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In [[mathematics]], a '''natural number''' can mean either an element of the set {1, 2, 3, ...} (i.e the [[Positive number|positive]] [[integer]]s) or an element of the set {0, 1, 2, 3, ...} (i.e. the [[non-negative]] integers). The former is generally used in [[number theory]], while the latter is preferred in [[mathematical logic]], [[set theory]] and [[computer science]].  See below for a formal definition.
The '''natural numbers''' are the [[number]]s (0), 1,2,3,etc. used for counting,
and for enumerating an ordered sequence.
As such they are the basis of all numbers used in everyday life for
calculating and measuring.
They are also used to indicate the number of equal parts
into which a unit of measure is divided,
and how many of such parts are needed for a measurement,
thus being the basis for fractions and [[rational number]]s.

Natural numbers have two main purposes: they can be used for [[counting]] ("there are 3 apples on the table"), and they can be used for [[partial order|ordering]] ("this is the 3<sup>rd</sup> largest city in the country").
Because of their importance every culture
has developed a [[numeral system]] for representing and manipulating natural numbers,
both in oral and in written language.
Now the decimal system is almost universally used to write natural numbers
while -- depending on history and the context -- other methods
(e.g., Roman numerals) still coexist.

Properties of the natural numbers related to [[divisibility]], such as the distribution of [[prime number]]s, are studied in [[number theory]]. Problems concerning counting, such as [[Ramsey theory]], are studied in [[combinatorics]].
Moreover, since ancient times the natural numbers have been of interest not only for practical reasons.
On the one hand, their properties have been studied out of (theoretical or mathematical) curiosity,
and, on the other hand, some numbers have been assigned symbolic value.

==History of natural numbers and the status of zero==
In modern [[mathematics]],
The natural numbers presumably had their origins in the words used to count things, beginning with the number one.
the natural numbers are either defined axiomatically by the Peano axioms,
i.e., they are characterized by their properties
or, in set theory, as a specific set that serves as a concrete object (model)
which can be shown to have the desired properties, i.e.,
to satisfy the Peano axioms.

The first major advance in abstraction was the use of [[numeral system|numerals]] to represent numbers. This allowed systems to be developed for recording large numbers.  For example, the [[Babylonia]]ns developed a powerful [[Positional notation|place-value]] system based essentially on the numerals for 1 and 10. The ancient [[History of Ancient Egypt|Egyptians]] had a system of numerals with distinct [[Egyptian hieroglyphs|hieroglyph]]s for 1, 10, and all the powers of 10 up to one million. A stone carving from [[Karnak]], dating from around [[1500 BC]] and now at the [[Louvre]] in Paris, depicts 276 as 2 hundreds, 7 tens, and 6 ones; and similarly for the number 4,622.
'''Is zero a natural number?''' <br>
Whether [[zero (mathematics)|0]] is a natural number or not is not a mathematical question
but the matter of an essentially arbitrary definition,
a decision which depends on the context and on personal taste.
Historically, 0 was not considered as a "number"
because it means that there is "nothing to count".
In modern mathematics, in particular because of set theory and
the concept of [[cardinality]], 0 is usually included into the natural numbers.

A much later advance in abstraction was the development of the idea of [[0 (number)|zero]] as a number with its own numeral.  A zero [[numerical digit|digit]] had been used in place-value notation as early as [[700 BC]] by the Babylonians, but it was never used as a final element.<ref>"... a tablet found at Kish ... thought to date from around 700 BC, uses three hooks to denote an empty place in the positional notation. Other tablets dated from around the same time use a single hook for an empty place. []"</ref> The [[Olmec]] and [[Maya civilization]] used zero as a separate number as early as [[1st century BC]], apparently developed independently, but this usage did not spread beyond [[Mesoamerica]].  The concept as used in modern times originated with the [[India]]n mathematician [[Brahmagupta]] in [[628]]. Nevertheless, zero was used as a number by all medieval [[computus|computists]] (calculators of [[Easter]]) beginning with [[Dionysius Exiguus]] in [[525]], but in general no [[Roman numeral]] was used to write it. Instead, the Latin word for "nothing," ''nullus'', was employed.
== Decimal system ==

The first systematic study of numbers as [[abstraction]]s (that is, as abstract [[entity|entities]]) is usually credited to the [[ancient Greece|Greek]] philosophers [[Pythagoras]] and [[Archimedes]]. However, independent studies also occurred at around the same time in [[India]], [[China]], and [[Mesoamerica]].
In principle, a natural number could be represented by the corresponding
number of dots, strokes, or similar. But this soon becomes impractical
if the numbers get large.

