CZ:Mailing List Outreach: Difference between revisions

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(17 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
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'''Help us build the Citizendium community!  Add to this list of lists!'''
'''See [[CZ:Recruitment]] for our recruitment home page.'''
Help us build the Citizendium community!  Add to this list of lists!

This page is devoted to reaching out to mailing lists where academics, professionals, and other good contributors are.  The goal is to target experts and other smart people and get them to come join us.
This page is devoted to reaching out to mailing lists where academics, professionals, and other good contributors are.  The goal is to target experts and other smart people and get them to come join us.
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There are many mailing lists for experts and enthusiasts in all fields, the trick is finding them on the Internet.  The website [ for L-Soft,] a mailing list software provider contains a large listing of mailing lists, but it's difficult to determine whether these mailing lists are the largest on their topic.  Additionally, [ Google Groups] can be a resource, since it contains lots of mailing lists.
There are many mailing lists for experts and enthusiasts in all fields, the trick is finding them on the Internet.  The website [ for L-Soft,] a mailing list software provider contains a large listing of mailing lists, but it's difficult to determine whether these mailing lists are the largest on their topic.  Additionally, [ Google Groups] can be a resource, since it contains lots of mailing lists.

The list at present is rather U.S./North American oriented, so list that cover other areas of the world would be particularly appreciated.
The list at present is rather U.S./North American oriented, so lists that cover other areas of the world would be particularly appreciated.
The following is a partial list of topics we need mailing lists for:


* If you an author, then please try to interest an editor in the relevant area.  See [[CZ:Discipline Workgroups]] for links to editor rosters in a wide range of disciplines.
* If you are an author, then please try to interest an editor in the relevant area.  See [[CZ:Discipline Workgroups]] for links to editor rosters in a wide range of disciplines.

* If you're an editor, then try to interest fellow editors in co-signing your letter.  This isn't necessary but it will make your letter more effective.  See [ the Forums.]
* If you're an editor, then try to interest fellow editors in co-signing your letter.  This isn't necessary but it will make your letter more effective.  See [ the Forums.]
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* Once you have sent a message to a list, then write <code><nowiki>- '''Done ~~~~'''</nowiki></code> after the listing below.  Then others will know not to repeat your work.
* Once you have sent a message to a list, then write <code><nowiki>- '''Done ~~~~'''</nowiki></code> after the listing below.  Then others will know not to repeat your work.

==Instructions for people who feel moved to recruit outside of their own field(s)==
''' Instructions for people who feel moved to recruit outside of their own field(s)'''

You can recruit outside of your own field (probably, we will need some people to do this, particularly for unrepresented areas).  But, as part of your effort, please first try to involve an editor who is in the field.  If you succeed, please work with that person and get him or her to co-sign the letter.
You can recruit outside of your own field (probably, we will need some people to do this, particularly for unrepresented areas).  But, as part of your effort, please first try to involve an editor who is in the field.  If you succeed, please work with that person and get him or her to co-sign the letter.
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* [ Sloan Consortium Mailing List] (22,000 academics engaged in online/distance learning)
* [ Sloan Consortium Mailing List] (22,000 academics engaged in online/distance learning)

