concern: these products are extensively promoted, widely available and poorly regulated. While some supplements can be beneficial for some people, for many there is no benefit and for some there can be adverse consequences.  

:"...ID is not science. We find that ID fails on three different levels, any one of which is sufficient to preclude a determination that ID is science. They are: (1) ID violates the centuries-old ground rules of science by invoking and permitting supernatural causation; (2) the argument of irreducible complexity, central to ID, employs the same flawed and illogical contrived dualism that doomed creation science in the 1980's; and (3) ID's negative attacks on evolution have been refuted by the scientific community." (page 64)
In general, though, the principal concern about false health claims is not that they are pseudoscientific, but simply that they are false. Some alternative medicine systems are also attacked by scientists for two main reasons: when they fail the practical test of clinical efficacy or refuse to submit to such study, and when they posit mechanisms for the supposed success of their treatment methodologies that rely on outdated notions that do not fit with modern scientific understanding.  

Scientists have a natural interest in defending the good name of science by exposing and debunking bad science wherever it is manifested, but medics have a different concern: to expose and discredit ineffective treatments simply ''because they are ineffective''. Some ineffective treatments are promoted using pseudoscientific claims, others appeal to religious or spiritual rationales and don’t pretend a scientific basis, and yet others have a misguided scientific basis. In the end, if an argument is nonsense, or a claim false, the issue of whether it has also wrongly invoked the authority of science is incidental.
For many, at least some 'pseudoscientific' beliefs, for example that the pyramids were built not by men but by prehistoric astronauts[11], are harmless nonsense; horoscopes are read for fun by many, but taken seriously by few. Others, notably the "[[brights]]" movement, feel that such beliefs are always harmful.
According to Scott Lillenfeld, popular psychology is rife with pseudoscientific claims: self-help books, supermarket tabloids, radio call-in shows, television infomercials and 'pseudodocumentaries', the Internet, and even the nightly news promote unsupported claims about, amongst other things, extrasensory perception, psychokinesis, satanic ritual abuse, polygraph testing, subliminal persuasion, out-of-body experiences, graphology, the Rorschach Inkblot Test, facilitated communication, herbal remedies for memory enhancement, the use of hypnosis for memory recovery, and multiple personality disorder. He suggests that critically interrogating these claims is a good way of introducing students of psychology to understanding the scientific method, while also bearing in mind Stephen Jay Gould's aphorism that "exposing a falsehood necessarily affirms a truth".<ref>Lilienfeld SO (2004) Teaching Psychology Students to Distinguish Science from Pseudoscience: Pitfalls and Rewards [ teachpsych/eit/eit2004/eit04-06.rtf]:[The [[National Science Foundation]] stated that, in the USA, 'pseudoscientific' habits and beliefs are common in the USA []
:National Science Board. (2006) ''Science and Engineering Indicators 2006'' Two volumes. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation (volume 1, NSB-06-01; NSB 06-01A) 
:Beyerstein BL (1995) [ Distinguishing science from pseudoscience]
:Hewitt GC (1988) Misuses of biology in the context of the paranormal ''Experientia'' 44:297-303 PMID 3282905
:Musch J, Ehrenberg K (2002) Probability misjudgment, cognitive ability, and belief in the paranormal ''Br J Psychol'' 93:169-77 PMID 12031145
:Martin M (1994) Pseudoscience, the paranormal, and science education ''Science & Education'' 3:1573-901 []
:Sagan C (1996) [[The Demon-Haunted World| ''The Demon-Haunted World: Science As a Candle In the Dark'']]

===IQ studies===
Cognitive scientists do not agree on what, if anything, [[intelligence (biology)|intelligence]] is, let alone how to test for it. Nevertheless one particular measure—scores from a range of [[standardized test | standardized]] [[Intelligence Quotient]] (IQ) tests—is widely used. Originally designed for educational and military use, the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and its offshoots measure several cognitive capabilities such as language fluency, or three-dimensional thinking. While these may seem unrelated, test scores do in fact tend to correlate. The premise of IQ tests is that such capabilities all depend on some underlying factor, called the [[general intelligence factor]]. To critics, the concept smacks of metaphysics. Does "IQ" in fact measure anything at all?<ref>[,,668879,00.html The rise and fall of IQ] Vanessa Thorpe and Robin McKie, Sunday 17 March 2002, ''The Observer''</ref> Subsidiary questions relating to intelligence and IQ involve the relative importance of nature vs. nurture, and the distribution of IQ between men and women, and among the various races (cf. [[intelligence and race]]). Accusations of pseudoscience are not difficult to find in these discussions.<ref>Graves JL, Johnson A (1995) The Pseudoscience of Psychometry and The Bell Curve ''Journal of Negro Education'' 64:277-294

The Nobel Laureate [[Richard Feynman]] recognized the importance of unconventional approaches to science, but he was bemused by the willingness of people to believe "so many wonderful things." He was however much more concerned about how ordinary people could be intimidated by experts propounding "science that isn't science", and "theories that don't work":
[[Sigmund Freud|Freud]]'s proposal that mental illness might be treated through talk rather than surgery, drugs, or hypnosis was only one of the startling features of [[psychoanalysis]] contrasting it to earlier conceptions of [[psychiatry]]. The concept remains controversial today. Does [[psychotherapy]] "work"? Is it any more effective than ordinary talk? (Effective at what?)
:''There are big schools of reading methods and mathematics methods, and so forth, but if you notice, you'll see the reading scores keep going down ... And I think ordinary people with commonsense ideas are intimidated by this pseudoscience. A teacher who has some good idea of how to teach her children to read is forced by the school system to do it some other way — Or a parent ... feels guilty ... because she didn't do 'the right thing', according to the experts... '' Richard Feynman, Cargo Cult Science
For Feynmann, it came down to a certain type of integrity, a "kind of care not to fool yourself", that was missing in what he called 'cargo cult science'.
While skeptical criticism of superstition dates back to ancient times (e.g., the writings of [[Lucian]]), the term "pseudoscience" appears to have been used first in 1843 by Magendie, who referred to [[phrenology]] as "a pseudo-science of the present day" <ref>'''Phrenology'''
:Magendie, F (1843) ''An Elementary Treatise on Human Physiology.'' 5th Ed. Tr. John Revere. New York, Harper, p 150 </ref>
'''1784''' [[Louis XIV]] of France names a scientific committee to investigate [[mesmerism]]. [[Lavoisier]], [[Benjamin Franklin]], and [[Joseph Ignace Guillotin]] participate. The Committee organizes what some regard as the first [[placebo]]-controlled trial, finding [[Mesmer]]'s claims baseless.
'''1872''' Victorian polymath [[Francis Galton]], in "A Statistical Inquiry into the Efficacy of Prayer," observes that clergymen (who presumably pray more) do not live significantly longer than men from other professions.
'''1885''' The [[Society for Psychical Research]] (London) publishes the "Hodgson Report" declaring the [[Mahatma Letters]] of [[Madame Blavatsky]] fraudulent.
'''1910''' The [[Carnegie Foundation]] publishes the (Abraham) [[Flexner Report]] recommending the closure of many U.S. medical schools, the survivors to be supervised by state branches of the [[American Medical Association]]. Among its targets are osteopathic, chiropractic, and naturopathic colleges.
'''1920's''' The ''Scientific American'' offers a cash-prize for successful demonstration of mediumship; illusionist [[Harry Houdini]] contributes his expertise in order to expose trickery.
'''1968''' Charged with evaluating U.S. Air Force [[Project Blue Book]], the (Edward) [[Condon Report]] concludes--amidst committee in-fighting and mutual accusations of bad science--that [[UFO]]'s are not worth studying.  
'''1969''' Founding of two major [[ufology]]-promoting organizations: [[CUFOS]] (the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies) and [[MUFON]] (Mutual UFO Network).
'''1972''' Stage magician [[James Randi]] "debunks" telekenetic [[Uri Geller]], leading to mutual lawsuits.
'''1974''' The [[American Association for the Advancement of Science]] organizes a symposium attacking the [[catastrophism | catastrophist]] theories of [[Immanuel Velikovsky]]. Astronomer [[Carl Sagan]] participates. <ref> The proceedings were published as ''Scientists Confront Velikovsky'' (Norton, 1977), ed. by Donald Goldsmith. </ref>
'''1976''' Philosopher [[Paul Kurtz]] founds CSICOP, the [[Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal]] (now known as the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry)
'''1976''' Beginning of the [[antitrust]] case ''[[Wilk v. American Medical Association]]'', which would ultimately find the AMA guilty of [[conspiracy (civil) | conspiracy]] and [[restraint of trade]]. At issue was whether the AMA had the right to forbid medical doctors from cooperating with chiropractors. The AMA lost the final appeal in 1990.