In the nineteenth century, a [[set theory|set-theoretical]] [[definition]] of natural numbers was developed. With this definition, it was more convenient to include zero (corresponding to the [[empty set]]) as a natural number.  This convention is followed by [[set theory|set theorists]], [[logic|logicians]], and [[computer science|computer scientists]]. Other mathematicians, primarily [[number theory|number theorists]], often prefer to follow the older tradition and exclude zero from the natural numbers.
Therefore, decimal numerals are used as a sort of shorthand:
They are written with ten digits &mdash; 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 &mdash;
which represent the numbers
zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.
Larger numbers are represented by a sequence of digits, e.g., 325.
Such a numeral is read starting from the right.
The first (rightmost) digit represents the corresponding number of dots
(in the example: five); the next (second-right) represents
the corresponding number of groups of ten dots
(in the example: two groups of ten dots each),
the next digit indicates the corresponding number
of "groups of ten groups of ten dots" (in the example, three groups of
ten times ten dots), and so on.</onlyinclude>

== Arithmetic ==
Mathematicians use '''N''' or <math>\mathbb{N}</math> (an N in [[blackboard bold]], Unicode ℕ) to refer to the [[set]] of all natural numbers. This set is [[Infinity|infinite]] but [[countable]] by definition.

To be unambiguous about whether zero is included or not,
Elementary [[arithmetic]] with natural numbers is based on addition:
sometimes an index "0" is added in the former case, and a superscript "*" is added in the latter case:
Adding two natural numbers is equivalent to counting two sets in sequence.
(This is equivalent to the mathematical notion of adding [[cardinal number]]s.)

: '''N'''<sub>0</sub> = { 0, 1, 2, ... } ; '''N'''<sup>*</sup> = { 1, 2, ... }.
[[Addition]] of two numbers is written with a plus sign "+",
and the result is called the ''sum'' of the two numbers.
: e.g., 2 + 3 = 5, read "two plus three equals (or makes) five"
If an equation like 2 + ''n'' = 5 can be solved,
i.e., if there is a number (denoted by ''n'') which added to 2 makes 5,
then its solution is unique and called the ''difference'' of these two numbers
and is written with a minus sign "-":
: e.g., 5 - 2 = 3, read "five minus two equals (or makes) three".
Addition of two or more numbers does not depend on the order
in which they are added.

(Sometimes, an index or [[superscript]] "+" is added to signify "positive". However, this is often used for "nonnegative" in other cases, as '''R'''<sup>+</sup> = <nowiki>[0,∞)</nowiki> and '''Z'''<sup>+</sup> = { 0, 1, 2,... }, at least in European literature. The notation "*", however, is standard for nonzero or rather [[invertible]] elements.)
[[Multiplication]] can be considered as multiple addition,
and the result is called ''product'':
: e.g., "3 times 5" means "5 plus 5 plus 5" (three summands of five).
It is written with a times sign "&times;" (or a central dot "•").
: e.g., 3 • 5 = 15, read "three times five equals (or makes) fifteen".
The times sign is only used for elementary examples,
in mathematics only the dot is usual &ndash; the times sign is used for other operations &ndash;
amd usually is omitted when variables (denoted by letters) are involved:
: 2 • 3 and ''n'' • 2, but 2''n'' (only rarely 2 • n) and ''nm'' (only very rarely ''n'' ''m'').
If an equation like 2 • ''n'' = 6 can be solved,
i.e., if there is a number (denoted by ''n'') which multiplied by 2 makes 6,
then its solution is unique and called the ''quotient'' of these two numbers
and is written with a division sign ":" or as fraction with "/":
: e.g., 6 : 2 = 6 / 2 = 3, read "six divided by two equals (or makes) three".
Multiplication of two or more numbers also does not depend on the order
in which they are multiplied: 3 • 2 = 2+2+2 = 6 = 3+3 = 2 • 3.

Some authors who exclude zero from the naturals use the term ''whole numbers'', denoted <math>\mathbb{W}</math>, for the set of nonnegative integers. Others use the notation <math>\mathbb{P}</math> for the positive integers.  
[[Exponentiation]] can be considered as multiple multiplication.

Set theorists often denote the set of all natural numbers by a lower-case Greek letter [[omega]]: ω. When this notation is used, zero is explicitly included as a natural number.
== Special properties ==

==Formal definitions==
The natural numbers have been used since thousands of years.
Historically, the precise mathematical definition of the natural numbers developed with some difficulty. The [[Peano postulates]] state conditions that any successful definition must satisfy.  Certain constructions show that, given [[set theory]], [[model theory|models]] of the Peano postulates must exist.
It is no surprise that many properties and curious facts have been
observed and investigated, some for practical reasons,
some out of curiosity, some because they turned out to have connections
with seemingly unrelated problems.

===Peano axioms===
The first properties that come to mind are the distinction between even and odd numbers,
*There is a natural number 0.
between [[prime number|prime]] and composite numbers, and the perfect squares.
*Every natural number ''a'' has a natural number successor, denoted by ''S''(''a'').
*There is no natural number whose successor is 0.
*Distinct natural numbers have distinct successors: if ''a'' ≠ ''b'', then ''S''(''a'') ≠ ''S''(''b'').
*If a property is possessed by 0 and also by the successor of every natural number which possesses it, then it is possessed by all natural numbers.  (This postulate ensures that the proof technique of [[mathematical induction]] is valid.)