==Literature, Science, and the Arts==
==Literature and the Arts==
=== Classics ===
*CLASSICS-L@LSV.UKY.EDU ([ from Lsoft], 1500 subscribers)
=== Rhetoric (Classical and Renaissance) ===
*[ H-Rhetor] H-RHETOR@H-NET.MSU.EDU ([ from Lsoft]) 1300 people
* [ H-Digirhet] (digital rhetoric)
=== Dance ===
=== Fine Arts ===
* [ H-AfrArts] (expressive cultures of Africa)
* [ H-ArtHist] (general art history)
* [ H-Islamart] (Islamic art)
* [ H-Labor-Arts] (cultural and artistic heritage of working people)
* [ H-Quilts]
* [ AAH-HE-ISSUES] (Art history)
=== Film ===
* [ H-Film] H-FILM@H-NET.MSU.EDU ([ from Lsoft]) 2200 subscribers.
=== Literature ===
* [ H-AfrLitCine] (African literature, film and arts)
* [ H-Cervantes] (studies related to Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra)
* [ H-Germanistik] (German literature and philology, in German)
* [ H-James-Joyce] (topics related to James Joyce)
* [ H-Nilas] (discussion of totemic literature)
* [ CFP U-Penn] (English and American Literature and Culture)
=== Music ===
*AMS-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU (American Musicological Society, 1275 members)
* [ H-Southern-Music] (music of the U.S. south)
=== Philosophy ===
* [ Feyerabend Forum] (list with at least one member who actually studies under Paul Feyerabend)
* PHILOSOP - '''Done [[User:Larry Sanger|Larry Sanger]] 15:13, 9 February 2007 (CST)'''
* PHILOS-L - '''Done [[User:Larry Sanger|Larry Sanger]] 15:13, 9 February 2007 (CST)'''
* [ Peirce Discussion Forum] and List: <>
* [ H-Historyandtheory] (philosophy of history)
* [ H-Utopia] (study of utopianism)
=== Medieval philosophy and scholasticism ===
* [ Medieval Studies]
=== Theater and Drama ===
== Mathematics ==
=== Logic ===
* [ Foundations of Mathematics], read by many leading mathematical logicians.  Note there is no equivalent group for philosophical logicians.  (I suggest leave 'Phil-Logic' well alone, as long since taken over by trolls).
=== Mathematics ===
*Drexel University's Math Forum has several mathematics discussion groups that are read by professional mathematicians all over the world. One of them are moderated, so you would need the permission of the moderator to post on that lists. That person might be willing to allow a post about a non-profit knowledge project like CZ.
*Math Forum has a newsletter:
*Mathematician Gene Klotz is the founder of Math Forum, and CZ might want to contact him as to how best quickly reach the professional mathematical community for participation at CZ. (Click on his name to send an email to him. No, I don't know him, but he may be in a unique position to at least give some advice.)
=== Information science ===
* the key list is -- '''DG will post'''
=== Statistics ===
== Natural Sciences ==
=== Astronomy ===
*[] - looks old, but there may be some life in it.
*PAMNET see below (under Physics)
=== Biology ===
*    Biology Librarians, but not very many of them.
=== Chemistry ===
* CHMINF-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU is the chemistry librarians' listserv, widely read by chemists as well; '''I'll post there DG'''
=== Earth Sciences ===
=== Physics ===
* physhare (discussion of physics and physics teaching) at
* PAMNET (Physics-Astronomy-Math librarians list)
== Social Sciences ==
=== Anthropology ===
*[ small listing from Harvard], several of which look interesting.
* [ H-CAE] (anthropology education list)
* [ H-MedAnthro] (medical anthropology)
* [ H-SAE] (anthropology of Europe)
* [ ANTHRO-L] (general anthropology)
=== Archaeology ===
*[ ARCH-L]
=== Economics ===
*[ Law and Economics mailing list] - no idea if it's useful to us.
* [ H-Shehr] (comparative urban landscapes, primarily developing world)
=== Linguistics and Languages ===
* [ Linguist List] - mailed twice by [[User:John_Stephenson|John Stephenson]], in April and October 2007
* [ H-Hausa] (Hausa language, literature, culture)
* [ H-Swahili] (Swahili language, literature, culture)
* [ Cybalist] (Rather good Yahoo group covering Indo-European studies) - '''Mark Odegard did this, he says; early February 2007'''
* [ Linguistics List] - Yahoo group, mailed twice by [[User:John_Stephenson|John Stephenson]]

