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'''Homeopathic Organisations'''
== General ==
*[http://scienceblogs.com/neurotopia/2009/12/homeopathy_the_basics.php Homeopathy: the basics] — a blog post that provides an easy-to-read informal introduction to the topic, briefly covering the essential points
* [http://www.homeopathyhome.com/ HomeopathyHome]
* [http://www.nationalcenterforhomeopathy.org National Center for Homeopathy]
* [http://www.wholehealthnow.com/homeopathy_pro/homeopathy_1825_1849.html Homeopathy Timeline] (website: Whole Health Now: Homeopathy Information for the Professional)
*[http://www.uclh.nhs.uk/Our+hospitals/Royal+London+Hospital+for+Integrated+Medicine.htm Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine] (formerly the ''Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital''). The RLHIM, which operates on an outpatients clinic basis, is the largest public sector provider of integrated complementary medicine in Europe.
==Medical information about homeopathy==
* [http://www.cancerhelp.org.uk/help/default.asp?page=251#evidence Homeopathy] Cancer Research UK. Provides a clear summary of what homeopathy is, the evidence base, and the likely costs in the UK. "Over 100 published clinical trials have looked at how well homeopathy works in treating various illnesses and symptoms.  None of these trials provide us with any scientific evidence to prove that homeopathy can cure or prevent any type of disease, including cancer."
* [http://nccam.nih.gov/health/homeopathy/ Questions and Answers About Homeopathy] Research Report on Homeopathy from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM)
* [http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/096_home.html Homeopathy:Real Medicine or Empty Promises?] by Isadora Stehlin , U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
* ''[http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/healthy_living/complementary_medicine/therapies_homeopathy.shtml Complementary Medicine - Therapies: Homeopathy]''  — BBC's 'Complementary Medicine' article on Homeopathy
*''Royal Pharmaceutical Society'' Consultation on draft guidance on advertising homeopathic medicines (November 2010) (''"The RPS believes that until such a time when the efficacy of a homeopathic product can be demonstrated, labelling on the homeopathic product should make it very clear that the efficacy of the homeopathic product has not been proven. The current National Rules Scheme allows claims based on the traditional homeopathic use of the product. The Society recommended that any such claims of efficacy should carry a statement that they are not based on the same stringent testing requirements applied to conventional medicines. The RPS is also concerned about the use of the phrase “homeopathic medicines” as the use of the word medicine in relation to a homeopathic product may be viewed by patients as legitimizing homeopathic products as medicines, which they are clearly not.")''
* [http://www.pheur.org European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines] - Homeopathy was regulated by the European Union in 2001, by Directive 2001/83/EC.
==Homeopathic Organisations==
* [http://nationalcenterforhomeopathy.org/ National Center for Homeopathy - Home Page]
* [http://nationalcenterforhomeopathy.org/ National Center for Homeopathy - Home Page]
* [http://www.homeopathy-soh.org/ The Society of Homeopaths] Homepage of the largest organisation registering professional homeopaths in Europe
* [http://www.homeopathy-soh.org/ The Society of Homeopaths] Homepage of the largest organisation registering professional homeopaths in Europe
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* [http://www.trusthomeopathy.org/ British Homeopathic Association]
* [http://www.trusthomeopathy.org/ British Homeopathic Association]
*[http://www.homeopathyusa.org/ American Institute of Homeopathy] - Home
*[http://www.homeopathyusa.org/ American Institute of Homeopathy] - Home
* [http://www.pheur.org European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines] - Homeopathy was regulated by the European Union in 2001, by Directive 2001/83/EC.
* [http://www.anhcampaign.org/practitoners/homeopathy Homeopathy] Alliance for Natural Health, includes comments on legislation from a homeopathic organization
* [http://www.anhcampaign.org/practitoners/homeopathy Homeopathy] Alliance for Natural Health, includes comments on legislation from a homeopathic organization

* [http://www.acampbell.org.uk/homeopathy/index.html 'Homeopathy In Perspective'] — critical online book, covering the history and present state of homeopathy
* [http://homeopathy.wildfalcon.com/] a fascinating site of biographies of many of the most famous people in the past 200 years and their use of and/or advocacy for homeopathy…along with biographies of people who practiced homeopathy
* [http://www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/research/projects/homeopathy/index.html Plants and fungi used in homeopathy]| Natural History Museum
* [http://homeoint.org/english/index.htm Homeopathy International]  
* [http://www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/research/projects/homeopathy/index.html Plants and fungi used in homeopathy] Natural History Museum
* [http://www.library.ucsf.edu/collections/homeopathy/about New Digital Collection UCSF Library: Historical Works in Homeopathy].