'''1983''' San Francisco General Medical Center physician [[Randolf Byrd]] organizes a blind study of intercessory prayer, the first of many such studies. He finds the prayed-for group to be 11 % more likely to recover, a statistically-significant figure given his sample size.
Critics also wonder  what [[ontology | ontological]] status is being claimed for various abstract entities in psychological theory, such as Freud's [[ego]] and [[id]], which would seem unavailable for scientific inspection. In what way do [[psychoanalysis]] and its successors differ from religions? The question is even more sensitive in the case of [[Jungian psychology]] and transpersonal psychology, which are more interested in the spiritual dimension.

'''1988''' Ellen Bass and Laura Davis publish ''[[The Courage to Heal]]: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse'', a book promoting [[Recovered Memory Therapy]].  
In ''The Myth of Mental Illness'' and other works, [[Thomas Szasz]] proposed that the entire concept of 'mental illness' is a tool of social control at the hands of a 'pharmacracy'. In his view, a disease must be something concrete and measurable, not an abstract condition which comes into existence by vote. In this light, current attitudes toward mental illness are no more rational than 19th-century campaigns against [[onanism]].

'''1989''' Physicists [[Martin Fleischmann]] and [[Stanley Pons]] of the [[University of Utah]] announce the discovery (soon discredited) of "[[cold fusion]]."
===Intelligent design===
[[Intelligent design]], as promoted by the [[Discovery Institute]], argues that the complexity and harmony of the universe and of life on earth implies the existence of an intelligent creator. To its critics, the theory was designed to circumvent U.S. prohibitions against the teaching of [[creation science]] as part of the scientific curricula of public schools. If so, the strategy did not work. In his decision for [[Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District]], Judge John E. Jones III agreed that intelligent design is "a mere re-labeling of [[creationism]], and not a scientific theory". He went on to say (p.64):
<blockquote>We find that ID fails on three different levels, any one of which is sufficient to preclude a determination that ID is science. They are: (1) ID violates the centuries-old ground rules of science by invoking and permitting supernatural causation; (2) the argument of irreducible complexity, central to ID, employs the same flawed and illogical contrived dualism that doomed creation science in the 1980's; and (3) ID's negative attacks on evolution have been refuted by the scientific community.</blockquote>

'''1991''' The United States government establishes an Office of Alternative Medicine (now the [[National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine]]) as part of the [[National Institutes of Health]]. The center supports research into CAM.
===Cargo cult science===
For many people, at least some 'pseudoscientific' beliefs, for example that the [[Pyramids|pyramids]] were built not by men but by prehistoric astronauts, are harmless nonsense. "Horoscopes" (not what professional astrologers mean by the term but what the general public means by it) are read for fun by many, but taken seriously by few. According to [[Scott Lillenfeld]], popular psychology is rife with pseudoscientific claims: self-help books, supermarket tabloids, radio call-in shows, television infomercials and 'pseudodocumentaries', the Internet, and even the nightly news promote unsupported claims about, amongst other things, extrasensory perception, psychokinesis, [[satanic ritual abuse]], [[polygraph testing]], [[subliminal persuasion]], [[out-of-body experience]]s, [[graphology]], the [[Rorschach test]], facilitated communication, herbal remedies for memory enhancement, [[recovered memory|the use of hypnosis for memory recovery]], and [[multiple personality disorder]]. He suggests that critically interrogating these claims is a good way of introducing students of psychology to understanding the scientific method, bearing in mind [[Stephen Jay Gould]]'s aphorism that "exposing a falsehood necessarily affirms a truth".<ref>Lilienfeld SO (2004) [ Teaching Psychology Students to Distinguish Science from Pseudoscience: Pitfalls and Rewards]
:The [[National Science Foundation]] stated that [ 'pseudoscientific' habits and beliefs are common in the USA]
:National Science Board (2006) ''Science and Engineering Indicators 2006'' Two volumes. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation (volume 1, NSB-06-01; NSB 06-01A)</ref>

'''1995''' [[Satanic ritual abuse]] case ''Hamame v. Humenasky'' results in a multi-million dollar verdict, the first of several against practitioners of [[Recovered Memory Therapy]].
The Nobel Laureate [[Richard Feynman]] recognized the importance of unconventional approaches to science, but was bemused by the willingness of people to believe "so many wonderful things." He was however much more concerned about how ordinary people could be intimidated by experts propounding "science that isn't science" and "theories that don't work":

'''2005''' ''[[Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District]]'' results in a decision against [[Intelligent Design]].
:''There are big schools of reading methods and mathematics methods, and so forth, but if you notice, you'll see the reading scores keep going down ... And I think ordinary people with commonsense ideas are intimidated by this pseudoscience. A teacher who has some good idea of how to teach her children to read is forced by the school system to do it some other way — Or a parent ... feels guilty ... because she didn't do 'the right thing', according to the experts... '' Richard Feynman, ''Cargo Cult Science''

'''2006''' 20 [[Idaho State University]] faculty members sign a petition protesting their university's support for "fringe science." Their target is [[Bigfoot]] researcher, biologist D. Jeffrey Meldrum.
For Feynmann, it came down to a certain type of integrity, a "kind of care not to fool yourself", that was missing in what he called "cargo cult science".

==Pseudoscience and the Philosophy of Science==
==Pseudoscience and the philosophy of science==
Distinguishing what [[science]] is from what it is not is a fundamental problem of the [[philosophy of science]], known as the [[problem of demarcation]].

There is considerable disagreement not only about whether "science" can be distinguished from "pseudoscience" in any reliable and objective way, but also about whether even trying to do so is useful. The philosopher of science [[Paul Feyerabend]] argued that all attempts to distinguish science from non-science are flawed. He argued that the idea that science can or should, be run according to fixed rules is "unrealistic and pernicious... It makes our science less adaptable and more dogmatic:"&nbsp; Often the term "pseudoscience" is used simply as a pejorative to express a low opinion of a given field, regardless of any objective measures; thus according to McNally, it is "little more than an inflammatory buzzword for quickly dismissing one’s opponents in media sound-bites."  Similarly, Larry Laudan has suggested that 'pseudoscience' has no scientific meaning: "If we would stand up and be counted on the side of reason, we ought to drop terms like ‘pseudoscience’ and ‘unscientific’ from our vocabulary; they are just hollow phrases which do only emotive work for us"''.
There is disagreement not only about whether 'science' can be distinguished from 'pseudoscience' objectively, but also about whether trying to do so is even useful. The philosopher [[Paul Feyerabend]] argued that all attempts to distinguish science from non-science are flawed. He argued that the idea that science can or should be run according to fixed rules is "unrealistic and pernicious... It makes our science less adaptable and more dogmatic". Often the term 'pseudoscience' is used simply as a pejorative to express a low opinion of a field, regardless of any objective measures; thus according to McNally, it is "little more than an inflammatory buzzword for quickly dismissing one’s opponents in media sound-bites."  Similarly, Larry Laudan suggested that 'pseudoscience' has no scientific meaning: "If we would stand up and be counted on the side of reason, we ought to drop terms like 'pseudoscience' and ‘unscientific’ from our vocabulary; they are just hollow phrases which do only emotive work for us"''.

The sociologist [[Marcello Truzzi]] distinguished between 'skeptics' and 'scoffers'. Skepticism is an essential part of science, but skepticism is properly defined as doubt, not denial. Scientists who are scoffers, according to Truzzi, fail to apply the same professional standards to their criticism of unconventional ideas that would be expected in their own fields; they appear more interested in discrediting claims of the extraordinary than in disproving them, using poor scholarship, substandard science, ad hominem attacks and rhetorical tricks rather than solid falsification. He quotes the philosopher [[Mario Bunge]] as saying: "the occasional pressure to suppress it [dissent] in the name of the orthodoxy of the day is even more injurious to science than all the forms of pseudoscience put together." <ref>'''Criticisms of the concept of pseudoscience'''
Skepticism is generally regarded as essential in science, but skepticism is properly defined as ''doubt'', not ''denial''. The sociologist [[Marcello Truzzi]] distinguished between 'skeptics' and 'scoffers' (or 'pseudo-skeptics'). Scientists who are scoffers fail to apply the same professional standards to their criticism of unconventional ideas that would be expected in their own fields; they are more interested in discrediting claims of the extraordinary than in disproving them, using poor scholarship, substandard science, ad hominem attacks and rhetorical tricks rather than solid falsification. Truzzi quotes the philosopher [[Mario Bunge]] as saying: "the occasional pressure to suppress [dissent] in the name of the orthodoxy of the day is even more injurious to science than all the forms of pseudoscience put together."<ref>'''Criticisms of the concept of pseudoscience'''
:[[Paul Feyerabend]] (1975) 'Against Method: Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge' []  
:[[Paul Feyerabend]] (1975) 'Against Method: Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge' []  
:McNally RJ (2003)Is the pseudoscience concept useful for clinical psychology? ''SRHMP'[ ' Vol 2 Number 2]
:McNally RJ (2003)Is the pseudoscience concept useful for clinical psychology? ''SRHMP'[ ' Vol 2 Number 2]
Line 124: Line 101:
:[[Marcello Truzzi]] [ On Some Unfair Practices towards Claims of the Paranormal]; [ On Pseudo-Skepticism]</ref>
:[[Marcello Truzzi]] [ On Some Unfair Practices towards Claims of the Paranormal]; [ On Pseudo-Skepticism]</ref>