* Classics
=== Geography ===
**CLASSICS-L@LSV.UKY.EDU ([ from Lsoft], 1500 subscribers)
* [ H-ECAI] (Electronic Cultural Atlas initiative mailing list)
* Rhetoric (Classical and Renaissance)
* [ Hist-Geog] (history of geography)
**[ H-Rhetor] H-RHETOR@H-NET.MSU.EDU ([ from Lsoft]) 1300 people
* [ H-Water] (history of water)
** [ H-Digirhet] (digital rhetoric)
=== History ===
* Dance
* [ H-1960s] (history of the 1960s)
* Fine Arts
* [ H-AH] (Association for History and Computing)
** [ H-AfrArts] (expressive cultures of Africa)
* [ H-Albion] (British and Irish history)
** [ H-ArtHist] (general art history)
* [ H-ANZAU] (history and culture of Aotearoa / New Zealand and Australia)
** [ H-Islamart] (Islamic art)
* [ H-Atlantic] (Atlantic history)
** [ H-Labor-Arts] (cultural and artistic heritage of working people)
* [ H-Canada] (Canadian history and studies)
** [ H-Quilts]
* [ H-Childhood] (historical studies of childhood)
** [ AAH-HE-ISSUES] (Art history)
* [ H-CivWar] (U.S. Civil War studies)
* Film
* [ H-Communal-Societies] (topics related to intentional communities)
** [ H-Film] H-FILM@H-NET.MSU.EDU ([ from Lsoft]) 2200 subscribers.
* [ H-Demog] (demographic history)
* Literature
* [ H-EarlySlavic] (Slavic history)
** [ H-AfrLitCine] (African literature, film and arts)
* [ H-Empire] (history of colonialism, imperialism, empire)
** [ H-Cervantes] (studies related to Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra)
* [ H-Energy] (history of technology, energy, environment)
** [ H-Germanistik] (German literature and philology, in German)
* [ H-Eugenics] (history of eugenics)
** [ H-James-Joyce] (topics related to James Joyce)
* [ H-Francais] (Francophone history and culture, in French)
** [ H-Nilas] (discussion of totemic literature)
* [ H-French-Colonial] (French colonial history)
** [ CFP U-Penn] (English and American Literature and Culture)
* [ H-GAGCS] (German-American and German-Canadian history)
* Music
* [ H-Genocide] (history, theory, literature of genocide)
**AMS-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU (American Musicological Society, 1275 members)
* [ H-German] (German history)
** [ H-Southern-Music] (music of the U.S. south)
* [ H-HistMajor] (list of, by and for undergrad history majors)
* Philosophy
* [ H-HistoryDay] (National History Day forum)
** [ Feyerabend Forum] (list with at least one member who actually studies under Paul Feyerabend)
* [ H-Histsex] (history of sexuality)
** PHILOSOP - '''Done [[User:Larry Sanger|Larry Sanger]] 15:13, 9 February 2007 (CST)'''
* [ H-Japan] (history of Japan)
** PHILOS-L - '''Done [[User:Larry Sanger|Larry Sanger]] 15:13, 9 February 2007 (CST)'''
* [ H-Holocaust] (history of the Holocaust and related issues, including Jewish history)
** [ Peirce Discussion Forum] and List: <>
* [ H-HRE] (history of the Roman Empire)
** [ H-Historyandtheory] (philosophy of history)
* [ H-Ideas] (intellectual history)
** [ H-Utopia] (study of utopianism)
* [ H-Italy] (Italian history)
* Medieval philosophy and scholasticism
* [ H-ItalAm] (Italian-American history and culture)
** [ Medieval Studies]
* [ H-Labor] (labor history)
* Theater and Drama
* [ H-LatAm] (Latin American history)
* Formal Sciences
* [ H-Levant] (modern history and cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean)
** Logic [ Foundations of Mathematics], read by many leading mathematical logicians.  Note there is no equivalent group for philosophical logicians.  (I suggest leave 'Phil-Logic' well alone, as long since taken over by trolls).
* [ H-Low-Countries] (Netherlands and other low-countries)
** Mathematics
* [ H-Maritime] (maritime history)
:Drexel University's Math Forum has several mathematics discussion groups that are read by professional mathematicians all over the world. One of them are moderated, so you would need the permission of the moderator to post on that lists. That person might be willing to allow a post about a non-profit knowledge project like CZ.
* [ H-Mediterranean] (Mediterranean history)
* [ H-Mideast-Medieval] (history of the Islamic lands in the medieval period)
:Math Forum has a newsletter:
* [ H-Migration] (history of migration)
* [ H-NCH] (National Coalition for History)
