User:Chris Key/Sandbox/Userrights: Difference between revisions

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imported>Jess Key
(New page: {|border=1 |-Permission|Ver|(all)|User|Editor|MC|EC|EPA|Constable|Tech Staff|Interface Dev|Founder|Description |-read ||Yes||||||||||allows viewing pages (when set to false, override for s...)
No edit summary
(One intermediate revision by one other user not shown)
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|-Permission|Ver|(all)|User|Editor|MC|EC|EPA|Constable|Tech Staff|Interface Dev|Founder|Description
{| border=1
|-read ||Yes||||||||||allows viewing pages (when set to false, override for specific pages with $wgWhitelistRead).
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Permission'''
|-edit |1.5+||Yes|||||||||allows editing unprotected pages.
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Ver'''
|-createpage |1.6+||Yes|||||||||allows the creation of new pages (requires the edit right).  
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''(all)'''
|-createtalk |1.6+||Yes|||||||||allows the creation of new talk pages (requires the edit right).  
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''User'''
|-move |1.5+||Yes|||||||||allows renaming the titles of unprotected pages (requires the edit right).  
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Editor'''
|-createaccount |1.5+|||||Yes|Yes|Yes|Yes||Yes|allows the creation of new user accounts.
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''MC'''
|-upload |1.5+||Yes|||||||||allows the creation of new images and files.  
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''EC'''
|-reupload |1.6+||Yes|||||||||allows overwriting existing images and files (requires the upload right).  
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''EPA'''
|-reupload-own |1.11+||Yes|||||||||allows overwriting existing images and files uploaded by oneself (requires the upload right).  
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Constable'''
|-reupload-shared |1.6+||Yes|||||||||allows replacing images and files from a shared repository (if one is set up) with local files (requires the upload right).  
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Tech Staff'''
|-upload_by_url |1.8+||Yes|||||||||allows uploading by entering the URL of an external image (requires the upload right).  
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Interface Dev'''
|-editprotected |1.13+|||||Yes||Yes|Yes||Yes|allows to edit protected pages (without cascading protection).
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Founder'''
|-delete |1.5-1.11||||Yes|Yes||Yes|Yes||Yes|allows the deletion or undeletion of pages.
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Description'''
|-bigdelete |1.12+||||Yes|Yes||Yes|Yes||Yes|allows deletion of pages with larger than $wgDeleteRevisionsLimit revisions
|-deletedhistory |1.6+||||Yes|Yes||Yes|Yes||Yes|allows viewing deleted revisions, but not restoring.  
| read ||||Yes||||||||||||||||||||allows viewing pages (when set to false, override for specific pages with $wgWhitelistRead).
|-undelete |1.12+||||Yes|Yes||Yes|Yes||Yes|allows the undeletion of pages.
|-browsearchive |1.13+||||Yes|Yes||Yes|Yes||Yes|allows prefix searching for titles of deleted pages through Special:Undelete.  
| edit ||1.5+||||Yes||||||||||||||||||allows editing unprotected pages.  
|-mergehistory |||||Yes|Yes||Yes|Yes||Yes|allows access to Special:MergeHistory, to merge non-overlapping pages.
|-protect |1.5+||||Yes|Yes||Yes|Yes||Yes|allows locking a page to prevent edits and moves, and editing or moving locked pages.
| createpage ||1.6+||||Yes||||||||||||||||||allows the creation of new pages (requires the edit right).  
|-block |1.5+|||||||Yes|||Yes|allows the blocking of IP addresses, CIDR ranges, and registered users. Block options include preventing editing and registering new accounts, and autoblocking other users on the same IP address.  
|-blockemail |1.11+|||||||Yes|||Yes|allows preventing use of the Special:Emailuser interface when blocking.
| createtalk ||1.6+||||Yes||||||||||||||||||allows the creation of new talk pages (requires the edit right).  
|-hideuser |1.10+|||||||||||allows hiding the user/IP from the block log, active block list, and user list when blocking. (not available by default)
|-userrights |||||Yes||Yes – Editor only||Yes||Yes|allows the use of the user rights interface, which allows the assignment or removal of all* groups to any user.
| move ||1.5+||||Yes||||||||||||||||||allows renaming the titles of unprotected pages (requires the edit right).  
|-userrights-interwiki |1.12+|||||||||||allows changing user rights on other wikis.  
|-rollback |1.5+|||Yes||Yes||Yes|Yes||Yes|allows one-click reversion of edits.
| createaccount ||1.5+||||||||||Yes||Yes||Yes||Yes||||Yes||allows the creation of new user accounts.  
|-markbotedits |1.12+|||||||||||allows rollback to be marked as bot edits (see Manual:Administrators#Rollback).  
|-patrol |1.5+|||||||||||allows marking edits as legitimate ($wgUseRCPatrol must be true).
