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  • ...1345. He was the sovereign king or chief of the [[Hawaii proper|island of Hawaii]]. He is represented in the legends as a warlike and enterprising king. ==Lines of Succession==
    472 bytes (65 words) - 20:18, 7 August 2009
  • ...uling from 1435 - 1465. He was sovereign king or chief of the [[island of Hawaii]]. ==Lines of Succession==
    392 bytes (50 words) - 20:13, 7 August 2009
  • ...1285. He was the sovereign king or chief of the [[Hawaii proper|island of Hawaii]]. He was also known as Kalapana or Kalapaua. ==Lines of Succession==
    455 bytes (61 words) - 20:32, 7 August 2009
  • '''Kukohou''' was the 2nd Alii Aimoku of Hawaii. ==Lines of Succession==
    264 bytes (34 words) - 20:27, 7 August 2009
  • '''Kaniuhu''' was the 3rd Alii Aimoku of Hawaii. ==Lines of Succession==
    268 bytes (34 words) - 20:25, 7 August 2009
  • ...1315. He was the sovereign king or chief of the [[Hawaii proper|island of Hawaii]]. Sometimes referred as Kahai or Kahiamoeleaikaaikupou. ...ku'io'iomoa]] and Malama'ihana'ae. He followed his father as sovereign of Hawaii, not much is sayed about him. He fathered [[Kalaunui'ohua]] by Kapo'aka'ul
    669 bytes (85 words) - 20:32, 7 August 2009
  • of his son. He was [[Alii Aimoku of Hawaii|Alii Aimoku of the Island of Hawaii]] from 1725-1754. ==Lines of Succession==
    420 bytes (54 words) - 12:00, 6 February 2010
  • ...awaii]] 1545 - 1575. He was the sovereign king or chief of the [[island of Hawaii]]. His principal residence seems to have been at [[Hilo]]. He was also call ==Lines of Succession==
    517 bytes (71 words) - 20:07, 7 August 2009
  • ...5 - 1605. She ruled as the sovereign Queen or Chieftess of the [[island of Hawaii]]. She was also known as Ka'ikilani'ali'iwahine'opuna. She shared power wit ==Lines of Succession==
    540 bytes (72 words) - 20:00, 7 August 2009
  • '''{{okina}}Umi-a-Liloa''' 1470 - 1525 ruled as the 14th [[Alii Aimoku]] of [[Hawaii (island)|Hawai{{okina}}i island]] 1510 - 1525. ==Lines of Succession==
    355 bytes (44 words) - 20:10, 7 August 2009
  • ...(island)|Hawaii]] 1605 - 1635. He was the sovereign king or chief of the [[Hawaii (island)|Big Island]] ...ku of Hawaii. His second wife Kaleimakalii and thirdly married [[Piilani]] of [[Maui]].
    897 bytes (125 words) - 19:53, 7 August 2009
  • ...awaii]] 1525 - 1545. He was the sovereign king or chief of the [[island of Hawaii]]. ...ughter of [[Liloa]], 12th Alii Aimoku of Hawaii. He succeeded on the death of his father in the year 1525. In 1545 he was later deposed by his younger br
    873 bytes (119 words) - 20:08, 7 August 2009
  • liberal king in Hawaiian history, but was the shortest reigning monarch of the monarchy. ==Lines of Succession==
    615 bytes (77 words) - 11:19, 2 February 2023
  • ...the Kingdom, ruling for 29 years and 192 days, although in the early part of his reign he was under a [[regent|regency]] by [[Kaahumanu|Queen Ka{{okina} ==Lines of Succession==
    1 KB (191 words) - 20:33, 7 August 2009
  • ..., [[1891]]), was the last reigning king of the [[Kingdom of Hawaii|Kingdom of Hawai{{okina}}i]]. He served in office from [[February 12]], [[1874]] unti ==Lines of Succession==
    724 bytes (90 words) - 20:34, 7 August 2009
  • ...was the second king of the [[Hawaiian monarchy|Kingdom]] of [[Kingdom of Hawaii|Hawai‘i]]. His full Hawaiian name was Kalaninui kua Liholiho i ke kapu `I ==Lines of Succession==
    646 bytes (94 words) - 20:33, 7 August 2009
  • ...1375. He was the sovereign king or chief of the [[Hawaii proper|island of Hawaii]]. ...uea, and with Kamanawa he had one son, Ehu, all of whom became noted heads of numerous aristocratic families.
    1 KB (195 words) - 20:17, 7 August 2009
  • ...lso known as Lydia Kamaka{{okina}}eha [[Pākī]], with the chosen royal name of Lili{{okina}}uokalani, and she was later named Kaolupoloni K. Dominis. ==Lines of Succession==
    744 bytes (103 words) - 16:45, 10 February 2024
  • ...ogy]], '''Pili-kaaiea''' (or '''Pili-auau''') was the 1st [[Alii Aimoku of Hawaii Island]]. He was sovereign king or [[tribal chief|chief]], ...ins the support of the people and he becomes the ancestor of the chiefs of Hawaii on the Ulu line down to the late 19th century (Beckwith 1970:372-373).
    1 KB (162 words) - 10:17, 2 February 2023
  • ...1435. He was the sovereign king or chief of the [[Hawaii proper|island of Hawaii]]. ...said in some traditions to have been a Maui chiefess; if so, the district of Honuaula may have been her patrimonial estate, and that may account for the
    2 KB (289 words) - 10:16, 2 February 2023
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