==Research in support of homeopathy==
* [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11795090?ordinalpos=2&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum A Review article]
* '''Homeopathy''' (the leading academic peer-review journal in the field, published by Elsevier):  [http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/623042/description#description] --the January issue each year is freely available and are usually filled with original research and reviews of controlled trials:  January 2010  [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=PublicationURL&_tockey=%23TOC%237170%232010%23999009998%231596097%23FLA%23&_cdi=7170&_pubType=&_auth=y&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=e15deadcd75a951f4dfa5bafc05b35d9]
* [http://www.medicine.ox.ac.uk/bandolier/band116/b116-8.html Homeopathy: systematic review of systematic reviews] Bandolier, Oxford University. ("Until large and well conducted randomised trials tell us differently, the conclusion is that homeopathy does not work, and its use instead of remedies of proven effectiveness is not a matter of trivial implication. Members of the public are relieved of much money each year by homeopaths. There's little evidence they are relieved of any suffering.")
* British Homeopathic Library:  [http://hominform.soutron.com]
* Homeopathy Research Institute:  [http://homeoinst.org/database]
* '''International Journal of High Dilution Research'''  [http://www.feg.unesp.br/~ojs/index.php/ijhdr/index] (e.g. Van_Wassenhoven M (2008) [http://www.feg.unesp.br/~ojs/index.php/ijhdr/article/viewFile/286/354 Scientific framework of homeopathy: evidence-based homeopathy]
* HomBRex Database:  [http://www.carstens-stiftung.de/hombrex/index.php]
* Database of the Carstens Foundation
* Links to homeopathic clinical research:  [http://knol.google.com/k/dr-nancy-malik-bhms/scientific-research-in-homeopathy/pocy7w49ru14/2#]
* Professor Martin Chaplin, providing several thousand references to research on the properties and mysteries of water. The two sections below focus on homeopathy and the memory of water:  [http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/water/homeop.html] and [http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/water/memory.html]
* '''Human and Experimental Toxicology''' special issue on homeopathy and hormesis:[http://het.sagepub.com/content/29/7.toc] [htpp://www.belleonline.com/newsletters/volume16/vol16-1.pdf Copies of each article are available freely]
* [http://www.giriweb.com/ Groupe de rechercher sur l'infinitesimal; International Research Group on Very Low Dose and High Dilution Effects]
* [http://www.giriweb.com/ Groupe de rechercher sur l'infinitesimal; International Research Group on Very Low Dose and High Dilution Effects]
*[http://www.acsh.org/healthissues/newsID.632/healthissue_detail.asp The Scientific Evidence on Homeopathy]by David W. Ramey 1st January 2000, for the American Council on Science and Health

'''Information about homeopathy from conventional medical sites'''
==Media coverage==
* [http://www.cancerhelp.org.uk/help/default.asp?page=251#evidence Homeopathy] Cancer Research UK. Provides a clear summary of what homeopathy is, the evidence base, and the likely costs in the UK. "Over 100 published clinical trials have looked at how well homeopathy works in treating various illnesses and symptoms.  None of these trials provide us with any scientific evidence to prove that homeopathy can cure or prevent any type of disease, including cancer."
* [http://nccam.nih.gov/health/homeopathy/ Questions and Answers About Homeopathy] NCCAM
* [http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/horizon/2002/homeopathy.shtml BBC - Science & Nature - Horizon - Homeopathy: The Test]
* [http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/horizon/2002/homeopathy.shtml BBC - Science & Nature - Horizon - Homeopathy: The Test]
* An undercover investigation by the [[BBC]]'s ''Newsnight'' reported on three [[High Street]] homeopaths willing to prescribe homeopathy ''instead'' of anti-malarials.<ref name="bbc_malaria" /> This followed up on undercover research by [[Simon Singh]] and ''Sense About Science'', which found that seven out of ten high street homeopaths visited did not provide general advice about bite prevention or delve into the supposed patient's medical history. All of them also recommended homeopathy to prevent malaria, instead of referring them to a doctor or travel clinic for conventional medicines.<ref>Singh and Ernst (2008). ''Trick or Treatment? Alternative Medicine on Trial''. pp.228-230. Summary of investigation as discussed on the ''[http://www.senseaboutscience.org.uk/index.php/site/project/71 Sense About Science]'' website.</ref><ref>{{citation | url = http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/5178488.stm | title = Homeopathic practices 'risk lives' | first = P | last = Ghosh | date = 13 July 2006 | journal = BBC}}</ref>