| upload ||1.5+||||Yes||||||||||||||||||allows the creation of new images and files.  
|-editinterface |1.5+||||Yes||||Yes|Yes|Yes|allows editing the MediaWiki namespace, which contains interface messages.  
|-editusercssjs |1.12+||||Yes||||Yes|||allows editing *.css / *.js subpages of any user.
| reupload ||1.6+||||Yes||||||||||||||||||allows overwriting existing images and files (requires the upload right).  
|-suppressrevision |1.6+||||Yes||||||Yes|allows preventing deleted revision information from being viewed by sysops and prevents sysops from undeleting the hidden info. Prior to 1.13 this right was named hiderevision (not available by default)
|-deleterevision |1.6+||||Yes||||Yes||Yes|allows deleting/undeleting information (revision text, edit summary, user who made the edit) of specific revisions (not available by default)
| reupload-own ||1.11+||||Yes||||||||||||||||||allows overwriting existing images and files uploaded by oneself (requires the upload right).  
|-siteadmin |1.5+|||||||||||allows locking and unlocking the database (which blocks all interactions with the web site except viewing). Deprecated by default.
|-import |1.5+|||||||||||allows user to import one page per time from another wiki ("transwiki").  
| reupload-shared ||1.6+||||Yes||||||||||||||||||allows replacing images and files from a shared repository (if one is set up) with local files (requires the upload right).  
|-importupload |1.5+|||||||||||allows user to import several pages per time from XML files. This right was called 'importraw' in and before version 1.5.  
|-trackback |1.7+|||||||||||allows removal of trackbacks (if $wgUseTrackbacks is true).
| upload_by_url ||1.8+||||Yes||||||||||||||||||allows uploading by entering the URL of an external image (requires the upload right).  
|-unwatchedpages |1.6+||Yes|||||||||allows access to Special:Unwatchedpages, which lists pages that no user has watchlisted.  
|-bot |1.5+|||||||||||hides edits from recent changes lists and watchlists by default (can optionally be viewed).
| editprotected ||1.13+||||||||||Yes||||Yes||Yes||||Yes||allows to edit protected pages (without cascading protection).  
|-purge |1.10+|||||||||||allows purging a page without a confirmation step (URL parameter "&action=purge").  
|-minoredit |1.6+||Yes|||||||||allows marking an edit as 'minor'.  
| delete ||1.5-1.11||||||||Yes||Yes||||Yes||Yes||||Yes||allows the deletion or undeletion of pages.
|-nominornewtalk |1.9+|||||||||||blocks new message notification when making minor edits to user talk pages (requires minor edit right).
|-noratelimit |1.13+|||||||||||not affected by rate limits (prior to the introduction of this right, the configuration variable $wgRateLimitsExcludedGroups was used for this purpose)  
| bigdelete ||1.12+||||||||Yes||Yes||||Yes||Yes||||Yes||allows deletion of pages with larger than $wgDeleteRevisionsLimit revisions
|-ipblock-exempt |1.9+|||||||||||makes user immune to blocks applied to his IP address or a range (CIDR) containing it.
|-proxyunbannable |1.7+|||||||||||makes user immune to the open proxy blocker, which is disabled by default ($wgBlockOpenProxies).  
| deletedhistory ||1.6+||||||||Yes||Yes||||Yes||Yes||||Yes||allows viewing deleted revisions, but not restoring.  
|-autopatrol |1.9+|||||||||||automatically marks all edits by the user as patrolled ($wgUseRCPatrol must be true).
|-apihighlimits |1.12+|||||||||||allows user to use higher limits for API queries
| undelete ||1.12+||||||||Yes||Yes||||Yes||Yes||||Yes||allows the undeletion of pages.  
|-writeapi |1.13+|||||||||||controls access to the write API ($wgEnableWriteAPI must be true)
|-suppressredirect |1.12+|||||||||||Allows moving a page without automatically creating a redirect.  
| browsearchive ||1.13+||||||||Yes||Yes||||Yes||Yes||||Yes||allows prefix searching for titles of deleted pages through Special:Undelete.  
|-checkuser|CZ Specific||||||Yes|Yes||||Part of account creation
|-confirmaccount|CZ Specific||||||Yes|Yes||||Part of account creation
| mergehistory ||||||||||Yes||Yes||||Yes||Yes||||Yes||allows access to Special:MergeHistory, to merge non-overlapping pages.
|-setwpfrom|CZ Specific||Yes|||||||||Mark an article as containing WP content
|-requestips|CZ Specific||||||Yes|Yes||||Part of account creation
| protect ||1.5+||||||||Yes||Yes||||Yes||Yes||||Yes||allows locking a page to prevent edits and moves, and editing or moving locked pages.  