:Mathematician Gene Klotz is the founder of Math Forum, and CZ might want to contact him as to how best quickly reach the professional mathematical community for participation at CZ. (Click on his name to send an email to him. No, I don't know him, but he may be in a unique position to at least give some advice.)
* [ H-NEAsia] (Northeast Asian history)
* [ H-OIEAHC] (American colonial history and culture)
** Information science--the key list is -- DG will post
* [ H-Oralhist] (oral history)
** Statistics
* [ H-Portugal] (Portuguese history)
* [ H-RadHist] (radical history)
* Natural Sciences
* [ H-Rural] (rural & agricultural history)
** Astronomy
* [ H-Russia] (Russian history)
***[] - looks old, but there may be some life in it.
* [ H-Med-Tech] (history of science, medicine, technology)
***PAMNET see below.
* [ H-SEA] (history of Southeast Asia)
** Biology   Biology Librarians, but not very many of them.
* [ H-SHEAR] (history of early American republic)
** Chemistry  CHMINF-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU is the chemistry librarians' listserv, widely read by chemists as well; I'll post there DG
* [ H-SHGAPE] (Gilded Age and Progressive era)
** Earth Sciences
* [ H-Skand] (Scandinavian history)
** Physics
* [ H-Slavery] (history of slavery)
***physhare (discussion of physics and physics teaching) at
* [ H-Turk] (Turkish studies)
*** PAMNET (Physics-Astronomy-Math librarians list)
* [ H-US1918-45] (U.S. history, 1918-1945)
* Social Sciences
* [ H-Urban] (urban history)
** Anthropology
* [ H-War] (military history)
***[ small listing from Harvard], several of which look interesting.
* [ H-World] (World history)
*** [ H-CAE] (anthropology education list)
* [ HABSBURG] (Habsburg Monarcy and successor states, 1500-present)
*** [ H-MedAnthro] (medical anthropology)
* [ BIOG-METHODS] (biographical methods(
*** [ H-SAE] (anthropology of Europe)
=== History - U.S. States & Regions ===
*** [ ANTHRO-L] (general anthropology)
* [ H-Appalachia]
** Archaeology
* [ H-California]
***[ ARCH-L]
* [ H-Connecticut]
** Economics
* [ H-DC]
***[ Law and Economics mailing list] - no idea if it's useful to us.
* [ H-Florida]
*** [ H-Shehr] (comparative urban landscapes, primarily developing world)
* [ H-Illinois]
** Linguistics and Languages
* [ H-Indiana]
*** [ H-Hausa] (Hausa language, literature, culture)
* [ H-Iowa] (history of Iowa)
*** [ H-Swahili] (Swahili language, literature, culture)
* [ H-Kentucky]
** Geography
* [ H-Louisiana]
*** [ H-ECAI] (Electronic Cultural Atlas initiative mailing list)
* [ H-Maryland]
*** [ Hist-Geog] (history of geography)
* [ H-Michigan]
*** [ H-Water] (history of water)
* [ H-New-Jersey]
** History
* [ H-NewEngland]
*** [ H-1960s] (history of the 1960s)
* [ H-NewMexico]
*** [ H-AH] (Association for History and Computing)
* [ H-Ohio]
*** [ H-Albion] (British and Irish history)
* [ H-Pennsylvania]
*** [ H-ANZAU] (history and culture of Aotearoa / New Zealand and Australia)
* [ H-SC] (South Carolina)
*** [ H-Atlantic] (Atlantic history)
* [ H-South] (U.S. South)
*** [ H-Canada] (Canadian history and studies)
* [ H-Tennessee]
*** [ H-Childhood] (historical studies of childhood)
* [ H-Texas]
*** [ H-CivWar] (U.S. Civil War studies)
=== Political Science ===
*** [ H-Communal-Societies] (topics related to intentional communities)
* [ H-AfrPol] (African political history)
*** [ H-Demog] (demographic history)
* [ H-Democracy](Democracy promotion and democratization)
*** [ H-EarlySlavic] (Slavic history)
* [ H-Diplo] (diplomatic history and foreign affairs)
*** [ H-Empire] (history of colonialism, imperialism, empire)
* [ H-HOAC] (history of American communism)
*** [ H-Energy] (history of technology, energy, environment)
* [ H-Mideast-Politics]
*** [ H-Eugenics] (history of eugenics)
* [ H-Nationalism] (studies on nationalism)
*** [ H-Francais] (Francophone history and culture, in French)
* [ H-Peace] (peace studies)
*** [ H-French-Colonial] (French colonial history)
* [ H-POL] (American political history)
*** [ H-GAGCS] (German-American and German-Canadian history)
* [ H-Polmeth] (political methodology)
*** [ H-Genocide] (history, theory, literature of genocide)
* [ H-State] (history of the welfare state)
*** [ H-German] (German history)
* [ H-TeachPol] (teaching political science)
*** [ H-HistMajor] (list of, by and for undergrad history majors)
* [ H-US-Japan] (Japan / U.S. relations)
*** [ H-HistoryDay] (National History Day forum)
* [ PSRT-L] (professional political science)