It should be noted that the "0" in the above definition need not correspond to what we normally consider to be the number zero.  "0" simply means some object that when combined with an appropriate successor function, satisfies the Peano axioms. There are many systems that satisfy these axioms, including the natural numbers (either starting from zero or one).
* A number is '''even''', if it is a multiple of 2, and '''odd''' if not.
* A number is '''composite''', if it is the product of two other numbers, and '''prime''' it not.
* A number is a (perfect) '''square''' if it is the product of a number with itself.

===Constructions based on set theory===
=== Figurate numbers ===
====A standard construction====
A standard construction in [[set theory]], a special case of the [[ordinal number#Von Neumann definition of ordinals|von Neumann ordinal]] construction, is to define the natural numbers as follows:
:We set 0 := {&nbsp;}, the [[empty set]],
:and define ''S''(''a'') = ''a'' ∪ {''a''} for every set ''a''.  ''S''(''a'') is the successor of ''a'', and ''S'' is called the successor function.
:If the [[axiom of infinity]] holds, then the set of all natural numbers exists and is the intersection of all sets containing 0 which are closed under this successor function.
:If the set of all natural numbers exists, then it satisfies the [[Peano axioms]].
:Each natural number is then equal to the set of natural numbers less than it, so that

:*0 = {&nbsp;}
All these properties can be viewed as simple cases of [[figurate number]]s.
:*1 = <nowiki>{0} = {{&nbsp;}}</nowiki>
Figurate numbers arise if one tries to arrange a certain number of dots, coins, etc. into a nice geometrical shape.
:*2 = <nowiki>{0,1} = {0, {0}} = {{&nbsp;}, {{&nbsp;}}}</nowiki>
:*3 = <nowiki>{0,1,2} = {0, {0}, {0, {0}}} = {{&nbsp;}, {{&nbsp;}}, {{&nbsp;}, {{&nbsp;}}}}</nowiki>
:*''n'' = {0,1,2,…,''n''−2,''n''−1} = {0,1,2,,''n''−2} ∪ {''n''−1} = (''n''−1) ∪ {''n''−1}

:and so on. When you see a natural number used as a set, this is typically what is meant.  Under this definition, there are exactly ''n'' elements (in the naïve sense) in the set ''n'' and ''n'' ≤ ''m'' (in the naïve sense) [[if and only if]] ''n'' is a [[subset]] of ''m''.  
A number is even if the dots can be arranged pairwise,
it is composite if they can be arranged in the form of a rectangle,
and it is a square if this rectangle can be a square.

:Also, with this definition, different possible interpretations of notations like '''R'''<sup>''n''</sup> (''n-''tuples versus mappings of ''n'' into '''R''') coincide.
The simplest figurate numbers are the triangular numbers
: 1, 3 = 1+.2, 6 = 1+2+3, 10 = 1+2+3+4
which are of the form ''k''(''k''+1)/2.

:Even if the axiom of infinity fails and the set of all natural numbers does not exist, it is possible to define what it means to be one of these sets. A set ''n'' is a natural number means that it is either 0 (empty) or a successor, and each of its elements is either 0 or the successor of another of its elements.
=== Sum of divisors ===

====Other constructions====
Another type of property, also already investigated in Ancient Greece,
Although the standard construction is useful, it is not the only possible construction. For example:
concerns the sum of the divisors (excluding the number itself) of a number:
:one could define 0 = { }
A number is called [[perfect number|perfect]] if it is equal to the sum of its divisors:
:and ''S''(''a'') = {''a''},
: 6 = 1+2+3, 28 = 1+2+4+7+14, etc.
Two numbers are [[amicable numbers|amicable]], if each is the sum of the divisors of the other,
:: 0 = { }
as in the following pair which was already known to Euclid:
:: 1 = {0} = <nowiki>{{ }}</nowiki>
: 220 and 284.
:: 2 = {1} = <nowiki>{{{ }}}</nowiki>, etc.
Or we could even define 0 = <nowiki>{{ }}</nowiki>
:and ''S''(''a'') = ''a'' U {''a''}
:: 0 = <nowiki>{{ }}</nowiki>
:: 1 = <nowiki>{{ }, 0} = {{ }, {{ }}}</nowiki>
:: 2 = <nowiki>{{ }, 0, 1}, etc.</nowiki>