|-renameuser|CZ Specific|||||||Yes|Yes|||Rename a user
| block ||1.5+||||||||||||||Yes||||||Yes||allows the blocking of IP addresses, CIDR ranges, and registered users. Block options include preventing editing and registering new accounts, and autoblocking other users on the same IP address.
| blockemail ||1.11+||||||||||||||Yes||||||Yes||allows preventing use of the Special:Emailuser interface when blocking.  
| hideuser ||1.10+||||||||||||||||||||||allows hiding the user/IP from the block log, active block list, and user list when blocking. (not available by default)
| userrights ||||||||||Yes||||Yes – Editor only||||Yes||||Yes||allows the use of the user rights interface, which allows the assignment or removal of all* groups to any user.
| userrights-interwiki ||1.12+||||||||||||||||||||||allows changing user rights on other wikis.  
| rollback ||1.5+||||||Yes||||Yes||||Yes||Yes||||Yes||allows one-click reversion of edits.  
| markbotedits ||1.12+||||||||||||||||||||||allows rollback to be marked as bot edits (see Manual:Administrators#Rollback).
| patrol ||1.5+||||||||||||||||||||||allows marking edits as legitimate ($wgUseRCPatrol must be true).  
| editinterface ||1.5+||||||||Yes||||||||Yes||Yes||Yes||allows editing the MediaWiki namespace, which contains interface messages.
| editusercssjs ||1.12+||||||||Yes||||||||Yes||||||allows editing *.css / *.js subpages of any user.  
| suppressrevision ||1.6+||||||||Yes||||||||||||Yes||allows preventing deleted revision information from being viewed by sysops and prevents sysops from undeleting the hidden info. Prior to 1.13 this right was named hiderevision (not available by default)
| deleterevision ||1.6+||||||||Yes||||||||Yes||||Yes||allows deleting/undeleting information (revision text, edit summary, user who made the edit) of specific revisions (not available by default)
| siteadmin ||1.5+||||||||||||||||||||||allows locking and unlocking the database (which blocks all interactions with the web site except viewing). Deprecated by default.
| import ||1.5+||||||||||||||||||||||allows user to import one page per time from another wiki (\"transwiki\").
| importupload ||1.5+||||||||||||||||||||||allows user to import several pages per time from XML files. This right was called \'importraw\' in and before version 1.5.
| trackback ||1.7+||||||||||||||||||||||allows removal of trackbacks (if $wgUseTrackbacks is true).
| unwatchedpages ||1.6+||||Yes||||||||||||||||||allows access to Special:Unwatchedpages, which lists pages that no user has watchlisted.
| bot ||1.5+||||||||||||||||||||||hides edits from recent changes lists and watchlists by default (can optionally be viewed).
| purge ||1.10+||||||||||||||||||||||allows purging a page without a confirmation step (URL parameter \"&action=purge\").
| minoredit ||1.6+||||Yes||||||||||||||||||allows marking an edit as \'minor\'.
| nominornewtalk ||1.9+||||||||||||||||||||||blocks new message notification when making minor edits to user talk pages (requires minor edit right).
| noratelimit ||1.13+||||||||||||||||||||||not affected by rate limits (prior to the introduction of this right, the configuration variable $wgRateLimitsExcludedGroups was used for this purpose)
| ipblock-exempt ||1.9+||||||||||||||||||||||makes user immune to blocks applied to his IP address or a range (CIDR) containing it.
| proxyunbannable ||1.7+||||||||||||||||||||||makes user immune to the open proxy blocker, which is disabled by default ($wgBlockOpenProxies).
| autopatrol ||1.9+||||||||||||||||||||||automatically marks all edits by the user as patrolled ($wgUseRCPatrol must be true).
| apihighlimits ||1.12+||||||||||||||||||||||allows user to use higher limits for API queries
| writeapi ||1.13+||||||||||||||||||||||controls access to the write API ($wgEnableWriteAPI must be true)
| suppressredirect ||1.12+||||||||||||||||||||||Allows moving a page without automatically creating a redirect.
| checkuser||CZ Specific||||||||||||Yes||Yes||||||||Part of account creation
| confirmaccount||CZ Specific||||||||||||Yes||Yes||||||||Part of account creation
| setwpfrom||CZ Specific||||Yes||||||||||||||||||Mark an article as containing WP content
| requestips||CZ Specific||||||||||||Yes||Yes||||||||Part of account creation
| renameuser||CZ Specific||||||||||||||Yes||Yes||||||Rename a user

Latest revision as of 03:35, 22 November 2023

The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

Permission Ver (all) User Editor MC EC EPA Constable Tech Staff Interface Dev Founder Description
read Yes allows viewing pages (when set to false, override for specific pages with $wgWhitelistRead).
edit 1.5+ Yes allows editing unprotected pages.
