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'''Angela Dorothea Merkel''' (born July 17, 1954, née '''Kasner''') is a German politician. She is the current Chancellor of [[Germany]] (the equivalent of Prime Minister in other countries), having taken office November 22, 2005 after being elected by the German [[Bundestag]]. She is leading her first cabinet in a coalition government composed of the Christian Democratic CDU, its Bavarian affiliate CSU, and the Social Democrat SDP.
'''Angela Dorothea Merkel''' (born July 17, 1954, née '''Kasner''') is a German politician. She is the current Chancellor of [[Germany]] (the equivalent of Prime Minister in other countries), having taken office November 22, 2005 after being elected by the German [[Bundestag]]. She is leading her first cabinet in a coalition government composed of the Christian Democratic CDU, its Bavarian affiliate CSU, and the Social Democrat SDP.[[Category:Suggestion Bot Tag]]

Latest revision as of 17:00, 10 July 2024

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Angela Dorothea Merkel (born July 17, 1954, née Kasner) is a German politician. She is the current Chancellor of Germany (the equivalent of Prime Minister in other countries), having taken office November 22, 2005 after being elected by the German Bundestag. She is leading her first cabinet in a coalition government composed of the Christian Democratic CDU, its Bavarian affiliate CSU, and the Social Democrat SDP.