Arguably the oldest set-theoretic definition of the natural numbers is the definition commonly ascribed to [[Frege]] and [[Bertrand Russell|Russell]] under which each concrete natural number ''n'' is defined as the set of all sets with ''n'' elements.{{Fact|date=February 2007}} This may appear circular, but can be made rigorous with care.  Define 0 as <math>\{\{\}\}</math> (clearly the set of all sets with 0 elements) and define <math>\sigma(A)</math> (for any set ''A'') as <math>\{x \cup \{y\} \mid x \in A \wedge y \not\in x\}</math>.  Then 0 will be the set of all sets with 0 elements, <math>1=\sigma(0)</math> will be the set of all sets with 1 element, <math>2=\sigma(1)</math> will be the set of all sets with 2 elements, and so forth.  The set of all natural numbers can be defined as the intersection of all sets containing 0 as an element and closed under <math>\sigma</math> (that is, if the set contains an element ''n'', it also contains <math>\sigma(n)</math>).  This definition does not work in the usual systems of [[axiomatic set theory]] because the collections involved are too large (it will not work in any set theory with the [[axiom of separation]]); but it does work in [[New Foundations]] (and in related systems known to be consistent) and in some systems of [[type theory]]. 
=== Properties in general ===

For the rest of this article, we follow the standard construction described above.
There is no limit to the various properties which can be considered.
It can even be argued that every natural number is "interesting":
Indeed, if there were a number which is ''not'' interesting
then the set of such numbers were not empty,
and thus it had a minimal element (by axiom (5a)).
But the ''smallest uninteresting number'' certainly would be ''interesting'', wouldn't it?

''For more properties see the corresponding [[Natural number/Catalogs/Special properties|catalog]].''
One can recursively define an [[Addition in N|addition]] on the natural numbers by setting ''a'' + 0 = ''a'' and ''a'' + ''S''(''b'') = ''S''(''a'' + ''b'') for all ''a'', ''b''.  This turns the natural numbers ('''N''', +) into a [[commutative]] [[monoid]] with [[identity element]] 0, the so-called [[free object|free monoid]] with one generator.  This monoid satisfies the [[cancellation property]] and can be embedded in a [[group (mathematics)|group]].  The smallest group containing the natural numbers is the [[integer]]s.  

If we define 1 := ''S''(0), then ''b'' + 1 = ''b'' + ''S''(0) = ''S''(''b'' + 0) = ''S''(''b''). That is, ''b'' + 1 is simply the successor of ''b''.
== Symbolic meaning ==

Analogously, given that addition has been defined, a [[multiplication]] × can be defined via ''a'' × 0 = 0 and ''a'' × S(''b'') = (''a'' × ''b'') + ''a''. This turns ('''N'''<sup>*</sup>, ×) into a free commutative monoid with identity element 1; a generator set for this monoid is the set of [[prime number]]s. Addition and multiplication are compatible, which is expressed in the [[distributivity|distribution law]]:
Many natural numbers had - and still have - a symbolic meaning,
''a'' × (''b'' + ''c'') = (''a'' × ''b'') + (''a'' × ''c'').  These properties of addition and multiplication make the natural numbers an instance of a [[commutative]] [[semiring]]. Semirings are an algebraic generalization of the natural numbers where multiplication is not necessarily commutative.
some are considered as "lucky" or even "holy" numbers, others are considered to indicatie bad luck,
some are "nice", others are not.
Some of these meanings are (almost) universal, while others vary from culture to culture.
Numbers derived from words have significance in [[numerology]].
Numbers play a &ndash; sometimes secret &ndash; role in (secret) orders like the [[freemason]]s.
But all such interpretations are not part of mathematics,
even in cases where they are motivated by mathematical properties and arguments
&mdash; they are determined by tradition, by mythology, or by esoteric beliefs.

If we interpret the natural numbers as "excluding 0", and "starting at 1", the definitions of + and × are as above, except that we start with ''a'' + 1 = ''S''(''a'') and ''a'' × 1 = ''a''.
''For examples of symbolic meanings see the corresponding [[Natural number/Catalogs/Symbolic meanings|catalog]].''

For the remainder of the article, we write ''ab'' to indicate the product ''a'' × ''b'', and we also assume the standard [[order of operations]].
== Peano axioms ==

Furthermore, one defines a [[total order]] on the natural numbers by writing ''a'' [[]] ''b'' if and only if there exists another natural number ''c'' with ''a'' + ''c'' = ''b''. This order is compatible with the arithmetical operations in the following sense: if ''a'', ''b'' and ''c'' are natural numbers and ''a'' ≤ ''b'', then ''a'' + ''c'' ≤ ''b'' + ''c'' and ''ac'' ≤ ''bc''. An important property of the natural numbers is that they are [[well-order|well-ordered]]: every non-empty set of natural numbers has a least element.
During the 19th century the foundations of mathematics
which, of course, include the concept of number
became a major topic of discussion and research.
In 1889 [[Giuseppe Peano]] published a system of [[axiom]]s
that characterizes the natural numbers. The axioms, essentially,
state that eventually every natural number will be reached
if one starts to count at '''0''' (or '''1''',  
if that is preferred) and proceeds from that by stepping from one number to the next.
The axioms are usually given as follows:

While it is in general not possible to divide one natural number by another and get a natural number as result, the procedure of ''[[Division (mathematics)|division]] with remainder'' is available as a substitute: for any two natural numbers ''a'' and ''b'' with ''b'' ≠ 0 we can find natural numbers ''q'' and ''r'' such that
: (1) '''0''' is a natural number.
: (2) Every natural number has a unique successor.
: (3) '''0''' is not the successor of a natural number.
: (4) Different natural numbers have different successors.
: (5) If a property of natural numbers is such that:
::    '''0''' has the property, and
::    if a natural number has the property then its successor has it as well.
::    Then every natural number has this property

:''a'' = ''bq'' + ''r'' and ''r'' < ''b''
The last axiom is equivalent to the following property:
: (5a) Any non-empty set of natural numbers has a least element.