Because science is so diverse, it is hard to find any rules that will distinguish between what is scientific and what is not that can be applied consistently to all disciplines at all times. The philosopher [[Imre Lakatos]] proposed that, while it is difficult to generalise about what makes a field scientific from its methodology, it might be possible to distinguish between 'progressive' and 'degenerative' research programs, those which continue to evolve, expanding our understanding, and those which stagnate.
Because science is so diverse, it is hard to find rules to distinguish between what is scientific and what is not that can be applied consistently. [[Imre Lakatos]] suggested that we might however distinguish between 'progressive' and 'degenerative' research programs; between those which evolve, expanding our understanding, and those which stagnate. Paul Thagard proposed, more formally, that a theory can be regarded as pseudoscientific if "it has been less progressive than alternative theories over a long period of time, and faces many unsolved problems; but the community of practitioners makes little attempt to develop the theory towards solutions of the problems, shows no concern for attempts to evaluate the theory in relation to others, and is selective in considering confirmations and disconfirmations".<ref>'''The progress of science'''
Thagard proposed more formally that a theory which has pretensions to be scientific can be regarded as pseudoscientific if "it has been less progressive than alternative theories over a long period of time, and faces many unsolved problems; but the community of practitioners makes little attempt to develop the theory towards solutions of the problems, shows no concern for attempts to evaluate the theory in relation to others, and is selective in considering confirmations and disconfirmations" <ref>'''The progress of science'''
:Hawking SW (1993) 'Hawking on the Big Bang and Black Holes' World Scientific Publishing Company, [ Page 1], [] and [].  
:Hawking SW (1993) 'Hawking on the Big Bang and Black Holes' World Scientific Publishing Company, [ Page 1], [] and [].  
:Currently, [[string theory]] has been criticized by some researchers, e.g. Smolin L (2006) 'The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next' Houghton Mifflin Company. ISBN 0618551050
:Currently, [[string theory]] has been criticized by some researchers, e.g. Smolin L (2006) ''The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next'' Houghton Mifflin Company. ISBN 0618551050
:Lakatos I (1977) 'The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes: Philosophical Papers Volume 1' Cambridge: Cambridge University Press[ Science and Pseudoscience] - transcript and broadcast of talk by Imre Lakatos
:Lakatos I (1977) ''The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes: Philosophical Papers Volume 1'' Cambridge: Cambridge University Press[ Science and Pseudoscience] - transcript and broadcast of talk by Imre Lakatos
:Thagard PR (1978)  [ Why astrology is a pseudoscience] In ''PSA  Volume 1'' ed PD Asquith and I Hacking (East Lansing: Philosophy of Science Association</ref>
:Thagard PR (1978)  [ Why astrology is a pseudoscience] In ''PSA  Volume 1'' ed PD Asquith and I Hacking (East Lansing: Philosophy of Science Association</ref>

Kuhn saw a circularity in this, and asked 'Does a field make progress because it is a science, or is it a science because it makes progress?' He also questioned whether scientific revolutions were in fact progressive, noting that [[Einstein]]'s general theory of relativity is in some ways closer to [[Aristotle]]'s than either is to [[Newton]]'s. Most progress in science, according to Kuhn, is not at times of scientific revolution, when one theory is replacing another, but when one paradigm is dominant, and when scientists who share common goals and understanding fill in the details by puzzle solving. He argued that, when a theory is discarded, it is not always the case (at least not at first), that the new theory is better at explaining facts. Which of two theories is 'better' is largely a subjective judgement. The reasons for discarding a theory may be that more and more anomalous findings become apparent, that reveal its weaknesses, but there is no point at which the followers of one theory abandon it in favour of a new one; instead, they cling tenaciously to the old theory, while seeking fresh explanations for the anomalies. Thus, a new theory becomes dominant not by 'converting' followers of the old theory to the new, but rather because, over time, the new view gains more and more followers until it becomes the dominant paradigm, while the older view is held in the end only by a few 'elderly hold outs'. Kuhn argued that such resistance is not unreasonable, or illogical, or wrong; instead the conservative nature of science is an essential part of what enables it to progress. At most, it might be said that the man who continues to resist the new view long after the rest of his profession has adopted a new view "has ''ipso facto'' ceased to be a scientist"
[[Thomas Kuhn]] saw a circularity in this, and questioned whether a field makes progress because it is a science, or whether is it a science because it makes progress. He also questioned whether scientific revolutions were in fact progressive, noting that [[Einstein]]'s general theory of relativity is in some ways closer to [[Aristotle]]'s than either is to [[Newton]]'s. Most progress in science, according to Kuhn, is not at times of scientific revolution, when one theory is replacing another, but when one paradigm is dominant, and when scientists who share common goals and understanding fill in the details by puzzle solving. He argued that, when a theory is discarded, it is not always the case (at least not at first) that the new theory is better at explaining facts. Which of two theories is 'better' is largely a matter of opinion. The reasons for discarding a theory may be that more and more anomalies that reveal its weaknesses become apparent, but there is no point at which the followers of one theory abandon it in favor of a new one; instead, they cling tenaciously to the old theory, while seeking fresh explanations for the anomalies. A new theory takes over not by converting followers of the old theory, but because, over time, the new view gains more and more followers until it becomes dominant, while the older view is held in the end only by a few "elderly hold outs". Kuhn argued that such resistance is not unreasonable, or illogical, or wrong; instead he thought that the conservative nature of science is an essential part of what enables it to progress. At most, it might be said that the man who continues to resist the new view long after the rest of his profession has adopted a new view "has ''ipso facto'' ceased to be a scientist".
As Kuhn described them to be, the motives of the true scientist are to gain the respect and approval of his or her peers. When technical jargon is misused, or when scientific findings are represented misleadingly, to give particular claims the superficial trappings of science ''for some commercial or political gain'', this is easily recognized as an abuse of science;<ref>'''Popular pseudoscience'''
:Giuffre M (1977) Science, bad science, and pseudoscience. J Perianesth Nurs 12:434-8 PMID 9464033
:Ostrander GK ''et al.'' (2004) Shark cartilage, cancer and the growing threat of pseudoscience. Cancer Res 64:8485-91  PMID 15574750</ref> it is not an abuse that is confined to popular literature, however.<ref>:Tsai AC (2003) Conflicts between commercial and scientific interests in pharmaceutical advertising for medical journals. Int J Health Serv 33:751-68 PMID 14758858
:Cooper RJ ''et al.'' (2003) The quantity and quality of scientific graphs in pharmaceutical advertisements. J Gen Intern Med 18:294-7 PMID 12709097</ref>

As Kuhn described them to be, the motives of the true scientist are to gain the respect and approval of his or her peers. When technical jargon is misused, or when scientific findings are represented misleadingly, to give particular claims the superficial trappings of science ''for some commercial or political gain'', this is easily recognised as an abuse of science <ref>'''Popular pseudoscience'''
Despite the complexity of the issue, solutions to the [[problem of demarcation]] were proposed in the 20th century that can be collected into two main lines of thinking (see also [[scientific method]], [[Karl Popper]] and [[Thomas Kuhn]] for further discussion).
:Giuffre M (1977) Science, bad science, and pseudoscience ''J Perianesth Nurs'' 12:434-8 PMID 9464033
:Ostrander GK, ''et al'' (2004) Shark cartilage, cancer and the growing threat of pseudoscience. ''Cancer Res'' 64:8485-91  PMID 15574750</ref>; it is not an abuse that is confined to popular literature however.<ref>:Tsai AC (2003) Conflicts between commercial and scientific interests in pharmaceutical advertising for medical journals ''Int J Health Serv'' 33:751-68 PMID 14758858
:Cooper RJ ''et al'' (2003) The quantity and quality of scientific graphs in pharmaceutical advertisements ''J Gen Intern Med'' 18:294-7 PMID 12709097</ref>