*** [ H-Histsex] (history of sexuality)
* [ Ethnopolitics]
*** [ H-Japan] (history of Japan)
=== Psychology ===
*** [ H-Holocaust] (history of the Holocaust and related issues, including Jewish history)
*[ collection by Harvard] most lists seem to be rather specific in their scope, as opposed to general psychology.
*** [ H-HRE] (history of the Roman Empire)
=== Comparative Religion ===
*** [ H-Ideas] (intellectual history)
* [ H-AmRel] (history of American religion)
*** [ H-Italy] (Italian history)
* [ H-Antisemitism] (scholarly discussion of the history of antisemitism)
*** [ H-ItalAm] (Italian-American history and culture)
* [ H-Bahai] (culture and history of millenarian and/or esoteric religious traditions originating in modern Iran)
*** [ H-Labor] (labor history)
* [ H-Buddhism]
*** [ H-LatAm] (Latin American history)
* [ H-Catholic]
*** [ H-Levant] (modern history and cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean)
* [ H-Judaic] (Jewish Studies Network)
*** [ H-Low-Countries] (Netherlands and other low-countries)
* [ H-Pentacostalism]
*** [ H-Maritime] (maritime history)
* [ H-Southern-Religion] (religion in U.S. south)
*** [ H-Mediterranean] (Mediterranean history)
=== Sociology ===
*** [ H-Mideast-Medieval] (history of the Islamic lands in the medieval period)
*a small [ collection of lists] recommended by Harvard.
*** [ H-Migration] (history of migration)
* [ ABSLST-L] (association of black sociologists)
*** [ H-NCH] (National Coalition for History)
* [ European-Sociologist]
*** [ H-NEAsia] (Northeast Asian history)
* [ HISTORY-IDEAS] (sociology of knowledge)
*** [ H-OIEAHC] (American colonial history and culture)
* [ PSN] (Progressive sociology network)
*** [ H-Oralhist] (oral history)
*** [ H-Portugal] (Portuguese history)
*** [ H-RadHist] (radical history)
*** [ H-Rural] (rural & agricultural history)
*** [ H-Russia] (Russian history)
*** [ H-Med-Tech] (history of science, medicine, technology)
*** [ H-SEA] (history of Southeast Asia)
*** [ H-SHEAR] (history of early American republic)
*** [ H-SHGAPE] (Gilded Age and Progressive era)
*** [ H-Skand] (Scandinavian history)
*** [ H-Slavery] (history of slavery)
*** [ H-Turk] (Turkish studies)
*** [ H-US1918-45] (U.S. history, 1918-1945)
*** [ H-Urban] (urban history)
*** [ H-War] (military history)
*** [ H-World] (World history)
*** [ HABSBURG] (Habsburg Monarcy and successor states, 1500-present)
*** [ BIOG-METHODS] (biographical methods(
*** History - U.S. States & Regions
**** [ H-Appalachia]
**** [ H-California]
**** [ H-Connecticut]
**** [ H-DC]
**** [ H-Florida]
**** [ H-Illinois]
**** [ H-Indiana]
**** [ H-Iowa] (history of Iowa)
**** [ H-Kentucky]
**** [ H-Louisiana]
**** [ H-Maryland]
**** [ H-Michigan]
**** [ H-New-Jersey]
**** [ H-NewEngland]
**** [ H-NewMexico]
**** [ H-Ohio]
**** [ H-Pennsylvania]
**** [ H-SC] (South Carolina)
**** [ H-South] (U.S. South)
**** [ H-Tennessee]
**** [ H-Texas]
** Political Science
*** [ H-AfrPol] (African political history)
*** [ H-Democracy](Democracy promotion and democratization)
*** [ H-Diplo] (diplomatic history and foreign affairs)
*** [ H-HOAC] (history of American communism)
*** [ H-Mideast-Politics]
*** [ H-Nationalism] (studies on nationalism)
*** [ H-Peace] (peace studies)
*** [ H-POL] (American political history)
*** [ H-Polmeth] (political methodology)
*** [ H-State] (history of the welfare state)
*** [ H-TeachPol] (teaching political science)
*** [ H-US-Japan] (Japan / U.S. relations)
*** [ PSRT-L] (professional political science)
*** [ Ethnopolitics]
** Psychology
***[ collection by Harvard] most lists seem to be rather specific in their scope, as opposed to general psychology.
** Comparative Religion
*** [ H-AmRel] (history of American religion)
*** [ H-Antisemitism] (scholarly discussion of the history of antisemitism)
*** [ H-Bahai] (culture and history of millenarian and/or esoteric religious traditions originating in modern Iran)
*** [ H-Buddhism]
*** [ H-Catholic]
*** [ H-Judaic] (Jewish Studies Network)
*** [ H-Pentacostalism]
*** [ H-Southern-Religion] (religion in U.S. south)
** Sociology
***a small [ collection of lists] recommended by Harvard.
*** [ ABSLST-L] (association of black sociologists)
*** [ European-Sociologist]
*** [ HISTORY-IDEAS] (sociology of knowledge)
*** [ PSN] (Progressive sociology network)