The number ''q'' is called the ''[[quotient]]'' and ''r'' is called the ''[[remainder]]'' of division of ''a'' by ''b''. The numbers ''q'' and ''r'' are uniquely determined by ''a'' and ''b''. This, the [[Division algorithm]], is key to several other properties ([[divisibility]]), algorithms (such as the [[Euclidean algorithm]]), and ideas in number theory.
In these axioms, the first (least) element is taken to be 0,
but this is arbitrary. It can be replaced by 1 (or any other number).

The natural numbers including zero form a [[commutative monoid]] under addition (with [[identity element]] zero), and under multiplication (with identity element one).
Axiom (5) (or (5a)) is the basis for proofs by [[induction (mathematics)|induction]],
and for definition by [[recursion]].

== Set theoretic model ==
Two generalizations of natural numbers arise from the two uses: [[ordinal number]]s are used to describe the position of an element in an [[ordered sequence]] and [[cardinal number]]s are used to specify the size of a given [[set]].

For [[Finite set|finite]] sequences or finite sets, both of these properties are embodied in the natural numbers.
In modern mathematics, sets are used as a basis
on which all other theories are built.
In this context it is therefore necessary to construct a model
which incorporates the natural numbers as sets
such that the axioms can be verified (using the axioms of set theory).
from the properties of these sets.
Such constructions indeed exist of which one (due to [[John von Neumann]]) has particularly "nice" properties,
and which is consequently usually used.

Other generalizations are discussed in the article on [[number]]s.
The construction starts with the number '''0'''.
It is represented by the empty set which has no &ndash; or 0 &ndash; elements.
The number '''1''' is represented by a set which has one single element, namely the number 0 (i.e., the empty set).
Next, '''2''' is represented by a set which has precisely 2 elements, the numbers 0 and 1.
'''3''' is represented by a set with 3 elements (0,1,2), etc.
In general, an arbitrary number '''''n''''' is represented by
a set with precisely ''n'' elements, the numbers 0,1,2,..,''n''-1,
i.e., the (previously constructed) numbers smaller than ''n''.

== References ==
This construction can be extended (in a natural way) to both
the infinite [[cardinal number]]s and the infinite [[ordinal number]]s.
*[[Edmund Landau]], Foundations of Analysis, Chelsea Pub Co. ISBN 0-8218-2693-X.

== External links ==
In all the formulas below <math> k,m,n \in \mathbb N </math> is assumed.
*[ Axioms and Construction of Natural Numbers]

