Deutschvoelkische Freiheitspartei

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A split from the more conservative DNVP, the Deutchvoelkische Feiheitspartei (DVFP) was a radical right-wing volkisch political party formed in 1922. It had been formed by Albrecht Graefe and other former DNVP members. Gregor Strasser later joined it and became one of its most visible members. In March 1923, Adolf Hitler signed an agreement with Graefe, temporarily giving the DVFP dominance in northern Germany while the Nazi Party retained dominance in the South. Hermann Esser signed a further agreement to cooperation in December 1923.

Graefe had indeed marched in the Beer Hall Putsch, but there was to be conflict after Hitler was in prison and Alfred Rosenberg led the proxy movement for the Nazis, the Grossdeutsche Volksgeminschaft (GVG, "Greater German National Community") Where the NDSAP (Nazis) had been proscribed, the DVFP was not. It advocated a democratic and parliamentary approach, which conflicted with the views of many Nazis. Erich Ludendorff authorized the DVFP as his representative in northern Germany, further challenging Hitler. [1]


  1. Ian Kershaw (1998), Hitler 1889-1936: Hubris, W.W. Norton, ISBN 0-393-04671-0, pp. 226-228