createpage 1.6+ Yes allows the creation of new pages (requires the edit right).
createtalk 1.6+ Yes allows the creation of new talk pages (requires the edit right).
move 1.5+ Yes allows renaming the titles of unprotected pages (requires the edit right).
createaccount 1.5+ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes allows the creation of new user accounts.
upload 1.5+ Yes allows the creation of new images and files.
reupload 1.6+ Yes allows overwriting existing images and files (requires the upload right).
reupload-own 1.11+ Yes allows overwriting existing images and files uploaded by oneself (requires the upload right).
reupload-shared 1.6+ Yes allows replacing images and files from a shared repository (if one is set up) with local files (requires the upload right).
upload_by_url 1.8+ Yes allows uploading by entering the URL of an external image (requires the upload right).
editprotected 1.13+ Yes Yes Yes Yes allows to edit protected pages (without cascading protection).
delete 1.5-1.11 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes allows the deletion or undeletion of pages.
bigdelete 1.12+ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes allows deletion of pages with larger than $wgDeleteRevisionsLimit revisions
deletedhistory 1.6+ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes allows viewing deleted revisions, but not restoring.
undelete 1.12+ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes allows the undeletion of pages.
browsearchive 1.13+ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes allows prefix searching for titles of deleted pages through Special:Undelete.
mergehistory Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes allows access to Special:MergeHistory, to merge non-overlapping pages.
protect 1.5+ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes allows locking a page to prevent edits and moves, and editing or moving locked pages.
block 1.5+ Yes Yes allows the blocking of IP addresses, CIDR ranges, and registered users. Block options include preventing editing and registering new accounts, and autoblocking other users on the same IP address.
blockemail 1.11+ Yes Yes allows preventing use of the Special:Emailuser interface when blocking.
hideuser 1.10+ allows hiding the user/IP from the block log, active block list, and user list when blocking. (not available by default)
userrights Yes Yes – Editor only Yes Yes allows the use of the user rights interface, which allows the assignment or removal of all* groups to any user.
userrights-interwiki 1.12+ allows changing user rights on other wikis.
rollback 1.5+ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes allows one-click reversion of edits.
markbotedits 1.12+ allows rollback to be marked as bot edits (see Manual:Administrators#Rollback).
patrol 1.5+ allows marking edits as legitimate ($wgUseRCPatrol must be true).
editinterface 1.5+ Yes Yes Yes Yes allows editing the MediaWiki namespace, which contains interface messages.
editusercssjs 1.12+ Yes Yes allows editing *.css / *.js subpages of any user.
suppressrevision 1.6+ Yes Yes allows preventing deleted revision information from being viewed by sysops and prevents sysops from undeleting the hidden info. Prior to 1.13 this right was named hiderevision (not available by default)
deleterevision 1.6+ Yes Yes Yes allows deleting/undeleting information (revision text, edit summary, user who made the edit) of specific revisions (not available by default)
siteadmin 1.5+ allows locking and unlocking the database (which blocks all interactions with the web site except viewing). Deprecated by default.
import 1.5+ allows user to import one page per time from another wiki (\"transwiki\").
importupload 1.5+ allows user to import several pages per time from XML files. This right was called \'importraw\' in and before version 1.5.
trackback 1.7+ allows removal of trackbacks (if $wgUseTrackbacks is true).
unwatchedpages 1.6+ Yes allows access to Special:Unwatchedpages, which lists pages that no user has watchlisted.
bot 1.5+ hides edits from recent changes lists and watchlists by default (can optionally be viewed).
purge 1.10+ allows purging a page without a confirmation step (URL parameter \"&action=purge\").
minoredit 1.6+ Yes allows marking an edit as \'minor\'.
nominornewtalk 1.9+ blocks new message notification when making minor edits to user talk pages (requires minor edit right).
noratelimit 1.13+ not affected by rate limits (prior to the introduction of this right, the configuration variable $wgRateLimitsExcludedGroups was used for this purpose)
ipblock-exempt 1.9+ makes user immune to blocks applied to his IP address or a range (CIDR) containing it.
proxyunbannable 1.7+ makes user immune to the open proxy blocker, which is disabled by default ($wgBlockOpenProxies).
autopatrol 1.9+ automatically marks all edits by the user as patrolled ($wgUseRCPatrol must be true).
apihighlimits 1.12+ allows user to use higher limits for API queries
writeapi 1.13+ controls access to the write API ($wgEnableWriteAPI must be true)
suppressredirect 1.12+ Allows moving a page without automatically creating a redirect.
checkuser CZ Specific Yes Yes Part of account creation
confirmaccount CZ Specific Yes Yes Part of account creation
setwpfrom CZ Specific Yes Mark an article as containing WP content
requestips CZ Specific Yes Yes Part of account creation
renameuser CZ Specific Yes Yes Rename a user