Walter Schellenberg/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Walter Schellenberg.
See also changes related to Walter Schellenberg, or pages that link to Walter Schellenberg or to this page or whose text contains "Walter Schellenberg".

Parent topics


  • International Military Tribunal (Nuremberg) [r]: Conducted by the four major Allied powers in Europe, this proceeding tried the designated Major War Criminals of Nazi Germany, as well as determining whether certain Nazi organizations were to be considered as criminal conspiracies to which membership was a crime [e]

Other related topics

  • Abwehr [r]: German military counterintelligence and external intelligence in World War II, eventually absorbed into the Nazi party security apparatus other than purely military support [e]
  • Einsatzgruppe [r]: Plural is Einsatzgruppen; Nazi mobile security, and then killing units, which accompanied Army units advancing into Austria, Poland and Russia; units on Russian Front carried out mass murder in Holocaust prior to the construction of extermination camps [e]