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  • | portrait = Dixie Tighe wore a uniform when she was a war correspondent, during WW2 -a.jpg | alt = Dixie Tighe in 1943 - official war correspondents were issued uniforms so they would qualify for POW status, if captured.
    10 KB (1,287 words) - 13:02, 26 July 2024
  • ...lowed the allied Seventh Army through parts of Germany. At the end of the war, she was with the allied Third Army and went to Berlin in October 1945. ...ops.<ref name=WomensAngle/> This opportunity had been offered to male war correspondents, most of whom declined. Barden and Tighe were turned down, being told that
    6 KB (824 words) - 17:01, 6 September 2024
  • | known_for = Captured by during World War II while serving as a war correspondent '''Harold Denny''' (1880-1945) was a war correspondent who covered four major U.S. wars and worked for the ''Des Moi
    5 KB (694 words) - 12:49, 1 May 2024
  • ...formed to assist in providing the Canadian public with print news of the war in Europe. In 1924, a federal grant of $50,000 payed for telegraph lines, e ...ontreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Edmonton, and Vancouver. There are also CP staff correspondents based in St. John's, Fredericton, Quebec City, WInnipeg, Regina, Calgary, V
    3 KB (428 words) - 04:57, 20 May 2008
  • ...formed to assist in providing the Canadian public with print news of the war in Europe. In 1924, a federal grant of $50,000 paid for telegraph lines, ef ...ontreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Edmonton, and Vancouver. There are also CP staff correspondents based in St. John's, Fredericton, Quebec City, WInnipeg, Regina, Calgary, V
    3 KB (417 words) - 12:01, 24 July 2024
  • ...ated, American officials feared that doing so would help the Third Reich's war effort. They also suspected that the Jews being traded to the Allies were s the story to the British public, editors, censors, politicians, and war correspondents struggled to find the best way to present the material. The chief dangers w
    4 KB (662 words) - 07:00, 18 July 2024
  • him. His writings praised and mocked both sides in the [[English Civil War]], and the only consistency that can be detected is a disposition to religi secretary of an unsuccessful embassy to Russia and Scandinavia, but his correspondents in Hull would have approved of this prolonged absence, as it was seeking tr
    6 KB (932 words) - 17:10, 3 March 2019
  • ...two [[battle star]]s for [[World War II]] service, and eight for [[Korean war]] service. operations ashore and afloat. She served as [[headquarters]] for [[war correspondents]], and [[Broadcasting|broadcasted]] directly from the [[beachhead]] to the
    10 KB (1,375 words) - 12:01, 1 November 2024
  • <blockquote>The writer that my correspondents were most nearly unanimous in putting at the top was Miss Dorothy L. Sayers ...often heard people say that Dorothy Sayers wrote well, and I felt that my correspondents had been playing her as their literary ace. But, really, she does not writ
    12 KB (1,944 words) - 09:55, 1 September 2014
  • ...[Ron Rivest]] gives "Compromise of the system should not inconvenience the correspondents."<ref>{{citation ...ash; ''will'' learn all the internal details of any widely used system. In war, the enemy will capture some of your equipment and some of your people, and
    8 KB (1,339 words) - 07:00, 8 September 2024
  • of Christ which leads us into all truth will never move us to fight and war against any man with outward weapons, neither for the kingdom of Christ, no ...History'' 2001 23: 10-29. Issn: 0142-4688, not online </ref> A system of correspondents was set up for these local meetings to communicate with the Meeting for Suf
    29 KB (4,531 words) - 12:00, 28 August 2024
  • ...profile when her husband was Assistant Secretary of the Navy during World War I. She became more accustomed to the limelight when Franklin was the Democr ...sband quietly agreed but did not risk alienating the white South until the war began, when he issued powerful civil rights orders, especially [[FEPC]].
    17 KB (2,651 words) - 17:01, 10 August 2024
  • ...hs. ''Seminole'' received six [[battle star]]s for service in the [[Korean War]] and six [[campaign star]]s for service in Vietnam. In [[Puget Sound]] when war broke out in Korea in the summer of 1950, ''Seminole'' and sister ship, [[U
    17 KB (2,428 words) - 07:00, 2 November 2024
  • ==War and Peace: 1898-1900== ...r combat and became a colonel of a Nebraska militia regiment; he spent the war in Florida and never saw combat. He argued that:
    22 KB (3,399 words) - 13:00, 8 November 2024
  • ='''Indochina and the Second World War'''='s decision to attack Western countries in December 1941; see [[Vietnam, war, and the United States ]].
    45 KB (7,097 words) - 17:01, 31 August 2024
  • ...a national debt, and a national bank. After the military defeats of the [[War of 1812]], however, the party split on these issues. Many younger party lea ...ghter to preserve their balance, or joining in the confederacy of kings to war against the principles of liberty. I am for freedom of religion, and agains
    44 KB (6,551 words) - 07:00, 6 August 2024
  • ...e British [[ULTRA]] project read many German ciphers through most of World War II, and the Germans never realised it. ...nicated to anyone. Of course, she must also manage the public keys for her correspondents. In some ways, this is easier; they are already public and need not be kept
    52 KB (8,336 words) - 12:00, 3 August 2024
  • | known_for = Resistance war, politics ...War First Indochina War]-->[[Wikipedia:First Indochina War|First Indochina War]].
    206 KB (31,650 words) - 10:19, 3 December 2024