==Area Studies==
==Area Studies==
*African American Studies
===African American Studies===
** [ H-AfroAm] (African American studies general)
* [ H-AfroAm] (African American studies general)
*African Studies
===African Studies===
** [ H-AfResearch] (African humanities and social science research)
* [ H-AfResearch] (African humanities and social science research)
** [ H-Africa] (African Studies)
* [ H-Africa] (African Studies)
** [ H-Afrteach] (Teaching African studies)
* [ H-Afrteach] (Teaching African studies)
** [ H-Luso-Africa] (Lusophone African studies / Portuguese colonized Africa)
* [ H-Luso-Africa] (Lusophone African studies / Portuguese colonized Africa)
** [ H-SA-Higher-Education] (higher education in South Africa)
* [ H-SA-Higher-Education] (higher education in South Africa)
** [ H-SAfrica] (southern Africa)
* [ H-SAfrica] (southern Africa)
** [ H-West-Africa]
* [ H-West-Africa]
* American Indian Studies
=== American Indian Studies===
** [ H-Amindian](general American Indian studies)
* [ H-Amindian](general American Indian studies)
* American Studies
=== American Studies===
** [ H-Amstdy] (general American studies)
* [ H-Amstdy] (general American studies)
** [ H-USA] (international studies of the U.S.)
* [ H-USA] (international studies of the U.S.)
** [ H-West] (U.S. western history and culture)
* [ H-West] (U.S. western history and culture)
* Asian Studies
=== Asian Studies===
** [ H-Asia] (general Asian studies)
* [ H-Asia] (general Asian studies)
* Caribbean Studies
=== Caribbean Studies===
** [ H-Caribbean]
* [ H-Caribbean]
* Cultural Studies
=== Cultural Studies===
** [ H-Material-Culture] (studies in material culture)
* [ H-Material-Culture] (studies in material culture)
** [ H-PCACA] (popular culture)
* [ H-PCACA] (popular culture)
** [ H-Travel] (travel & tourism)
* [ H-Travel] (travel & tourism)
** [ H-W-Civ] (teaching Western Civ courses)
* [ H-W-Civ] (teaching Western Civ courses)
* Disability Studies
=== Disability Studies===
** [ H-Disability]
* [ H-Disability]
* Environmental Studies
=== Environmental Studies===
** [ H-Environment]
* [ H-Environment]
* Ethnic Studies
=== Ethnic Studies===
** [ H-Ethnic]
* [ H-Ethnic]
* Gender & Women's Studies
=== Gender & Women's Studies===
** [ H-Gender-MidEast] (Middle Eastern gender studies)
* [ H-Gender-MidEast] (Middle Eastern gender studies)
** [ H-Minerva] (women in the military and war)
* [ H-Minerva] (women in the military and war)
** [ H-SAWH] (women and gender in the U.S. south)
* [ H-SAWH] (women and gender in the U.S. south)
** [ H-Women] (women's history)
* [ H-Women] (women's history)
** [ BalkanWomen] (women in the Balkan region)
* [ BalkanWomen] (women in the Balkan region)
** [ GLQ-SOC] (gay and lesbian social issues)
* [ GLQ-SOC] (gay and lesbian social issues)
** [ WMST-L] (general women's studies)
* [ WMST-L] (general women's studies)