===Defining science by the scientific method===
===Defining science by the falsifiability of theories===
In the mid-20th Century, the philosopher [[Karl Popper]] published "The Logic of Scientific Discovery," a book that Sir Peter Medawar, a Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine, called "one of the most important documents of the twentieth century". Popper explained that science does not advance because we learn more and more facts, but because the theories that it develops make better sense of the world, and lead to new and ever deeper questions. Popper analysed why theories are so important, how they are chosen, and how eventually they are discarded.  
[[Karl Popper]] described science as an "objective product of human thought", as much as a nest can be seen as an objective product of a bird. Consequently, he dismissed as insignificant the philosophical tendency to regard knowledge as subjective, which includes the definition of science by the behavior of scientists as described above.<ref name="world3">Karl R. Popper, 1967, Epistemology without a knowing subject, in: Massimo Baldini and Lorenzo Infantino, eds., 1997, ''Il gioco della scienza'', Armando Editore, Roma (Italy), 158 pp. ISBN 88-7144-678-X</ref>

Scientists do not start with facts and then somehow assemble them to provide a theory; any attempt to do so would be logically unsound, because many different theories might be consistent with any particular facts. Instead, scientists interpret nature through "Bold ideas, unjustified anticipations, and speculative thought". For Popper, the good scientist proposes an idea, as bold and exciting as he can, and then, instead of seeking evidence in favour of his idea - he tries as hard as he can to ''disprove'' it. If our ideas are worth anything, they will withstand the tests and challenges that they are exposed to; conversely, "those who are unwilling to expose their ideas to the hazard of refutation do not take part in the scientific game".<ref>'''Sir Karl Popper'''
Popper's solution to the [[demarcation problem]] is given in his 1934 book ''The Logic of Scientific Discovery''<ref name="Popper">'''Sir Karl Popper'''
:Popper KR (1959) ''The [[Logic of Scientific Discovery]]'' [ English translation];:[ Karl Popper Institute] includes a complete bibliography 1925-1999
:Popper KR (1959) ''The [[Logic of Scientific Discovery]]'' [ English translation];:[ Karl Popper Institute] includes a complete bibliography 1925-1999
:Popper KR (1962) [ Science, Pseudo-Science, and Falsifiability]  
:Popper KR (1962) [ Science, Pseudo-Science, and Falsifiability]  
:[ Karl Popper] from [ Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy]
:[ Karl Popper] from [ Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy]
:[ Sir Karl Popper: Science: Conjectures and Refutations]</ref>
:[ Sir Karl Popper: Science: Conjectures and Refutations]</ref> a book that Sir Peter Medawar, a Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine, called "one of the most important documents of the twentieth century". Popper suggested that science does not advance because we learn more and more facts. Science does not start with observations and then somehow assemble them to provide a [[theory]]; any attempt to do so would be logically unsound, because a general theory contains more information than any finite number of observations. Popper shows this with a simple example. Let's say we have seen millions of white swans. We may be tempted to conclude, by the process called [[induction]], that "All swans are white". But however many white swans we have seen, the next swan we see might be black.
Rather, the advance of [[science]] consists of three steps: (1) we find a problem; (2) we try to solve the problem by a new theory; (3) we critically test our theory and, while doing this, we learn from our errors. It is in the process of critical testing of theories that Popper finds the distinguishing characteristics of [[science]].
For Popper, there is no way a scientific theory can be proven to be true; a theory comes to be accepted because it has survived all attempts to disprove it, but it is only accepted provisionally, until something better comes along. This may be explained again with the example of swans. How could we ever prove the truth of our theory that "all swans are white"? Only by observing all swans of the universe in all past, present and future times, and showing they are all white. This is, of course, impossible. Yet, an assertion such as our "all swans are white" is a scientific statement (although a false one).
Following Popper, scientific theories must include ''falsifiable'' universal assertions, i.e., general statements that cannot be proven true, but can eventually be found false when a new observation, e.g., of a black swan, disproves them. Assertions that are not falsifiable are non-scientific, and the refusal to critically discuss a theory is a non-scientific attitude as well. As Popper puts it, "those who are unwilling to expose their ideas to the hazard of refutation do not take part in the scientific game".<ref name="Popper"/>

For Popper, there is no sense in which any theory can be proved to be true; a theory comes to be accepted because of its power to explain things, and because it has survived determined attempts to disprove it, but it is only accepted provisionally, until something better comes along. Accordingly, a 'pseudoscience' was a theory with a superficial resemblance to science, but which was empty, in being in principle incapable of disproof. He argued that astrology, [[Marxism]], and Freudian psychoanalysis were all empty 'pseudoscientific' theories because they allowed no possibility of ''falsification'' by experimental tests. These theories that ''cannot'' be falsified, he argued, have no connection with the real world.  
Accordingly, a 'pseudoscience' is a system of assertions with a superficial resemblance to science, but which is empty, in being in principle incapable of disproof. Scholars that refuse to engage in a critical discussion of their doctrine exhibit a 'pseudoscientific' attitude.

Popper's arguments have been summarised by [[Peter Singer]]: "That an interpretation of history is capable of ordering a good many facts does not demonstrate its truth, any more than do similar claims about past conjunctions between the positions of the planets and events on earth demonstrate the truth of astrology. The historicist, like the astrologer, must say what future developments, or new discoveries about the past, would refute his theory; and if he cannot or will not do so, his claim to scientific knowledge need not be taken seriously." []
Popper argued that astrology, [[Marxism]], and Freudian psychoanalysis are all 'pseudoscientific' because they make no predictions by which their truth can be judged; accordingly they ''cannot'' be falsified by experimental tests, and have thus no connection with the real world.

===Defining science by the behavior of scientists===
===Defining science by the behavior of scientists===
Popper's vision of the scientific method was itself tested by [[Thomas Kuhn]]. Kuhn concluded, from studying the [[history of science]], that science does not progress linearly, but undergoes periodic 'revolutions', in which the nature of scientific inquiry in a field is abruptly transformed. He argued that falsification had played little part in such revolutions, and concluded that this was because rival world views are ''incommensurable'' - that it is not possible to understand one paradigm through the concepts and terminology of another.<ref>Kuhn TS (1962) 'The Structure of Scientific Revolutions' Chicago: University of Chicago Press, ISBN 0-226-45808-3</ref>   
Popper's vision of the scientific method was itself tested by [[Thomas Kuhn]]. Kuhn concluded, from studying the [[history of science]], that science does not progress linearly, but undergoes periodic 'revolutions', in which the nature of scientific inquiry in a field is transformed. He argued that falsification had played little part in such revolutions, because rival world views are ''incommensurable'' - he argued that it is impossible to understand one paradigm through the concepts and terminology of another.<ref>Kuhn TS (1962) 'The Structure of Scientific Revolutions' Chicago: University of Chicago Press, ISBN 0-226-45808-3</ref>   

For Kuhn, whatever we mean by scientific progress, we must account for it by examining how scientists behave, and by discovering what they value, what they tolerate, and what they disdain. What they value most, according to Kuhn, is the respect of their peers, and they achieve this by success in solving difficult 'puzzles', while working with shared rules, a shared understanding, and towards shared objectives. Kuhn maintained that typical scientists are not objective, independent thinkers, but are conservative individuals who largely accept what they have been taught. Most aim to discover what they already know - "The man who is striving to solve a problem ... knows what he wants to achieve, and he designs his instruments and directs his thoughts accordingly."  
For Kuhn, to account for scientific progress, we must examine how scientists behave, and observe what they value, what they tolerate, and what they disdain. He concluded that they value most the respect of their peers, and they gain this by solving difficult 'puzzles', while working with shared rules towards shared objectives. Kuhn maintained that typical scientists are not objective, independent thinkers, but are conservatives who largely accept what they were taught. Most aim to discover what they already know - "The man who is striving to solve a problem ... knows what he wants to achieve, and he designs his instruments and directs his thoughts accordingly."  