* [http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/096_home.html Homeopathy:Real Medicine or Empty Promises?] by Isadora Stehlin , U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
* ''[http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/healthy_living/complementary_medicine/therapies_homeopathy.shtml Complementary Medicine - Therapies: Homeopathy]''  &mdash; BBC's 'Complementary Medicine' article on Homeopathy
* [http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Homeopathy RationalWiki - Homeopathy]
* Robert L. Park - [http://www.csicop.org/si/show/alternative_medicine_and_the_laws_of_physics/ Alternative Medicine and the Laws of Physics]
* [http://www.1023.org.uk/ 10:23 Homeopathy - There's Nothing In It]
* Stephen Barrett - [http://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/homeo.html Homeopathy: The Ultimate Fake]
* [http://www.skepdic.com/homeo.html Skeptic's Dictionary - Homeopathy]
* [http://www.homeowatch.org/ Homeowatch.org]

Revision as of 09:43, 2 December 2010

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A hand-picked, annotated list of Web resources about Homeopathy.
Please sort and annotate in a user-friendly manner and consider archiving the URLs behind the links you provide. See also related web sources.


Medical information about homeopathy

  • Homeopathy Cancer Research UK. Provides a clear summary of what homeopathy is, the evidence base, and the likely costs in the UK. "Over 100 published clinical trials have looked at how well homeopathy works in treating various illnesses and symptoms. None of these trials provide us with any scientific evidence to prove that homeopathy can cure or prevent any type of disease, including cancer."
  • Questions and Answers About Homeopathy Research Report on Homeopathy from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM)
  • Homeopathy:Real Medicine or Empty Promises? by Isadora Stehlin , U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
  • Complementary Medicine - Therapies: Homeopathy — BBC's 'Complementary Medicine' article on Homeopathy
  • Royal Pharmaceutical Society Consultation on draft guidance on advertising homeopathic medicines (November 2010) ("The RPS believes that until such a time when the efficacy of a homeopathic product can be demonstrated, labelling on the homeopathic product should make it very clear that the efficacy of the homeopathic product has not been proven. The current National Rules Scheme allows claims based on the traditional homeopathic use of the product. The Society recommended that any such claims of efficacy should carry a statement that they are not based on the same stringent testing requirements applied to conventional medicines. The RPS is also concerned about the use of the phrase “homeopathic medicines” as the use of the word medicine in relation to a homeopathic product may be viewed by patients as legitimizing homeopathic products as medicines, which they are clearly not.")


Homeopathic Organisations


Research in support of homeopathy

  • Homeopathy (the leading academic peer-review journal in the field, published by Elsevier): [2] --the January issue each year is freely available and are usually filled with original research and reviews of controlled trials: January 2010 [3]
  • British Homeopathic Library: [4]
  • Homeopathy Research Institute: [5]
  • International Journal of High Dilution Research [6] (e.g. Van_Wassenhoven M (2008) Scientific framework of homeopathy: evidence-based homeopathy
  • HomBRex Database: [7]
  • Database of the Carstens Foundation
  • Links to homeopathic clinical research: [8]
  • Professor Martin Chaplin, providing several thousand references to research on the properties and mysteries of water. The two sections below focus on homeopathy and the memory of water: [9] and [10]
  • Human and Experimental Toxicology special issue on homeopathy and hormesis:[11] [htpp://www.belleonline.com/newsletters/volume16/vol16-1.pdf Copies of each article are available freely]
  • Groupe de rechercher sur l'infinitesimal; International Research Group on Very Low Dose and High Dilution Effects

Media coverage

  • BBC - Science & Nature - Horizon - Homeopathy: The Test
  • An undercover investigation by the BBC's Newsnight reported on three High Street homeopaths willing to prescribe homeopathy instead of anti-malarials.[1] This followed up on undercover research by Simon Singh and Sense About Science, which found that seven out of ten high street homeopaths visited did not provide general advice about bite prevention or delve into the supposed patient's medical history. All of them also recommended homeopathy to prevent malaria, instead of referring them to a doctor or travel clinic for conventional medicines.[2][3]


  1. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named bbc_malaria
  2. Singh and Ernst (2008). Trick or Treatment? Alternative Medicine on Trial. pp.228-230. Summary of investigation as discussed on the Sense About Science website.
  3. Ghosh, P (13 July 2006), "Homeopathic practices 'risk lives'", BBC