==Applied Arts and Sciences==
==Applied Arts and Sciences==

* Architecture
=== Architecture===
** [ H-Stained-Glass] (architectural stained glass)
* [ H-Stained-Glass] (architectural stained glass)
** [ ARCH-HISTORY] (history of architecture)
* [ ARCH-HISTORY] (history of architecture)
* Business and Industry
=== Business and Industry===
** [ H-Business] (history of business and commerce)
* [ H-Business] (history of business and commerce)
** [ H-PubAdmin] (public administration)
* [ H-PubAdmin] (public administration)
** [ H-Dritter-Sektor] (European non-profit studies, in German)
* [ H-Dritter-Sektor] (European non-profit studies, in German)
** [ H-Southern-Industry] (industrialization in the U.S. South)
* [ H-Southern-Industry] (industrialization in the U.S. South)
** [ Critical-Management]
* [ Critical-Management]
** [ LABOR-L] (labor issues)
* [ LABOR-L] (labor issues)
** [ management-history]
* [ management-history]
* Communication
=== Communication===
** [ JHistory] (history of journalism and mass communication)
* [ JHistory] (history of journalism and mass communication)
** [ ALT-MEDIA] (alternative media)
* [ ALT-MEDIA] (alternative media)
** [ Consumer-Studies]
* [ Consumer-Studies]
* Computer Science
=== Computer Science===
** Information science
=== Information science===
*** -- DG will post
* -- '''DG will post'''
*** [ H-Info] (study of information and information institutions)
* [ H-Info] (study of information and information institutions)
*** [ H-Mac] (macs in humanities and social sciences)
* [ H-Mac] (macs in humanities and social sciences)
* Criminal Justice
=== Criminal Justice===
** [ CJUST-L] (criminal justice, general)
* [ CJUST-L] (criminal justice, general)
** [ Criminology]
* [ Criminology]
* Cybernetics and Systems Science
=== Cybernetics and Systems Science===
** [ Cybernetics Discussion Group]
* [ Cybernetics Discussion Group]
* Education
** [ H-Adjunct] (list for adjuncts and part-time college and university professors)
* [ H-Adjunct] (list for adjuncts and part-time college and university professors)
** [ APSA-CIVED] (civic education, civic trust, and civic engagement)
* [ APSA-CIVED] (civic education, civic trust, and civic engagement)
** [ EDTECH] (educational technology)
* [ EDTECH] (educational technology)
** [ H-Education] (history of education)
* [ H-Education] (history of education)
** [ H-Grad] (list for graduate students)
* [ H-Grad] (list for graduate students)
** [ H-High-S] (teaching high school)
* [ H-High-S] (teaching high school)
** [ N-OEH] (online education in the humanities)
* [ N-OEH] (online education in the humanities)
** [ H-Scholar] (independent scholars)
* [ H-Scholar] (independent scholars)
** [ H-Survey] (teaching U.S. history survey courses)
* [ H-Survey] (teaching U.S. history survey courses)
** [ H-TAH] (teaching American history)
* [ H-TAH] (teaching American history)
** [ H-Teach] (teaching history at all levels)
* [ H-Teach] (teaching history at all levels)
** [ AERA-G] (social context of education)
* [ AERA-G] (social context of education)
* Engineering
=== Engineering===
** [ Civil Engineering Mailing Lists]
* [ Civil Engineering Mailing Lists]
* Human Ecology and Consumer Sciences
=== Human Ecology and Consumer Sciences===
* Health
=== Health===
* Law
* [ CARING] (Capitol Area Roundtable on Informatics in Nursing: professional nurses, managers, and health information experts)
** [ H-Law] (history of legal traditions)
* Library and Information Science
=== Law===
** Librarians and publishers: enormous reach & great respect (DG)
* [ H-Law] (history of legal traditions)
** Information science--the key list is -- DG will post
=== Library and Information Science===
** Digital publishing, archiving, etc. DG will post
* Librarians and publishers: enormous reach & great respect '''(DG)'''
** [ H-HistBibl] (history librarianship)
* Information science--the key list is -- '''DG will post'''
* Museum Studies
* Digital publishing, archiving, etc. '''DG will post'''
** [ H-Local] (local history and museum studies)
* [ H-HistBibl] (history librarianship)
** [ H-Museum] (museum studies)
=== Museum Studies===
** [ H-Public] (public history)
* [ H-Local] (local history and museum studies)
* Public Affairs
* [ H-Museum] (museum studies)
* [ H-Public] (public history)
=== Public Affairs===

Latest revision as of 21:30, 14 January 2008

Citizendium Initiatives
Eduzendium | Featured Article | Recruitment | Subpages | Core Articles | Uncategorized pages |
Requested Articles | Feedback Requests | Wanted Articles

|width=10% align=center style="background:#F5F5F5"|  |}

See CZ:Recruitment for our recruitment home page.

Help us build the Citizendium community! Add to this list of lists!

This page is devoted to reaching out to mailing lists where academics, professionals, and other good contributors are. The goal is to target experts and other smart people and get them to come join us.

See also CZ:Recruitment Letter for some letters to edit and send.

There are many mailing lists for experts and enthusiasts in all fields, the trick is finding them on the Internet. The website for L-Soft, a mailing list software provider contains a large listing of mailing lists, but it's difficult to determine whether these mailing lists are the largest on their topic. Additionally, Google Groups can be a resource, since it contains lots of mailing lists.

The list at present is rather U.S./North American oriented, so lists that cover other areas of the world would be particularly appreciated.