[[Category:CZ Live]]
== Formal construction ==
[[Category:Mathematics Workgroup]]
The formal construction of the natural numbers starts with the definition
of an operator which can be applied to any set:
: <math> S(A) := A \cup \{ A \} </math>
This operator ''S'' can be interpreted as defining a ''successor'' for every set.
A set ''A'' is called ''closed'' under ''S'' if it contains the successor
of all its elements:
: <math> a \in A \Rightarrow S(a) \in A </math>
The next step needs the ''smallest'' set
that contains the empty set and is closed under ''S''.
It can be constructed by taking the intersection of such sets:
: <math> \mathbb N := \bigcap \{ A \mid \emptyset \in A, A \text{ closed under } S \} </math>
This construction is immediate in naive set theory and
can be justified in axiomatic set theory.
<math> \mathbb N </math> is (by definition) a [[countable set|countably infinite]] set
and, in the usual model that extends the von Neumann construction to infinite sets, is
taken both as the smallest infinite cardinal number [[aleph-0]]
and the smallest infinite ordinal number [[omega (mathematics)|omega]]:
: <math> \aleph_0 := \mathbb N \textrm{ \ and \ } \omega := \mathbb N </math>.
=== Peano axioms ===
Now it can be verified that the elements of this set satisfy the Peano axioms,
and that it therefore can be taken as a model for the natural numbers:
Axioms (1) and (2) become definitions:
: <math> (1) \quad  0 := \emptyset \in \mathbb N </math>
: <math> (2) \quad (\forall n \in \mathbb N) n' := S(n) \in \mathbb N </math>
Axioms (3) and (4) state that ''S'' is an injective mapping:
: <math> S : \mathbb N \rightarrow \mathbb N \setminus\{0\} </math>
Axiom (5) states that a set which contains 0 and is closed under ''S'' is the set <math>\mathbb N</math>.
This proposition is true because <math> \mathbb N </math> is the smallest set with this property.
The set theoretical order (by set inclusion) in <math>\mathbb N</math>
coincides &ndash; because of <math> a \subset S(a) </math> &ndash;
with that needed for the natural numbers:
: <math> n \le m :\Leftrightarrow  n \subset m \Leftrightarrow  n \in m </math>
The alternative axiom (5a) states that <math>\mathbb N</math> is ''well-ordered''.
If ''A'' is a non-empty set, than its minimum coincides (because of the model)
with the intersection of its elements:
: <math> \emptyset \not= A \subset \mathbb N \Rightarrow \min A = \cap A \in \mathbb N </math>
Once established, this construction is no longer needed.
All further investigations can be founded on the Peano axioms.
=== Notation ===
The symbol <math> \mathbb N </math>
&ndash; an N in the [[Blackboard Bold]] font &ndash; for the natural numbers
has become usual (often even assumed as well-known standard which needs no further explanation)
during the second half of the 20th century, replacing the previously customary bold '''N'''.
However, some authors do not include 0 into <math> \mathbb N </math>.
In order to explicitly indicate the inclusion or exclusion of 0, often
<math> \mathbb N_0 </math> (with 0) and <math> \mathbb N^\ast </math> (without 0) are used.
<math> {}^\ast \mathbb N </math> is used for the [[nonstandard number|nonstandard]] extension of the natural numbers.
=== Addition ===
Addition is a binary operation <math>\;+\;</math> in <math>\mathbb N</math>
which is defined recursively (using axiom (5)) as follows:
: <math> n+0 := n,\; n+k' := (n+k)' \qquad (k' = k+1) </math>
<math> (\mathbb N,+) </math> is a semigroup with neutral element 0. It is:
: <math>\quad  n+m = m+n          \textrm{} </math> commutative
: <math>\quad  k+(n+m) = (k+m)+n  \textrm{} </math> associative
: <math>\quad n+0 = 0+n = n      \textrm{} </math> neutral element
: <math>\quad n+k = m+k \Rightarrow n=m \textrm{} </math>
=== Multiplication ===
Multiplication is a binary operation <math>\;\cdot\;</math> in <math>\mathbb N</math>
which is defined recursively (using axiom (5) and addition) as follows:
: <math> 0 \cdot n := 0 ,\quad k' \cdot n := ( k \cdot n ) + n ( 1 \cdot n = n ) </math>
<math> (\mathbb N \setminus\{0\},\cdot) </math> is a semigroup with neutral element 1. It is:
: <math>\quad  n \cdot m = m \cdot n                    \textrm{} </math> commutative
: <math>\quad  k \cdot (n \cdot m) = (k \cdot n)\cdot m  \textrm{} </math> associative
: <math>\quad  1 \cdot n = n \cdot 1 = n                \textrm{} </math> neutral element
: <math>\quad n \cdot k = m \cdot k \Rightarrow n=m \textrm{} </math>
=== Order relation ===
An order relation <math>\le</math>  is defined using addition:
: <math> n \le m :\Leftrightarrow (\exists k)\ n+k = m </math>.
(Another order, a partial order, can be defined using [[divisibility]].)
<math> (\mathbb N , \le) </math> is linearly ordered set:
: <math>\quad  n \le n                              \textrm{} </math> reflexive
: <math>\quad  n \le m , m \le n \Rightarrow n=m    \textrm{} </math> antisymmetric
: <math>\quad  k \le n, n \le m \Rightarrow k \le m  \textrm{} </math> transitive
This order is a ''well-ordering'' (by axiom 5), i.e., all non-empty sets have a minimal element:
: <math> \emptyset \not= A \subset \mathbb N \Leftrightarrow (\exist n) n \in A, (\forall m \in A)\ n \le m \qquad (n:=\min A)</math>.
=== Relations between the structures ===
The binary operations <math>+</math> and <math>\;\cdot</math>,
and the order relation <math>\le</math>
are compatible with each other:
: <math>\quad  k \cdot (n+m) = k \cdot n+k \cdot m          \textrm{}  </math>
: <math>\quad  n \le m \Rightarrow k + n \le k + m          \textrm{} </math>
: <math>\quad  n \le m \Rightarrow k \cdot n \le k \cdot m  \textrm{} </math>
=== Exponentiation ===
: <math> n^0 := 1 , n^{k'} := n^k \cdot n </math>[[Category:Suggestion Bot Tag]]

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The natural numbers are the numbers (0), 1,2,3,etc. used for counting, and for enumerating an ordered sequence. As such they are the basis of all numbers used in everyday life for calculating and measuring. They are also used to indicate the number of equal parts into which a unit of measure is divided, and how many of such parts are needed for a measurement, thus being the basis for fractions and rational numbers.