Such a closed group imposes its own expectations of rigor, and disparages claims that are, by their conventions, vague, exaggerated or untestable. Within any field of science, scientists develop a technical language that can be specific to that field, and to a lay reader, their papers may seem full of jargon, pedantry and obscurantism. No doubt what seems to be bad writing is often just bad writing, but these things also reflect an obsession with using words precisely, according to the conventions of the field. Sometimes the technical terms have strict definitions in terms of things that can be measured (''operational definitions''), but not always; many terms 'stand for' things not yet understood in mechanistic detail, and even in theoretical physics for instance, although most terms have some connection with observables, they are seldom of the sort that would enable them to be used as operational definitions. As Churchland observed "If a restriction in favor of operational definitions were to be followed ... most of theoretical ''physics'' would have to be dismissed as meaningless pseudoscience!" <ref>Churchland P 'Matter and Consciousness: A Contemporary Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind' (1999) MIT Press [</ref>  
Such a closed group imposes its own expectations of rigor, and disparages claims that are (by their conventions) vague, exaggerated, or untestable. Within any field of science, scientists develop a technical language of their own; to a lay reader, their papers may seem full of jargon, pedantry, and obscurantism. What seems to be bad writing is often just bad writing, but sometimes reflects an obsession with using words precisely.<ref> Sometimes technical terms have strict definitions in terms of things that can be measured (''operational definitions''). Other terms 'stand for' things not yet understood in detail - even in theoretical physics for instance, although most terms have some connection with observables, they are seldom of the sort that would enable them to be used as operational definitions. As Churchland observed, "If a restriction in favor of operational definitions were to be followed ... most of theoretical ''physics'' would have to be dismissed as meaningless pseudoscience!" Churchland P ''Matter and Consciousness: A Contemporary Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind'' (1999) MIT Press [</ref>  
Scientists also expect any claims to be subject to peer review before publication and acceptance, and demand that any claims are accompanied by enough detail to enable them to be verified and if possible, reproduced. <ref>Peer review and the acceptance of new scientific ideas[] For an opposing perspective, e.g. Peer Review as Scholarly Conformity[]</ref> Some proponents of unconventional 'alternative' theories avoid this often ego-bruising process, sometimes arguing that peer review is biased in favour of conventional views, or that assertions that lie outside what is conventionally accepted cannot be evaluated fairly using methods designed for a conventional paradigm.   
Scientists also expect any claims to be subject to peer review before publication and acceptance, and demand that any claims are accompanied by enough detail to enable them to be verified and, if possible, reproduced.<ref>Peer review and the acceptance of new scientific ideas[] For an opposing perspective, e.g. Peer Review as Scholarly Conformity[]</ref> Some proponents of unconventional 'alternative' theories avoid this often ego-bruising process, sometimes arguing that peer review is biased in favor of conventional views, or that assertions that lie outside what is conventionally accepted cannot be evaluated fairly using methods designed for a conventional paradigm.   

Popper saw dangers in the closed worlds of specialists, but while admitting that at any one moment we are 'prisoners caught in the framework of our theories', he denied that different frameworks are like mutually untranslatable languages, and argued that clashes between frameworks have stimulated some of the greatest intellectual advances. Popper accepted that he had overlooked what Kuhn called 'normal science', but for him, such 'normal' science was the activity of "the not-too critical professional, of the science student who accepts the ruling dogma of the day;... who accepts a new revolutionary theory only if almost everybody else is ready to accept it." Popper acknowledged its existence, but saw it as the product of poor teaching, and also doubted whether 'normal' science was indeed normal. Whereas Kuhn had pictured science as progressing steadily during long periods of stability within a dominant paradigm, punctuated occasionally by scientific revolutions, Popper thought that it was rare for a single paradigm to be so dominant, and that there was always a struggle between sometimes several competing theories.  
Popper saw dangers in the closed worlds of specialists, but while admitting that, at any one moment, we are 'prisoners caught in the framework of our theories', he denied that different frameworks are like mutually untranslatable languages; he argued that clashes between frameworks have stimulated some of the greatest intellectual advances. Popper recognised what Kuhn called 'normal science', but for him, that was the activity of "the not-too critical professional, of the science student who accepts the ruling dogma of the day;... who accepts a new revolutionary theory only if almost everybody else is ready to accept it." Popper acknowledged its existence, but saw it as the product of poor teaching, and also doubted whether 'normal' science was indeed normal. Whereas Kuhn had pictured science as progressing steadily during long periods of stability within a dominant paradigm, punctuated occasionally by scientific revolutions, Popper thought that there was always a struggle between sometimes several competing theories.  

Popper's analysis of science was ''prescriptive'', he described what he thought scientists ought to do, and claimed that this is what the best scientists did. Kuhn on the other hand claimed to be describing what scientists in fact did, not what he thought they ought to do, but nevertheless he argued that it was rational to attribute the success of science to the ways that scientists behaved. Whereas Popper was scathing about the conservative scientist who accepted the dogma of the day, Kuhn proposed that this very conservatism might be important for progress to occur. He suggested that, for science to progress, it might be important that scientists agree to accept, for the moment, a certain framework, and resist attempts to question it. According to Kuhn, during normal science, scientists do ''not'' try to overthrow theories, but rather they try to bring the accepted theory into closer agreement with observed facts and other areas of knowledge and understanding. Accordingly, they tend to ignore research findings that seem to threaten the existing paradigm, and "novelty emerges only with difficulty, manifested by resistance, against a background provided by expectation."
Popper's analysis was ''prescriptive''; he described what he thought scientists ought to do, and claimed that this is what the best scientists did. Kuhn, by contrast, claimed to be describing what scientists in fact did, not what he thought they ought to do, but nevertheless he argued that it was rational to attribute the success of science to the scientists' behavior. Whereas Popper was scathing about the conservative scientist who accepted the dogma of the day, Kuhn proposed that such conservatism might be important for progress. According to Kuhn, scientists do ''not'' normally try to overthrow theories, but rather they try to bring them into closer agreement with observed facts and other areas of understanding. Accordingly, they tend to ignore research findings that threaten the existing paradigm; "novelty emerges only with difficulty, manifested by resistance, against a background provided by expectation".

Nevertheless, there ''are'' controversies in every area of science, and these lead to continuing change and development. In this internal debate, scientists are scornful of the selective use of experimental evidence - presenting data that seem to support claims while suppressing or dismissing data that contradict them - and peer-reviewed journals generally insist that published papers cite others in a balanced way. The philosopher Imre Lakatos attempted to accommodate this in what he called 'sophisticated falsification', arguing that it is only a succession of theories and not one given theory which can be appraised as scientific or pseudoscientific. A series of theories usually have a continuity that welds them into a research programme; the programme has a 'hard core' surrounded by a 'auxilliary hypotheses' which bear most tests, but which can be modified or replaced without threatening the core understanding. <ref>Lakatos I (1970) 'Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes' in Lakatos I, Musgrave A (eds) 'Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge' Cambridge University Press pp 91-195</ref>
Yet there ''are'' controversies in every area of science, and they lead to continuing change and development. Scientists are scornful of the selective use of experimental evidence - presenting data that seem to support claims while suppressing or dismissing data that contradict them - and peer-reviewed journals generally insist that published papers cite others in a balanced way. [[Imre Lakatos]] attempted to accommodate this in what he called 'sophisticated falsification', arguing that it is only a succession of theories and not one given theory which can be appraised as scientific or pseudoscientific. A series of theories usually has a continuity that welds them into a research program; the program has a 'hard core' surrounded by "auxiliary hypotheses" which bear most tests, but which can be modified or replaced without threatening the core understanding.<ref>Lakatos I (1970) "Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes" in Lakatos I, Musgrave A (eds) ''Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge'' Cambridge University Press pp 91&ndash;195</ref>

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A pseudoscience is any theory, or system of theories, that is claimed to be scientific by its proponents but that the scientific community deems flawed, usually because independent attempts at reproducing evidence for specific claims made on the basis of these theories have failed repeatedly and rarely if ever succeeded. The term is pejorative, and its use is inevitably controversial;[1] the term is also problematical because of the difficulty in defining rigorously what science is. Some ideas (like phrenology) were once considered respectable sciences, but were later dismissed as pseudoscience. There are some areas today, such as psychoanalysis, about which there is a serious dispute as to whether they may properly be considered pseudoscience.

The term "pseudoscience", which combines the Greek root pseudo, meaning "false", and the Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge", seems to have been used first in 1843 by the French physiologist François Magendie (1783–1855), who referred to phrenology as "a pseudo-science of the present day". Among its early uses was one in 1844 in the Northern Journal of Medicine, I 387: "That opposite kind of innovation which pronounces what has been recognized as a branch of science, to have been a pseudo-science, composed merely of so-called facts, connected together by misapprehensions under the disguise of principles".


Phrenology is a classic example of pseudoscience. Popular in the middle of the 19th century, phrenology held that mental faculties are localised to different parts of the brain, that they develop differently in different individuals, and that these differences are reflected in measurable differences in the external form of the cranium.

Casting horoscopes based on the night sky has been used to predict the future for at least two thousand years, long before the establishment of the scientific method. Although many contemporary astrologers continue in this mystical tradition, some of them argue that their methods are scientific - a view that opens them to the charge of pseudoscience. Astrology is generally regarded as nonsense by scientists, but sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference between an idea that is plausible but not generally accepted and one that is simply unsound.

Generally, pseudoscientific claims either (1) lack supporting evidence, or (2) are based on evidence that is not established by scientific methods or (3) cite well-established evidence but misuse it or misinterpret it to support the conclusions asserted in the claim. Science has considerable prestige in modern societies; often, to call something "scientific" is to suggest that it is true. Conversely, theories that do not follow the methods of science are likely to be dismissed not only as "unscientific" or "pseudoscientific", but also as fallacious.

For those whose sincerely held theories are dismissed as "pseudoscience," that label often cuts to the quick. The charge can imply poor training, inadequate education, faulty judgment, or outright fraud, and thereby prompts defensive outrage from its targets.

How pseudoscience flourishes

It is often wondered why so many people seem to be willing to believe some extraordinarily improbable things on the basis of the flimsiest of evidence.

Some nonsense is given credence because it validates particular religious or political beliefs. Creationism and intelligent design are both adopted primarily because they support certain religious – often Christian – beliefs. Moral and political thought also comes into it: many fear that an evolutionary view of the universe has negative moral consequences and so prefer any alternative theory.

Lies, fallacies, misrepresentations, distortions and other nonsense sometimes enter the public consciousness because of how the news media works. Newspapers have increased in size and there are now many more broadcast outlets than ever before – hundreds more channels on cable and satellite television, thousands of news blogs and websites. To fill this gap, reporters spend less time checking facts, and often simply report on press releases delivered to them by public relations agencies, including by some who commission studies to fit various corporate or political agendas. Many of these are novelty or fun pieces, others are fluffy pieces on shaky social science research, but some cover serious health and medical topics. Few science reporters have any training in science, and often seem woefully poor at telling the difference between good science and rubbish.

Pseudoscience is often promoted by reference to the "underdog" credentials of the proponents. Frequent mention is made of Galileo and others who were persecuted for ideas that later turned out to be correct. Carl Sagan commented on this:

"The fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."[2]

The "Gish Gallop" is an argument style used by the creationist Duane Gish where many claims are made in a short time during a formal, timed debate. It can take just a few seconds to make a claim, but much longer to refute it. When the respondent doesn't have enough time to address all of the claims, he appears to be leaving questions "still unanswered". Some prominent pseudoscientists are savvy media operators, while scientists become famous for their work in the lab, not their skills as public performers; the pseudoscientist can often be cast in the "everyman" role while the scientist is portrayed as an ivory-tower intellectual, an elitist or as somehow anti-democratic.

In the public debate over climate change, scientists are often portrayed as accepting conclusions regarding anthropogenic global warming because of the pressure to continue getting funding. This charge is promoted by climate change denial groups that are themselves massively funded by the oil industry.[3][4]

The issue of conflict of interest is a serious one, as conflicts can cloud judgement, but to assign motives to any speaker is to avoid the issues under debate, and is a disreputable strategy whether used by scientists ("he would say that wouldn't he, because he's a homeopath") or by their critics ("he has to say that or he wouldn't get grants"). There have been some well-publicised cases of fraudulent science, but for most scientists, their careers ultimately depend on being right, and advantages gained through being parsimonious with the truth or selective with facts are likely to be short term - any important claim is likely to be quickly put to the test - and the reputational risk of being proved wrong is great.

Paradigmatic examples

"As the new Darwinian orthodox' swept through Europe, its most brilliant opponent, the aging embryologist Karl Ernst von Baer, remarked with bitter irony that every triumphant theory passes through three stages: first it is dismissed as untrue; then it is rejected as contrary to religion; finally, it is accepted as dogma and each scientist claims that he had long appreciated its truth.

I first met the theory of continental drift when it labored under the inquisition of stage two. Kenneth Caster, the only major American paleontologist who dared to support it openly, came to lecture at my alma mater, Antioch College. We were scarcely known as a bastion of entrenched conservatism, but most of us dismissed his thoughts as just this side of sane. ...

Today, just ten years later, my own students would dismiss with even more derision anyone who denied the evident truth of continental drift..."

"The Validation of Continental Drift" - Stephen Jay Gould[5]

Some theories, claims, and practices that, when new, were dismissed as pseudoscientific, have since become accepted. The theory of continental drift that led to the current theory of plate tectonics was first proposed by Alfred Wegener in 1910, but for many decades after Wegener's death it was largely dismissed as "eccentric, preposterous, and improbable".[6] The Big Bang was a term originally chosen by Fred Hoyle to poke fun at the idea.[7] They have since won general acceptance. In retrospect, the delay in acceptance of these and other revolutionary theories was clearly a result of the challenges that they posed to the accepted doctrines of the time, and of the difficulty in gathering evidence for new theories.


Astrology (not to be confused with astronomy) refers to 'fortune-telling' based on the position (relative to earth) of the sun, moon, stars, and/or constellations. Some astrologers claim scientific status for their discipline, or some aspects of it; the activity at least makes certain assumptions which ought to be subject to scientific testing.

However unlikely, it is not inconceivable that the movements of the moon or planets might have some influence on human activity or emotions. The major criticism of astrology is that there is no good evidence for its claims, and no rational, logical structure to its theories. It often functions essentially as a religious activity, impervious to research.

Astrological researchers often complain that they cannot receive a fair hearing in scientific circles, and find it hard to have their research published in scientific journals. They claim that their critics have wrongly dismissed studies that do support astrology. An example would be Michel Gauquelin's purported discovery of correlations between some planetary positions and certain human traits such as vocations. However, an examination of Gauquelin's claims by the Belgian Comiti Para and by the French Comité Français pour l'Étude des Phénomènes Paranormaux concluded that Gauquelin had selected results to support his conclusions.[8]

Alternative medicine

Astrology can be dismissed as harmless nonsense. However, there are deeper concerns when ineffective health treatments are sold on the basis of pseudoscientific advertising – i.e. when advocates couch their claims in terms that make them falsely appear to have a credible scientific foundation. Patients with serious diseases may be deflected from seeking effective medical treatment by the false hopes engendered by remedies falsely promoted as being scientifically well-founded. Homeopathic remedies are safe in the sense that they contain no active ingredients and hence have no verified activity beyond that of placebos; but some homeopaths advise that their remedies are a suitable alternative to vaccinations, and such advice is considered dangerously irresponsible by public health professionals. Claims for herbal remedies, multi-vitamin supplements[9][10] and other dietary supplements are also causes for concern: these products are extensively promoted, widely available and poorly regulated. While some supplements can be beneficial for some people, for many there is no benefit and for some there can be adverse consequences.

In general, though, the principal concern about false health claims is not that they are pseudoscientific, but simply that they are false. Some alternative medicine systems are also attacked by scientists for two main reasons: when they fail the practical test of clinical efficacy or refuse to submit to such study, and when they posit mechanisms for the supposed success of their treatment methodologies that rely on outdated notions that do not fit with modern scientific understanding.

Scientists have a natural interest in defending the good name of science by exposing and debunking bad science wherever it is manifested, but medics have a different concern: to expose and discredit ineffective treatments simply because they are ineffective. Some ineffective treatments are promoted using pseudoscientific claims, others appeal to religious or spiritual rationales and don’t pretend a scientific basis, and yet others have a misguided scientific basis. In the end, if an argument is nonsense, or a claim false, the issue of whether it has also wrongly invoked the authority of science is incidental.

IQ studies

Cognitive scientists do not agree on what, if anything, intelligence is, let alone how to test for it. Nevertheless one particular measure—scores from a range of standardized Intelligence Quotient (IQ) tests—is widely used. Originally designed for educational and military use, the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and its offshoots measure several cognitive capabilities such as language fluency, or three-dimensional thinking. While these may seem unrelated, test scores do in fact tend to correlate. The premise of IQ tests is that such capabilities all depend on some underlying factor, called the general intelligence factor. To critics, the concept smacks of metaphysics. Does "IQ" in fact measure anything at all?[11] Subsidiary questions relating to intelligence and IQ involve the relative importance of nature vs. nurture, and the distribution of IQ between men and women, and among the various races (cf. intelligence and race). Accusations of pseudoscience are not difficult to find in these discussions.[12]


Freud's proposal that mental illness might be treated through talk rather than surgery, drugs, or hypnosis was only one of the startling features of psychoanalysis contrasting it to earlier conceptions of psychiatry. The concept remains controversial today. Does psychotherapy "work"? Is it any more effective than ordinary talk? (Effective at what?)

Critics also wonder what ontological status is being claimed for various abstract entities in psychological theory, such as Freud's ego and id, which would seem unavailable for scientific inspection. In what way do psychoanalysis and its successors differ from religions? The question is even more sensitive in the case of Jungian psychology and transpersonal psychology, which are more interested in the spiritual dimension.

In The Myth of Mental Illness and other works, Thomas Szasz proposed that the entire concept of 'mental illness' is a tool of social control at the hands of a 'pharmacracy'. In his view, a disease must be something concrete and measurable, not an abstract condition which comes into existence by vote. In this light, current attitudes toward mental illness are no more rational than 19th-century campaigns against onanism.

Intelligent design

Intelligent design, as promoted by the Discovery Institute, argues that the complexity and harmony of the universe and of life on earth implies the existence of an intelligent creator. To its critics, the theory was designed to circumvent U.S. prohibitions against the teaching of creation science as part of the scientific curricula of public schools. If so, the strategy did not work. In his decision for Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District, Judge John E. Jones III agreed that intelligent design is "a mere re-labeling of creationism, and not a scientific theory". He went on to say (p.64):

We find that ID fails on three different levels, any one of which is sufficient to preclude a determination that ID is science. They are: (1) ID violates the centuries-old ground rules of science by invoking and permitting supernatural causation; (2) the argument of irreducible complexity, central to ID, employs the same flawed and illogical contrived dualism that doomed creation science in the 1980's; and (3) ID's negative attacks on evolution have been refuted by the scientific community.

Cargo cult science

For many people, at least some 'pseudoscientific' beliefs, for example that the pyramids were built not by men but by prehistoric astronauts, are harmless nonsense. "Horoscopes" (not what professional astrologers mean by the term but what the general public means by it) are read for fun by many, but taken seriously by few. According to Scott Lillenfeld, popular psychology is rife with pseudoscientific claims: self-help books, supermarket tabloids, radio call-in shows, television infomercials and 'pseudodocumentaries', the Internet, and even the nightly news promote unsupported claims about, amongst other things, extrasensory perception, psychokinesis, satanic ritual abuse, polygraph testing, subliminal persuasion, out-of-body experiences, graphology, the Rorschach test, facilitated communication, herbal remedies for memory enhancement, the use of hypnosis for memory recovery, and multiple personality disorder. He suggests that critically interrogating these claims is a good way of introducing students of psychology to understanding the scientific method, bearing in mind Stephen Jay Gould's aphorism that "exposing a falsehood necessarily affirms a truth".[13]

The Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman recognized the importance of unconventional approaches to science, but was bemused by the willingness of people to believe "so many wonderful things." He was however much more concerned about how ordinary people could be intimidated by experts propounding "science that isn't science" and "theories that don't work":

There are big schools of reading methods and mathematics methods, and so forth, but if you notice, you'll see the reading scores keep going down ... And I think ordinary people with commonsense ideas are intimidated by this pseudoscience. A teacher who has some good idea of how to teach her children to read is forced by the school system to do it some other way — Or a parent ... feels guilty ... because she didn't do 'the right thing', according to the experts... Richard Feynman, Cargo Cult Science

For Feynmann, it came down to a certain type of integrity, a "kind of care not to fool yourself", that was missing in what he called "cargo cult science".

Pseudoscience and the philosophy of science

Distinguishing what science is from what it is not is a fundamental problem of the philosophy of science, known as the problem of demarcation.

There is disagreement not only about whether 'science' can be distinguished from 'pseudoscience' objectively, but also about whether trying to do so is even useful. The philosopher Paul Feyerabend argued that all attempts to distinguish science from non-science are flawed. He argued that the idea that science can or should be run according to fixed rules is "unrealistic and pernicious... It makes our science less adaptable and more dogmatic". Often the term 'pseudoscience' is used simply as a pejorative to express a low opinion of a field, regardless of any objective measures; thus according to McNally, it is "little more than an inflammatory buzzword for quickly dismissing one’s opponents in media sound-bites." Similarly, Larry Laudan suggested that 'pseudoscience' has no scientific meaning: "If we would stand up and be counted on the side of reason, we ought to drop terms like 'pseudoscience' and ‘unscientific’ from our vocabulary; they are just hollow phrases which do only emotive work for us".

Skepticism is generally regarded as essential in science, but skepticism is properly defined as doubt, not denial. The sociologist Marcello Truzzi distinguished between 'skeptics' and 'scoffers' (or 'pseudo-skeptics'). Scientists who are scoffers fail to apply the same professional standards to their criticism of unconventional ideas that would be expected in their own fields; they are more interested in discrediting claims of the extraordinary than in disproving them, using poor scholarship, substandard science, ad hominem attacks and rhetorical tricks rather than solid falsification. Truzzi quotes the philosopher Mario Bunge as saying: "the occasional pressure to suppress [dissent] in the name of the orthodoxy of the day is even more injurious to science than all the forms of pseudoscience put together."[14]

Because science is so diverse, it is hard to find rules to distinguish between what is scientific and what is not that can be applied consistently. Imre Lakatos suggested that we might however distinguish between 'progressive' and 'degenerative' research programs; between those which evolve, expanding our understanding, and those which stagnate. Paul Thagard proposed, more formally, that a theory can be regarded as pseudoscientific if "it has been less progressive than alternative theories over a long period of time, and faces many unsolved problems; but the community of practitioners makes little attempt to develop the theory towards solutions of the problems, shows no concern for attempts to evaluate the theory in relation to others, and is selective in considering confirmations and disconfirmations".[15]

Thomas Kuhn saw a circularity in this, and questioned whether a field makes progress because it is a science, or whether is it a science because it makes progress. He also questioned whether scientific revolutions were in fact progressive, noting that Einstein's general theory of relativity is in some ways closer to Aristotle's than either is to Newton's. Most progress in science, according to Kuhn, is not at times of scientific revolution, when one theory is replacing another, but when one paradigm is dominant, and when scientists who share common goals and understanding fill in the details by puzzle solving. He argued that, when a theory is discarded, it is not always the case (at least not at first) that the new theory is better at explaining facts. Which of two theories is 'better' is largely a matter of opinion. The reasons for discarding a theory may be that more and more anomalies that reveal its weaknesses become apparent, but there is no point at which the followers of one theory abandon it in favor of a new one; instead, they cling tenaciously to the old theory, while seeking fresh explanations for the anomalies. A new theory takes over not by converting followers of the old theory, but because, over time, the new view gains more and more followers until it becomes dominant, while the older view is held in the end only by a few "elderly hold outs". Kuhn argued that such resistance is not unreasonable, or illogical, or wrong; instead he thought that the conservative nature of science is an essential part of what enables it to progress. At most, it might be said that the man who continues to resist the new view long after the rest of his profession has adopted a new view "has ipso facto ceased to be a scientist".

As Kuhn described them to be, the motives of the true scientist are to gain the respect and approval of his or her peers. When technical jargon is misused, or when scientific findings are represented misleadingly, to give particular claims the superficial trappings of science for some commercial or political gain, this is easily recognized as an abuse of science;[16] it is not an abuse that is confined to popular literature, however.[17]

Despite the complexity of the issue, solutions to the problem of demarcation were proposed in the 20th century that can be collected into two main lines of thinking (see also scientific method, Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn for further discussion).

Defining science by the falsifiability of theories

Karl Popper described science as an "objective product of human thought", as much as a nest can be seen as an objective product of a bird. Consequently, he dismissed as insignificant the philosophical tendency to regard knowledge as subjective, which includes the definition of science by the behavior of scientists as described above.[18]

Popper's solution to the demarcation problem is given in his 1934 book The Logic of Scientific Discovery[19] a book that Sir Peter Medawar, a Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine, called "one of the most important documents of the twentieth century". Popper suggested that science does not advance because we learn more and more facts. Science does not start with observations and then somehow assemble them to provide a theory; any attempt to do so would be logically unsound, because a general theory contains more information than any finite number of observations. Popper shows this with a simple example. Let's say we have seen millions of white swans. We may be tempted to conclude, by the process called induction, that "All swans are white". But however many white swans we have seen, the next swan we see might be black.

Rather, the advance of science consists of three steps: (1) we find a problem; (2) we try to solve the problem by a new theory; (3) we critically test our theory and, while doing this, we learn from our errors. It is in the process of critical testing of theories that Popper finds the distinguishing characteristics of science.

For Popper, there is no way a scientific theory can be proven to be true; a theory comes to be accepted because it has survived all attempts to disprove it, but it is only accepted provisionally, until something better comes along. This may be explained again with the example of swans. How could we ever prove the truth of our theory that "all swans are white"? Only by observing all swans of the universe in all past, present and future times, and showing they are all white. This is, of course, impossible. Yet, an assertion such as our "all swans are white" is a scientific statement (although a false one).

Following Popper, scientific theories must include falsifiable universal assertions, i.e., general statements that cannot be proven true, but can eventually be found false when a new observation, e.g., of a black swan, disproves them. Assertions that are not falsifiable are non-scientific, and the refusal to critically discuss a theory is a non-scientific attitude as well. As Popper puts it, "those who are unwilling to expose their ideas to the hazard of refutation do not take part in the scientific game".[19]

Accordingly, a 'pseudoscience' is a system of assertions with a superficial resemblance to science, but which is empty, in being in principle incapable of disproof. Scholars that refuse to engage in a critical discussion of their doctrine exhibit a 'pseudoscientific' attitude.

Popper argued that astrology, Marxism, and Freudian psychoanalysis are all 'pseudoscientific' because they make no predictions by which their truth can be judged; accordingly they cannot be falsified by experimental tests, and have thus no connection with the real world.