  • If you are an author, then please try to interest an editor in the relevant area. See CZ:Discipline Workgroups for links to editor rosters in a wide range of disciplines.
  • If you're an editor, then try to interest fellow editors in co-signing your letter. This isn't necessary but it will make your letter more effective. See the Forums.
  • In general: if possible, try to make sure that the person sending the e-mail is someone who is known to many of the mail's recipients. This is not required, however. It is more important that we get those calls for participation out there.
  • In some cases, it may be appropriate to get the listowner's permission before posting; but a call for participation is generally regarded as OK for most academic lists.
  • Preferably (but again, not necessarily), an editor should craft the letter carefully. Here are some templates to use. It's all right (preferable, really) to edit your letter as you think fit, because you presumably know your audience. What works well for one audience may not work well for another.
  • Choose some of the bigger mailing lists in your field to send the e-mail to.
  • If the mailing lists you want to mail aren't listed below already, then add one.
  • Once you have sent a message to a list, then write - '''Done ~~~~''' after the listing below. Then others will know not to repeat your work.

Instructions for people who feel moved to recruit outside of their own field(s)

You can recruit outside of your own field (probably, we will need some people to do this, particularly for unrepresented areas). But, as part of your effort, please first try to involve an editor who is in the field. If you succeed, please work with that person and get him or her to co-sign the letter.

General, Transdisciplinary, or To Be Classified

Literature and the Arts


  • CLASSICS-L@LSV.UKY.EDU (from Lsoft, 1500 subscribers)

Rhetoric (Classical and Renaissance)


Fine Arts




  • AMS-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU (American Musicological Society, 1275 members)
  • H-Southern-Music (music of the U.S. south)


Medieval philosophy and scholasticism

Theater and Drama



  • Foundations of Mathematics, read by many leading mathematical logicians. Note there is no equivalent group for philosophical logicians. (I suggest leave 'Phil-Logic' well alone, as long since taken over by trolls).


  • Drexel University's Math Forum has several mathematics discussion groups that are read by professional mathematicians all over the world. One of them are moderated, so you would need the permission of the moderator to post on that lists. That person might be willing to allow a post about a non-profit knowledge project like CZ.
  • Math Forum has a newsletter:
  • Mathematician Gene Klotz is the founder of Math Forum, and CZ might want to contact him as to how best quickly reach the professional mathematical community for participation at CZ. (Click on his name to send an email to him. No, I don't know him, but he may be in a unique position to at least give some advice.)

Information science

  • the key list is -- DG will post


Natural Sciences


  • [2] - looks old, but there may be some life in it.
  • PAMNET see below (under Physics)


  • Biology Librarians, but not very many of them.


  • CHMINF-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU is the chemistry librarians' listserv, widely read by chemists as well; I'll post there DG

Earth Sciences


Social Sciences




Linguistics and Languages


  • H-ECAI (Electronic Cultural Atlas initiative mailing list)
  • Hist-Geog (history of geography)
  • H-Water (history of water)


History - U.S. States & Regions

Political Science


  • collection by Harvard most lists seem to be rather specific in their scope, as opposed to general psychology.

Comparative Religion


Area Studies

African American Studies

  • H-AfroAm (African American studies general)

African Studies

American Indian Studies

American Studies

  • H-Amstdy (general American studies)
  • H-USA (international studies of the U.S.)
  • H-West (U.S. western history and culture)

Asian Studies

  • H-Asia (general Asian studies)

Caribbean Studies

Cultural Studies

Disability Studies

Environmental Studies

Ethnic Studies

Gender & Women's Studies

Applied Arts and Sciences


Business and Industry


Computer Science

Information science

  • -- DG will post
  • H-Info (study of information and information institutions)
  • H-Mac (macs in humanities and social sciences)

Criminal Justice

Cybernetics and Systems Science


  • H-Adjunct (list for adjuncts and part-time college and university professors)
  • APSA-CIVED (civic education, civic trust, and civic engagement)
  • EDTECH (educational technology)
  • H-Education (history of education)
  • H-Grad (list for graduate students)
  • H-High-S (teaching high school)
  • N-OEH (online education in the humanities)
  • H-Scholar (independent scholars)
  • H-Survey (teaching U.S. history survey courses)
  • H-TAH (teaching American history)
  • H-Teach (teaching history at all levels)
  • AERA-G (social context of education)


Human Ecology and Consumer Sciences


  • CARING (Capitol Area Roundtable on Informatics in Nursing: professional nurses, managers, and health information experts)


  • H-Law (history of legal traditions)

Library and Information Science

  • Librarians and publishers: enormous reach & great respect (DG)
  • Information science--the key list is -- DG will post
  • Digital publishing, archiving, etc. DG will post
  • H-HistBibl (history librarianship)

Museum Studies

Public Affairs