Because of their importance every culture has developed a numeral system for representing and manipulating natural numbers, both in oral and in written language. Now the decimal system is almost universally used to write natural numbers while -- depending on history and the context -- other methods (e.g., Roman numerals) still coexist.

Moreover, since ancient times the natural numbers have been of interest not only for practical reasons. On the one hand, their properties have been studied out of (theoretical or mathematical) curiosity, and, on the other hand, some numbers have been assigned symbolic value.

In modern mathematics, the natural numbers are either defined axiomatically by the Peano axioms, i.e., they are characterized by their properties or, in set theory, as a specific set that serves as a concrete object (model) which can be shown to have the desired properties, i.e., to satisfy the Peano axioms.

Is zero a natural number?
Whether 0 is a natural number or not is not a mathematical question but the matter of an essentially arbitrary definition, a decision which depends on the context and on personal taste. Historically, 0 was not considered as a "number" because it means that there is "nothing to count". In modern mathematics, in particular because of set theory and the concept of cardinality, 0 is usually included into the natural numbers.

Decimal system

In principle, a natural number could be represented by the corresponding number of dots, strokes, or similar. But this soon becomes impractical if the numbers get large.

Therefore, decimal numerals are used as a sort of shorthand: They are written with ten digits — 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 — which represent the numbers zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Larger numbers are represented by a sequence of digits, e.g., 325. Such a numeral is read starting from the right. The first (rightmost) digit represents the corresponding number of dots (in the example: five); the next (second-right) represents the corresponding number of groups of ten dots (in the example: two groups of ten dots each), the next digit indicates the corresponding number of "groups of ten groups of ten dots" (in the example, three groups of ten times ten dots), and so on.


Elementary arithmetic with natural numbers is based on addition: Adding two natural numbers is equivalent to counting two sets in sequence. (This is equivalent to the mathematical notion of adding cardinal numbers.)

Addition of two numbers is written with a plus sign "+", and the result is called the sum of the two numbers.

e.g., 2 + 3 = 5, read "two plus three equals (or makes) five"

If an equation like 2 + n = 5 can be solved, i.e., if there is a number (denoted by n) which added to 2 makes 5, then its solution is unique and called the difference of these two numbers and is written with a minus sign "-":

e.g., 5 - 2 = 3, read "five minus two equals (or makes) three".

Addition of two or more numbers does not depend on the order in which they are added.

Multiplication can be considered as multiple addition, and the result is called product:

e.g., "3 times 5" means "5 plus 5 plus 5" (three summands of five).

It is written with a times sign "×" (or a central dot "•").

e.g., 3 • 5 = 15, read "three times five equals (or makes) fifteen".

The times sign is only used for elementary examples, in mathematics only the dot is usual – the times sign is used for other operations – amd usually is omitted when variables (denoted by letters) are involved:

2 • 3 and n • 2, but 2n (only rarely 2 • n) and nm (only very rarely nm).

If an equation like 2 • n = 6 can be solved, i.e., if there is a number (denoted by n) which multiplied by 2 makes 6, then its solution is unique and called the quotient of these two numbers and is written with a division sign ":" or as fraction with "/":

e.g., 6 : 2 = 6 / 2 = 3, read "six divided by two equals (or makes) three".

Multiplication of two or more numbers also does not depend on the order in which they are multiplied: 3 • 2 = 2+2+2 = 6 = 3+3 = 2 • 3.

Exponentiation can be considered as multiple multiplication.

Special properties

The natural numbers have been used since thousands of years. It is no surprise that many properties and curious facts have been observed and investigated, some for practical reasons, some out of curiosity, some because they turned out to have connections with seemingly unrelated problems.

The first properties that come to mind are the distinction between even and odd numbers, between prime and composite numbers, and the perfect squares.

  • A number is even, if it is a multiple of 2, and odd if not.
  • A number is composite, if it is the product of two other numbers, and prime it not.
  • A number is a (perfect) square if it is the product of a number with itself.

Figurate numbers

All these properties can be viewed as simple cases of figurate numbers. Figurate numbers arise if one tries to arrange a certain number of dots, coins, etc. into a nice geometrical shape.

A number is even if the dots can be arranged pairwise, it is composite if they can be arranged in the form of a rectangle, and it is a square if this rectangle can be a square.

The simplest figurate numbers are the triangular numbers

1, 3 = 1+.2, 6 = 1+2+3, 10 = 1+2+3+4

which are of the form k(k+1)/2.

Sum of divisors

Another type of property, also already investigated in Ancient Greece, concerns the sum of the divisors (excluding the number itself) of a number: A number is called perfect if it is equal to the sum of its divisors:

6 = 1+2+3, 28 = 1+2+4+7+14, etc.

Two numbers are amicable, if each is the sum of the divisors of the other, as in the following pair which was already known to Euclid:

220 and 284.