Defining science by the behavior of scientists

Popper's vision of the scientific method was itself tested by Thomas Kuhn. Kuhn concluded, from studying the history of science, that science does not progress linearly, but undergoes periodic 'revolutions', in which the nature of scientific inquiry in a field is transformed. He argued that falsification had played little part in such revolutions, because rival world views are incommensurable - he argued that it is impossible to understand one paradigm through the concepts and terminology of another.[20]

For Kuhn, to account for scientific progress, we must examine how scientists behave, and observe what they value, what they tolerate, and what they disdain. He concluded that they value most the respect of their peers, and they gain this by solving difficult 'puzzles', while working with shared rules towards shared objectives. Kuhn maintained that typical scientists are not objective, independent thinkers, but are conservatives who largely accept what they were taught. Most aim to discover what they already know - "The man who is striving to solve a problem ... knows what he wants to achieve, and he designs his instruments and directs his thoughts accordingly."

Such a closed group imposes its own expectations of rigor, and disparages claims that are (by their conventions) vague, exaggerated, or untestable. Within any field of science, scientists develop a technical language of their own; to a lay reader, their papers may seem full of jargon, pedantry, and obscurantism. What seems to be bad writing is often just bad writing, but sometimes reflects an obsession with using words precisely.[21] Scientists also expect any claims to be subject to peer review before publication and acceptance, and demand that any claims are accompanied by enough detail to enable them to be verified and, if possible, reproduced.[22] Some proponents of unconventional 'alternative' theories avoid this often ego-bruising process, sometimes arguing that peer review is biased in favor of conventional views, or that assertions that lie outside what is conventionally accepted cannot be evaluated fairly using methods designed for a conventional paradigm.

Popper saw dangers in the closed worlds of specialists, but while admitting that, at any one moment, we are 'prisoners caught in the framework of our theories', he denied that different frameworks are like mutually untranslatable languages; he argued that clashes between frameworks have stimulated some of the greatest intellectual advances. Popper recognised what Kuhn called 'normal science', but for him, that was the activity of "the not-too critical professional, of the science student who accepts the ruling dogma of the day;... who accepts a new revolutionary theory only if almost everybody else is ready to accept it." Popper acknowledged its existence, but saw it as the product of poor teaching, and also doubted whether 'normal' science was indeed normal. Whereas Kuhn had pictured science as progressing steadily during long periods of stability within a dominant paradigm, punctuated occasionally by scientific revolutions, Popper thought that there was always a struggle between sometimes several competing theories.

Popper's analysis was prescriptive; he described what he thought scientists ought to do, and claimed that this is what the best scientists did. Kuhn, by contrast, claimed to be describing what scientists in fact did, not what he thought they ought to do, but nevertheless he argued that it was rational to attribute the success of science to the scientists' behavior. Whereas Popper was scathing about the conservative scientist who accepted the dogma of the day, Kuhn proposed that such conservatism might be important for progress. According to Kuhn, scientists do not normally try to overthrow theories, but rather they try to bring them into closer agreement with observed facts and other areas of understanding. Accordingly, they tend to ignore research findings that threaten the existing paradigm; "novelty emerges only with difficulty, manifested by resistance, against a background provided by expectation".

Yet there are controversies in every area of science, and they lead to continuing change and development. Scientists are scornful of the selective use of experimental evidence - presenting data that seem to support claims while suppressing or dismissing data that contradict them - and peer-reviewed journals generally insist that published papers cite others in a balanced way. Imre Lakatos attempted to accommodate this in what he called 'sophisticated falsification', arguing that it is only a succession of theories and not one given theory which can be appraised as scientific or pseudoscientific. A series of theories usually has a continuity that welds them into a research program; the program has a 'hard core' surrounded by "auxiliary hypotheses" which bear most tests, but which can be modified or replaced without threatening the core understanding.[23]


  1. Still A, Dryden W (2004)The Social Psychology of "Pseudoscience": A Brief History J Theory Social Behav 34:267-90 ("The word has asserted the scientific credentials of the user at the same time as it denies these credentials to the pseudoscientist.")
  2. From Broca's Brain: Reflections on the Romance of Science by Carl Sagan (1986) ISBN-10: 0345336895. Perhaps they were right to laugh at Columbus; his plan to reach the East by sailing West was founded on the mistaken beliefs that the Asian continent stretched much farther to the east than it actually does and that Japan lay about 2,400 km east of the Asian mainland; he also greatly underestimated the circumference of the earth.
  3. ExxonMobil continuing to fund climate sceptic groups Guardian 1 July 2009
  4. Oil conglomerate 'secretly funds climate change deniers' Telegraph 25 Nov 2010
  5. "The Validation of Continental Drift" - Stephen Jay Gould
  6. Developing the theory USGS)
  7. see a BBC article on Big Bang [1]
  8. Kurtz P et al. (1997) Is the "Mars Effect" genuine? J Scientific Exploration 11:19-39
  9. Multivitamin prostate warning ‘’BBC News’’ 16 May 2007 []
  10. Multivitamin supplements a 'waste of time' ‘’The Independent’’ 10 February 2009 [2]
  11. The rise and fall of IQ Vanessa Thorpe and Robin McKie, Sunday 17 March 2002, The Observer
  12. Graves JL, Johnson A (1995) The Pseudoscience of Psychometry and The Bell Curve Journal of Negro Education 64:277-294 [3]
  13. Lilienfeld SO (2004) Teaching Psychology Students to Distinguish Science from Pseudoscience: Pitfalls and Rewards
    The National Science Foundation stated that 'pseudoscientific' habits and beliefs are common in the USA
    National Science Board (2006) Science and Engineering Indicators 2006 Two volumes. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation (volume 1, NSB-06-01; NSB 06-01A)
  14. Criticisms of the concept of pseudoscience
    Paul Feyerabend (1975) 'Against Method: Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge' [4]
    McNally RJ (2003)Is the pseudoscience concept useful for clinical psychology? SRHMP'' Vol 2 Number 2
    Laudan L (1996) The demise of the demarcation problem, in Ruse M 'But Is It Science?: The Philosophical Question in the Creation/Evolution Controversy' pp 337-50
    John Stuart Mill On Liberty (1869) Chapter II: Of the Liberty of Thought and Discussion
    Marcello Truzzi On Some Unfair Practices towards Claims of the Paranormal; On Pseudo-Skepticism
  15. The progress of science
    Hawking SW (1993) 'Hawking on the Big Bang and Black Holes' World Scientific Publishing Company, Page 1, [5] and [6].
    Currently, string theory has been criticized by some researchers, e.g. Smolin L (2006) The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next Houghton Mifflin Company. ISBN 0618551050
    Lakatos I (1977) The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes: Philosophical Papers Volume 1 Cambridge: Cambridge University PressScience and Pseudoscience - transcript and broadcast of talk by Imre Lakatos
    Thagard PR (1978) Why astrology is a pseudoscience In PSA Volume 1 ed PD Asquith and I Hacking (East Lansing: Philosophy of Science Association
  16. Popular pseudoscience
    Giuffre M (1977) Science, bad science, and pseudoscience. J Perianesth Nurs 12:434-8 PMID 9464033
    Ostrander GK et al. (2004) Shark cartilage, cancer and the growing threat of pseudoscience. Cancer Res 64:8485-91 PMID 15574750
  17. :Tsai AC (2003) Conflicts between commercial and scientific interests in pharmaceutical advertising for medical journals. Int J Health Serv 33:751-68 PMID 14758858
    Cooper RJ et al. (2003) The quantity and quality of scientific graphs in pharmaceutical advertisements. J Gen Intern Med 18:294-7 PMID 12709097
  18. Karl R. Popper, 1967, Epistemology without a knowing subject, in: Massimo Baldini and Lorenzo Infantino, eds., 1997, Il gioco della scienza, Armando Editore, Roma (Italy), 158 pp. ISBN 88-7144-678-X
  19. 19.0 19.1 Sir Karl Popper
    Popper KR (1959) The Logic of Scientific Discovery English translation;:Karl Popper Institute includes a complete bibliography 1925-1999
    Popper KR (1962) Science, Pseudo-Science, and Falsifiability
    Karl Popper from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    Sir Karl Popper: Science: Conjectures and Refutations
  20. Kuhn TS (1962) 'The Structure of Scientific Revolutions' Chicago: University of Chicago Press, ISBN 0-226-45808-3
  21. Sometimes technical terms have strict definitions in terms of things that can be measured (operational definitions). Other terms 'stand for' things not yet understood in detail - even in theoretical physics for instance, although most terms have some connection with observables, they are seldom of the sort that would enable them to be used as operational definitions. As Churchland observed, "If a restriction in favor of operational definitions were to be followed ... most of theoretical physics would have to be dismissed as meaningless pseudoscience!" Churchland P Matter and Consciousness: A Contemporary Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind (1999) MIT Press [
  22. Peer review and the acceptance of new scientific ideas[7] For an opposing perspective, e.g. Peer Review as Scholarly Conformity[8]
  23. Lakatos I (1970) "Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes" in Lakatos I, Musgrave A (eds) Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge Cambridge University Press pp 91–195