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'''Blogger''' is a weblog publishing service from [[Google|Google, Inc.]] that allows users to sign up for a [[blog]] as a [[subdomain]] of blogspot (for example:
'''Blogger''' is a weblog publishing service from [[Google|Google, Inc.]] that allows users to sign up for a [[blog]] as a [[subdomain]] of blogspot (for example:

Blogger was created by Pyra Labs, who were purchased by Google in 2003[].
Blogger was created by Pyra Labs, who were purchased by Google in 2003[].[[Category:Suggestion Bot Tag]]

Latest revision as of 17:00, 19 July 2024

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This editable Main Article is under development and subject to a disclaimer.
This article is about the Google blogging platform. For other uses of the term Blogger, please see Blogger (disambiguation).

Blogger is a weblog publishing service from Google, Inc. that allows users to sign up for a blog as a subdomain of blogspot (for example:

Blogger was created by Pyra Labs, who were purchased by Google in 2003[1].