Properties in general

There is no limit to the various properties which can be considered. It can even be argued that every natural number is "interesting": Indeed, if there were a number which is not interesting then the set of such numbers were not empty, and thus it had a minimal element (by axiom (5a)). But the smallest uninteresting number certainly would be interesting, wouldn't it?

For more properties see the corresponding catalog.

Symbolic meaning

Many natural numbers had - and still have - a symbolic meaning, some are considered as "lucky" or even "holy" numbers, others are considered to indicatie bad luck, some are "nice", others are not. Some of these meanings are (almost) universal, while others vary from culture to culture. Numbers derived from words have significance in numerology. Numbers play a – sometimes secret – role in (secret) orders like the freemasons. But all such interpretations are not part of mathematics, even in cases where they are motivated by mathematical properties and arguments — they are determined by tradition, by mythology, or by esoteric beliefs.

For examples of symbolic meanings see the corresponding catalog.

Peano axioms

During the 19th century the foundations of mathematics which, of course, include the concept of number became a major topic of discussion and research. In 1889 Giuseppe Peano published a system of axioms that characterizes the natural numbers. The axioms, essentially, state that eventually every natural number will be reached if one starts to count at 0 (or 1, if that is preferred) and proceeds from that by stepping from one number to the next. The axioms are usually given as follows:

(1) 0 is a natural number.
(2) Every natural number has a unique successor.
(3) 0 is not the successor of a natural number.
(4) Different natural numbers have different successors.
(5) If a property of natural numbers is such that:
0 has the property, and
if a natural number has the property then its successor has it as well.
Then every natural number has this property

The last axiom is equivalent to the following property:

(5a) Any non-empty set of natural numbers has a least element.

In these axioms, the first (least) element is taken to be 0, but this is arbitrary. It can be replaced by 1 (or any other number).

Axiom (5) (or (5a)) is the basis for proofs by induction, and for definition by recursion.

Set theoretic model

In modern mathematics, sets are used as a basis on which all other theories are built. In this context it is therefore necessary to construct a model which incorporates the natural numbers as sets such that the axioms can be verified (using the axioms of set theory). from the properties of these sets. Such constructions indeed exist of which one (due to John von Neumann) has particularly "nice" properties, and which is consequently usually used.

The construction starts with the number 0. It is represented by the empty set which has no – or 0 – elements.
The number 1 is represented by a set which has one single element, namely the number 0 (i.e., the empty set).
Next, 2 is represented by a set which has precisely 2 elements, the numbers 0 and 1.
3 is represented by a set with 3 elements (0,1,2), etc.
In general, an arbitrary number n is represented by a set with precisely n elements, the numbers 0,1,2,..,n-1, i.e., the (previously constructed) numbers smaller than n.

This construction can be extended (in a natural way) to both the infinite cardinal numbers and the infinite ordinal numbers.

In all the formulas below is assumed.

Formal construction

The formal construction of the natural numbers starts with the definition of an operator which can be applied to any set:

This operator S can be interpreted as defining a successor for every set.

A set A is called closed under S if it contains the successor of all its elements:

The next step needs the smallest set that contains the empty set and is closed under S. It can be constructed by taking the intersection of such sets:

This construction is immediate in naive set theory and can be justified in axiomatic set theory.

is (by definition) a countably infinite set and, in the usual model that extends the von Neumann construction to infinite sets, is taken both as the smallest infinite cardinal number aleph-0 and the smallest infinite ordinal number omega:


Peano axioms

Now it can be verified that the elements of this set satisfy the Peano axioms, and that it therefore can be taken as a model for the natural numbers:

Axioms (1) and (2) become definitions:

Axioms (3) and (4) state that S is an injective mapping:

Axiom (5) states that a set which contains 0 and is closed under S is the set . This proposition is true because is the smallest set with this property.

The set theoretical order (by set inclusion) in coincides – because of – with that needed for the natural numbers:

The alternative axiom (5a) states that is well-ordered. If A is a non-empty set, than its minimum coincides (because of the model) with the intersection of its elements:

Once established, this construction is no longer needed. All further investigations can be founded on the Peano axioms.


The symbol – an N in the Blackboard Bold font – for the natural numbers has become usual (often even assumed as well-known standard which needs no further explanation) during the second half of the 20th century, replacing the previously customary bold N.

However, some authors do not include 0 into . In order to explicitly indicate the inclusion or exclusion of 0, often (with 0) and (without 0) are used.
is used for the nonstandard extension of the natural numbers.


Addition is a binary operation in which is defined recursively (using axiom (5)) as follows:

is a semigroup with neutral element 0. It is:

neutral element



Multiplication is a binary operation in which is defined recursively (using axiom (5) and addition) as follows:

is a semigroup with neutral element 1. It is:

neutral element


Order relation

An order relation is defined using addition:


(Another order, a partial order, can be defined using divisibility.)

is linearly ordered set:


This order is a well-ordering (by axiom 5), i.e., all non-empty sets have a minimal element:


Relations between the structures

The binary operations and , and the order relation are compatible with each other:
